///<summary></summary> public static void Update(EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd) { if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),ehrSummaryCcd); return; } Crud.EhrSummaryCcdCrud.Update(ehrSummaryCcd); }
///<summary></summary> public static long Insert(EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd){ if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb){ ehrSummaryCcd.EhrSummaryCcdNum=Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),ehrSummaryCcd); return ehrSummaryCcd.EhrSummaryCcdNum; } return Crud.EhrSummaryCcdCrud.Insert(ehrSummaryCcd); }
///<summary></summary> public static long Insert(EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd) { if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { ehrSummaryCcd.EhrSummaryCcdNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ehrSummaryCcd); return(ehrSummaryCcd.EhrSummaryCcdNum); } return(Crud.EhrSummaryCcdCrud.Insert(ehrSummaryCcd)); }
///<summary></summary> public static void Update(EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd) { if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb) { Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ehrSummaryCcd); return; } Crud.EhrSummaryCcdCrud.Update(ehrSummaryCcd); }
private void butRecFile_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg=new OpenFileDialog(); DialogResult result=dlg.ShowDialog(); if(result!=DialogResult.OK){ return; } string text=File.ReadAllText(dlg.FileName); EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd=new EhrSummaryCcd(); ehrSummaryCcd.ContentSummary=text; ehrSummaryCcd.DateSummary=DateTime.Today; ehrSummaryCcd.PatNum=PatCur.PatNum; EhrSummaryCcds.Insert(ehrSummaryCcd); FillGridRec(); DisplayCCD(text,PatCur); }
///<summary>Converts any raw email message (encrypted or not) into an EmailMessage object, and saves any email attachments to the emailattach table in the db. ///The emailMessageNum will be used to set EmailMessage.EmailMessageNum. If emailMessageNum is 0, then the EmailMessage will be inserted into the db, otherwise the EmailMessage will be updated in the db. ///If the raw message is encrypted, then will attempt to decrypt. If decryption fails, then the EmailMessage SentOrReceived will be ReceivedEncrypted and the EmailMessage body will be set to the entire contents of the raw email. If decryption succeeds, then EmailMessage SentOrReceived will be set to ReceivedDirect, the EmailMessage body will contain the decrypted body text, and a Direct Ack "processed" message will be sent back to the sender using the email settings from emailAddressReceiver.</summary> public static EmailMessage ProcessRawEmailMessage(string strRawEmail,long emailMessageNum,EmailAddress emailAddressReceiver) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. Health.Direct.Agent.IncomingMessage inMsg=null; try { inMsg=new Health.Direct.Agent.IncomingMessage(strRawEmail);//Used to parse all email (encrypted or not). } catch(Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to parse raw email message.\r\n"+ex.Message); } bool isEncrypted=false; if(inMsg.Message.ContentType.ToLower().Contains("application/pkcs7-mime")) {//The email MIME/body is encrypted (known as S/MIME). Treated as a Direct message. isEncrypted=true; } EmailMessage emailMessage=null; if(isEncrypted) { emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,false);//Exclude attachments until we decrypt. emailMessage.RawEmailIn=strRawEmail;//This raw email is encrypted. emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.ReceivedEncrypted; //The entire contents of the email are saved in the emailMessage.BodyText field, so that if decryption fails, the email will still be saved to the db for decryption later if possible. emailMessage.BodyText=strRawEmail; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); try { Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent directAgent=GetDirectAgentForEmailAddress(inMsg.Message.ToValue.Trim()); //throw new ApplicationException("test decryption failure"); inMsg=directAgent.ProcessIncoming(inMsg);//Decrypts, valudates trust, etc. emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,true);//If the message was wrapped, then the To, From, Subject and Date can change after decyption. We also need to create the attachments for the decrypted message. emailMessage.RawEmailIn=inMsg.SerializeMessage();//Now that we have decrypted, we must get the raw email contents differently (cannot use strRawEmail). emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.ReceivedDirect; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); } catch(Exception ex) { //SentOrReceived will be ReceivedEncrypted, indicating to the calling code that decryption failed. if(emailMessageNum==0) { EmailMessages.Insert(emailMessage); return emailMessage;//If the message was just downloaded, then this function was called from the inbox, simply return the inserted email without an exception (it can be decypted later manually by the user). } //Do not update if emailMessageNum<>0, because nothing changed (was encrypted and still is). throw ex;//Throw an exception if trying to decrypt an email that was already in the database, so the user can see the error message in the UI. } } else {//Unencrypted emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,true); emailMessage.RawEmailIn=strRawEmail; emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.Received; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); } EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd=null; if(isEncrypted) { for(int i=0;i<emailMessage.Attachments.Count;i++) { if(Path.GetExtension(emailMessage.Attachments[i].ActualFileName).ToLower()!=".xml") { continue; } string strAttachPath=GetEmailAttachPath(); string strAttachFile=ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(strAttachPath,emailMessage.Attachments[i].ActualFileName); string strAttachText=File.ReadAllText(strAttachFile); if(EhrCCD.IsCCD(strAttachText)) { if(emailMessage.PatNum==0) { try { XmlDocument xmlDocCcd=new XmlDocument(); xmlDocCcd.LoadXml(strAttachText); emailMessage.PatNum=EhrCCD.GetCCDpat(xmlDocCcd);// A match is not guaranteed, which is why we have a button to allow the user to change the patient. } catch { //Invalid XML. Cannot match patient. } } ehrSummaryCcd=new EhrSummaryCcd(); ehrSummaryCcd.ContentSummary=strAttachText; ehrSummaryCcd.DateSummary=DateTime.Today; ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum=i;//Temporary value, so we can locate the FK down below. ehrSummaryCcd.PatNum=emailMessage.PatNum; break;//We can only handle one CCD message per email, because we only have one patnum field per email record and the ehrsummaryccd record requires a patnum. } } } if(emailMessageNum==0) { EmailMessages.Insert(emailMessage);//Also inserts all of the attachments in emailMessage.Attachments after setting each attachment EmailMessageNum properly. } else { EmailMessages.Update(emailMessage);//Also deletes all previous attachments, then recreates all of the attachments in emailMessage.Attachments after setting each attachment EmailMessageNum properly. } if(ehrSummaryCcd!=null) { ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum=emailMessage.Attachments[(int)ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum].EmailAttachNum; EhrSummaryCcds.Insert(ehrSummaryCcd); } if(isEncrypted) { //Send a Message Disposition Notification (MDN) message to the sender, as required by the Direct messaging specifications. //The MDN will be attached to the same patient as the incoming message. SendAckDirect(inMsg,emailAddressReceiver,emailMessage.PatNum); } return emailMessage; }
///<summary>Converts any raw email message (encrypted or not) into an EmailMessage object, and saves any email attachments to the emailattach table in the db. ///The emailMessageNum will be used to set EmailMessage.EmailMessageNum. If emailMessageNum is 0, then the EmailMessage will be inserted into the db, otherwise the EmailMessage will be updated in the db. ///If the raw message is encrypted, then will attempt to decrypt. If decryption fails, then the EmailMessage SentOrReceived will be ReceivedEncrypted and the EmailMessage body will be set to the entire contents of the raw email. ///If decryption succeeds, then EmailMessage SentOrReceived will be set to ReceivedDirect, the EmailMessage body will contain the decrypted body text, and a Direct Ack "processed" message will be sent back to the sender using the email settings from emailAddressReceiver. ///Set isAck to true if decrypting a direct message, false otherwise.</summary> public static EmailMessage ProcessRawEmailMessageIn(string strRawEmail,long emailMessageNum,EmailAddress emailAddressReceiver,bool isAck) { //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db. Health.Direct.Agent.IncomingMessage inMsg=RawEmailToIncomingMessage(strRawEmail); bool isEncrypted=IsReceivedMessageEncrypted(inMsg); EmailMessage emailMessage=null; if(isEncrypted) { emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,false,false);//Exclude attachments until we decrypt. emailMessage.RawEmailIn=strRawEmail;//The raw encrypted email, including the message, the attachments, and the signature. The body of the encrypted email is just a base64 string until decrypted. emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.ReceivedEncrypted; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); //The entire contents of the email are saved in the emailMessage.BodyText field, so that if decryption fails, the email will still be saved to the db for decryption later if possible. emailMessage.BodyText=strRawEmail; try { inMsg=DecryptIncomingMessage(inMsg); emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,true,false);//If the message was wrapped, then the To, From, Subject and Date can change after decyption. We also need to create the attachments for the decrypted message. emailMessage.RawEmailIn=strRawEmail;//The raw encrypted email, including the message, the attachments, and the signature. The body of the encrypted email is just a base64 string until decrypted. emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.ReceivedDirect; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); if(inMsg.HasSenderSignatures) { for(int i=0;i<inMsg.SenderSignatures.Count;i++) { EmailAttach emailAttach=EmailAttaches.CreateAttach("smime.p7s","",inMsg.SenderSignatures[i].Certificate.GetRawCertData(),false); emailMessage.Attachments.Add(emailAttach); } } } catch(Exception ex) { //SentOrReceived will be ReceivedEncrypted, indicating to the calling code that decryption failed. //The decryption step may have failed due to an untrusted sender, in which case the decrypting actually took place and the signature was extracted. //We add the signature to the email message so it will show up next to the email message in the inbox and make it easier for the user to add trust for the sender. if(inMsg.HasSenderSignatures) { for(int i=0;i<inMsg.SenderSignatures.Count;i++) { EmailAttach emailAttach=EmailAttaches.CreateAttach("smime.p7s","",inMsg.SenderSignatures[i].Certificate.GetRawCertData(),false); emailMessage.Attachments.Add(emailAttach); } } if(emailMessageNum==0) { EmailMessages.Insert(emailMessage); return emailMessage;//If the message was just downloaded, then this function was called from the inbox, simply return the inserted email without an exception (it can be decypted later manually by the user). } //Do not update if emailMessageNum<>0, because nothing changed (was encrypted and still is). throw ex;//Throw an exception if trying to decrypt an email that was already in the database, so the user can see the error message in the UI. } } else {//Unencrypted emailMessage=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(inMsg.Message,true,false); emailMessage.RawEmailIn=strRawEmail; emailMessage.EmailMessageNum=emailMessageNum; emailMessage.SentOrReceived=EmailSentOrReceived.Received; emailMessage.RecipientAddress=emailAddressReceiver.EmailUsername.Trim(); } EhrSummaryCcd ehrSummaryCcd=null; if(isEncrypted) { for(int i=0;i<emailMessage.Attachments.Count;i++) { if(Path.GetExtension(emailMessage.Attachments[i].ActualFileName).ToLower()!=".xml") { continue; } string strAttachPath=EmailAttaches.GetAttachPath(); string strAttachFile=ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(strAttachPath,emailMessage.Attachments[i].ActualFileName); string strAttachText=File.ReadAllText(strAttachFile); if(EhrCCD.IsCCD(strAttachText)) { if(emailMessage.PatNum==0) { try { XmlDocument xmlDocCcd=new XmlDocument(); xmlDocCcd.LoadXml(strAttachText); emailMessage.PatNum=EhrCCD.GetCCDpat(xmlDocCcd);// A match is not guaranteed, which is why we have a button to allow the user to change the patient. } catch { //Invalid XML. Cannot match patient. } } ehrSummaryCcd=new EhrSummaryCcd(); ehrSummaryCcd.ContentSummary=strAttachText; ehrSummaryCcd.DateSummary=DateTime.Today; ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum=i;//Temporary value, so we can locate the FK down below. ehrSummaryCcd.PatNum=emailMessage.PatNum; break;//We can only handle one CCD message per email, because we only have one patnum field per email record and the ehrsummaryccd record requires a patnum. } } } if(emailMessageNum==0) { EmailMessages.Insert(emailMessage);//Also inserts all of the attachments in emailMessage.Attachments after setting each attachment EmailMessageNum properly. } else { EmailMessages.Update(emailMessage);//Also deletes all previous attachments, then recreates all of the attachments in emailMessage.Attachments after setting each attachment EmailMessageNum properly. } if(ehrSummaryCcd!=null) { ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum=emailMessage.Attachments[(int)ehrSummaryCcd.EmailAttachNum].EmailAttachNum; EhrSummaryCcds.Insert(ehrSummaryCcd); } if(isEncrypted && isAck) { //Send a Message Disposition Notification (MDN) message to the sender, as required by the Direct messaging specifications. //The MDN will be attached to the same patient as the incoming message. SendAckDirect(inMsg,emailAddressReceiver,emailMessage.PatNum); } return emailMessage; }