Exemple #1
        ///<summary>Returns true if the given SQL script in strSql contains any commands (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.). Surround with a try/catch.</summary>
        private static bool IsCommandSql(string strSql)
            string trimmedSql = strSql.Trim();          //If a line is completely a comment it may have only a trailing \n to make a subquery on. We need to keep it there.

            //splits the string while accounting for quotes and case/if/concat statements.
            string[] arraySqlExpressions = UserQueries.SplitQuery(UserQueries.RemoveSQLComments(trimmedSql).ToUpper(), false, ";").ToArray();
            //Because of the complexities of parsing through MySQL and the fact that we don't want to take the time to create a fully functional parser
            //for our simple query runner we elected to err on the side of caution.  If there are comments in the middle of the query this section of
            //code will fire a UE.  This is due to the fact that without massive work we cannot intelligently discern if a comment is in the middle of
            //a string being used or if it is a legitimate comment.  Since we cannot know this we want to block more often than may be absolutely
            //necessary to catch people doing anything that could potentially lead to SQL injection attacks.  We thus want to inform the user that simply
            //removing intra-query comments is the necessary fix for their problem.
            for (int i = 0; i < arraySqlExpressions.Length; i++)
                //Clean out any leading comments before we do anything else
                while (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("#") || arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("--") || arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("/*"))
                    if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("/*"))
                        arraySqlExpressions[i] = arraySqlExpressions[i].Remove(0, arraySqlExpressions[i].IndexOf("*/") + 3).Trim();
                    else                      //Comment starting with # or starting with --
                        int endIndex = arraySqlExpressions[i].IndexOf("\n");
                        if (endIndex != -1)                       //This is so it doesn't break if the last line of a command is a comment
                            arraySqlExpressions[i] = arraySqlExpressions[i].Remove(0, arraySqlExpressions[i].IndexOf("\n")).Trim();
                            arraySqlExpressions[i] = arraySqlExpressions[i].Remove(0, arraySqlExpressions[i].Length).Trim();
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                    continue;                                           //Ignore empty SQL statements.
                if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("SELECT")) //We don't care about select queries
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("SET"))
                    //We need to allow SET statements because we use them to set variables in our query examples.
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("UPDATE"))                 //These next we allow if they are on temp tables
                    if (HasNonTempTable("UPDATE", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("ALTER"))
                    if (HasNonTempTable("TABLE", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("CREATE"))                 //CREATE INDEX or CREATE TABLE or CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE
                    int    a       = arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().IndexOf("INDEX");
                    int    b       = arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().IndexOf("TABLE");
                    string keyword = "";
                    if (a == -1 && b == -1)
                        //Invalid command.  Ignore.
                    else if (a != -1 && b == -1)
                        keyword = "INDEX";
                    else if (a == -1 && b != -1)
                        keyword = "TABLE";
                    else if (a != -1 && b != -1)
                        keyword = arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().Substring(Math.Min(a, b), 5);                    //Get the keyword that is closest to the front of the string.
                    if (keyword != "" && HasNonTempTable(keyword, arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("DROP"))                  //DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS]
                    int a = arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().IndexOf("TABLE");
                    //We require exactly one space between these two keywords, because there are all sorts of technically valid ways to write the IF EXISTS which would create a lot of work for us.
                    //Examples "DROP TABLE x IF    EXISTS ...", "DROP TABLE x IF /*comment IF EXISTS*/  EXISTS ...", "DROP TABLE ifexists IF EXISTS /*IF EXISTS*/"
                    int    b       = arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().IndexOf("IF EXISTS");
                    string keyword = "";
                    if (a == -1 && b == -1)
                        //Invalid command.  Ignore.
                    else if (b == -1)
                        keyword = "TABLE";                      //Must have TABLE if it's not invalid
                        keyword = "IF EXISTS";                      //It has the IF EXISTS statement
                    if (keyword != "" && HasNonTempTable(keyword, arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("RENAME"))
                    if (HasNonTempTable("TABLE", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("TRUNCATE"))
                    if (HasNonTempTable("TABLE", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("DELETE"))
                    if (HasNonTempTable("DELETE", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else if (arraySqlExpressions[i].Trim().StartsWith("INSERT"))
                    if (HasNonTempTable("INTO", arraySqlExpressions[i]))
                else                  //All the rest of the commands that we won't allow, even with temp tables, also includes if there are any additional comments embedded.