Exemple #1
        static private OpenNI.Point3D Change(DepthMetaData depthMD, int[,] backgroundDepthMD)
            OpenNI.Point3D newF    = new OpenNI.Point3D(0, 0, 0);
            bool           skip    = false;
            int            checkUp = 0;

            for (int j = depthMD.FullYRes - 10; 10 < j; j--)
                for (int i = 0; depthMD.FullXRes - 40 > i; i++)
                    if (Math.Abs(depthMD[i, j] - backgroundDepthMD[i, j]) > 50)
                        checkUp = j - 50;
                        if (checkUp >= depthMD.FullYRes || checkUp <= 0)
                            skip = true;

                        if (skip == false && (Math.Abs(depthMD[i, checkUp] - backgroundDepthMD[i, checkUp]) > 50))
                            //Console.WriteLine("change at {0},{1} size {2}", i, j, Math.Abs(depthMD[i,  checkUp] - backgroundDepthMD[i, checkUp]));
                            newF = new OpenNI.Point3D(i, j, depthMD[i, j]);

                            j = 9; i = depthMD.FullXRes;
                        skip = false;
 public HandTouchingFOVEdgeEventArgs(UserID id, Point3D position, float time, Direction dir)
     this.id = id;
     this.position = position;
     this.time = time;
     this.dir = dir;
 /// <summary>
 /// Substract point1 from point2 and creates a new point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point1"></param>
 /// <param name="point2"></param>
 /// <returns>Point2 - point1</returns>
 public static Point3D CreateDirectionVector(Point3D point1, Point3D point2)
     Point3D res = new Point3D();
     res.X = point2.X - point1.X;
     res.Y = point2.Y - point1.Y;
     res.Z = point2.Z - point1.Z;
     return res;
Exemple #4
        static public float Distance(Plane3D wall, OpenNI.Point3D newF)
            float d, d_u, d_d;
            float a = wall.Normal.X; float b = wall.Normal.Y; float c = wall.Normal.Z;
            float x_p = wall.Point.X; float y_p = wall.Point.Y; float z_p = wall.Point.Z;
            float x_0 = (float)newF.X; float y_0 = (float)newF.Y; float z_0 = (float)newF.Z;

            d_u = (float)Math.Abs(a * (x_0 - x_p) + b * (y_0 - y_p) + c * (z_0 - z_p));
            d_d = (float)Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);

            return(d = d_u / d_d);
 // こちらのページを参考にしました
 // http://net2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-8792.html
 bool CrossHitCheck(Point3D a1, Point3D a2, Point3D b1, Point3D b2)
     // 外積:axb = ax*by - ay*bx
       // 外積と使用して交差判定を行なう
       double v1 = (a2.X - a1.X) * (b1.Y - a1.Y) - (a2.Y - a1.Y) * (b1.X - a1.X);
       double v2 = (a2.X - a1.X) * (b2.Y - a1.Y) - (a2.Y - a1.Y) * (b2.X - a1.X);
       double m1 = (b2.X - b1.X) * (a1.Y - b1.Y) - (b2.Y - b1.Y) * (a1.X - b1.X);
       double m2 = (b2.X - b1.X) * (a2.Y - b1.Y) - (b2.Y - b1.Y) * (a2.X - b1.X);
       // +-,-+だったら-値になるのでそれぞれを掛けて確認する
       if ((v1 * v2 <= 0) && (m1 * m2 <= 0)) {
     return true; // 2つとも左右にあった
       else {
     return false;
        // 骨格の線を引く
        void DrawLine(int player, SkeletonJoint eJoint1, SkeletonJoint eJoint2)
            // 各箇所の座標を取得する
              SkeletonJointPosition joint1 = skelton.GetSkeletonJointPosition(player, eJoint1);
              SkeletonJointPosition joint2 = skelton.GetSkeletonJointPosition(player, eJoint2);
              if (joint1.Confidence < 0.5 || joint2.Confidence < 0.5) {

              // 現実の座標から画面の座標に変換する
              Point3D[] pt = new Point3D[] { joint1.Position, joint2.Position };
              pt = depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(pt);

              Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
              g.DrawLine(pen, pt[0].X, pt[0].Y, pt[1].X, pt[1].Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameterized class constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">the string that will be used to identify this class object</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// set method for flag 'isDone'
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// getter for the fingerTips array list
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>returns a list containing the number of finger tips detected</returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// invoked by GestureManager to check detection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clipping">clipping of the depth map containing hand point</param>
        /// <returns>true / false if gesture is detected</returns>
        public int isDetected(ref byte[,] clipping, Point3D handPoint)
            isDone = false;

            int size = (int)Math.Sqrt(clipping.Length);                         //get the size of the clip
            int center = size / 2;                                              //get the center
            Contour<Point> hand = extract_hand(clipping);                       //extract the hand contour from this clip
            MemStorage st = new MemStorage();
            MemStorage cmst=new MemStorage();//general purpose storage

            if (hand != null)                                                   //if hand contour extracted was not null, do this
                /*Step 1 - Distance calculation of all contour points from center*/

                Double[] dis = new Double[hand.Total];                          //this array will store the distance from the center of all the contour points
                for (int i = 0; i < hand.Total; i++)                            //this loop will calculate those distances
                    Point pt = new Point();
                    pt.X = hand[i].X - center;
                    pt.Y = hand[i].Y - center;
                    double d = Math.Sqrt(pt.X * pt.X + pt.Y * pt.Y);            //calculating distance of a contour point from center
                    dis[i] = d;                                                 //store this value in the array

                /*Step 2 - determining local maxima and minima points*/

              int[] max = new int[20];                                        //this array will store the local maxima points
                int[] min = new int[20];                                        //this array will store the local minima points
                int mincount = 0;                                               //total number of local minima points
                int maxcount = 0;                                               //total number of local maxima points

                find_peak(dis, 5, ref min, ref max, ref mincount, ref maxcount);//find the local maxima and minima in the clip and store them in the vars declared above
               if (mincount <=3 && maxcount <=3)
                    return 2; //close hand
                    return 1; //open hand


            return 0; //unknown
        // 腕の交差点を描画する
        private void DrawCrossPoint(int player)
            Point3D[] parts = new Point3D[4] {
            GetJointPosition(player, SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow).Position,
            GetJointPosition(player, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand).Position,
            GetJointPosition(player, SkeletonJoint.RightElbow).Position,
            GetJointPosition(player, SkeletonJoint.RightHand).Position,

              // 腕が交差している場合に、交差している座標を表示する
              bool isCross = CrossHitCheck(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]);
              if (isCross) {
            parts = depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(parts);
            Point3D point = GetCrossPoint(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red, 10),
              new Rectangle(new Point((int)point.X, (int)point.Y), new Size(10, 10)));
        public void DrawOrientation(ref WriteableBitmap image, int id, UserGenerator userGenerator, SkeletonJoint joint, Point3D corner)
            SkeletonJointOrientation orientation = new SkeletonJointOrientation();
            SkeletonJointPosition position = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            position = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, joint);
            orientation = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointOrientation(id, joint);

            if (position.Confidence != 1 && orientation.Confidence != 1)

            SkeletonJointPosition v1 = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition v2 = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            v1.Confidence = v2.Confidence = 1;

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X1,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y1,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z1);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X2,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y2,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z2);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X3,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y3,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z3);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);
Exemple #10
 public Point3D[] ConvertRealWorldToProjective(Point3D[] realWorldPoints)
     Point3D[] projective = new Point3D[realWorldPoints.Length];
     ConvertRealWorldToProjective(realWorldPoints, projective);
     return projective;
Exemple #11
        public Point3D ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(Point3D projectivePoint)
            Point3D[] projectivePoints = new Point3D[1];
            projectivePoints[0] = projectivePoint;

            return ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(projectivePoints)[0];
Exemple #12
 private bool FirstAboveSecond(OpenNI.Point3D p0, OpenNI.Point3D p1)
     return(p0.Y - p1.Y > 0);
Exemple #13
        private void checkUserGestures(int id)
            SkeletonJointPosition head          = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition leftHand      = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightHand     = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition leftShoulder  = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightShoulder = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            head          = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.Head);
            leftHand      = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand);
            rightHand     = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);
            leftShoulder  = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder);
            rightShoulder = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder);

            OpenNI.Point3D headPoint  = head.Position;
            OpenNI.Point3D leftPoint  = leftHand.Position;
            OpenNI.Point3D rightPoint = rightHand.Position;

            Ray3D leftPointer = new Ray3D(headPoint.X, headPoint.Y, headPoint.Z,
                                          leftPoint.X, leftPoint.Y, leftPoint.Z);
            Ray3D rightPointer = new Ray3D(headPoint.X, headPoint.Y, headPoint.Z,
                                           rightPoint.X, rightPoint.Y, rightPoint.Z);

            lock (animationLock)
                raysToBeAnimated[0] = leftPointer;
                raysToBeAnimated[1] = rightPointer;

            Console.Write("Left vector: " + leftPointer);
            Console.Write("Right vector: " + rightPointer);

            if (VerticallyClose(leftPoint, rightPoint))
                // Handle dimming.
                if (FirstAboveSecond(leftPoint, headPoint) && FirstAboveSecond(rightPoint, headPoint))
                    Console.Write("Beginning dim down!");
                    dimmingDown   = true;
                    dimmingStartY = leftPoint.Y;
                else if (dimmingDown)
                    int dimPercent = (int)((dimmingStartY - leftPoint.Y) / TOTAL_DIMMING_DISTANCE);
                    if (dimPercent < 0)
                        dimPercent = 0;
                    else if (dimPercent > 100)
                        dimPercent = 100;

                else if (VerticallyClose(leftPoint, leftShoulder.Position) &&
                         VerticallyClose(leftShoulder.Position, rightShoulder.Position) &&
                         VerticallyClose(rightShoulder.Position, rightPoint))
                    Console.Write("Beginning dim up!");
                    dimmingUp     = true;
                    dimmingStartY = leftPoint.Y;
                else if (dimmingUp)
                    int dimPercent = (int)((leftPoint.Y - dimmingStartY) / TOTAL_DIMMING_DISTANCE);
                    if (dimPercent < 0)
                        dimPercent = 0;
                    else if (dimPercent > 100)
                        dimPercent = 100;

                // Allow pointing.
                dimmingDown = false;
                dimmingUp   = false;

            if (!dimmingUp && !dimmingDown)
                foreach (Device d in devices)
                    if (leftPointer.closeTo(d.position) || rightPointer.closeTo(d.position))
 /*void gestureGenerator_GestureRecognized(object sender, GestureRecognizedEventArgs e)
     Trace.WriteLine("Gesture recognized");
 public void StartTrackingAt(Point3D position)
        //Unused  ..
        void smoothenCursorMovement(Point3D updatedhandPoint,HandPointContact hdc)
            /*    if (is_steady == 1)

                if (steady_counter > 10)

                is_push_allow_counter = 0;
                is_push_allow = 1;
                is_steady = 0;

               System.Windows.Point center = hdc.OriginPoint;
            int deskHeight = scrHeight;
            int deskWidth = scrWidth;
            int h_x = 0;
            int h_y = 0;
            double power = 1.7;
            PointStatus pt = pointCollections[hdc.Id];

            h_x = (int)(updatedhandPoint.X - (center.X - 100));
            h_y = (int)(updatedhandPoint.Y - (center.Y - 100));

            if (h_x < 0) h_x = 0;
            if (h_y < 0) h_y = 0;

            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            x = h_x * deskWidth / 200;
            y = h_y * deskHeight / 200;
               if (is_steady == 1)
               // Console.WriteLine("Steady...");

              /* if (pt.is_non_steady == true)
               double diffx = updatedhandPoint.X - hdc.Position.X;
               double diffy = updatedhandPoint.Y - hdc.Position.Y;
               if (Math.Abs(diffx) < 5 && Math.Abs(diffy) < 5)
                   pt.is_non_steady = false;
               hdc.RowPoint = updatedhandPoint;
               /*      if (pt.is_non_steady == true )

            //     System.Console.WriteLine(pt.nonsteady_counter);
              //   pt.SetColor(Brushes.BlueViolet);
                 if (pt.nonsteady_counter > 10)  //stop looking for gesture
                     pt.nonsteady_counter = 0;
                     // pt.gesture_start = false;
                     pt.is_non_steady = false;
                     //System.Console.WriteLine("Grab Session Ended");
                     if (pt.is_clicked == true)
                if (pt.nonsteady_counter > 7 && pt.nonsteady_counter < 10)
                    x = (x + pt.Location.X )/ 2;
                    y = (y + pt.Location.Y )/ 2;
            /*    clipHandFromDepthMap(updatedhandPoint);
            if (is_steady == 1)

            int status = openpalm.isDetected(clipping, updatedhandPoint);
            if (status == 1)
                //System.Console.WriteLine("open Palm");
            else if (status == 2)
               // System.Console.WriteLine("Close Plam");

            double avgx = x;
            double avgy = y;

            pt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((int)avgx, (int)avgy);
            if (hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.New || hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved)
                hdc.Update((int)avgx, (int)avgy, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
                inputProvider.EnqueueContact(hdc, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
              // x = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_x, power) * (deskWidth )) / Math.Pow(200, power)));
               // y = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_y, power) * (deskHeight)) / Math.Pow(200, power)));
              /* if (h_x < change_point)
                x = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_x, power) * (deskWidth*2)) / Math.Pow(200, power)));
                x = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_x, (1/power)) * (deskWidth)) / Math.Pow(200, (1/power))));
            if (h_y < change_point)
                y = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_y, power) * (deskHeight)*2) / Math.Pow(200, power)));
                y = ((int)((Math.Pow(h_y,(1/ power)) * (deskHeight)) / Math.Pow(200, (1/power))));

            // Do not delete
               double avgx = x;
              double  avgy = y;

              if (is_push_allow == 1 & is_push==0)

                if (is_push_allow_counter > 3)
                    is_push_allow = 0;
                   //flrouter.ActiveListener = null;
                    if (hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Removed)

              if (is_push == 1 && is_push_stable==0)



              hdc.RowPoint = updatedhandPoint;

                pt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((int)avgx, (int)avgy);

                //bool status = openpalm.isDetected(clipping, updatedhandPoint);
                if (hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.New || hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved)
                    hdc.Update((int)avgx, (int)avgy, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
                    inputProvider.EnqueueContact(hdc, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
        void pointCtrl_PointUpdate(object sender, HandEventArgs e)
            lock (this)
                Point3D updatedhandPoint = depthGen.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(e.Hand.Position);
               updatedhandPoint = e.Hand.Position;
               updatedhandPoint.Y = -updatedhandPoint.Y;
               // Console.WriteLine("x:"+ updatedhandPoint.X +"  y:"+updatedhandPoint.Y );

                handPoint = updatedhandPoint;

                for (int i = 0; i < HandPointBuffer.Count; i++)
                    HandPointContact hdc = HandPointBuffer[i] as HandPointContact;

                    if (hdc.Id == e.Hand.ID)

                        relativemotion(updatedhandPoint, hdc);


        private void clipHandFromDepthMap(Point3D HandPoint)
            clipping = new byte[clipSize, clipSize];                    //initialize the clipping matrix

                int xStart = (int)HandPoint.X - clipSize / 2;               //starting x coordinate of the clip region
                int yStart = (int)HandPoint.Y - clipSize / 2;               //starting y coordinate of the clip region
                int xEnd = (int)HandPoint.X + clipSize / 2;                 //ending x coordinate of the clip region
                int yEnd = (int)HandPoint.Y + clipSize / 2;                 //ending y coordinate of the clip region

                int depthAtPoint = (int)HandPoint.Z;                        //save the depth of the hand point
                int deviationDepth = 50;                                    //permissible distance in mm ahead/behind the hand point

                int left = 0, right = xRes;                                 //boundary along x
                int top = 0, bottom = yRes;                                 //boundary along y

                 *the loop below scans the depth map from the starting (x,y) coords to the ending (x,y) coords and thresholds each
                 *point within this window based on its depth. If the depth of this point is within a permissible distance of the hand
                 *point, then it is saved, else it is discarded.

                 *the boundary conditions are observed and only points within the boundary of the 640 x 480 are considered. Sometimes, if the hand
                 * point is near the edges, the clipping region will extend outside the boundaries. In this case only the points which lie in the clipping
                 * area and are within the boundary are taken for thresholding.

                for (int j = yStart; j < yEnd; j++)
                    for (int i = xStart; i < xEnd; i++)
                        byte valueToSet = 0;

                        //boundary condition check made here. The point being considered must be within the 640x480 boundary
                        if ((i >= left && i < right) && (j >= top && j < bottom))
                            int depth = depthMeta[i, j];    //read the depth at this point

                             * this point (i,j) is within the boundary, so lets check if its within the permissible depth.
                             * if yes, save it as a bright spot (MAX_COLOR)
                            if ((depth < depthAtPoint + deviationDepth) && (depth > depthAtPoint - deviationDepth))
                                valueToSet = (byte)255;

                        //the if clause above will help us decide the value of the point (either 0 or 255), now just fill the
                        //clip matrix with this value
                        clipping[i - xStart, j - yStart] = valueToSet;
Exemple #18
        public void Initialize()
            string SAMPLE_XML_FILE = @"C:\Users\blub\Desktop\MusicWall2\KinectLibrary\KinectLibrary\bin\Release\SamplesConfig.xml";

            context = Context.CreateFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_FILE, out scriptNode);
            scene   = new SceneAnalyzer(context);

            // DepthGenerator
            depth = context.FindExistingNode(NodeType.Depth) as DepthGenerator;
            if (depth == null)
                //Console.WriteLine("Sample must have a depth generator!");
            mapMode = depth.MapOutputMode;
            xRes    = (int)mapMode.XRes;
            yRes    = (int)mapMode.YRes;

            backgroundDepthMD = new int[xRes, yRes];

            while (true)

                // SceneAnalyzer

                if (depthMD.FrameID <= loadRuns)
                    Background(depthMD, backgroundDepthMD, depthMD.FullXRes, depthMD.FullYRes, loadRuns);

                    //if (depthMD.FrameID == 1)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("loading background data... ", depthMD.FrameID * 10);
                    //Console.Write(" . ", (double)depthMD.FrameID / loadRuns * 100);
                    centerpointDepth = centerpointDepth + depthMD[(int)mapMode.XRes / 2, (int)mapMode.YRes / 2];
                    if (depthMD.FrameID == loadRuns)
                        centerpointDepth = centerpointDepth / loadRuns;

                if (depthMD.FrameID == loadRuns)
                    scene = new SceneAnalyzer(context);

                    if (scene == null)
                        wallNorm  = scene.Floor.Normal;
                        wallPoint = scene.Floor.Point;

                        //Console.WriteLine("\n Wall Normal : {0}, {1}, {2}", wallNorm.X, wallNorm.Y, wallNorm.Z);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" Wall Point: {0}, {1}, {2}", wallPoint.X, wallPoint.Y, wallPoint.Z);
                        Vector n1 = new Vector(0, 1);
                        Vector n2 = new Vector(wallNorm.Y, wallNorm.Z);
                        Vector n3 = new Vector(wallNorm.X, wallNorm.Z);

                        angleBetween  = (double)Vector.AngleBetween(n1, n2); // need to get the angle for the last axis in degrees
                        angleBetweenY = (double)Vector.AngleBetween(n1, n3);

                        //Console.WriteLine(" Angle: {0}", angleBetween);
Exemple #19
 public HandCreateEventArgs(UserID id, Point3D position, float time)
     this.id = id;
     this.position = position;
     this.time = time;
Exemple #20
 public Plane3D(Point3D normal, Point3D point)
     this.vNormal = normal;
     this.ptPoint = point;
        void pointCtrl_PointCreate(object sender, HandEventArgs e)
            //  Console.WriteLine("Created..\n");

            handPoint = depthGen.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(e.Hand.Position);
            handPoint = e.Hand.Position;
            handPoint.Y = -handPoint.Y;
             //   handPoint = depthGen.ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(e.Hand.Position);

            HandPointContact hdc = new HandPointContact(e.Hand.ID, (int)((handPoint.X * scrWidth) / xRes), (int)(((handPoint.Y) * scrHeight) / yRes), Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Removed);
            hdc.RowPoint = handPoint;
            hdc.prev_RowPoint = handPoint;
            hdc.OriginPoint =new System.Windows.Point(hdc.RowPoint.X,hdc.RowPoint.Y);
            hdc.timestamp = e.Hand.Time;
               // HandPointContact hdc = new HandPointContact(e.Hand.ID, (int)(handPoint.X ), (int)((handPoint.Y) ), Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.New);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                pbuffer[i] = new Point((int)hdc.Position.X,(int)hdc.Position.Y);
                point_counter = 1;

            inputProvider.EnqueueContact(hdc, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Removed);
            pointCollections.Add(new PointStatus(hdc));
            PointStatus pt = pointCollections[hdc.Id];

            Console.WriteLine("Created" + e.Hand.ID.ToString() + " Hello  Time:\n" + e.Hand.Time.ToString());
Exemple #22
 public static extern XnStatus xnConvertRealWorldToProjective(XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnUInt32 nCount, Point3D[] aRealWorld, [In][Out] Point3D[] aProjective);
        //needs improvement
        void relativemotion(Point3D updatedhandPoint, HandPointContact hdc)
            double diffx = ( updatedhandPoint.X-hdc.RowPoint.X) *(scrWidth/((scrWidth*1)/2)) ;
            double diffy = (updatedhandPoint.Y - hdc.RowPoint.Y) * (scrHeight / ((scrHeight*1 )/ 2));
            hdc.accelerationx = diffx - hdc.velocityx;
            hdc.velocityx +=  hdc.accelerationx;
            hdc.accelerationy = diffy - hdc.velocityy;
            hdc.velocityy +=  hdc.accelerationy;
            //double scrdiffx = (((scrWidth/) * Math.Pow(diffx,1.5)) / Math.Pow(50,1.5));
             //   double scrdiffy = (((scrHeight/4) * Math.Pow(diffy,1.5)) / Math.Pow(50,1.5));

            PointStatus pt = pointCollections[hdc.Id];
            hdc.RowPoint = updatedhandPoint;
             /*   if (pt.is_non_steady == true)
                if (pt.nonsteady_counter < 11)

                    pt.Location = new Point((int)(pt.Location.X + hdc.velocityx * (1 - (1 / pt.nonsteady_counter))), (int)(pt.Location.Y + hdc.velocityy * (1 - (1 / pt.nonsteady_counter))));
                    pt.is_non_steady = false;
                    pt.nonsteady_counter = 0;

                pt.Location = new Point((int)(pt.Location.X + hdc.velocityx ), (int)(pt.Location.Y + hdc.velocityy ));
            double xval = pt.Location.X + hdc.velocityx;
            double yval = pt.Location.Y + hdc.velocityy;
            if (xval < 0)
                xval = 0;
            if (yval < 0)
                yval = 0;
            pt.Location = new Point((int)(xval), (int)(yval));
            if (hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.New || hdc.State == Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved)
                hdc.Update((int)pt.Location.X, (int)pt.Location.Y, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
                inputProvider.EnqueueContact(hdc, Multitouch.Contracts.ContactState.Moved);
            /*if (pt.is_non_steady == false)
                grab_gesture(hdc, pt);
 void boxes_Update(Point3D p)
     updated(this, p);
 void handsGenerator_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e)
     Trace.WriteLine("Hand updated at " + e.Position.X + ", " + e.Position.Y + ", " + e.Position.Z);
     handPosition = new Point3D(e.Position.X + 320, 240 - e.Position.Y, e.Position.Z);
Exemple #26
 public Point3D GetCoM(UserID id)
     Point3D com = new Point3D();
     int status = SafeNativeMethods.xnGetUserCoM(this.InternalObject, id, out com);
     return com;
Exemple #27
 void MyBox_PrimaryPointUpdate(object sender, HandEventArgs e)
     //Console.WriteLine("Point Updated" + e.Hand.Position.ToString());
     this.currentPoint = e.Hand.Position;
     Update(e.Hand.Position, "locationupdate");
Exemple #28
 void pointControl_PointUpdate(object sender, HandEventArgs e)
     Console.WriteLine("Point Updated");
     handPoint = DepthGenerator.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(e.Hand.Position);
Exemple #29
 private bool VerticallyClose(OpenNI.Point3D p0, OpenNI.Point3D p1)
     return(Math.Abs(p0.Y - p1.Y) < MAX_DIMMING_HAND_OFFSET_Y);
Exemple #30
        void handsGenerator_HandUpdate(object sender, HandUpdateEventArgs e)
            this.shouldDrawHands = true;
            //MessageBox.Show("Hand being updated");

            List<Point3D> historyList = history[e.UserID];

            while (historyList.Count > historySize)
                //String text = historyList.ElementAt(0).ToString();
            history.Add(e.UserID, historyList);

            this.lastPoint = e.Position;
            this.lastPalmPoint = convertPoint3D(e.Position);
Exemple #31
 public Point3D[] ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(Point3D[] projectivePoints)
     Point3D[] realWorld = new Point3D[projectivePoints.Length];
     ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld(projectivePoints, realWorld);
     return realWorld;
Exemple #32
 private Point convertPoint3D(Point3D point3D)
     point3D = depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(point3D);
     int x = (int)point3D.X;
     int y = (int)point3D.Y;
     Point point2D = new Point(x, y);
     return point2D;
Exemple #33
        public void ConvertRealWorldToProjective(Point3D[] realWorldPoints, Point3D[] projectivePoints)
            if (projectivePoints.Length < realWorldPoints.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Destination array is too small", "projectivePoints");

            int status = SafeNativeMethods.xnConvertRealWorldToProjective(this.InternalObject, (uint)realWorldPoints.Length, realWorldPoints, projectivePoints);
Exemple #34
 public void StartTracking(Point3D position)
     int status = SafeNativeMethods.xnStartTracking(this.InternalObject, ref position);
Exemple #35
        public Point3D ConvertRealWorldToProjective(Point3D realWorldPoint)
            Point3D[] realWorldPoints = new Point3D[1];
            realWorldPoints[0] = realWorldPoint;

            return ConvertRealWorldToProjective(realWorldPoints)[0];
Exemple #36
 private void InternalHandUpdate(IntPtr hNode, UserID id, ref Point3D position, float fTime, IntPtr pCookie)
     EventHandler<HandUpdateEventArgs> handlers = this.handUpdateEvent;
     if (handlers != null)
         handlers(this, new HandUpdateEventArgs(id, position, fTime));