/// <summary>
        /// Tries to adjust this location backwards to a valid point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryAdjustToValidPointBackwards(this ReferencedLine line, Coder coder, uint vertex1, uint vertex2,
                                                          HashSet <uint> exclude)
            var length = line.Length(coder.Router.Db);
            var positiveOffsetLength = (line.PositiveOffsetPercentage / 100) * length;

            exclude = new HashSet <uint>(exclude);
            foreach (var vertex in line.Vertices)

            if (!coder.IsVertexValid(line.Vertices[0]))
            { // from is not valid, try to find a valid point.
                var pathToValid = coder.FindValidVertexFor(line.Vertices[0], line.Edges[0], line.Vertices[1],
                                                           exclude, false);

                // build edges list.
                if (pathToValid != null)
                { // path found check if on shortest route.
                    var shortestRoute = coder.FindShortestPath(line.Vertices[1], pathToValid.Vertex, false);
                    while (shortestRoute != null && !shortestRoute.HasVertex(line.Vertices[0]))
                    { // the vertex that should be on this shortest route, isn't anymore.
                        // exclude the current target vertex,
                        // calulate a new path-to-valid.
                        pathToValid = coder.FindValidVertexFor(line.Vertices[0], line.Edges[0], line.Vertices[1],
                                                               exclude, false);
                        if (pathToValid == null)
                        { // a new path was not found.
                        shortestRoute = coder.FindShortestPath(line.Vertices[1], pathToValid.Vertex, false);
                    if (pathToValid != null)
                    { // no path found, just leave things as is.
                        var pathToValidAsList = pathToValid.ToList();
                        var newVertices       = new List <uint>();
                        var newEdges          = new List <long>();
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < pathToValidAsList.Count; idx++)
                        { // loop over edges.
                            if (idx > 0)
                                newEdges.Add(-pathToValidAsList[idx].Edge); // need the reverse edges.

                        // create new location.
                        var edgesArray = new long[newEdges.Count + line.Edges.Length];
                        newEdges.CopyTo(0, edgesArray, 0, newEdges.Count);
                        line.Edges.CopyTo(0, edgesArray, newEdges.Count, line.Edges.Length);
                        var vertexArray = new uint[newVertices.Count - 1 + line.Vertices.Length];
                        newVertices.CopyTo(0, vertexArray, 0, newVertices.Count - 1);
                        line.Vertices.CopyTo(0, vertexArray, newVertices.Count - 1, line.Vertices.Length);

                        line.Edges    = edgesArray;
                        line.Vertices = vertexArray;

                        // adjust offset length.
                        var newLength = (float)line.Length(coder.Router.Db);
                        positiveOffsetLength = positiveOffsetLength + (newLength - length);
                        length = newLength;
                    { // no valid path was found.
                { // no valid path was found.

            // update offset percentage.
            line.PositiveOffsetPercentage = (float)((positiveOffsetLength / length) * 100.0);
