private void FillGrid() { long course=(comboCourse.SelectedIndex==0) ? 0:_listSchoolCourses[comboCourse.SelectedIndex-1].SchoolCourseNum; long instructor=(comboInstructor.SelectedIndex==0) ? 0:_listInstructor[comboInstructor.SelectedIndex-1].ProvNum; DataTable table=Evaluations.GetFilteredList(DateTime.Parse(textDateStart.Text),DateTime.Parse(textDateEnd.Text),textLastName.Text,textFirstName.Text,PIn.Long(textProvNum.Text),course,instructor); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Clear(); GridColumn col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Date"),70,HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Title"),90); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Instructor"),90); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","ProvNum"),60); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Last Name"),90); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","First Name"),80); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Course"),90); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Grade"),60); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col=new GridColumn(Lan.g("TableEvaluations","Grading Scale"),90); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); gridMain.ListGridRows.Clear(); GridRow row; for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) { row=new GridRow(); row.Cells.Add(DateTime.Parse(table.Rows[i]["DateEval"].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["EvalTitle"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["InstructNum"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["StudentNum"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["CourseID"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["OverallgradeShowing"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString()); row.Tag=table.Rows[i]["EvaluationNum"].ToString();//To keep the correct reference to the Evaluation even when filtering the list. gridMain.ListGridRows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
private void SetTextBoxes() { List <PayPlanEntry> listSelectedEntries = new List <PayPlanEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.SelectedIndices.Count(); i++) //fill the list with all the selected items in the grid. { listSelectedEntries.Add((PayPlanEntry)(gridMain.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].Tag)); } bool isUpdateButton = false; //keep track of the state of the button, if it is add or update. if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 0) //if there are no entries selected //button should say Add, textboxes should be editable. No attached procedure. { butAddOrUpdate.Text = Lan.g(this, "Add"); textAmt.Text = ""; textDate.Text = ""; textCode.Text = Lan.g(this, "None"); textNote.Text = ""; textAmt.ReadOnly = false; textDate.ReadOnly = false; textNote.ReadOnly = false; } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 1) //if there is one entry selected { PayPlanEntry selectedEntry = listSelectedEntries[0]; //all textboxes should be editable textAmt.ReadOnly = false; textDate.ReadOnly = false; textNote.ReadOnly = false; if (selectedEntry.IsChargeOrd) //if it's a PayPlanCharge //button should say Update, text boxes should fill with info from that charge. { butAddOrUpdate.Text = Lan.g(this, "Update"); isUpdateButton = true; textAmt.Text = selectedEntry.AmtStr; textNote.Text = selectedEntry.NoteStr; if (selectedEntry.ProcStatOrd == ProcStat.TP && selectedEntry.ProcNumOrd != 0) //if tp, grey out the date textbox. it should always be maxvalue. //tp and procnum==0 means that it's the unattached row, in which case we don't want to make the text boxes ready-only. { textDate.ReadOnly = true; textDate.Text = ""; } else { textDate.Text = selectedEntry.CredDateStr; } if (selectedEntry.Proc == null) //selected charge could be unattached. { textCode.Text = Lan.g(this, "Unattached"); } else { textCode.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(selectedEntry.Proc.CodeNum); } } else // selected line item is a procedure (or the "Unattached" entry) //button should say "Add", text boxes should fill with info from that procedure (or "unattached"). { butAddOrUpdate.Text = Lan.g(this, "Add"); if (selectedEntry.Proc == null) { textCode.Text = Lan.g(this, "Unattached"); textAmt.Text = "0.00"; textNote.Text = ""; textDate.Text = DateTimeOD.Today.ToShortDateString(); } else //if it is a procedure (and not the "unattached" row) { List <PayPlanEntry> listEntriesForProc = _listPayPlanEntries .Where(x => x.ProcNumOrd == selectedEntry.ProcNumOrd) .Where(x => x.IsChargeOrd == true).ToList(); if (listEntriesForProc.Count == 0) //if there are no other charges attached to the procedure { textAmt.Text = selectedEntry.RemBefStr; //set textAmt to the value in RemBefore } else //if there are other charges attached, fill the amount textbox with the minimum value in the RemAftr column. { textAmt.Text = listEntriesForProc.Min(x => PIn.Double(x.RemAftStr)).ToString("f"); } textDate.Text = DateTimeOD.Today.ToShortDateString(); textNote.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(selectedEntry.Proc.CodeNum) + ": " + Procedures.GetDescription(selectedEntry.Proc); textCode.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(selectedEntry.Proc.CodeNum); } } } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count > 1) //if they selected multiple line items //change the button to say "add" //blank out and make read-only all text boxes. { butAddOrUpdate.Text = Lan.g(this, "Add"); textAmt.Text = ""; textDate.Text = ""; textNote.Text = ""; textCode.Text = Lan.g(this, "Multiple"); textAmt.ReadOnly = true; textDate.ReadOnly = true; textNote.ReadOnly = true; } if (listSelectedEntries.Any(x => Security.IsGlobalDateLock(Permissions.PayPlanEdit, x.DateOrd, true))) { if (isUpdateButton) { butAddOrUpdate.Enabled = false; //only disallow them from updating a tx credit, adding a new one is okay. } else { butAddOrUpdate.Enabled = true; } butDelete.Enabled = false; } else { butAddOrUpdate.Enabled = true; butDelete.Enabled = true; } }
private void butOK_Click(object sender,System.EventArgs e) { int payPlanVersion = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.PayPlansVersion); string bDate; string eDate; decimal rcvStart = 0; decimal rcvProd = 0; decimal rcvPayPlanCharges = 0; decimal rcvAdj = 0; decimal rcvWriteoff = 0; decimal rcvPayment = 0; decimal rcvInsPayment = 0; decimal runningRcv = 0; decimal rcvDaily = 0; decimal[] colTotals = new decimal[9]; string wMonth; string wYear; string wDay = "01"; string wDate; // Get the year / month and instert the 1st of the month for stop point for calculated running balance wYear = date1.SelectionStart.Year.ToString(); wMonth = date1.SelectionStart.Month.ToString(); if(wMonth.Length<2) { wMonth = "0" + wMonth; } wDate = wYear +"-"+ wMonth +"-"+ wDay; List<long> listProvNums = new List<long>(); bool hasAllProvs = (listProv.SelectedIndices[0]==0); if(!hasAllProvs) { for(int i = 0;i<listProv.SelectedIndices.Count;i++) { //Minus 1 due to the 'Practice' option. listProvNums.Add(_listProvs[listProv.SelectedIndices[i]-1].ProvNum); } } bool isPayPlan2; if(payPlanVersion==2) { isPayPlan2=true; } else { isPayPlan2=false; } ReportComplex report = new ReportComplex(true,false); DataTable TableCharge = new DataTable(); //charges DataTable TablePayPlanCharge = new DataTable(); //PayPlanCharges DataTable TableCapWriteoff = new DataTable(); //capComplete writeoffs DataTable TableInsWriteoff = new DataTable(); //ins writeoffs DataTable TablePay = new DataTable(); //payments - Patient DataTable TableIns = new DataTable(); //payments - Ins, added SPK DataTable TableAdj = new DataTable(); //adjustments // // Main Loop: This will loop twice 1st loop gets running balance to start of month selected // 2nd will break the numbers down by day and calculate the running balances // for(int j = 0;j <= 1;j++) { if(j == 0) { bDate = "0001-01-01"; eDate = wDate; } else { bDate = wDate; eDate = POut.Date(date1.SelectionStart.AddDays(1)).Substring(1,10);// Needed because all Queries are < end date to get correct Starting AR } TableCharge=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TableCharge"); if(isPayPlan2) { TablePayPlanCharge=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TablePayPlanCharge"); } TableCapWriteoff=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TableCapWriteoff"); TableInsWriteoff=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TableInsWriteoff"); TablePay=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TablePay"); TableIns=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TableIns"); TableAdj=RpReceivablesBreakdown.GetRecvBreakdownTable(date1.SelectionStart,listProvNums,radioWriteoffPay.Checked,isPayPlan2,wDate,eDate,bDate,"TableAdj"); //Sum up all the transactions grouped by date. Dictionary<DateTime,decimal> dictPayPlanCharges = TablePayPlanCharge.Select().GroupBy(x => PIn.Date(x["ChargeDate"].ToString())) .ToDictionary(y => y.Key,y => y.ToList().Sum(z => PIn.Decimal(z["Amt"].ToString()))); //1st Loop Calculate running Accounts Receivable upto the 1st of the Month Selected //2nd Loop Calculate the Daily Accounts Receivable upto the Date Selected //Finaly Generate Report showing the breakdown upto the date specified with totals for what is on the report if(j == 0) { for(int k = 0;k < TableCharge.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvProd += PIn.Decimal(TableCharge.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } rcvPayPlanCharges+=dictPayPlanCharges.Sum(x => x.Value); for(int k = 0;k < TableCapWriteoff.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvWriteoff += PIn.Decimal(TableCapWriteoff.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } for(int k = 0;k < TableInsWriteoff.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvWriteoff += PIn.Decimal(TableInsWriteoff.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } for(int k = 0;k < TablePay.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvPayment += PIn.Decimal(TablePay.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } for(int k = 0;k < TableIns.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvInsPayment += PIn.Decimal(TableIns.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } for(int k = 0;k < TableAdj.Rows.Count;k++) { rcvAdj += PIn.Decimal(TableAdj.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } TableCharge.Clear(); TablePayPlanCharge.Clear(); TableCapWriteoff.Clear(); TableInsWriteoff.Clear(); TablePay.Clear(); TableIns.Clear(); TableAdj.Clear(); rcvStart = (rcvProd + rcvPayPlanCharges + rcvAdj - rcvWriteoff) - (rcvPayment + rcvInsPayment); } else { rcvAdj = 0; rcvInsPayment = 0; rcvPayment = 0; rcvProd = 0; rcvPayPlanCharges = 0; rcvWriteoff = 0; rcvDaily = 0; runningRcv = rcvStart; DataTable TableQ = new DataTable(); TableQ.Columns.Add("Date"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Charges"); TableQ.Columns.Add("PayPlanCharges"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Adjustments"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Writeoffs"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Payment"); TableQ.Columns.Add("InsPayment"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Daily"); TableQ.Columns.Add("Running"); eDate = POut.Date(date1.SelectionStart).Substring(1,10);// Reset EndDate to Selected Date DateTime[] dates = new DateTime[(PIn.Date(eDate) - PIn.Date(bDate)).Days + 1]; for(int i = 0;i < dates.Length;i++) {//usually 31 days in loop dates[i] = PIn.Date(bDate).AddDays(i); //create new row called 'row' based on structure of TableQ DataRow row = TableQ.NewRow(); row[0] = dates[i].ToShortDateString(); for(int k = 0;k < TableCharge.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TableCharge.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvProd += PIn.Decimal(TableCharge.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } decimal rcvPayPlanChargesForDay = 0; if(dictPayPlanCharges.TryGetValue(dates[i],out rcvPayPlanChargesForDay)) { rcvPayPlanCharges += rcvPayPlanChargesForDay; } for(int k = 0;k < TableCapWriteoff.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TableCapWriteoff.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvWriteoff += PIn.Decimal(TableCapWriteoff.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } for(int k = 0;k < TableAdj.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TableAdj.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvAdj += PIn.Decimal(TableAdj.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } for(int k = 0;k < TableInsWriteoff.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TableInsWriteoff.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvWriteoff += PIn.Decimal(TableInsWriteoff.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } for(int k = 0;k < TablePay.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TablePay.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvPayment += PIn.Decimal(TablePay.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } for(int k = 0;k < TableIns.Rows.Count;k++) { if(dates[i] == (PIn.Date(TableIns.Rows[k][0].ToString()))) { rcvInsPayment += PIn.Decimal(TableIns.Rows[k][1].ToString()); } } //rcvPayPlanCharges will be 0 if not on version 2. rcvDaily = (rcvProd + rcvPayPlanCharges + rcvAdj - rcvWriteoff) - (rcvPayment + rcvInsPayment); runningRcv += (rcvProd + rcvPayPlanCharges + rcvAdj - rcvWriteoff) - (rcvPayment + rcvInsPayment); row["Charges"] = rcvProd.ToString("n"); row["PayPlanCharges"] = rcvPayPlanCharges.ToString("n"); row["Adjustments"] = rcvAdj.ToString("n"); row["Writeoffs"] = rcvWriteoff.ToString("n"); row["Payment"] = rcvPayment.ToString("n"); row["InsPayment"] = rcvInsPayment.ToString("n"); row["Daily"] = rcvDaily.ToString("n"); row["Running"] = runningRcv.ToString("n"); colTotals[1] += rcvProd; colTotals[2] += rcvPayPlanCharges; colTotals[3] += rcvAdj; colTotals[4] += rcvWriteoff; colTotals[5] += rcvPayment; colTotals[6] += rcvInsPayment; colTotals[7] += rcvDaily; colTotals[8] = runningRcv; TableQ.Rows.Add(row); //adds row to table Q rcvAdj = 0; rcvInsPayment = 0; rcvPayment = 0; rcvProd = 0; rcvPayPlanCharges = 0; rcvWriteoff = 0; } //Drop the PayPlanCharges column if not version 2 if(payPlanVersion!=2) { TableQ.Columns.RemoveAt(2); } ////columnCount will get incremented on the second ColTotal call so we can use it in this way //if(payPlanVersion==2) { // report.ColTotal[1]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[1].ToString("n")); //prod // report.ColTotal[2]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[2].ToString("n")); //payplancharges // report.ColTotal[3]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[3].ToString("n")); //adjustment // report.ColTotal[4]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[4].ToString("n")); //writeoffs // report.ColTotal[5]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[5].ToString("n")); //payment // report.ColTotal[6]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[6].ToString("n")); //inspayment // report.ColTotal[7]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[7].ToString("n")); //daily // report.ColTotal[8]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[8].ToString("n")); //running //} //else { // report.ColTotal[1]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[1].ToString("n")); //prod // report.ColTotal[2]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[3].ToString("n")); //adjustment // report.ColTotal[3]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[4].ToString("n")); //writeoffs // report.ColTotal[4]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[5].ToString("n")); //payment // report.ColTotal[5]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[6].ToString("n")); //inspayment // report.ColTotal[6]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[7].ToString("n")); //daily // report.ColTotal[7]=PIn.Decimal(colTotals[8].ToString("n")); //running //} Font font = new Font("Tahoma",9); Font boldFont = new Font("Tahoma",9,FontStyle.Bold); Font fontTitle = new Font("Tahoma",17,FontStyle.Bold); Font fontSubTitle = new Font("Tahoma",10,FontStyle.Bold); report.ReportName=Lan.g(this,"Receivables Breakdown"); report.AddTitle("Title",Lan.g(this,"Receivables Breakdown"),fontTitle); report.AddSubTitle("PracticeTitle",PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle),fontSubTitle); report.AddSubTitle("Date SubTitle",date1.SelectionStart.ToString("d"),fontSubTitle); string provNames = ""; for(int i=0;i<listProv.SelectedIndices.Count;i++) { if(hasAllProvs) { provNames = "All Providers"; break; } if(i>0) { provNames+=", "; } provNames+=_listProvs[listProv.SelectedIndices[i]-1].Abbr; } report.AddSubTitle("Provider SubTitle",provNames); int[] summaryGroups1 = {1}; QueryObject query=report.AddQuery(TableQ,Lan.g(this,"Date")+": "+DateTimeOD.Today.ToString("d")); query.AddColumn("Date",72,FieldValueType.Date); query.AddColumn("Production",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("Production").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; if(payPlanVersion==2) { query.AddColumn("PayPlan",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("PayPlan").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } query.AddColumn("Adjustment",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("Adjustment").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.AddColumn("Writeoff",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("Writeoff").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.AddColumn("Payment",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("Payment").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.AddColumn("InsPayment",80,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("InsPayment").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.AddColumn("Daily A/R",100,FieldValueType.Number); query.GetColumnDetail("Daily A/R").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.AddColumn("Ending A/R",100); query.GetColumnDetail("Ending A/R").ContentAlignment=ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; query.GetColumnDetail("Ending A/R").Font=boldFont; report.AddFooterText("Desc","Receivables Calculation: (Production + PayPlanCharges + Adjustments - Writeoffs) - (Payments + Insurance Payments)",font,0,ContentAlignment.MiddleRight); //report.AddText("EndingAR","Final Ending A/R: "+runningRcv.ToString(),boldFont,0,ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft); report.AddPageNum(font); if(!report.SubmitQueries()) { return; } FormReportComplex FormR=new FormReportComplex(report); FormR.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }//END If }// END For Loop }//END OK button Clicked
private void FillListTree() { List <long> listExpandedDefNums = new List <long>(); if (treeNotes.Nodes.Count == 0 && _userOdCurPref != null) //if this is the fill on load, the node count will be 0, expanded node list from pref { listExpandedDefNums = _userOdCurPref.ValueString.Split(',').Where(x => x != "" && x != "0").Select(x => PIn.Long(x)).ToList(); } else //either not fill on load or no user pref, store the expanded node state to restore after filling tree //only defs (category folders) can be expanded or have children nodes { listExpandedDefNums = treeNotes.Nodes.OfType <TreeNode>().SelectMany(x => GetNodeAndChildren(x)) .Where(x => x.IsExpanded && x.Tag is Def).Select(x => ((Def)x.Tag).DefNum).ToList(); } TreeNode selectedNode = treeNotes.SelectedNode; TreeNode topNode = null; string topNodePath = treeNotes.TopNode?.FullPath; treeNotes.BeginUpdate(); treeNotes.Nodes.Clear(); //clear current tree contents _dictChildNodesForDefNum = Defs.GetDefsForCategory(DefCat.AutoNoteCats, true).GroupBy(x => x.ItemValue ?? "0") .ToDictionary(x => PIn.Long(x.Key), x => new NodeChildren() { ListChildDefNodes = x.Select(y => new TreeNode(y.ItemName, 0, 0) { Tag = y }).ToList() }); Dictionary <long, List <TreeNode> > dictDefNumAutoNotes = AutoNotes.GetDeepCopy().GroupBy(x => x.Category) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Select(y => new TreeNode(y.AutoNoteName, 1, 1) { Tag = y }).ToList()); foreach (KeyValuePair <long, List <TreeNode> > kvp in dictDefNumAutoNotes) { if (_dictChildNodesForDefNum.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { _dictChildNodesForDefNum[kvp.Key].ListAutoNoteNodes = kvp.Value; } else { _dictChildNodesForDefNum[kvp.Key] = new NodeChildren() { ListAutoNoteNodes = kvp.Value }; } } List <TreeNode> listNodes = new List <TreeNode>(); //all nodes to add to tree, categories and autonotes NodeChildren nodeChildren; if (_dictChildNodesForDefNum.TryGetValue(0, out nodeChildren)) { nodeChildren.ListChildDefNodes.ForEach(SetAllDescendantsForNode); listNodes.AddRange(nodeChildren.ListChildDefNodes); listNodes.AddRange(nodeChildren.ListAutoNoteNodes); } treeNotes.Nodes.AddRange(listNodes.OrderBy(x => x, new NodeSorter()).ToArray()); //add node list to tree, after sorting List <TreeNode> listNodesCur = listNodes.SelectMany(x => GetNodeAndChildren(x)).ToList(); //get flat list of all nodes, copy entire tree foreach (TreeNode nodeCur in listNodesCur) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(topNodePath) && nodeCur.FullPath == topNodePath) { topNode = nodeCur; } if (nodeCur.Tag is Def && listExpandedDefNums.Contains(((Def)nodeCur.Tag).DefNum)) { nodeCur.Expand(); } if (selectedNode == null) { continue; } if (Equals(nodeCur, selectedNode)) { treeNotes.SelectedNode = nodeCur; } } treeNotes.TopNode = topNode; if (topNode == null && treeNotes.Nodes.Count > 0) { treeNotes.TopNode = treeNotes.SelectedNode ?? treeNotes.Nodes[0]; } treeNotes.EndUpdate(); treeNotes.Focus(); }
///<summary></summary> public static void Reformat() { string oldTel; string newTel; string idNum; Queries.CurReport.Query = "select * from patient"; Queries.SubmitCur(); for (int i = 0; i < Queries.TableQ.Rows.Count; i++) { idNum = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][0].ToString()); //home oldTel = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][15].ToString()); newTel = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(oldTel); if (oldTel != newTel) { Queries.CurReport.Query = "UPDATE patient SET hmphone = '" + POut.PString(newTel) + "' WHERE patNum = '" + idNum + "'"; Queries.SubmitNonQ(); } //wk: oldTel = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][16].ToString()); newTel = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(oldTel); if (oldTel != newTel) { Queries.CurReport.Query = "UPDATE patient SET wkphone = '" + POut.PString(newTel) + "' WHERE patNum = '" + idNum + "'"; Queries.SubmitNonQ(); } //wireless oldTel = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][17].ToString()); newTel = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(oldTel); if (oldTel != newTel) // Keyush Shah 04/21/04 Bug, was overwriting wireless with work phone here { Queries.CurReport.Query = "UPDATE patient SET wirelessphone = '" + POut.PString(newTel) + "' WHERE patNum = '" + idNum + "'"; Queries.SubmitNonQ(); } } Queries.CurReport.Query = "select * from carrier"; Queries.SubmitCur(); for (int i = 0; i < Queries.TableQ.Rows.Count; i++) { idNum = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][0].ToString()); //ph oldTel = PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][7].ToString()); newTel = TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(oldTel); if (oldTel != newTel) { Queries.CurReport.Query = "UPDATE carrier SET Phone = '" + POut.PString(newTel) + "' WHERE CarrierNum = '" + idNum + "'"; Queries.SubmitNonQ(); } } //this last part will only be run once during conversion to 2.8. It can be dropped from a future version. /*Queries.CurReport.Query="select * from insplan"; * Queries.SubmitCur(); * for(int i=0;i<Queries.TableQ.Rows.Count;i++){ * idNum=PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][0].ToString()); * //ph * oldTel=PIn.PString(Queries.TableQ.Rows[i][5].ToString()); * newTel=TelephoneNumbers.ReFormat(oldTel); * if(oldTel!=newTel){ * Queries.CurReport.Query="UPDATE insplan SET Phone = '" +newTel+"' WHERE PlanNum = '"+idNum+"'"; * Queries.SubmitNonQ(); * } * }*/ } //reformat
private void voidPaymentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.PaymentCreate)) { return; } if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length < 1 || !MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Void this payment?")) { return; } try { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (IsXWebTransaction(gridMain.SelectedIndices[0])) { long patNum = PIn.Long(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["PatNum"].ToString()); long responseNum = PIn.Long(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["ResponseNum"].ToString()); string payNote = Lan.g(this, "Void XWeb payment made from within Open Dental") + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Amount:") + " " + PIn.Double(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["Amount"].ToString()).ToString("f") + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Transaction ID:") + " " + _tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["TransactionID"].ToString() + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Card Number:") + " " + _tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["MaskedAcctNum"].ToString() + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Processed:") + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); XWebs.VoidPayment(patNum, payNote, responseNum); } else { Payment payment = Payments.GetPayment(PIn.Long(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["PaymentNum"].ToString())); PayConnectResponseWeb pcResponseWeb = PayConnectResponseWebs.GetOne(PIn.Long(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["ResponseNum"].ToString())); decimal amt = PIn.Decimal(_tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["Amount"].ToString()); string refNum = _tableTrans.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["TransactionID"].ToString(); //This is actually PayConnectResponseWeb.RefNumber, it's just stored in the TransactionID column if (!PayConnectL.VoidOrRefundPayConnectPortalTransaction(pcResponseWeb, payment, PayConnectService.transType.VOID, refNum, amt)) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; return; } } Cursor = Cursors.Default; MsgBox.Show(this, "Void successful"); FillGrid(); } catch (ODException ex) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void butClose_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (textReportComputerName.Text.Trim().ToLower() == "localhost" || textReportComputerName.Text.Trim() == "") { MsgBox.Show(this, "Computer name to fetch new reports from cannot be localhost or or any other loopback address."); return; } int reportCheckIntervalMinuteCount = 0; try { reportCheckIntervalMinuteCount = PIn.Int(textReportCheckInterval.Text); if (textReportCheckInterval.Enabled && (reportCheckIntervalMinuteCount < 5 || reportCheckIntervalMinuteCount > 60)) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid value."); //User never sees this message. } } catch { MsgBox.Show(this, "Report check interval must be between 5 and 60 inclusive."); return; } if (radioTime.Checked && (textReportCheckTime.Text == "" || !textReportCheckTime.IsValid)) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a time to receive reports."); return; } bool doRestartToShowChanges = false; bool doInvalidateCache = false; if (Prefs.UpdateString(PrefName.ClaimReportComputerName, textReportComputerName.Text)) { doRestartToShowChanges = true; //No point in invalidating prefs since this only affects a workstation on startup. } if (Prefs.UpdateInt(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveInterval, reportCheckIntervalMinuteCount)) { doInvalidateCache = true; } if (radioTime.Checked) { if (Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveTime, PIn.DateT(textReportCheckTime.Text))) { doInvalidateCache = true; } } else if (textReportCheckTime.Text == "" && Prefs.UpdateDateT(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveTime, DateTime.MinValue)) { doInvalidateCache = true; } if (Prefs.UpdateBool(PrefName.ClaimReportReceivedByService, checkReceiveReportsService.Checked)) { if (checkReceiveReportsService.Checked) { doInvalidateCache = true; } else { doRestartToShowChanges = true; } } if (doRestartToShowChanges) { MsgBox.Show(this, "You will need to restart the program for changes to take effect."); } if (doInvalidateCache) { DataValid.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Prefs); } Close(); }
private void gridMain_CellClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { GotoModule.GotoChart(PIn.Long(table.Rows[e.Row]["PatNum"].ToString())); }
///<summary>Fills grid based on values in _listEtrans. ///Set isRefreshNeeded to true when we need to reinitialize local dictionarys after in memory list is also updated. Required true for first time running. ///Also allows you to passed in predetermined filter options.</summary> private void FillGrid(bool isRefreshNeeded, List <string> listSelectedStatuses, List <long> listSelectedClinicNums, string carrierName, string checkTraceNum, string amountMin, string amountMax) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Action actionCloseProgress = null; if (isRefreshNeeded) { actionCloseProgress = ODProgressOld.ShowProgressStatus("Etrans835", this, Lan.g(this, "Gathering data") + "...", false); _dictEtrans835s.Clear(); _dictEtransClaims.Clear(); _dictClaimPayExists.Clear(); List <Etrans835Attach> listAttached = Etrans835Attaches.GetForEtrans(_listEtranss.Select(x => x.EtransNum).ToArray()); Dictionary <long, string> dictEtransMessages = new Dictionary <long, string>(); List <X12ClaimMatch> list835ClaimMatches = new List <X12ClaimMatch>(); Dictionary <long, int> dictClaimMatchCount = new Dictionary <long, int>(); //1:1 with _listEtranss. Stores how many claim matches each 835 has. int batchQueryInterval = 500; //Every 500 rows we get the next 500 message texts to save memory. int rowCur = 0; foreach (Etrans etrans in _listEtranss) { if (rowCur % batchQueryInterval == 0) { int range = Math.Min(batchQueryInterval, _listEtranss.Count - rowCur); //Either the full batchQueryInterval amount or the remaining amount of etrans. dictEtransMessages = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageTexts(_listEtranss.GetRange(rowCur, range).Select(x => x.EtransMessageTextNum).ToList(), false); } rowCur++; ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("Etrans835", Lan.g(this, "Processing 835: ") + ": " + rowCur + " out of " + _listEtranss.Count)); List <Etrans835Attach> listAttachedTo835 = listAttached.FindAll(x => x.EtransNum == etrans.EtransNum); X835 x835 = new X835(etrans, dictEtransMessages[etrans.EtransMessageTextNum], etrans.TranSetId835, listAttachedTo835, true); _dictEtrans835s.Add(etrans.EtransNum, x835); List <X12ClaimMatch> listClaimMatches = x835.GetClaimMatches(); dictClaimMatchCount.Add(etrans.EtransNum, listClaimMatches.Count); list835ClaimMatches.AddRange(listClaimMatches); } #region Set 835 unattached in batch and build _dictEtransClaims and _dictClaimPayCheckNums. ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("Etrans835", Lan.g(this, "Gathering internal claim matches."))); List <long> listClaimNums = Claims.GetClaimFromX12(list835ClaimMatches); //Can return null. ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("Etrans835", Lan.g(this, "Building data sets."))); int claimIndexCur = 0; List <long> listMatchedClaimNums = new List <long>(); foreach (Etrans etrans in _listEtranss) { X835 x835 = _dictEtrans835s[etrans.EtransNum]; if (listClaimNums != null) { x835.SetClaimNumsForUnattached(listClaimNums.GetRange(claimIndexCur, dictClaimMatchCount[etrans.EtransNum])); } claimIndexCur += dictClaimMatchCount[etrans.EtransNum]; listMatchedClaimNums.AddRange(x835.ListClaimsPaid.FindAll(x => x.ClaimNum != 0).Select(x => x.ClaimNum).ToList()); } List <Claim> listClaims = Claims.GetClaimsFromClaimNums(listMatchedClaimNums.Distinct().ToList()); _dictClaimPayExists = ClaimPayments.HasClaimPayment(listMatchedClaimNums); //Every claim num is associated to a bool. True when there is an existing claimPayment. foreach (Etrans etrans in _listEtranss) { X835 x835 = _dictEtrans835s[etrans.EtransNum]; #region _dictEtransClaims, _dictClaimPayCheckNums _dictEtransClaims.Add(etrans.EtransNum, new List <Claim>()); List <long> listSubClaimNums = x835.ListClaimsPaid.FindAll(x => x.ClaimNum != 0).Select(y => y.ClaimNum).ToList(); List <Claim> listClaimsFor835 = listClaims.FindAll(x => listSubClaimNums.Contains(x.ClaimNum)); foreach (Hx835_Claim claim in x835.ListClaimsPaid) { Claim claimCur = listClaimsFor835.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClaimNum == claim.ClaimNum); //Can be null. if (claimCur == null && claim.IsAttachedToClaim && claim.ClaimNum == 0) { claimCur = new Claim(); //Create empty claim since user detached claim manually, will not be considered in GetStringStatus(...). } if (claimCur != null && claim.IsPreauth) //User attached preauth to internal claim, no payment needed to be considered 'Finalized' in GetStringStatus(...). { _dictClaimPayExists[claim.ClaimNum] = true; } _dictEtransClaims[etrans.EtransNum].Add(claimCur); } #endregion } ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("Etrans835", Lan.g(this, "Filling Grid."))); #endregion } gridMain.BeginUpdate(); #region Initilize columns only once if (gridMain.Columns.Count == 0) { ODGridColumn col; col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Patient Name"), 250); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Carrier Name"), 190); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Status"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Date"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Amount"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled) { col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Clinic"), 70); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); } col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Code"), 37, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableEtrans835s", "Note"), 0); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); } #endregion gridMain.Rows.Clear(); foreach (Etrans etrans in _listEtranss) { X835 x835 = _dictEtrans835s[etrans.EtransNum]; #region Filter: Carrier Name if (carrierName != "" && !x835.PayerName.ToLower().Contains(carrierName.ToLower())) { continue; } #endregion string status = GetStringStatus(etrans.EtransNum); #region Filter: Status if (!listSelectedStatuses.Contains(status.Replace("*", ""))) //The filter will ignore finalized with detached claims. { continue; } #endregion //List of ClinicNums for the current etrans.ListClaimsPaid from the DB. List <long> listClinicNums = _dictEtransClaims[etrans.EtransNum].Select(x => x == null? 0 :x.ClinicNum).Distinct().ToList(); #region Filter: Clinics if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled && !listClinicNums.Exists(x => listSelectedClinicNums.Contains(x))) { continue; //The ClinicNums associated to the 835 do not match any of the selected ClinicNums, so nothing to show in this 835. } #endregion #region Filter: Check and Trace Value if (checkTraceNum != "" && !x835.TransRefNum.Contains(checkTraceNum)) //Trace Number does not match { continue; } #endregion #region Filter: Insurance Check Range Min and Max if (amountMin != "" && x835.InsPaid < PIn.Decimal(amountMin) || amountMax != "" && x835.InsPaid > PIn.Decimal(amountMax)) { continue; //Either the InsPaid is below or above our range. } #endregion ODGridRow row = new ODGridRow(); #region Column: Patient Name List <string> listPatNames = x835.ListClaimsPaid.Select(x => x.PatientName.ToString()).Distinct().ToList(); string patName = (listPatNames.Count > 0 ? listPatNames[0] : ""); if (listPatNames.Count > 1) { patName = "(" + POut.Long(listPatNames.Count) + ")"; } row.Cells.Add(patName); #endregion row.Cells.Add(x835.PayerName); row.Cells.Add(status); //See GetStringStatus(...) for possible values. row.Cells.Add(POut.Date(etrans.DateTimeTrans)); row.Cells.Add(POut.Decimal(x835.InsPaid)); #region Column: Clinic if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled) { string clinicAbbr = ""; if (listClinicNums.Count == 1) { if (listClinicNums[0] == 0) { clinicAbbr = Lan.g(this, "Unassigned"); } else { clinicAbbr = Clinics.GetAbbr(listClinicNums[0]); } } else if (listClinicNums.Count > 1) { clinicAbbr = "(" + Lan.g(this, "Multiple") + ")"; } row.Cells.Add(clinicAbbr); } #endregion row.Cells.Add(x835._paymentMethodCode); row.Cells.Add(etrans.Note); row.Tag = etrans; gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); try { actionCloseProgress?.Invoke(); //When this function executes quickly this can fail rarely, fail silently because of WaitCursor. } catch (Exception ex) { ex.DoNothing(); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
///<summary>Set all fields of this control. This is an alternative to constructing an entirely new instance. ///All uses of this control currently construct as Visible=false so that is the default here.</summary> public void ResetData(DataRow rowApt, DataTable tableApptFields, DataTable tablePatFields, Point location, bool visible = false) { DataRoww = rowApt; TableApptFields = tableApptFields; TablePatFields = tablePatFields; Pattern = PIn.String(DataRoww["Pattern"].ToString()); PatternShowing = ApptSingleDrawing.GetPatternShowing(Pattern); Location = location; Size = ApptSingleDrawing.SetSize(Pattern); //These controls are always drawn as their Shadow bitmap. //They never actually render as a control. //Always set Visible to false here so that parent panel/form doesn't account for them when drawings it's controls. //In the case where it is a draggable control or on the pinboard, then it will be set to Visible=true. Visible = visible; //These are used heavily so deserialize here once to save time when accessing. AptNum = PIn.Long(DataRoww["AptNum"].ToString()); PatNum = PIn.Long(DataRoww["PatNum"].ToString()); AptDateTime = PIn.DateT(DataRoww["AptDateTime"].ToString()); OpNum = PIn.Long(DataRoww["Op"].ToString()); ClinicNum = PIn.Long(DataRoww["ClinicNum"].ToString()); ProvNum = PIn.Long(DataRoww["ProvNum"].ToString()); ProvHyg = PIn.Long(DataRoww["ProvHyg"].ToString()); Confirmed = PIn.Long(DataRoww["Confirmed"].ToString()); IsHygiene = PIn.Bool(DataRoww["IsHygiene"].ToString()); GrossProduction = PIn.Decimal(DataRoww["productionVal"].ToString()); WriteoffPPO = PIn.Decimal(DataRoww["writeoffPPO"].ToString()); AdjustmentTotal = PIn.Decimal(DataRoww["adjustmentTotal"].ToString()); ImageFolder = PIn.String(DataRoww["ImageFolder"].ToString()); PatientName = PIn.String(DataRoww["patientName"].ToString()); AptDate = PIn.String(DataRoww["aptDate"].ToString()); AptDay = PIn.String(DataRoww["aptDay"].ToString()); AptLength = PIn.String(DataRoww["aptLength"].ToString()); AptTime = PIn.String(DataRoww["aptTime"].ToString()); Email = PIn.String(DataRoww["Email"].ToString()); Language = PIn.String(DataRoww["language"].ToString()); ReferralTo = PIn.String(DataRoww["referralTo"].ToString()); ReferralFrom = PIn.String(DataRoww["referralFrom"].ToString()); ApptModNote = PIn.String(DataRoww["apptModNote"].ToString()); FamFinUrgNote = PIn.String(DataRoww["famFinUrgNote"].ToString()); AddrNote = PIn.String(DataRoww["addrNote"].ToString()); Insurance = PIn.String(DataRoww["insurance"].ToString()); ContactMethods = PIn.String(DataRoww["contactMethods"].ToString()); WirelessPhone = PIn.String(DataRoww["wirelessPhone"].ToString()); WkPhone = PIn.String(DataRoww["wkPhone"].ToString()); HmPhone = PIn.String(DataRoww["hmPhone"].ToString()); Age = PIn.String(DataRoww["age"].ToString()); BillingType = PIn.String(DataRoww["billingType"].ToString()); ChartNumber = PIn.String(DataRoww["chartNumber"].ToString()); Note = PIn.String(DataRoww["Note"].ToString()); Procs = PIn.String(DataRoww["procs"].ToString()); Lab = PIn.String(DataRoww["lab"].ToString()); MedUrgNote = PIn.String(DataRoww["MedUrgNote"].ToString()); PreMedFlag = PIn.String(DataRoww["preMedFlag"].ToString()); ConfirmedFromDef = PIn.String(DataRoww["confirmed"].ToString()); Production = PIn.String(DataRoww["production"].ToString()); Provider = PIn.String(DataRoww["provider"].ToString()); ApptStatus aptStatus; if (Enum.TryParse(PIn.String(DataRoww["AptStatus"].ToString()), out aptStatus)) { AptStatus = aptStatus; } else { AptStatus = ApptStatus.None; } ApptPriority priority; if (Enum.TryParse(PIn.String(DataRoww["Priority"].ToString()), out priority)) { Priority = priority; } else { Priority = ApptPriority.Normal; } }
private void FillGrid() { if (textDateStart.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateStart) != "") { return; } DateTime dateSince; if (textDateStart.Text.Trim() == "") { dateSince = DateTime.MinValue; } else { dateSince = PIn.Date(textDateStart.Text); } int monthStart = comboMonthStart.SelectedIndex; double aboveAmount; if (textOverAmount.errorProvider1.GetError(textOverAmount) != "") { return; } if (textOverAmount.Text.Trim() != "") { aboveAmount = PIn.Double(textOverAmount.Text); } else { aboveAmount = 0; } ArrayList provFilter = new ArrayList(); ArrayList billFilter = new ArrayList(); if (comboBoxMultiProv.SelectedIndices[0].ToString() != "0") { provFilter = comboBoxMultiProv.SelectedIndices; } if (comboBoxMultiBilling.SelectedIndices[0].ToString() != "0") { billFilter = comboBoxMultiBilling.SelectedIndices; } string code1 = ""; string code2 = ""; if (textCodeRange.Text.Trim() != "") { if (textCodeRange.Text.Contains("-")) { string[] codeSplit = textCodeRange.Text.Split('-'); code1 = codeSplit[0].Trim(); code2 = codeSplit[1].Trim(); } else { code1 = textCodeRange.Text.Trim(); code2 = textCodeRange.Text.Trim(); } } gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); //0=PatNum ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "LName"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "FName"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Contact"), 120); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); //4=address //5=cityStateZip col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Annual Max"), 70); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Amt Used"), 70); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Amt Pend"), 70); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Amt Rem"), 70); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Treat Plan"), 70); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableTreatmentFinder", "Insurance Carrier"), 225); col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left; gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; table = Patients.GetTreatmentFinderList(checkIncludeNoIns.Checked, checkIncludePatsWithApts.Checked, monthStart, dateSince, aboveAmount, provFilter, billFilter, code1, code2); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); //Temporary filter just showing columns wanted. Probable it will become user defined. for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++) { if (j == 0 || j == 4 || j == 5) //PatNum,address,cityStateZip are just for the export report. { continue; } if (j == 6 && PIn.Double(table.Rows[i][j].ToString()) == 0) { row.Cells.Add(""); //don't show annual max for patients without ins or patients without annual max continue; } if (j == 9 && PIn.Double(table.Rows[i][6].ToString()) == 0) //if annualmax is 0 { row.Cells.Add(""); //don't show amount remaining if no annual max continue; } row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i][j].ToString()); } gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void FillGrid() { if (textDateTo.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateTo) != "" || textDateFrom.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateFrom) != "") //Test To and From dates { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter valid To and From dates."); return; } DateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text); DateTo = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text); if (DateTo < DateFrom) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Date To cannot be before Date From."); return; } //todo: checkbox RefAttachList = RefAttaches.RefreshForReferralProcTrack(DateFrom, DateTo, checkComplete.Checked); Table = Procedures.GetReferred(DateFrom, DateTo, checkComplete.Checked); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Clear(); GridColumn col; col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Patient"), 125); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Referred To"), 125); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Description"), 125); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Note"), 125); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date Referred"), 86); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date Done"), 86); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Status"), 84); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); gridMain.ListGridRows.Clear(); GridRow row; DateTime date; for (int i = 0; i < Table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = new GridRow(); row.Cells.Add(Patients.GetPat(PIn.Long(Table.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString())).GetNameLF()); row.Cells.Add(Table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + Table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString() + " " + Table.Rows[i]["MName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(PIn.Long(Table.Rows[i]["CodeNum"].ToString()))); row.Cells.Add(Table.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString()); date = PIn.Date(Table.Rows[i]["RefDate"].ToString()); if (date.Year < 1880) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(date.ToShortDateString()); } date = PIn.Date(Table.Rows[i]["DateProcComplete"].ToString()); if (date.Year < 1880) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(date.ToShortDateString()); } ReferralToStatus refStatus = (ReferralToStatus)PIn.Int(Table.Rows[i]["RefToStatus"].ToString()); if (refStatus == ReferralToStatus.None) { row.Cells.Add(""); } else { row.Cells.Add(refStatus.ToString()); } gridMain.ListGridRows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
private void butAddOrUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry> listSelectedEntries = new List <PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.SelectedIndices.Count(); i++) //add all of the currently selected entries to this list. { listSelectedEntries.Add((PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry)(gridMain.ListGridRows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].Tag)); } if (listSelectedEntries.Count <= 1) //validation (doesn't matter if multiple are selected) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textAmt.Text) || textAmt.errorProvider1.GetError(textAmt) != "" || PIn.Double(textAmt.Text) == 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a valid amount."); return; } if (textDate.Text != "" && textDate.errorProvider1.GetError(textDate) != "") { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a valid date."); return; } } if (textDate.Text == "") { textDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); } if (Security.IsGlobalDateLock(Permissions.PayPlanEdit, PIn.Date(textDate.Text))) { return; } if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 0) { if (PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.RigorousAccounting) == (int)RigorousAccounting.EnforceFully) //if they have none selected { MsgBox.Show(this, "All treatment credits (excluding adjustments) must have a procedure."); return; } //add an unattached charge only if not on enforce fully PayPlanCharge addCharge = PayPlanEdit.CreateUnattachedCredit(textDate.Text, _patCur.PatNum, textNote.Text, _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum, PIn.Double(textAmt.Text)); ListPayPlanCreditsCur.Add(addCharge); } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 1) //if they have one selected { PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry selectedEntry = listSelectedEntries[0]; if (selectedEntry.Proc != null && _listPayPlanLinksForProcs.Select(x => x.FKey).Contains(selectedEntry.Proc.ProcNum)) { MsgBox.Show(this, "This procedure is already linked to a dynamic payment plan."); return; } if (PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.RigorousAccounting) == (int)RigorousAccounting.EnforceFully) { if ((selectedEntry.Proc == null || selectedEntry.Proc.ProcNum == 0) && !(selectedEntry.Charge != null && selectedEntry.Charge.IsCreditAdjustment)) { MsgBox.Show(this, "All treatment credits (excluding adjustments) must have a procedure."); return; } } PayPlanCharge selectedCharge = new PayPlanCharge(); if (selectedEntry.IsChargeOrd) { //get the charge from the grid. //DO NOT use PayPlanChargeNum. They are not pre-inserted so they will all be 0 if new. selectedCharge = ((PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry)(gridMain.ListGridRows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].Tag)).Charge; } ListPayPlanCreditsCur = PayPlanEdit.CreateOrUpdateChargeForSelectedEntry(selectedEntry, ListPayPlanCreditsCur, PIn.Double(textAmt.Text), textNote.Text, textDate.Text , _patCur.PatNum, _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum, selectedCharge); } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count > 1) //if they have more than one entry selected //remove everythig that doesn't have a procnum from the list { List <PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry> listSelectedProcs = listSelectedEntries.Where(x => !x.IsChargeOrd).Where(x => x.Proc != null).ToList(); if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 0) //if the list is then empty, there's nothing to do. { MsgBox.Show(this, "You must have at least one procedure selected."); return; } if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "Add a payment plan credit for each of the selected procedure's remaining amount? Selected credits will be ignored.")) { return; } List <PayPlanEdit.PayPlanEntry> listValidSelectedProcs = listSelectedProcs.FindAll(x => !_listPayPlanLinksForProcs.Select(y => y.FKey).Contains(x.Proc.ProcNum)); int countProcsSkipped = listSelectedProcs.Count - listValidSelectedProcs.Count; ListPayPlanCreditsCur = PayPlanEdit.CreateCreditsForAllSelectedEntries(listValidSelectedProcs, _listPayPlanEntries, DateTimeOD.Today , _patCur.PatNum, _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum, ListPayPlanCreditsCur); if (countProcsSkipped > 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Credits were not made for " + countProcsSkipped + " procedure(s) because they are linked to one or more dynamic payment plans."); } } textAmt.Text = ""; textDate.Text = ""; textNote.Text = ""; FillGrid(); SetTextBoxes(); }
private void gridMain_CellDoubleClick(object sender,ODGridClickEventArgs e) { FormEvaluationEdit FormEE=new FormEvaluationEdit(Evaluations.GetOne(PIn.Long(gridMain.ListGridRows[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()].Tag.ToString()))); FormEE.ShowDialog(); FillGrid(); }
private bool ValidateDunningFilters(Dunning dunning) { long clinicNum = GetSelectedClinicNum(); if ((clinicNum != -1 && clinicNum != dunning.ClinicNum) || (!listBill.SelectedIndices.Contains(0) && !listBill.SelectedIndices.OfType <int>().Select(x => _listBillingTypeDefs[x - 1].DefNum).Contains(dunning.BillingType)) || (!radioAny.Checked && dunning.AgeAccount != (byte)(30 * new List <RadioButton> { radioAny, radio30, radio60, radio90 }.FindIndex(x => x.Checked))) || //0, 30, 60, or 90 (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textAdv.Text) && dunning.DaysInAdvance != PIn.Int(textAdv.Text, false)) || //blank=0 (!radioU.Checked && dunning.InsIsPending != (YN) new List <RadioButton> { radioU, radioY, radioN }.FindIndex(x => x.Checked))) //0=Unknown, 1=Yes, 2=No+ { return(false); } return(true); }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //validate user input if (textDateFrom.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateFrom) != "" || textDateTo.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateTo) != "") { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Please fix data entry errors first.")); return; } if (textDateFrom.Text.Length == 0 || textDateTo.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "From and To dates are required.")); return; } DateTime dateFrom = PIn.PDate(textDateFrom.Text); DateTime dateTo = PIn.PDate(textDateTo.Text); if (dateTo < dateFrom) { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "To date cannot be before From date.")); return; } if (listProv.SelectedIndices.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "You must select at least one provider.")); return; } string whereProv; //used as the provider portion of the where clauses. //each whereProv needs to be set up separately for each query whereProv = "appointment.ProvNum in ("; for (int i = 0; i < listProv.SelectedIndices.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { whereProv += ","; } whereProv += "'" + POut.PInt(Providers.List[listProv.SelectedIndices[i]].ProvNum) + "'"; } whereProv += ") "; //create the report ReportOld2 report = new ReportOld2(); report.IsLandscape = true; report.ReportName = "Appointments"; report.AddTitle("Appointments"); report.AddSubTitle(((Pref)PrefB.HList["PracticeTitle"]).ValueString); report.AddSubTitle(dateFrom.ToShortDateString() + " - " + dateTo.ToShortDateString()); //setup query report.Query = @"SELECT appointment.AptDateTime, trim(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(concat(patient.LName,', '),case when length(patient.Preferred) > 0 then CONCAT(concat('(',patient.Preferred),') ') else '' end),patient.fname), ' '),patient.middlei)) AS PatName, patient.Birthdate, appointment.AptDateTime, length(appointment.Pattern)*5, appointment.ProcDescript, patient.HmPhone, patient.WkPhone, patient.WirelessPhone FROM appointment INNER JOIN patient ON appointment.PatNum = patient.PatNum WHERE appointment.AptDateTime between " + POut.PDate(dateFrom) + " AND " + POut.PDate(dateTo.AddDays(1)) + " AND " + "AptStatus != '" + (int)ApptStatus.UnschedList + "' AND " + "AptStatus != '" + (int)ApptStatus.Planned + "' AND " + whereProv + " " + "ORDER BY appointment.AptDateTime, 2"; // add columns to report report.AddColumn("Date", 75, FieldValueType.Date); report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).SuppressIfDuplicate = true; report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).FormatString = "d"; report.AddColumn("Patient", 175, FieldValueType.String); report.AddColumn("Age", 45, FieldValueType.Age); // remove the total column //if(report.ReportObjects[report.ReportObjects.Count-1].SummarizedField == "Age") // report.ReportObjects.RemoveAt(report.ReportObjects.Count-1); //report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).FormatString = "###0"; //report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; //report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.TextObject).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; report.AddColumn("Time", 65, FieldValueType.Date); report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).FormatString = "t"; report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.TextObject).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; report.AddColumn("Length", 60, FieldValueType.Integer); report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.TextObject).Location = new Point( report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.TextObject).Location.X + 6, report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.TextObject).Location.Y); report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).Location = new Point( report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).Location.X + 8, report.GetLastRO(ReportObjectKind.FieldObject).Location.Y); report.AddColumn("Description", 170, FieldValueType.String); report.AddColumn("Home Ph.", 120, FieldValueType.String); report.AddColumn("Work Ph.", 120, FieldValueType.String); report.AddColumn("Cell Ph.", 120, FieldValueType.String); report.AddPageNum(); // execute query if (!report.SubmitQuery()) { return; } // display report FormReportOld2 FormR = new FormReportOld2(report); //FormR.MyReport=report; FormR.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private bool IsXWebTransaction(int selectedIndex) { return(PIn.Int(_tableTrans.Rows[selectedIndex]["isXWeb"].ToString()) == 1); }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { long feeSched = FeeSchedC.ListShort[listFeeSched.SelectedIndex].FeeSchedNum; string catName = ""; //string to hold current category name Fees fee = new Fees(); ReportSimpleGrid report = new ReportSimpleGrid(); report.Query = "SELECT procedurecode.ProcCode,fee.Amount,' ',procedurecode.Descript," + "procedurecode.AbbrDesc FROM procedurecode,fee " + "WHERE procedurecode.CodeNum=fee.CodeNum AND fee.FeeSched='" + feeSched.ToString() + "' ORDER BY procedurecode.ProcCode"; FormQuery2 = new FormQuery(report); FormQuery2.IsReport = true; if (radioCode.Checked == true) { FormQuery2.SubmitReportQuery(); report.Title = "Procedure Codes"; report.SubTitle.Add(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle)); report.SubTitle.Add(FeeScheds.GetDescription(feeSched)); report.SetColumn(this, 0, "Code", 70); report.SetColumn(this, 1, "Fee Amount", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Right); report.SetColumn(this, 2, " ", 80); //otherwise, the amount gets bunched up next to the description. report.SetColumn(this, 3, "Description", 200); report.SetColumn(this, 4, "Abbr Description", 200); FormQuery2.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else //categories //report.SubmitTemp();//create TableTemp which is not actually used { ProcedureCode[] ProcList = ProcedureCodes.GetProcList(); report.TableQ = new DataTable(null); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //add columns { report.TableQ.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn()); //blank columns } report.InitializeColumns(); DataRow row = report.TableQ.NewRow();//add first row by hand to get value for temp row[0] = DefC.GetName(DefCat.ProcCodeCats, ProcList[0].ProcCat); catName = row[0].ToString(); row[1] = ProcList[0].ProcCode; row[2] = ProcList[0].Descript; row[3] = ProcList[0].AbbrDesc; row[4] = ((double)Fees.GetAmount0(ProcList[0].CodeNum, feeSched)).ToString("F"); report.ColTotal[4] += PIn.Double(row[4].ToString()); report.TableQ.Rows.Add(row); for (int i = 1; i < ProcList.Length; i++) //loop through data rows { row = report.TableQ.NewRow(); //create new row called 'row' based on structure of TableQ row[0] = DefC.GetName(DefCat.ProcCodeCats, ProcList[i].ProcCat); if (catName == row[0].ToString()) { row[0] = ""; } else { catName = row[0].ToString(); } row[1] = ProcList[i].ProcCode.ToString(); row[2] = ProcList[i].Descript; row[3] = ProcList[i].AbbrDesc.ToString(); row[4] = ((double)Fees.GetAmount0(ProcList[i].CodeNum, feeSched)).ToString("F"); //report.ColTotal[4]+=PIn.PDouble(row[4].ToString()); report.TableQ.Rows.Add(row); } FormQuery2.ResetGrid(); //this is a method in FormQuery2; report.Title = "Procedure Codes"; report.SubTitle.Add(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle)); report.SubTitle.Add(FeeScheds.GetDescription(feeSched)); report.ColPos[0] = 20; report.ColPos[1] = 120; report.ColPos[2] = 270; report.ColPos[3] = 470; report.ColPos[4] = 620; report.ColPos[5] = 770; report.ColCaption[0] = "Category"; report.ColCaption[1] = "Code"; report.ColCaption[2] = "Description"; report.ColCaption[3] = "Abbr Description"; report.ColCaption[4] = "Fee Amount"; report.ColAlign[4] = HorizontalAlignment.Right; FormQuery2.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void FillGrid() { List <long> listClinicNums = new List <long>(); if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled && comboClinic.SelectedIndex != 0) //Not 'All' selected { if (Security.CurUser.ClinicIsRestricted) { listClinicNums.Add(_listClinics[comboClinic.SelectedIndex - 1].ClinicNum); //Minus 1 for 'All' } else { if (comboClinic.SelectedIndex == 1) //'Unassigned' selected { listClinicNums.Add(0); } else if (comboClinic.SelectedIndex > 1) { listClinicNums.Add(_listClinics[comboClinic.SelectedIndex - 2].ClinicNum); //Minus 2 for 'All' and 'Unassigned' } } } else { //Send an empty list of clinics to get all transactions } DateTime dateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text); DateTime dateTo = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text); _tableTrans = XWebResponses.GetApprovedTransactions(listClinicNums, dateFrom, dateTo); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Clear(); GridColumn col; col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Patient"), 120); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Amount"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date"), 80); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Tran Type"), 80); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Card Number"), 140); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Expiration"), 70); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled) { col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Clinic"), 100); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); } col = new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Transaction ID"), 110); gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(col); gridMain.ListGridRows.Clear(); GridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < _tableTrans.Rows.Count; i++) { bool isXWeb = IsXWebTransaction(i); //Only other option at the moment is PayConnect. This will need to be refactored if we add more payment options row = new GridRow(); row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["Patient"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(PIn.Double(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["Amount"].ToString()).ToString("f")); row.Cells.Add(PIn.Date(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["DateTUpdate"].ToString()).ToShortDateString()); if (isXWeb) { XWebTransactionStatus tranStatus = (XWebTransactionStatus)PIn.Int(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["TransactionStatus"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(GetXWebTranTypeByStatus(tranStatus)); } else { //This is actually the PayConnectResponseWeb.TransType row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["TransactionStatus"].ToString()); } row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["MaskedAcctNum"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["ExpDate"].ToString()); if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled) { row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["Clinic"].ToString()); } row.Cells.Add(_tableTrans.Rows[i]["TransactionID"].ToString()); gridMain.ListGridRows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
private void butOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EntriesAreValid()) { return; } //Saving happens in the parent form EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierID = textObsID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierText = textObsIDText.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierCodeSystemName = textObsIDCodeSystemName.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierIDAlt = textObsIDAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierTextAlt = textObsIDTextAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierCodeSystemNameAlt = textObsIDCodeSystemNameAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierTextOriginal = textObsIDOrigText.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationIdentifierSub = textObsSub.Text; EhrLabResultCur.AbnormalFlags = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listAbnormalFlags.SelectedIndices.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { EhrLabResultCur.AbnormalFlags += ","; } EhrLabResultCur.AbnormalFlags += ((HL70078)listAbnormalFlags.SelectedIndices[i]).ToString(); } //Observation Value EhrLabResultCur.ObservationDateTime = EhrLab.formatDateToHL7(textObsDateTime.Text); EhrLabResultCur.AnalysisDateTime = EhrLab.formatDateToHL7(textAnalysisDateTime.Text); EhrLabResultCur.ObservationResultStatus = ((HL70085)comboObsStatus.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.ValueType = ((HL70125)comboObsValueType.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.referenceRange = textReferenceRange.Text; switch (((HL70125)comboObsValueType.SelectedIndex - 1)) { case HL70125.CE: case HL70125.CWE: break; //nothing to do here. yet. case HL70125.DT: case HL70125.TS: EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueDateTime = EhrLab.formatDateToHL7(textObsValue.Text); break; case HL70125.NM: EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueNumeric = PIn.Double(textObsValue.Text); break; case HL70125.FT: case HL70125.ST: case HL70125.TX: EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueText = textObsValue.Text; //should not contain |~^&# characters break; case HL70125.TM: EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueTime = PIn.Time(textObsValue.Text); break; case HL70125.SN: break; //nothing to do here yet. } //if(((HL70125)comboObsValueType.SelectedIndex-1)==HL70125.DT // || ((HL70125)comboObsValueType.SelectedIndex-1)==HL70125.TS // || ((HL70125)comboObsValueType.SelectedIndex-1)==HL70125.TM) //{ // EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueDateTime=EhrLab.formatDateToHL7(textObsValue.Text); //} //else { // EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueNumeric=PIn.Double(textObsValue.Text); //} //Coded Element EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementID = textObsElementID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementText = textObsElementText.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementCodeSystemName = textObsElementCodeSystem.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt = textObsElementIDAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementTextAlt = textObsElementTextAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementCodeSystemNameAlt = textObsElementCodeSystemAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueCodedElementTextOriginal = textObsElementOrigText.Text; //Structured Numeric EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueComparator = textStructNumComp.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueNumber1 = PIn.Double(textStructNumFirst.Text); EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueSeparatorOrSuffix = textStructNumSeparator.Text; EhrLabResultCur.ObservationValueNumber2 = PIn.Double(textStructNumSecond.Text); //Units EhrLabResultCur.UnitsID = textObsUnitsID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsText = textObsUnitsText.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsCodeSystemName = textObsUnitsCodeSystem.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsIDAlt = textObsUnitsIDAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsTextAlt = textObsUnitsTextAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsCodeSystemNameAlt = textObsUnitsCodeSystemAlt.Text; EhrLabResultCur.UnitsTextOriginal = textObsUnitsTextOrig.Text; //Performing Organization EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationName = textPerfOrgName.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationNameAssigningAuthorityNamespaceId = textPerfOrgNamespaceID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationNameAssigningAuthorityUniversalId = textPerfOrgUniversalID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationNameAssigningAuthorityUniversalIdType = textPerfOrgAssignIdType.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationIdentifierTypeCode = ((HL70203)comboPerfOrgIdType.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationIdentifier = textPerfOrgIdentifier.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressStreet = textPerfOrgStreet.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressOtherDesignation = textPerfOrgOtherDesignation.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressCity = textPerfOrgCity.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressStateOrProvince = ((USPSAlphaStateCode)comboPerfOrgState.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressZipOrPostalCode = textPerfOrgZip.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressCountryCode = textPerfOrgCountry.Text; EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressAddressType = ((HL70190)comboPerfOrgAddressType.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.PerformingOrganizationAddressCountyOrParishCode = textPerfOrgCounty.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorID = textMedDirIdentifier.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorLName = textMedDirLastName.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorFName = textMedDirFirstName.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorMiddleNames = textMedDirMiddleName.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorSuffix = textMedDirSuffix.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorPrefix = textMedDirPrefix.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorAssigningAuthorityNamespaceID = textMedDirNamespaceID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorAssigningAuthorityUniversalID = textMedDirUniversalID.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorAssigningAuthorityIDType = textMedDirAssignIdType.Text; EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorNameTypeCode = ((HL70200)comboMedDirNameType.SelectedIndex - 1); EhrLabResultCur.MedicalDirectorIdentifierTypeCode = ((HL70203)comboMedDirIdType.SelectedIndex - 1); //Saving happens in parent form. DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
protected override void OnOk() { if (!ArePosAndSizeValid()) { return; } if (!_hasSelectedFieldName) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a field name first."); return; } if (_sheetDefCur.SheetType == SheetTypeEnum.ExamSheet) { if (textReportableName.Text.Contains(";") || textReportableName.Text.Contains(":")) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Reportable name for Exam Sheet fields may not contain a ':' or a ';'."); return; } if (comboRadioGroupNameMisc.Text.Contains(";") || comboRadioGroupNameMisc.Text.Contains(":")) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Radio button group name for Exam Sheet fields may not contain a ':' or a ';'."); return; } } string fieldName = _selectedFieldName; string radioButtonValue = ""; string radioItemValue = ""; #region Medical History Sheet if (_isMedHistSheet && fieldName != "misc") { if (listMedical.Visible) { if (!_hasSelectedMedicalItem) { switch (fieldName) { case "allergy": MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select an allergy first."); return; case "problem": MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a problem first."); return; } } fieldName += ":" + _selectedMedicalItemName; } if (radioNo.Checked || fieldName.StartsWith("checkMed")) { radioButtonValue = "N"; radioItemValue = "No"; //Default if (!textMobileCheckOverride.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { radioItemValue = textMobileCheckOverride.Text; } } else { radioButtonValue = "Y"; radioItemValue = "Yes"; //Default if (!textMobileCheckOverride.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { radioItemValue = textMobileCheckOverride.Text; } } } #endregion if (groupRadio.Visible && listRadio.SelectedIndex < 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select a Radio Button Value first."); return; } SheetFieldDefCur.FieldName = fieldName; SheetFieldDefCur.ReportableName = textReportableName.Text; //always safe even if not a misc field or if textReportableName is blank. //We will set these below where applicable. SheetFieldDefCur.RadioButtonGroup = ""; SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobile = ""; SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobileRadioButton = ""; SheetFieldDefCur.RadioButtonValue = radioButtonValue; Action <string> updateGroupCaptionForFieldName = new Action <string>((caption) => { SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobile = caption; _sheetDefCur.SheetFieldDefs .Where(x => x.FieldType == SheetFieldType.CheckBox && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.FieldName) && x.FieldName == SheetFieldDefCur.FieldName) .ForEach(x => { x.UiLabelMobile = caption; }); }); if (groupRadio.Visible) { //All items with this group name get this UiLabelMobile. updateGroupCaptionForFieldName(textUiLabelMobile.Text); if (listRadio.SelectedIndex >= 0) { SheetFieldDefCur.RadioButtonValue = radioButtonValues[listRadio.SelectedIndex]; } } else if (groupRadioMisc.Visible) { SheetFieldDefCur.RadioButtonGroup = comboRadioGroupNameMisc.Text; SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobile = textUiLabelMobileMisc.Text; SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobileRadioButton = textUiLabelMobileRadioButtonMisc.Text; //All items with this group name get this UiLabelMobile. _sheetDefCur.SheetFieldDefs .Where(x => x.FieldType == SheetFieldType.CheckBox && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.RadioButtonGroup) && x.RadioButtonGroup == SheetFieldDefCur.RadioButtonGroup) .ForEach(x => x.UiLabelMobile = SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobile); } else if (_isMedHistSheet) { //All items with this group name get this UiLabelMobile. string medicalName = _selectedMedicalItemName; if (textMobileMedicalNameOverride.Visible && !textMobileMedicalNameOverride.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { medicalName = textMobileMedicalNameOverride.Text; } updateGroupCaptionForFieldName(medicalName); SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobileRadioButton = radioItemValue; } else if (labelUiLabelMobileCheckBoxNonMisc.Visible) { //All items with this group name get this UiLabelMobile. updateGroupCaptionForFieldName(textUiLabelMobileCheckBoxNonMisc.Text); SheetFieldDefCur.UiLabelMobileRadioButton = string.IsNullOrEmpty(radioItemValue) ? textUiLabelMobileCheckBoxNonMisc.Text : radioItemValue; } SheetFieldDefCur.IsRequired = checkRequired.Checked; SheetFieldDefCur.TabOrder = PIn.Int(textTabOrder.Text); //don't save to database here. SheetFieldDefCur.IsNew = false; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private static void pd_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; Sheet sheet = SheetList[sheetsPrinted]; SheetUtil.CalculateHeights(sheet, g); //this is here because of easy access to g. Font font; FontStyle fontstyle; //first, draw images------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.Image) { continue; } string filePathAndName = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(SheetUtil.GetImagePath(), field.FieldName); Image img = null; //js consider switching this from an image to a bitmap if (field.FieldName == "Patient Info.gif") { img = Properties.Resources.Patient_Info; } else if (File.Exists(filePathAndName)) { img = Image.FromFile(filePathAndName); } else { continue; } g.DrawImage(img, field.XPos, field.YPos, field.Width, field.Height); img.Dispose(); img = null; } //then, drawings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 2f); string[] pointStr; List <Point> points; Point point; string[] xy; foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.Drawing) { continue; } pointStr = field.FieldValue.Split(';'); points = new List <Point>(); for (int p = 0; p < pointStr.Length; p++) { xy = pointStr[p].Split(','); if (xy.Length == 2) { point = new Point(PIn.Int(xy[0]), PIn.Int(xy[1])); points.Add(point); } } for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++) { g.DrawLine(pen, points[i - 1].X, points[i - 1].Y, points[i].X, points[i].Y); } } //then, rectangles and lines---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen pen2 = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1f); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType == SheetFieldType.Rectangle) { g.DrawRectangle(pen2, field.XPos, field.YPos, field.Width, field.Height); } if (field.FieldType == SheetFieldType.Line) { g.DrawLine(pen2, field.XPos, field.YPos, field.XPos + field.Width, field.YPos + field.Height); } } //then, draw text----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap doubleBuffer = new Bitmap(sheet.Width, sheet.Height); Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(doubleBuffer); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.InputField && field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.OutputText && field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.StaticText) { continue; } fontstyle = FontStyle.Regular; if (field.FontIsBold) { fontstyle = FontStyle.Bold; } font = new Font(field.FontName, field.FontSize, fontstyle); Plugins.HookAddCode(null, "SheetPrinting.pd_PrintPage_drawFieldLoop", field); GraphicsHelper.DrawString(g, gfx, field.FieldValue, font, Brushes.Black, field.Bounds); //g.DrawString(field.FieldValue,font,Brushes.Black,field.BoundsF); } gfx.Dispose(); //then, checkboxes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen pen3 = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1.6f); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.CheckBox) { continue; } if (field.FieldValue == "X") { g.DrawLine(pen3, field.XPos, field.YPos, field.XPos + field.Width, field.YPos + field.Height); g.DrawLine(pen3, field.XPos + field.Width, field.YPos, field.XPos, field.YPos + field.Height); } } //then signature boxes---------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.SigBox) { continue; } SignatureBoxWrapper wrapper = new SignatureBoxWrapper(); wrapper.Width = field.Width; wrapper.Height = field.Height; if (field.FieldValue.Length > 0) //a signature is present { bool sigIsTopaz = false; if (field.FieldValue[0] == '1') { sigIsTopaz = true; } string signature = ""; if (field.FieldValue.Length > 1) { signature = field.FieldValue.Substring(1); } string keyData = Sheets.GetSignatureKey(sheet); wrapper.FillSignature(sigIsTopaz, keyData, signature); } Bitmap sigBitmap = wrapper.GetSigImage(); g.DrawImage(sigBitmap, field.XPos, field.YPos, field.Width - 2, field.Height - 2); } g.Dispose(); //no logic yet for multiple pages on one sheet. sheetsPrinted++; //heightsCalculated=false; if (sheetsPrinted < SheetList.Count) { e.HasMorePages = true; } else { e.HasMorePages = false; sheetsPrinted = 0; } }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (textDaysOld.errorProvider1.GetError(textDaysOld) != "") { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g("All", "Please correct data entry errors first.")); return; } int daysOld = PIn.PInt(textDaysOld.Text); //FormQuery2.ResetGrid();//this is a method in FormQuery2; Queries.CurReport = new ReportOld(); DateTime startQDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-daysOld); Queries.CurReport.Query = "SELECT carrier.CarrierName,claim.ClaimNum" + ",claim.ClaimType,claim.DateService," + "CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI), claim.DateSent" + ",claim.ClaimFee,carrier.Phone " + "FROM claim,insplan,patient,carrier " + "WHERE claim.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum " + "AND claim.PatNum = patient.PatNum " + "AND carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum " + "AND claim.ClaimStatus='S' && claim.DateSent < " + POut.PDate(startQDate) + " " + "ORDER BY carrier.Phone,insplan.PlanNum"; FormQuery2 = new FormQuery(); FormQuery2.IsReport = true; Queries.SubmitTemp(); //create TableTemp Queries.TableQ = new DataTable(null); //new table no name for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //add columns { Queries.TableQ.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn()); //blank columns } Queries.CurReport.ColTotal = new double[Queries.TableQ.Columns.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Queries.TableTemp.Rows.Count; i++) //loop through data rows { DataRow row = Queries.TableQ.NewRow(); //create new row called 'row' based on structure of TableQ //start filling 'row'. First column is carrier: row[0] = Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][0]; row[1] = Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][7]; if (PIn.PString(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][2].ToString()) == "P") { row[2] = "Primary"; } if (PIn.PString(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][2].ToString()) == "S") { row[2] = "Secondary"; } if (PIn.PString(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][2].ToString()) == "PreAuth") { row[2] = "PreAuth"; } if (PIn.PString(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][2].ToString()) == "Other") { row[2] = "Other"; } row[3] = Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][4]; row[4] = (PIn.PDate(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][3].ToString())).ToString("d"); row[5] = PIn.PDouble(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][6].ToString()).ToString("F"); //TimeSpan d = DateTime.Today.Subtract((PIn.PDate(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][5].ToString()))); //if(d.Days>5000) // row[4]=""; //else // row[4]=d.Days.ToString(); Queries.CurReport.ColTotal[5] += PIn.PDouble(Queries.TableTemp.Rows[i][6].ToString()); Queries.TableQ.Rows.Add(row); } Queries.CurReport.ColWidth = new int[Queries.TableQ.Columns.Count]; Queries.CurReport.ColPos = new int[Queries.TableQ.Columns.Count + 1]; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[0] = 0; Queries.CurReport.ColCaption = new string[Queries.TableQ.Columns.Count]; Queries.CurReport.ColAlign = new HorizontalAlignment[Queries.TableQ.Columns.Count]; FormQuery2.ResetGrid(); //this is a method in FormQuery2; Queries.CurReport.Title = "OUTSTANDING INSURANCE CLAIMS"; Queries.CurReport.SubTitle = new string[3]; Queries.CurReport.SubTitle[0] = ((Pref)PrefB.HList["PracticeTitle"]).ValueString; Queries.CurReport.SubTitle[1] = "Days Outstanding: " + daysOld; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[0] = 20; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[1] = 210; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[2] = 330; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[3] = 430; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[4] = 600; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[5] = 690; Queries.CurReport.ColPos[6] = 770; Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[0] = Lan.g(this, "Carrier"); Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[1] = Lan.g(this, "Phone"); Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[2] = Lan.g(this, "Type"); Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[3] = Lan.g(this, "Patient Name"); Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[4] = Lan.g(this, "Date of Service"); Queries.CurReport.ColCaption[5] = Lan.g(this, "Amount"); Queries.CurReport.ColAlign[5] = HorizontalAlignment.Right; Queries.CurReport.Summary = new string[3]; FormQuery2.ShowDialog(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
public static void CreatePdfPage(Sheet sheet, PdfPage page) { page.Width = p(sheet.Width); //XUnit.FromInch((double)sheet.Width/100); //new XUnit((double)sheet.Width/100,XGraphicsUnit.Inch); page.Height = p(sheet.Height); //new XUnit((double)sheet.Height/100,XGraphicsUnit.Inch); if (sheet.IsLandscape) { page.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape; } XGraphics g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); g.SmoothingMode = XSmoothingMode.HighQuality; //g.PageUnit=XGraphicsUnit. //wish they had pixel //XTextFormatter tf = new XTextFormatter(g);//needed for text wrap //tf.Alignment=XParagraphAlignment.Left; //pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape= //already done?:SheetUtil.CalculateHeights(sheet,g);//this is here because of easy access to g. XFont xfont; XFontStyle xfontstyle; //first, draw images-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.Image) { continue; } string filePathAndName = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(SheetUtil.GetImagePath(), field.FieldName); Bitmap bitmapOriginal = null; if (field.FieldName == "Patient Info.gif") { bitmapOriginal = Properties.Resources.Patient_Info; } else if (File.Exists(filePathAndName)) { bitmapOriginal = new Bitmap(filePathAndName); } else { continue; } Bitmap bitmapResampled = (Bitmap)bitmapOriginal.Clone(); if (bitmapOriginal.HorizontalResolution != 96 || bitmapOriginal.VerticalResolution != 96) //to avoid slowdown for other pdfs //The scaling on the XGraphics.DrawImage() function causes unreadable output unless the image is in 96 DPI native format. //We use GDI here first to convert the image to the correct size and DPI, then pass the second image to XGraphics.DrawImage(). { bitmapResampled.Dispose(); bitmapResampled = null; bitmapResampled = new Bitmap(field.Width, field.Height); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapResampled); gr.DrawImage(bitmapOriginal, 0, 0, field.Width, field.Height); gr.Dispose(); } g.DrawImage(bitmapResampled, p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.Width), p(field.Height)); bitmapResampled.Dispose(); bitmapResampled = null; bitmapOriginal.Dispose(); bitmapOriginal = null; } //then, drawings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPen pen = new XPen(XColors.Black, p(2)); string[] pointStr; List <Point> points; Point point; string[] xy; foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.Drawing) { continue; } pointStr = field.FieldValue.Split(';'); points = new List <Point>(); for (int j = 0; j < pointStr.Length; j++) { xy = pointStr[j].Split(','); if (xy.Length == 2) { point = new Point(PIn.Int(xy[0]), PIn.Int(xy[1])); points.Add(point); } } for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++) { g.DrawLine(pen, p(points[i - 1].X), p(points[i - 1].Y), p(points[i].X), p(points[i].Y)); } } //then, rectangles and lines---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPen pen2 = new XPen(XColors.Black, p(1)); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType == SheetFieldType.Rectangle) { g.DrawRectangle(pen2, p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.Width), p(field.Height)); } if (field.FieldType == SheetFieldType.Line) { g.DrawLine(pen2, p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.XPos + field.Width), p(field.YPos + field.Height)); } } //then, draw text-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap doubleBuffer = new Bitmap(sheet.Width, sheet.Height); Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(doubleBuffer); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.InputField && field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.OutputText && field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.StaticText) { continue; } xfontstyle = XFontStyle.Regular; if (field.FontIsBold) { xfontstyle = XFontStyle.Bold; } xfont = new XFont(field.FontName, field.FontSize, xfontstyle); //xfont=new XFont(field.FontName,field.FontSize,xfontstyle); //Rectangle rect=new Rectangle((int)p(field.XPos),(int)p(field.YPos),(int)p(field.Width),(int)p(field.Height)); XRect xrect = new XRect(p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.Width), p(field.Height)); //XStringFormat format=new XStringFormat(); //tf.DrawString(field.FieldValue,font,XBrushes.Black,xrect,XStringFormats.TopLeft); GraphicsHelper.DrawStringX(g, gfx, 1d / p(1), field.FieldValue, xfont, XBrushes.Black, xrect); } gfx.Dispose(); //then, checkboxes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XPen pen3 = new XPen(XColors.Black, p(1.6f)); foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.CheckBox) { continue; } if (field.FieldValue == "X") { g.DrawLine(pen3, p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.XPos + field.Width), p(field.YPos + field.Height)); g.DrawLine(pen3, p(field.XPos + field.Width), p(field.YPos), p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos + field.Height)); } } //then signature boxes---------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (SheetField field in sheet.SheetFields) { if (field.FieldType != SheetFieldType.SigBox) { continue; } SignatureBoxWrapper wrapper = new SignatureBoxWrapper(); wrapper.Width = field.Width; wrapper.Height = field.Height; if (field.FieldValue.Length > 0) //a signature is present { bool sigIsTopaz = false; if (field.FieldValue[0] == '1') { sigIsTopaz = true; } string signature = ""; if (field.FieldValue.Length > 1) { signature = field.FieldValue.Substring(1); } string keyData = Sheets.GetSignatureKey(sheet); wrapper.FillSignature(sigIsTopaz, keyData, signature); } XImage sigBitmap = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(wrapper.GetSigImage()); g.DrawImage(sigBitmap, p(field.XPos), p(field.YPos), p(field.Width - 2), p(field.Height - 2)); } }
private void FillGrid() { if (checkShowImplicit.Checked) { CreatePayPlanEntries(true); } else { CreatePayPlanEntries(); } gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col; col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Date"), 70); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Stat"), 30); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Code"), 70); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Fee"), 55, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Rem Before"), 70, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Credit Date"), 70); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Amount"), 55, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Rem After"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TablePaymentPlanProcsAndCreds", "Note"), 0); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; double totalAttached = 0; foreach (PayPlanEntry entryCur in _listPayPlanEntries) //for all account charges { if (checkHideUnattached.Checked && !ListPayPlanCreditsCur.Exists(x => x.ProcNum == entryCur.ProcNumOrd)) { continue; } row = new ODGridRow(); //we color the relevant cells to make the table easier to read. //the colors have been looked-at and approved by colourblind Josh. //In the future, we will probably make these customizable definitions. ODGridCell cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.DateStr); //for procedure rows, cell color should be LightYellow for all relevant fields. cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.White : Color.LightYellow; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.StatStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.White : Color.LightYellow; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.ProcStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.White : Color.LightYellow; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.FeeStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.White : Color.LightYellow; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.RemBefStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.White : Color.LightYellow; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.CredDateStr); //for charge rows, cell color should be LightCyan for all relevant fields. cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.LightCyan : Color.White; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.AmtStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.LightCyan : Color.White; row.Cells.Add(cell); totalAttached += PIn.Double(entryCur.AmtStr); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.RemAftStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.LightCyan : Color.White; row.Cells.Add(cell); cell = new ODGridCell(entryCur.NoteStr); cell.CellColor = entryCur.IsChargeOrd ? Color.LightCyan : Color.White; row.Cells.Add(cell); row.Tag = entryCur; if (!entryCur.IsChargeOrd) { row.ColorLborder = Color.Black; } gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); textTotal.Text = totalAttached.ToString("f"); }
private void FormOrthoSetup_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { checkPatClone.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ShowFeaturePatientClone); checkApptModuleShowOrthoChartItem.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.ApptModuleShowOrthoChartItem); checkOrthoEnabled.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.OrthoEnabled); checkOrthoFinancialInfoInChart.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.OrthoCaseInfoInOrthoChart); checkOrthoClaimMarkAsOrtho.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.OrthoClaimMarkAsOrtho); checkOrthoClaimUseDatePlacement.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.OrthoClaimUseDatePlacement); textOrthoMonthsTreat.Text = PrefC.GetByte(PrefName.OrthoDefaultMonthsTreat).ToString(); _orthoAutoProcCodeNum = PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.OrthoAutoProcCodeNum); textOrthoAutoProc.Text = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(_orthoAutoProcCodeNum); checkConsolidateInsPayment.Checked = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.OrthoInsPayConsolidated); string strListOrthoNums = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.OrthoPlacementProcsList); if (strListOrthoNums != "") { _listOrthoPlacementCodeNums.AddRange(strListOrthoNums.Split(new char[] { ',' }).ToList().Select(x => PIn.Long(x))); } RefreshListBoxProcs(); }
private void butAddOrUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <PayPlanEntry> listSelectedEntries = new List <PayPlanEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.SelectedIndices.Count(); i++) //add all of the currently selected entries to this list. { listSelectedEntries.Add((PayPlanEntry)(gridMain.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].Tag)); } if (listSelectedEntries.Count <= 1) //validation (doesn't matter if multiple are selected) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textAmt.Text) || textAmt.errorProvider1.GetError(textAmt) != "" || PIn.Double(textAmt.Text) == 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a valid amount."); return; } if (textDate.Text != "" && textDate.errorProvider1.GetError(textDate) != "") { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a valid date."); return; } } if (textDate.Text == "") { textDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); } if (Security.IsGlobalDateLock(Permissions.PayPlanEdit, PIn.Date(textDate.Text))) { return; } if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 0) //if they have none selected //add an unattached charge. { PayPlanCharge addCharge = new PayPlanCharge() { ChargeDate = PIn.Date(textDate.Text), ChargeType = PayPlanChargeType.Credit, Guarantor = _patCur.PatNum, //credits should always appear on the patient of the payment plan. Note = PIn.String(textNote.Text), PatNum = _patCur.PatNum, PayPlanNum = _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum, Principal = PIn.Double(textAmt.Text), ProcNum = 0, //provider/clinic will be set when the amortization schedule is saved. FormPayPlan.SaveData() //ClinicNum=0, //ProvNum=0, }; ListPayPlanCreditsCur.Add(addCharge); } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 1) //if they have one selected { PayPlanEntry selectedEntry = listSelectedEntries[0]; if (selectedEntry.IsChargeOrd) //if it's a charge //update the charge selected. get info from text boxes. //DO NOT use PayPlanChargeNum. They are not pre-inserted so they will all be 0 if new. { PayPlanCharge selectedCharge = ((PayPlanEntry)(gridMain.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]].Tag)).Charge; selectedCharge.Principal = PIn.Double(textAmt.Text); selectedCharge.Note = PIn.String(textNote.Text); if (selectedEntry.ProcStatOrd == ProcStat.TP && selectedEntry.ProcNumOrd != 0) //if it's treatment planned, save the date as maxvalue so it will not show up in the ledger. //if it doesn't have a procnum, then we are editing an unattached row. { selectedCharge.ChargeDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { selectedCharge.ChargeDate = PIn.Date(textDate.Text); } } else //if it's a procedure //add a charge for the selected procedure. get info from text boxes. { PayPlanCharge addCharge = new PayPlanCharge(); if (selectedEntry.ProcStatOrd == ProcStat.TP && selectedEntry.ProcNumOrd != 0) //If tp, maxvalue. //if procnum == 0, it's unattached. { addCharge.ChargeDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { addCharge.ChargeDate = PIn.Date(textDate.Text); } addCharge.ChargeType = PayPlanChargeType.Credit; addCharge.Guarantor = _patCur.PatNum; //credits should always appear on the patient of the payment plan. addCharge.Note = PIn.String(textNote.Text); addCharge.PatNum = _patCur.PatNum; addCharge.PayPlanNum = _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum; addCharge.Principal = PIn.Double(textAmt.Text); addCharge.ProcNum = selectedEntry.ProcNumOrd; //provider/clinic will be set when the amortization schedule is saved. FormPayPlan.SaveData() //ClinicNum=0, //ProvNum=0, ListPayPlanCreditsCur.Add(addCharge); } } else if (listSelectedEntries.Count > 1) //if they have more than one entry selected //remove everythig that doesn't have a procnum from the list { List <PayPlanEntry> listSelectedProcs = listSelectedEntries.Where(x => !x.IsChargeOrd).Where(x => x.Proc != null).ToList(); if (listSelectedEntries.Count == 0) //if the list is then empty, there's nothing to do. { MsgBox.Show(this, "You must have at least one procedure selected."); return; } if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "Add a payment plan credit for each of the selected procedure's remaining amount? Selected credits will be ignored.")) { return; } //add a charge for every selected procedure for the amount remaining. //don't allow adding $0.00 credits. foreach (PayPlanEntry entryProcCur in listSelectedProcs) { List <PayPlanEntry> listEntriesForProc = _listPayPlanEntries .Where(x => x.ProcNumOrd == entryProcCur.ProcNumOrd) .Where(x => x.IsChargeOrd == true).ToList(); PayPlanCharge addCharge = new PayPlanCharge(); if (entryProcCur.ProcStatOrd == ProcStat.TP) //If tp, maxvalue. { addCharge.ChargeDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { addCharge.ChargeDate = DateTimeOD.Today; } addCharge.ChargeType = PayPlanChargeType.Credit; addCharge.Guarantor = _patCur.PatNum; //credits should always appear on the patient of the payment plan. addCharge.Note = ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(entryProcCur.Proc.CodeNum) + ": " + Procedures.GetDescription(entryProcCur.Proc); addCharge.PatNum = _patCur.PatNum; addCharge.PayPlanNum = _payPlanCur.PayPlanNum; addCharge.Principal = PIn.Double(entryProcCur.RemBefStr); if (listEntriesForProc.Count != 0) { addCharge.Principal = listEntriesForProc.Min(x => PIn.Double(x.RemAftStr)); } addCharge.ProcNum = entryProcCur.ProcNumOrd; //provider/clinic will be set when the amortization schedule is saved. FormPayPlan.SaveData() //ClinicNum=0, //ProvNum=0, if (addCharge.Principal > 0) { ListPayPlanCreditsCur.Add(addCharge); } } } textAmt.Text = ""; textDate.Text = ""; textNote.Text = ""; FillGrid(); SetTextBoxes(); }
private void FillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsThreaded() { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate() { FillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsThreaded(); }); return; } //Clear the current grid rows before starting the thread below. This allows that thread to exit at any time without leaving old rows in the grid. gridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots.BeginUpdate(); gridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots.Rows.Clear(); gridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots.EndUpdate(); //Validate time slot settings. if (textWebSchedNewPatApptsDateStart.errorProvider1.GetError(textWebSchedNewPatApptsDateStart) != "") { //Don't bother warning the user. It will just be annoying. The red indicator should be sufficient. return; } if (comboWSNPClinics.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; //Nothing to do. } WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutEService signup = ((ODBoxItem <WebServiceMainHQProxy.EServiceSetup.SignupOut.SignupOutEService>)comboWSNPClinics.SelectedItem).Tag; //Protect against re-entry if (_threadFillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots != null) { //A thread is already refreshing the time slots grid so we simply need to queue up another refresh once the one thread has finished. _isWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsOutdated = true; return; } _isWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsOutdated = false; _indexLastNewPatURL = comboWSNPClinics.SelectedIndex; DateTime dateStart = PIn.DateT(textWebSchedNewPatApptsDateStart.Text); DateTime dateEnd = dateStart.AddDays(30); if (!signup.IsEnabled) { return; //Do nothing, this clinic is excluded from New Pat Appts. } //Only get time slots for headquarters or clinics that are NOT excluded (aka included). var args = new { ClinicNum = signup.ClinicNum, DateStart = dateStart, DateEnd = dateStart.AddDays(30), DefApptType = comboWSNPADefApptType.SelectedTag <Def>(), }; _threadFillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots = new ODThread(new ODThread.WorkerDelegate((th) => { //The user might not have Web Sched ops set up correctly. Don't warn them here because it is just annoying. They'll figure it out. ODException.SwallowAnyException(() => { //Get the next 30 days of open time schedules with the current settings List <TimeSlot> listTimeSlots = TimeSlots.GetAvailableNewPatApptTimeSlots(args.DateStart, args.DateEnd, args.ClinicNum , args.DefApptType.DefNum); FillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots(listTimeSlots); }); })) { Name = "ThreadWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots" }; _threadFillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots.AddExitHandler(new ODThread.WorkerDelegate((th) => { _threadFillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots = null; //If something else wanted to refresh the grid while we were busy filling it then we need to refresh again. A filter could have changed. if (_isWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsOutdated) { FillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlotsThreaded(); } })); _threadFillGridWebSchedNewPatApptTimeSlots.Start(true); }
///<summary>Gets all tasklists for a given parent. But the 5 trunks don't have parents: For main trunk use date.Min and Parent=0. For Repeating trunk use date.Min isRepeating and Parent=0. For the 3 dated trunks, use a date and a dateType. Date and parent are mutually exclusive. Also used to get all repeating lists for one dateType without any heirarchy: supply parent=-1.</summary> public static TaskList[] Refresh(int parent, DateTime date, TaskDateType dateType, bool isRepeating) { DateTime dateFrom = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime dateTo = DateTime.MaxValue; string where = ""; if (date.Year > 1880) { //date supplied always indicates one of 3 dated trunks. //the value of parent is completely ignored if (dateType == TaskDateType.Day) { dateFrom = date; dateTo = date; } else if (dateType == TaskDateType.Week) { dateFrom = date.AddDays(-(int)date.DayOfWeek); dateTo = dateFrom.AddDays(6); } else if (dateType == TaskDateType.Month) { dateFrom = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); dateTo = dateFrom.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); } where = "DateTL >= " + POut.PDate(dateFrom) + " AND DateTL <= " + POut.PDate(dateTo) + " " + "AND DateType=" + POut.PInt((int)dateType) + " "; } else //no date supplied. { if (parent == 0) //main trunk or repeating trunk { where = "Parent=" + POut.PInt(parent) + " AND DateTL < '1880-01-01'" + " AND IsRepeating=" + POut.PBool(isRepeating) + " "; } else if (parent == -1 && isRepeating) //all repeating items with no heirarchy { where = "IsRepeating=1 " + "AND DateType=" + POut.PInt((int)dateType) + " "; } else //any child { where = "Parent=" + POut.PInt(parent) + " "; //+" AND IsRepeating="+POut.PBool(isRepeating)+" "; } } string command = "SELECT * FROM tasklist " + "WHERE " + where + "ORDER BY DateTimeEntry"; DataTable table = General.GetTable(command); TaskList[] List = new TaskList[table.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { List[i] = new TaskList(); List[i].TaskListNum = PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][0].ToString()); List[i].Descript = PIn.PString(table.Rows[i][1].ToString()); List[i].Parent = PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][2].ToString()); List[i].DateTL = PIn.PDate(table.Rows[i][3].ToString()); List[i].IsRepeating = PIn.PBool(table.Rows[i][4].ToString()); List[i].DateType = (TaskDateType)PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][5].ToString()); List[i].FromNum = PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][6].ToString()); List[i].ObjectType = (TaskObjectType)PIn.PInt(table.Rows[i][7].ToString()); List[i].DateTimeEntry = PIn.PDateT(table.Rows[i][8].ToString()); } return(List); }
private void FillGrid() { int selectedProvNum = 0; if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length == 1) { selectedProvNum = PIn.PInt(table.Rows[gridMain.SelectedIndices[0]]["ProvNum"].ToString()); } int scroll = gridMain.ScrollValue; Providers.Refresh(); int schoolClass = 0; if (groupDentalSchools.Visible && comboClass.SelectedIndex > 0) { schoolClass = SchoolClasses.List[comboClass.SelectedIndex - 1].SchoolClassNum; } bool isAlph = false; if (groupDentalSchools.Visible && checkAlphabetical.Checked) { isAlph = true; } table = Providers.Refresh(schoolClass, isAlph); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "Abbrev"), 60); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "Last Name"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "First Name"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "User Name"), 80); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "Hidden"), 50, HorizontalAlignment.Center); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); if (!PrefB.GetBool("EasyHideDentalSchools")) { col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableProviders", "Class"), 90); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); } gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["Abbr"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString()); if (table.Rows[i]["IsHidden"].ToString() == "1") { row.Cells.Add("X"); } else { row.Cells.Add(""); } if (!PrefB.GetBool("EasyHideDentalSchools")) { if (table.Rows[i]["GradYear"].ToString() != "") { row.Cells.Add(table.Rows[i]["GradYear"].ToString() + "-" + table.Rows[i]["Descript"].ToString()); } else { row.Cells.Add(""); } } //row.Tag gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (table.Rows[i]["ProvNum"].ToString() == selectedProvNum.ToString()) { gridMain.SetSelected(i, true); break; } } gridMain.ScrollValue = scroll; }