private BlogAccountFromRsdServiceDescription(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
                // look for supported apis from highest fidelity to lowest
                RsdApi rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("WordPress");
                if (rsdApi == null)
                    rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("MovableType");
                if (rsdApi == null)
                    rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("MetaWeblog");

                if (rsdApi != null)
                    Init(rsdServiceDescription.EngineName, rsdApi.Name, rsdApi.ApiLink, rsdApi.BlogId);
                    // couldn't find a supported api type so we fall through to here
                    throw new NoSupportedRsdClientTypeException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the definition of a blog service from the passed RSD XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rsdStream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static RsdServiceDescription ReadFromRsdStream(Stream rsdStream, string url)
            // initialize a blog service to return
            RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription = new RsdServiceDescription();
            rsdServiceDescription.SourceUrl = url;

            ArrayList blogApis = new ArrayList();

                // liberally parse the RSD xml
                XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(
                    SkipLeadingWhitespace(new StreamReader(rsdStream, new UTF8Encoding(false, false))));
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        // windows-live writer extensions to rsd
                        if (UrlHelper.UrlsAreEqual(reader.NamespaceURI, WINDOWS_LIVE_WRITER_NAMESPACE))
                            switch ( reader.LocalName.ToLower() )
                                case "manifestlink":
                                    rsdServiceDescription.WriterManifestUrl = reader.ReadString().Trim() ;
                        // standard rsd elements
                            switch (reader.LocalName.ToUpperInvariant())
                                case "ENGINENAME":
                                    rsdServiceDescription.EngineName = reader.ReadString().Trim();
                                case "ENGINELINK":
                                    rsdServiceDescription.EngineLink = ToAbsoluteUrl(url, reader.ReadString().Trim());
                                case "HOMEPAGELINK":
                                    rsdServiceDescription.HomepageLink = ToAbsoluteUrl(url, reader.ReadString().Trim());
                                case "API":
                                    RsdApi api = new RsdApi();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)
                                        switch (reader.LocalName.ToUpperInvariant())
                                            case "NAME":
                                                api.Name = NormalizeApiName(reader.Value);
                                            case "PREFERRED":
                                                api.Preferred = "true" == reader.Value.Trim();
                                            case "APILINK":
                                            case "RPCLINK": // radio-userland uses rpcLink
                                                api.ApiLink = ToAbsoluteUrl(url, reader.Value.Trim());
                                            case "BLOGID":
                                                api.BlogId = reader.Value.Trim();
                                case "SETTING":
                                    if (blogApis.Count > 0)
                                        RsdApi lastRsdApi = (RsdApi)blogApis[blogApis.Count - 1];
                                        string name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                                        if (name != null)
                                            string value = reader.ReadString().Trim();
                                            lastRsdApi.Settings.Add(name, value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Fail("Exception attempting to read RSD file: " + ex.ToString());

                // don't re-propagate exceptions here becaus we found that TypePad's
                // RSD file was returning bogus HTTP crap at the end of the response
                // and the XML parser cholking on this caused us to fail autodetection

            // if we got at least one API then return the service description
            if (blogApis.Count > 0)
                rsdServiceDescription.Apis = (RsdApi[])blogApis.ToArray(typeof(RsdApi));
                return rsdServiceDescription;
                return null;

 public static BlogAccount Create(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
         return new BlogAccountFromRsdServiceDescription(rsdServiceDescription);
     catch (NoSupportedRsdClientTypeException)
         return null;
        private bool AttemptRsdBasedDetection(IProgressHost progressHost, RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
            // always return alse for null description
            if (rsdServiceDescription == null)
                return false;

            string providerId = String.Empty;
            BlogAccount blogAccount = null;

            // check for a match on rsd engine link
            foreach (IBlogProvider provider in BlogProviderManager.Providers)
                blogAccount = provider.DetectAccountFromRsdHomepageLink(rsdServiceDescription);
                if (blogAccount != null)
                    providerId = provider.Id;

            // if none found on engine link, match on engine name
            if (blogAccount == null)
                foreach (IBlogProvider provider in BlogProviderManager.Providers)
                    blogAccount = provider.DetectAccountFromRsdEngineName(rsdServiceDescription);
                    if (blogAccount != null)
                        providerId = provider.Id;

            // No provider associated with the RSD file, try to gin one up (will only
            // work if the RSD file contains an API for one of our supported client types)
            if (blogAccount == null)
                // try to create one from RSD
                blogAccount = BlogAccountFromRsdServiceDescription.Create(rsdServiceDescription);

            // if we have an rsd-detected weblog
            if (blogAccount != null)
                // confirm that the credentials are OK
                UpdateProgress(progressHost, 65, Res.Get(StringId.ProgressVerifyingInterface));
                BlogAccountDetector blogAccountDetector = new BlogAccountDetector(
                    blogAccount.ClientType, blogAccount.PostApiUrl, _credentials);

                if (blogAccountDetector.ValidateService())
                    // copy basic account info
                    _providerId = providerId;
                    _serviceName = blogAccount.ServiceName;
                    _clientType = blogAccount.ClientType;
                    _hostBlogId = blogAccount.BlogId;
                    _postApiUrl = blogAccount.PostApiUrl;

                    // see if we can improve on the blog name guess we already
                    // have from the <title> element of the homepage
                    BlogInfo blogInfo = blogAccountDetector.DetectAccount(_homepageUrl, _hostBlogId);
                    if (blogInfo != null)
                        _blogName = blogInfo.Name;
                    // report user-authorization error
                    ReportErrorAndFail(blogAccountDetector.ErrorMessageType, blogAccountDetector.ErrorMessageParams);

                // success!
                return true;
                // couldn't do it
                return false;
        private BlogAccount ScanForSupportedRsdApi(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
            // initialize client type mappings (including mapping "implied" from ClientType itself
            ArrayList rsdClientTypeMappings = new ArrayList(_rsdClientTypeMappings);
            rsdClientTypeMappings.Add(new RsdClientTypeMapping(ClientType, ClientType));

            // scan for a match
            foreach (RsdClientTypeMapping mapping in rsdClientTypeMappings)
                RsdApi rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi(mapping.RsdClientType);
                if (rsdApi != null)
                    // HACK: the internal spaces.msn-int site has a bug that causes it to return
                    // the production API URL, so force to
                    string postApiUrl = rsdApi.ApiLink;
                    if (rsdServiceDescription.HomepageLink.IndexOf("msn-int", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
                        postApiUrl = postApiUrl.Replace("", "");

                    return new BlogAccount(Name, mapping.ClientType, postApiUrl, rsdApi.BlogId);

            // no match
            return null;
 virtual public BlogAccount DetectAccountFromRsdEngineName(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
     if (IsMatch(RsdEngineNameRegex, rsdServiceDescription.EngineName))
         return ScanForSupportedRsdApi(rsdServiceDescription);
         return null;
 virtual public BlogAccount DetectAccountFromRsdHomepageLink(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
     if (IsMatch(RsdHomepageLinkRegex, rsdServiceDescription.HomepageLink))
         return ScanForSupportedRsdApi(rsdServiceDescription);
         return null;