Exemple #1
        //remember to call focus outside of this method since it can no longer be called from the form here.
        public static void AddTag(string tagStart, string tagClose, ODcodeBox codeBox)
            int    tempStart  = codeBox.SelectionStart;
            int    tempLength = codeBox.SelectionLength;
            string s          = tagStart + codeBox.SelectedText + tagClose;

            codeBox.SelectedText = s;
            if (tempLength == 0)           //nothing selected, place cursor in middle of new tags
                codeBox.SelectionStart = tempStart + tagStart.Length + tempLength;
                codeBox.SelectionStart  = tempStart + s.Length;
                codeBox.SelectionLength = 0;
Exemple #2
        ///<summary>Validates content, and keywords.  isForSaving can be false if just validating for refresh.</summary>
        public static bool ValidateMarkup(ODcodeBox textContent, bool isForSaving, bool showMsgBox = true, bool isEmail = false)
            MatchCollection matches;
            //xml validation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            string s = textContent.Text;

            //"<",">", and "&"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            s = s.Replace("&", "&amp;");
            s = s.Replace("&amp;<", "&lt;");         //because "&" was changed to "&amp;" in the line above.
            s = s.Replace("&amp;>", "&gt;");         //because "&" was changed to "&amp;" in the line above.
            s = "<body>" + s + "</body>";
            XmlDocument  doc    = new XmlDocument();
            StringReader reader = new StringReader(s);

            try {
            catch (Exception ex) {
                if (showMsgBox)
                //we do it this way to skip checking the main node itself since it's a dummy node.
                if (!isEmail)                 //We are allowing any XHTML markup in emails.
            catch (Exception ex) {
                if (showMsgBox)
            //Cannot have CR within tag definition---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //(?<!&) means only match strings that do not start with an '&'. This is so we can continue to use '&' as an escape character for '<'.
            //<.*?> means anything as short as possible that is contained inside a tag
            MatchCollection tagMatches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text, "(?<!&)<.*?>", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            for (int i = 0; i < tagMatches.Count; i++)
                if (tagMatches[i].ToString().Contains("\n"))
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(tagMatches[i].Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Tag definitions cannot contain a return line:") + " " + tagMatches[i].Value.Replace("\n", ""));
            //wiki image validation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (!isEmail)
                string wikiImagePath = "";
                try {
                    wikiImagePath = WikiPages.GetWikiPath();                  //this also creates folder if it's missing.
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    //do nothing, the wikiImagePath is only important if the user adds an image to the wiki page and is checked below
                matches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text, @"\[\[(img:).*?\]\]");             // [[img:myimage.jpg]]
                if (matches.Count > 0 && PrefC.AtoZfolderUsed == DataStorageType.InDatabase)
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(matches[0].Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Cannot use images in wiki if storing images in database."));
                if (isForSaving)
                    for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                        string imgPath = FileAtoZ.CombinePaths(wikiImagePath, matches[i].Value.Substring(6).Trim(']'));
                        if (!FileAtoZ.Exists(imgPath))
                            if (showMsgBox)
                                MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(matches[i].Index) + " - "
                                                + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Not allowed to save because image does not exist:") + " " + imgPath);
            //Email image validation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (isEmail)
                string emailImagePath = "";
                try {
                    emailImagePath = ImageStore.GetEmailImagePath();
                catch (Exception ex) {
                matches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text, @"\[\[(img:).*?\]\]");
                if (isForSaving)
                    for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                        string imgPath = FileAtoZ.CombinePaths(emailImagePath, matches[i].Value.Substring(6).Trim(']'));
                        if (!FileAtoZ.Exists(imgPath))
                            if (showMsgBox)
                                MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(matches[i].Index) + " - "
                                                + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Not allowed to save because image does not exist: ") + " " + imgPath);
            //List validation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            matches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text, @"\[\[(list:).*?\]\]");         // [[list:CustomList]]
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                if (!WikiLists.CheckExists(match.Value.Substring(7).Trim(']')))
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Wiki list does not exist in database:") + " " + match.Value.Substring(7).Trim(']'));
            //spacing around bullets-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            string[] lines = textContent.Text.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("*"))
                    if (!lines[i].StartsWith("*"))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + (i + 1) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Stars used for lists may not have a space before them."));
                    if (lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("* "))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + (i + 1) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Stars used for lists may not have a space after them."));
                if (lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("#"))
                    if (!lines[i].StartsWith("#"))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + (i + 1) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Hashes used for lists may not have a space before them."));
                    if (lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("# "))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + (i + 1) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Hashes used for lists may not have a space after them."));
            //Invalid characters inside of various tags--------------------------------------------
            matches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text, @"\[\[.*?\]\]");
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                if (match.Value.Contains("\"") && !match.Value.StartsWith("[[color:") && !match.Value.StartsWith("[[font:"))                 //allow colored text to have quotes.
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Link cannot contain double quotes:") + " " + match.Value);
                //This is not needed because our regex doesn't even catch them if the span a line break.  It's just interpreted as plain text.
                //if(match.Value.Contains("\r") || match.Value.Contains("\n")) {
                //	MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this,"Link cannot contain carriage returns: ")+match.Value);
                //	return false;
                if (match.Value.StartsWith("[[img:") ||
                    match.Value.StartsWith("[[keywords:") ||
                    match.Value.StartsWith("[[file:") ||
                    match.Value.StartsWith("[[folder:") ||
                    match.Value.StartsWith("[[list:") ||
                    match.Value.StartsWith("[[color:") ||
                    //other tags
                    if (match.Value.Contains("|"))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "Internal link cannot contain a pipe character:") + " " + match.Value);
            //Table markup rigorously formatted----------------------------------------------------------------------
            //!Width="100"|Column Heading 1!!Width="150"|Column Heading 2!!Width="75"|Column Heading 3
            //|Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3
            //|Cell A||Cell B||Cell C
            //Although rarely needed, it might still come in handy in certain cases, like paste, or when user doesn't add the |} until later, and other hacks.
            matches = Regex.Matches(s, @"\{\|\n.+?\n\|\}", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            //matches = Regex.Matches(textContent.Text,
            //	@"(?<=(?:\n|<body>))" //Checks for preceding newline or beggining of file
            //	+@"\{\|.+?\n\|\}" //Matches the table markup.
            //	+@"(?=(?:\n|</body>))" //Checks for following newline or end of file
            //	,RegexOptions.Singleline);
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                lines = match.Value.Split(new string[] { "{|\n", "\n|-\n", "\n|}" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (!lines[0].StartsWith("!"))
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "The second line of a table markup section must start with ! to indicate column headers."));
                if (lines[0].StartsWith("! "))
                    if (showMsgBox)
                        MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                        + Lans.g(_lanThis, "In the table, at line 2, there cannot be a space after the first !"));
                string[] cells = lines[0].Substring(1).Split(new string[] { "!!" }, StringSplitOptions.None);             //this also strips off the leading !
                for (int c = 0; c < cells.Length; c++)
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(cells[c], @"^(Width="")\d+""\|"))                    //e.g. Width="90"|
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Error at line:") + " " + textContent.GetLineFromCharIndex(match.Index) + " - "
                                            + Lans.g(_lanThis, "In the table markup, each header must be formatted like this: Width=\"#\"|..."));
                for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)           //loop through the lines after the header
                    if (!lines[i].StartsWith("|"))
                        if (showMsgBox)
                            MessageBox.Show(Lans.g(_lanThis, "Table rows must start with |.  At line ") + (i + 1).ToString() + Lans.g(_lanThis, ", this was found instead:")
                                            + lines[i]);