Exemple #1
        ///<summary>Validates and throws exceptions.  Deletes automatic adjustments that fall within the pay period.</summary>
        public static List <TimeAdjust> GetListForTimeCardManage(long empNum, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <TimeAdjust> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), empNum, fromDate, toDate));
            List <TimeAdjust> retVal = new List <TimeAdjust>();
            //List<TimeAdjust> listTimeAdjusts=new List<TimeAdjust>();
            string command =
                "SELECT * FROM timeadjust WHERE "
                + "EmployeeNum = " + POut.Long(empNum) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " >= " + POut.Date(fromDate) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " <= " + POut.Date(toDate) + " "
                + "ORDER BY TimeEntry";

            //Delete automatic adjustments.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //for(int i=0;i<listTimeAdjusts.Count;i++) {
            //	if(!listTimeAdjusts[i].IsAuto) {//skip and never delete manual adjustments
            //		retVal.Add(listTimeAdjusts[i]);
            //		continue;
            //	}
            //	TimeAdjusts.Delete(listTimeAdjusts[i]);//delete auto adjustments for current pay period
            //none necessary at this time.
            //return retVal;
Exemple #2
        public static int GetRecallUndoCount(DateTime date)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetInt(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), date));
            string command = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM commlog "
                             + "WHERE " + DbHelper.DateColumn("CommDateTime") + " = " + POut.Date(date) + " "
                             + "AND (SELECT ItemValue FROM definition WHERE definition.DefNum=commlog.CommType) ='" + CommItemTypeAuto.RECALL.ToString() + "'";

Exemple #3
        public static void RecallUndo(DateTime date)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), date);
            string command = "DELETE FROM commlog "
                             + "WHERE " + DbHelper.DateColumn("CommDateTime") + " = " + POut.Date(date) + " "
                             + "AND (SELECT ItemValue FROM definition WHERE definition.DefNum=commlog.CommType) ='" + CommItemTypeAuto.RECALL.ToString() + "'";

Exemple #4
        ///<summary>For a given date, gets a list of dateTimes of missed calls.  Gets directly from the Asterisk database, hard-coded.</summary>
        public static List <DateTime> GetMissedCalls(DateTime date)
            DataConnection dcon    = new DataConnection("", "asteriskcdrdb", "opendental", "secret", DatabaseType.MySql);
            string         command = "SELECT calldate FROM cdr WHERE " + DbHelper.DateColumn("calldate") + " = " + POut.Date(date) + " "
                                     + "AND (dcontext='ext-group' OR dcontext='ext-local') AND dst='vmu998'";
            List <DateTime> retVal = new List <DateTime>();
            DataTable       table  = dcon.GetTable(command);

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
Exemple #5
        public static List <TimeAdjust> Refresh(long empNum, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <TimeAdjust> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), empNum, fromDate, toDate));
            string command =
                "SELECT * FROM timeadjust WHERE "
                + "EmployeeNum = " + POut.Long(empNum) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " >= " + POut.Date(fromDate) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " <= " + POut.Date(toDate) + " "
                + "ORDER BY TimeEntry";

Exemple #6
        ///<summary>Get all sheets for a patient for today.</summary>
        public static List <Sheet> GetForPatientForToday(long patNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <Sheet> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum));
            string datesql = "CURDATE()";

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                datesql = "(SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM dual)";
            string command = "SELECT * FROM sheet WHERE PatNum=" + POut.Long(patNum)
                             + " AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTimeSheet") + " = " + datesql;

Exemple #7
        ///<summary>Returns all sheets for the given patient in the given date range which have a description matching the examDescript in a case insensitive manner. If examDescript is blank, then sheets with any description are returned.</summary>
        public static List <Sheet> GetExamSheetsTable(long patNum, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string examDescript)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <Sheet> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, startDate, endDate, examDescript));
            string command = "SELECT * "
                             + "FROM sheet WHERE PatNum=" + POut.Long(patNum) + " "
                             + "AND SheetType=" + POut.Int((int)SheetTypeEnum.ExamSheet) + " ";

            if (examDescript != "")
                command += "AND Description LIKE '%" + POut.String(examDescript) + "%' ";          //case insensitive text matches
            command += "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTimeSheet") + ">=" + POut.Date(startDate) + " AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTimeSheet") + "<=" + POut.Date(endDate) + " "
                       + "ORDER BY DateTimeSheet";
Exemple #8
        ///<summary>Returns all automatically generated timeAdjusts for a given employee between the date range (inclusive).</summary>
        internal static List <TimeAdjust> GetSimpleListAuto(long employeeNum, DateTime startDate, DateTime stopDate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <TimeAdjust> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), employeeNum, startDate, stopDate));
            List <TimeAdjust> retVal = new List <TimeAdjust>();
            //List<TimeAdjust> listTimeAdjusts=new List<TimeAdjust>();
            string command =
                "SELECT * FROM timeadjust WHERE "
                + "EmployeeNum = " + POut.Long(employeeNum) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " >= " + POut.Date(startDate) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " < " + POut.Date(stopDate.AddDays(1)) + " "       //add one day to go the end of the specified date.
                + "AND IsAuto=1";

Exemple #9
        ///<summary>Validates and throws exceptions. Gets all time adjusts between date range and time adjusts made during the current work week. </summary>
        public static List <TimeAdjust> GetValidList(long empNum, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <TimeAdjust> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), empNum, fromDate, toDate));
            List <TimeAdjust> retVal  = new List <TimeAdjust>();
            string            command =
                "SELECT * FROM timeadjust WHERE "
                + "EmployeeNum = " + POut.Long(empNum) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " >= " + POut.Date(fromDate) + " "
                + "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " <= " + POut.Date(toDate) + " "
                + "ORDER BY TimeEntry";

            retVal = Crud.TimeAdjustCrud.SelectMany(command);
            //none necessary at this time.
Exemple #10
        public static DataTable GetLetterMergeInfo(Patient PatCur, LetterMerge letter)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), PatCur, letter));
            //jsparks- This is messy and prone to bugs.  It needs to be reworked to work just like
            //in SheetFiller.FillFieldsInStaticText.  Just grab a bunch of separate objects
            //instead of one result row.
            string command;

            //We need a very small table that tells us which tp is the most recent.
            //command="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temptp;";
            //command=@"CREATE TABLE temptp(
            //	DateTP date NOT NULL default '0001-01-01')";
            //command+=@"CREATE TABLE temptp
            //	SELECT MAX(treatplan.DateTP) DateTP
            //	FROM treatplan
            //	WHERE PatNum="+POut.PInt(PatCur.PatNum)+";";
            command  = "SET @maxTpDate=(SELECT MAX(treatplan.DateTP) FROM treatplan WHERE PatNum=" + POut.Long(PatCur.PatNum) + ");";
            command += "SELECT ";
            for (int i = 0; i < letter.Fields.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    command += ",";
                if (letter.Fields[i] == "NextAptNum")
                    command += "MAX(plannedappt.AptNum) NextAptNum";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "TPResponsPartyNameFL")
                    command += DbHelper.Concat("MAX(patResp.FName)", "' '", "MAX(patResp.LName)") + " TPResponsPartyNameFL";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "TPResponsPartyAddress")
                    command += "MAX(patResp.Address) TPResponsPartyAddress";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "TPResponsPartyCityStZip")
                    command += DbHelper.Concat("MAX(patResp.City)", "', '", "MAX(patResp.State)", "' '", "MAX(patResp.Zip)") + " TPResponsPartyCityStZip";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "SiteDescription")
                    command += "MAX(site.Description) SiteDescription";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "DateOfLastSavedTP")
                    command += DbHelper.DateColumn("MAX(treatplan.DateTP)") + " DateOfLastSavedTP";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "DateRecallDue")
                    command += "MAX(recall.DateDue)  DateRecallDue";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "CarrierName")
                    command += "MAX(CarrierName) CarrierName";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "CarrierAddress")
                    command += "MAX(carrier.Address) CarrierAddress";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "CarrierCityStZip")
                    command += DbHelper.Concat("MAX(carrier.City)", "', '", "MAX(carrier.State)", "' '", "MAX(carrier.Zip)") + " CarrierCityStZip";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "SubscriberNameFL")
                    command += DbHelper.Concat("MAX(patSubsc.FName)", "' '", "MAX(patSubsc.LName)") + " SubscriberNameFL";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "SubscriberID")
                    command += "MAX(inssub.SubscriberID) SubscriberID";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "NextSchedAppt")
                    command += "MIN(appointment.AptDateTime) NextSchedAppt";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "Age")
                    command += "MAX(patient.Birthdate) BirthdateForAge";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "Guarantor")
                    command += DbHelper.Concat("MAX(patGuar.FName)", "' '", "MAX(patGuar.LName)") + " Guarantor";
                else if (letter.Fields[i] == "GradeSchool")
                    command += "MAX(site.Description) GradeSchool";
                else if (letter.Fields[i].StartsWith("referral."))
                    command += "MAX(referral." + letter.Fields[i].Substring(9) + ") " + letter.Fields[i].Substring(9);
                    command += "MAX(patient." + letter.Fields[i] + ") " + letter.Fields[i];
            command += " FROM patient "
                       + "LEFT JOIN refattach ON patient.PatNum=refattach.PatNum AND refattach.IsFrom=1 "
                       + "LEFT JOIN referral ON refattach.ReferralNum=referral.ReferralNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN plannedappt ON plannedappt.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND plannedappt.ItemOrder=1 "
                       + "LEFT JOIN site ON patient.SiteNum=site.SiteNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN treatplan ON patient.PatNum=treatplan.PatNum AND DateTP=@maxTpDate "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patient patResp ON treatplan.ResponsParty=patResp.PatNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN recall ON recall.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                       + "AND (recall.RecallTypeNum=" + POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.RecallTypeSpecialProphy))
                       + " OR recall.RecallTypeNum=" + POut.Long(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.RecallTypeSpecialPerio)) + ") "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patplan ON patplan.PatNum=patient.PatNum AND Ordinal=1 "
                       + "LEFT JOIN inssub ON patplan.InsSubNum=inssub.InsSubNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN insplan ON inssub.PlanNum=insplan.PlanNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patient patSubsc ON patSubsc.PatNum=inssub.Subscriber "
                       + "LEFT JOIN appointment ON appointment.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                       + "AND AptStatus=" + POut.Long((int)ApptStatus.Scheduled) + " "
                       + "AND AptDateTime > " + DbHelper.Now() + " "
                       + "LEFT JOIN patient patGuar ON patGuar.PatNum=patient.Guarantor "
                       + "WHERE patient.PatNum=" + POut.Long(PatCur.PatNum)
                       + " GROUP BY patient.PatNum "
                       + "ORDER BY refattach.ItemOrder";
Exemple #11
        ///<summary>Gets data for the history grid in the SendClaims window.</summary>
        public static DataTable RefreshHistory(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo));
            string command = "Select CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName) AS PatName,carrier.CarrierName,"
                             + "clearinghouse.Description AS Clearinghouse,DateTimeTrans,etrans.OfficeSequenceNumber,"
                             + "etrans.CarrierTransCounter,Etype,etrans.ClaimNum,etrans.EtransNum,etrans.AckCode,etrans.Note "
                             + "FROM etrans "
                             + "LEFT JOIN carrier ON etrans.CarrierNum=carrier.CarrierNum "
                             + "LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=etrans.PatNum "
                             + "LEFT JOIN clearinghouse ON clearinghouse.ClearinghouseNum=etrans.ClearinghouseNum WHERE "
                             //	command+="TO_";
                             + DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTimeTrans") + " >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " AND "
                             //	command+="TO_";
                             + DbHelper.DateColumn("DateTimeTrans") + " <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " "
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.Acknowledge_997) + " "
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.Acknowledge_999) + " "
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.BenefitInquiry270) + " "
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.BenefitResponse271) + " "
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.AckError) + " "
                                                                                                   //We exclude canadian transaction response types, since the responses can be accessed from the request transaction inside of the claim history portion of FormSendClaims.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimAck_CA) + " "        //Could be attached to a claim, cob claim or ROT.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimEOB_CA) + " "        //Could be attached to a claim, cob claim or ROT.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.EligResponse_CA) + " "    //Will always be attached to an Eligibility request.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.EmailResponse_CA) + " "   //Will always be attached to a Request for Outstanding Transactions (ROT).
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.OutstandingAck_CA) + " "  //Will always be attached to an ROT.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.PaymentResponse_CA) + " " //Will always be attached to a Request for Payment Reconciliation (RPR).
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.PredetermAck_CA) + " "    //Could be attached to a Predetermination request or an ROT.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.PredetermEOB_CA) + " "    //Could be attached to a Predetermination request or an ROT.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.ReverseResponse_CA) + " " //Will always be attached to a Reversal request.
                             + "AND Etype!=" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.SummaryResponse_CA) + " " //Will always be attached to a Request for Summary Reconciliation (RSR).
                                                                                                   //For Canada, when the undo button is used from Manage | Send Claims, the ClaimNum is set to 0 instead of deleting the etrans entry.
                                                                                                   //For transaction types related to claims where the claimnum=0, we do not want them to show in the history section of Manage | Send Claims because they have been undone.
                             + "AND (ClaimNum<>0 OR Etype NOT IN (" + POut.Long((int)EtransType.Claim_CA) + "," + POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimCOB_CA) + "," + POut.Long((int)EtransType.Predeterm_CA) + "," + POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimReversal_CA) + ")) "
                             + "ORDER BY DateTimeTrans";
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            DataTable tHist = new DataTable("Table");

            DataRow row;
            string  etype;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                row                         = tHist.NewRow();
                row["patName"]              = table.Rows[i]["PatName"].ToString();
                row["CarrierName"]          = table.Rows[i]["CarrierName"].ToString();
                row["Clearinghouse"]        = table.Rows[i]["Clearinghouse"].ToString();
                row["dateTimeTrans"]        = PIn.DateT(table.Rows[i]["DateTimeTrans"].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                row["OfficeSequenceNumber"] = table.Rows[i]["OfficeSequenceNumber"].ToString();
                row["CarrierTransCounter"]  = table.Rows[i]["CarrierTransCounter"].ToString();
                row["Etype"]                = table.Rows[i]["Etype"].ToString();
                etype                       = Lans.g("enumEtransType", ((EtransType)PIn.Long(table.Rows[i]["Etype"].ToString())).ToString());
                if (etype.EndsWith("_CA"))
                    etype = etype.Substring(0, etype.Length - 3);
                row["etype"]     = etype;
                row["ClaimNum"]  = table.Rows[i]["ClaimNum"].ToString();
                row["EtransNum"] = table.Rows[i]["EtransNum"].ToString();
                if (table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString() == "A")
                    row["ack"] = Lans.g("Etrans", "Accepted");
                else if (table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString() == "R")
                    row["ack"] = Lans.g("Etrans", "Rejected");
                row["Note"] = table.Rows[i]["Note"].ToString();
Exemple #12
        ///<summary>Used when printing or emailing recall to make a commlog entry without any display.</summary>
        public static void InsertForRecall(long patNum, CommItemMode _mode, int numberOfReminders, long defNumNewStatus)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, _mode, numberOfReminders, defNumNewStatus);
            long   recallType = Commlogs.GetTypeAuto(CommItemTypeAuto.RECALL);
            string command;
            string datesql = "CURDATE()";

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                datesql = "(SELECT CURRENT_DATE FROM dual)";
            if (recallType != 0)
                command  = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM commlog WHERE ";
                command += DbHelper.DateColumn("CommDateTime") + " = " + datesql;
                command += " AND PatNum=" + POut.Long(patNum) + " AND CommType=" + POut.Long(recallType)
                           + " AND Mode_=" + POut.Long((int)_mode)
                           + " AND SentOrReceived=1";
                if (Db.GetCount(command) != "0")
            Commlog com = new Commlog();

            com.PatNum         = patNum;
            com.CommDateTime   = DateTime.Now;
            com.CommType       = recallType;
            com.Mode_          = _mode;
            com.SentOrReceived = CommSentOrReceived.Sent;
            com.Note           = "";
            if (numberOfReminders == 0)
                com.Note = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Recall reminder.");
            else if (numberOfReminders == 1)
                com.Note = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Second recall reminder.");
            else if (numberOfReminders == 2)
                com.Note = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Third recall reminder.");
                com.Note = Lans.g("FormRecallList", "Recall reminder:") + " " + (numberOfReminders + 1).ToString();
            if (defNumNewStatus == 0)
                com.Note += "  " + Lans.g("Commlogs", "Status None");
                com.Note += "  " + DefC.GetName(DefCat.RecallUnschedStatus, defNumNewStatus);
            com.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
Exemple #13
        ///<summary>Computes aging for the family specified. Specify guarantor=0 in order to calculate aging for all families.
        ///Gets all info from database.
        ///The aging calculation will use the following rules within each family:
        ///1) The aging "buckets" (0 to 30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90 and Over 90) ONLY include account activity on or
        ///before AsOfDate.
        ///2) BalTotal will always include all account activity, even future entries, except when in historical
        ///mode, where BalTotal will exclude account activity after AsOfDate.
        ///3) InsEst will always include all insurance estimates, even future estimates, except when in
        ///historical mode where InsEst excludes insurance estimates after AsOfDate.
        ///4) PayPlanDue will always include all payment plan charges minus credits, except when in
        ///historical mode where PayPlanDue excludes payment plan charges and payments after AsOfDate.</summary>
        public static void ComputeAging(long guarantor, DateTime AsOfDate, bool historic)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), guarantor, AsOfDate, historic);
            //Zero out either entire database or entire family.
            //Need to zero everything out first to catch former guarantors.
            string command = "UPDATE patient SET "
                             + "Bal_0_30   = 0"
                             + ",Bal_31_60 = 0"
                             + ",Bal_61_90 = 0"
                             + ",BalOver90 = 0"
                             + ",InsEst    = 0"
                             + ",BalTotal  = 0"
                             + ",PayPlanDue= 0";

            if (guarantor != 0)
                command += " WHERE Guarantor=" + POut.Long(guarantor);
            if (AsOfDate.Year < 1880)
                AsOfDate = DateTime.Today;
            string asOfDate          = POut.Date(AsOfDate);
            string billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));

            if (historic)
                billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string familyPatNums = "";
            Collection <string> familyPatNumList = new Collection <string> ();

            if (guarantor != 0)
                familyPatNums = "(";
                command       = "SELECT p.PatNum FROM patient p WHERE p.Guarantor=" + guarantor;
                DataTable tFamilyPatNums = Db.GetTable(command);
                for (int i = 0; i < tFamilyPatNums.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        familyPatNums += ",";
                    string patNum = tFamilyPatNums.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                    familyPatNums += patNum;
                familyPatNums += ")";
            //We use temporary tables using the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax here so that any temporary
            //tables created are specific to the current database connection and no actual files are created
            //in the database. This will prevent rogue files from collecting in the live database, and will
            //prevent aging calculations on one computer from affecting the aging calculations on another computer.
            //Unfortunately, this has one side effect, which is that our connector reopens the
            //connection every time a command is run, so the temporary tables only last for a single
            //command. To get around this issue, we run the aging script as a single command/script.
            //Unfortunately, the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax gets replicated if MySQL replication is enabled,
            //which becomes a problem becauase the command is then no longer connection specific. Therefore,
            //to accomodate to the few offices using database replication with MySQL, when creating the temporary aging tables,
            //we append a random string to the temporary table names so the possibility to temporary table
            //name collision is practically zero.
            //Create a temporary table to calculate aging into temporarily, so that the patient table is
            //not being changed by multiple threads if more than one user is calculating aging.
            //Since a temporary table is dropped automatically only when the connection is closed,
            //and since we use connection pooling, drop them before using.
            string tempTableSuffix           = CodeBase.MiscUtils.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(14);//max size for a table name in oracle is 30 chars.
            string tempAgingTableName        = "tempaging" + tempTableSuffix;
            string tempOdAgingTransTableName = "tempodagingtrans" + tempTableSuffix;

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum NUMBER," +
                          "Guarantor NUMBER," +
                          "Charges_0_30 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum bigint," +
                          "Guarantor bigint," +
                          "Charges_0_30 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            if (guarantor == 0)
                //We insert all of the patient numbers and guarantor numbers only when we are running aging for everyone,
                //since we do not want to examine every patient record when running aging for a single family.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) " +
                           "SELECT p.PatNum,p.Guarantor " +
                           "FROM patient p;";
                //When there is only one patient that aging is being calculated for, then the indexes actually
                //slow the calculation down slightly, but they significantly improve the speed when aging is being
                //calculated for all familes.
                if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum);";
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUAR ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (Guarantor);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM (PatNum);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUARANTOR (Guarantor);";
                //Manually create insert statements to avoid having the database system visit every patient record again.
                //In my testing, this saves about 0.25 seconds on an individual family aging calculation on my machine in MySQL.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) VALUES ";
                for (int i = 0; i < familyPatNumList.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        command += ",";
                    command += "(" + familyPatNumList[i] + "," + guarantor + ")";
                command += ";";
            //Create another temporary table which holds a very concise summary of the entire office transaction history,
            //so that all transactions can be treated as either a general credit or a general charge in the aging calculation.
            //Since we are recreating a temporary table with the same name as last time aging was run,
            //the old temporary table gets wiped out.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT TO_DATE('0001-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')," +
                           "TranAmount NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum bigint," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT '0001-01-01'," +
                           "TranAmount DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            //Get the completed procedure dates and charges for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pl.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pl.ProcDate TranDate," +
                       "pl.ProcFee*(pl.UnitQty+pl.BaseUnits) TranAmount " +
                       "FROM procedurelog pl " +
                       "WHERE pl.ProcStatus=2 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pl.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Paysplits for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT ps.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "ps.ProcDate TranDate," +
                       "-ps.SplitAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM paysplit ps " +
                       "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum=0 " +                //Only splits not attached to payment plans.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND ps.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Get the adjustment dates and amounts for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT a.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "a.AdjDate TranDate," +
                       "a.AdjAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM adjustment a " +
                       "WHERE a.AdjAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND a.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Claim payments and capitation writeoffs for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT cp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "cp.DateCp TranDate," +                        //Always use DateCP rather than ProcDate to calculate the date of a claim payment.
                       "-cp.InsPayAmt-cp.Writeoff TranAmount " +
                       "FROM claimproc cp " +
                       "WHERE cp.status IN (1,4,5,7) " +                //received, supplemental, CapClaim or CapComplete.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Payment plan principal for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pp.PayPlanDate TranDate," +
                       "-pp.CompletedAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM payplan pp " +
                       "WHERE pp.CompletedAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                //The aging calculation buckets, insurance estimates, and payment plan due amounts are
                //not yet calculated for Oracle as they have not been needed yet. Just calculates
                //account balance totals.
                string tempTotalsTableName = "temptotals" + tempTableSuffix;
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempTotalsTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER DEFAULT 0," +
                           "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempTotalsTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNU ON " + tempTotalsTableName + " (PatNum);";
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempTotalsTableName + " " +
                           "SELECT PatNum,ROUND(SUM(TranAmount),2) FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName +
                           "GROUP BY PatNum;";
                command += "UPDATE patient p " +
                           "SET p.BalTotal=(SELECT t.BalTotal FROM " + tempTotalsTableName + " t WHERE t.PatNum=p.PatNum " + DbHelper.LimitAnd(1) + ");";
                //Now that we have all of the pertinent transaction history, we will calculate all of the charges for
                //the associated patients.
                //Calculate over 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'chargesOver90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) chargesOver90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.ChargesOver90=chargesOver90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=chargesOver90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 61 to 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_61_90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_61_90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_61_90=charges_61_90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_61_90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 31 to 60 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_31_60'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_31_60 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_31_60=charges_31_60.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_31_60.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 0 to 30 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_0_30'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_0_30 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_0_30=charges_0_30.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_0_30.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total credits each patient has ever received so we can apply the credits to the aged charges below.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total credits for each patient and store the results in memory table 'credits'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,-SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCredits FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) credits " +
                           //Update the total credit for each patient into the tempaging table.
                           "SET a.TotalCredits=credits.TotalCredits " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=credits.PatNum;";
                //Calculate claim estimates for each patient individually on or before the specified date.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the insurance estimates for each patient and store the results into
                           //memory table 't'.
                           "(SELECT cp.PatNum,SUM(cp.InsPayEst+cp.Writeoff) InsEst " +
                           "FROM claimproc cp " +
                           "WHERE cp.PatNum<>0 " +
                           (historic?(" AND ((cp.Status=0 AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ") OR " +
                                      "(cp.Status=1 AND cp.DateCP>" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ")) AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):" AND cp.Status=0 ") +
                           (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums + " ")) +
                           "GROUP BY cp.PatNum) t " + //not received claims.
                                                      //Update the tempaging table with the insurance estimates for each patient.
                           "SET a.InsEst=t.InsEst " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=t.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the payment plan charges for each payment plan guarantor
                //on or before the specified date (also considering the PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays setting).
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ppc.Guarantor,IFNULL(SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest),0) PayPlanCharges " +
                           "FROM payplancharge ppc " +
                           "WHERE ppc.ChargeDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(billInAdvanceDate) + " " +        //bill in adv. date accounts for historic vs current because of how it is set above.
                           "GROUP BY ppc.Guarantor) c " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=c.PayPlanCharges " +
                           "WHERE c.Guarantor=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total payments made to each payment plan
                //on or before the specified date and store the results in memory table 'p'.
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ps.PatNum,SUM(ps.SplitAmt) PayPlanPayments " +
                           "FROM paysplit ps " +
                           "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum<>0 " +            //only payments attached to payment plans.
                           (historic?(" AND ps.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):"") +
                           "GROUP BY ps.PatNum) p " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=a.PayPlanDue-p.PayPlanPayments " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total balance for each patient.
                //In historical mode, only transactions on or before AsOfDate will be included.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total balance for each patient and
                           //place the results into memory table 'totals'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) BalTotal FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<>0 " + (historic?(" AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate)):"") + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) totals " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.BalTotal=totals.BalTotal " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=totals.PatNum;";
                //Update the family aged balances onto the guarantor rows of the patient table
                //by placing credits on oldest charges first, then on younger charges.
                command += "UPDATE patient p," +
                           //Sum each colum within each family group inside of the tempaging table so that we are now
                           //using family amounts instead of individual patient amounts, and store the result into
                           //memory table 'f'.
                           "(SELECT a.Guarantor,SUM(a.Charges_0_30) Charges_0_30,SUM(a.Charges_31_60) Charges_31_60," +
                           "SUM(a.Charges_61_90) Charges_61_90,SUM(a.ChargesOver90) ChargesOver90," +
                           "SUM(TotalCredits) TotalCredits,SUM(InsEst) InsEst,SUM(PayPlanDue) PayPlanDue," +
                           "SUM(BalTotal) BalTotal " +
                           "FROM " + tempAgingTableName + " a " +
                           "GROUP BY a.Guarantor) f " +
                           //Perform the update of the patient table based on the family amounts summed into table 'f', and
                           //distribute the payments into the oldest balances first.
                           "SET " +
                           "p.BalOver90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //over 90 balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits>=f.ChargesOver90 THEN 0 " +
                           //over 90 balance partially paid or unpaid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_61_90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<=f.ChargesOver90 THEN f.Charges_61_90 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_31_60=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90 THEN f.Charges_31_60 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_0_30=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60 THEN f.Charges_0_30 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.BalTotal=ROUND(f.BalTotal,2)," +
                           "p.InsEst=ROUND(f.InsEst,2)," +
                           "p.PayPlanDue=ROUND(f.PayPlanDue,2) " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=f.Guarantor;";     //Aging calculations only apply to guarantors.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
Exemple #14
        /// <param name="isPrintReport">Only applicable to ODHQ. If true, will add ADP pay numer and note. The query takes about 9 seconds if this is set top true vs. about 2 seconds if set to false.</param>
        public static string GetTimeCardManageCommand(DateTime startDate, DateTime stopDate, bool isPrintReport)
            string command = @"SELECT clockevent.EmployeeNum,";

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.DistributorKey) && isPrintReport)             //OD HQ
                command += "COALESCE(wikilist_employees.ADPNum,'NotInList') AS ADPNum,";
            command += @"employee.FName,employee.LName,
						+(TIME_TO_SEC(tempclockevent.OverTime)+TIME_TO_SEC(IFNULL(temptimeadjust.AdjOTime,0)))) AS tempTotalTime,
						+TIME_TO_SEC(tempclockevent.AdjEvent)+TIME_TO_SEC(IFNULL(temptimeadjust.AdjReg,0))) AS tempRegHrs,
					SEC_TO_TIME(TIME_TO_SEC(tempclockevent.OverTime)+TIME_TO_SEC(IFNULL(temptimeadjust.AdjOTime,0))) AS tempOverTime,
					IFNULL(tempclockevent.Rate2Hours,'00:00:00') AS differential,
					SEC_TO_TIME(TIME_TO_SEC(tempbreak.BreakTime)+TIME_TO_SEC(AdjEvent)) AS BreakTime "                    ;
            if (isPrintReport)
                command += ",tempclockevent.Note ";
            command += @"FROM clockevent	
				LEFT JOIN (SELECT ce.EmployeeNum,SEC_TO_TIME(IFNULL(SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ce.TimeDisplayed2)),0)-IFNULL(SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ce.TimeDisplayed1)),0)) AS TotalTime,
					SEC_TO_TIME(IFNULL(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(CASE WHEN ce.OTimeHours='-01:00:00' THEN ce.OTimeAuto ELSE ce.OTimeHours END)),0)) AS OverTime,
					SEC_TO_TIME(IFNULL(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(CASE WHEN ce.AdjustIsOverridden='1' THEN ce.Adjust ELSE ce.AdjustAuto END)),0)) AS AdjEvent,
					SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CASE WHEN ce.Rate2Hours='-01:00:00' THEN ce.Rate2Auto ELSE ce.Rate2Hours END))) AS Rate2Hours"                    ;
            if (isPrintReport)
                command += @",
					(SELECT CASE WHEN cev.Note !="""" THEN cev.Note ELSE """" END FROM clockevent cev 
						WHERE cev.TimeDisplayed1 >= "                         + POut.Date(startDate) + @"
						AND cev.TimeDisplayed1 <= "                         + POut.Date(stopDate.AddDays(1)) + @" 
						AND cev.TimeDisplayed2 > "                         + POut.Date(new DateTime(0001, 1, 1)) + @"
						AND (cev.ClockStatus = '0' OR cev.ClockStatus = '1')
						AND cev.EmployeeNum=ce.EmployeeNum
						ORDER BY cev.TimeDisplayed2 LIMIT 1) AS Note"                        ;
            command += @"
					FROM clockevent ce
					WHERE ce.TimeDisplayed1 >= "                     + POut.Date(startDate) + @"
					AND ce.TimeDisplayed1 <= "                     + POut.Date(stopDate.AddDays(1)) + @" 
					AND ce.TimeDisplayed2 > "                     + POut.Date(new DateTime(0001, 1, 1)) + @"
					AND (ce.ClockStatus = '0' OR ce.ClockStatus = '1')
					GROUP BY ce.EmployeeNum) tempclockevent ON clockevent.EmployeeNum=tempclockevent.EmployeeNum
				LEFT JOIN (SELECT timeadjust.EmployeeNum,SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(timeadjust.RegHours))) AS AdjReg,
					SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(timeadjust.OTimeHours))) AdjOTime 
					FROM timeadjust 
					WHERE "                     + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " >= " + POut.Date(startDate) + @" 
					AND "                     + DbHelper.DateColumn("TimeEntry") + " <= " + POut.Date(stopDate) + @"
					GROUP BY timeadjust.EmployeeNum) temptimeadjust ON clockevent.EmployeeNum=temptimeadjust.EmployeeNum
				LEFT JOIN (SELECT ceb.EmployeeNum,SEC_TO_TIME(IFNULL(SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ceb.TimeDisplayed2)),0)-IFNULL(SUM(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ceb.TimeDisplayed1)),0)) AS BreakTime
					FROM clockevent ceb
					WHERE ceb.TimeDisplayed1 >= "                     + POut.Date(startDate) + @"
					AND ceb.TimeDisplayed1 <= "                     + POut.Date(stopDate.AddDays(1)) + @" 
					AND ceb.TimeDisplayed2 > "                     + POut.Date(new DateTime(0001, 1, 1)) + @"
					AND ceb.ClockStatus = '2'
					GROUP BY ceb.EmployeeNum) tempbreak ON clockevent.EmployeeNum=tempbreak.EmployeeNum
				INNER JOIN employee ON clockevent.EmployeeNum=employee.EmployeeNum AND IsHidden=0 "                ;
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.DistributorKey) && isPrintReport)             //OD HQ
                command += "LEFT JOIN wikilist_employees ON wikilist_employees.EmployeeNum=employee.EmployeeNum ";
            //TODO:add Rate2Hours and Rate2Auto Columns to report.
            command += @"GROUP BY EmployeeNum
				ORDER BY employee.LName"                ;
Exemple #15
        public static DataTable GetListOrderBy2014(List <EhrPatListElement2014> elementList)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), elementList));
            DataTable table  = new DataTable();
            string    select = "SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName";
            string    from   = "FROM patient";

            string where = "WHERE TRUE ";          //Makes formatting easier when adding additional clauses because they will all be AND clauses.
            for (int i = 0; i < elementList.Count; i++)
                switch (elementList[i].Restriction)
                case EhrRestrictionType.Birthdate:       //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.BirthDate, ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(DATE(patient.Birthdate))) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(DATE(patient.Birthdate),5))) AS Age";
                    from   += "";                        //only selecting from patient table
                    where  += "AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(DATE(patient.Birthdate))) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(DATE(patient.Birthdate),5)))" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + " ";

                case EhrRestrictionType.Gender:                        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.Gender";                       //will look odd if user adds multiple gender columns, enum needs to be "decoded" when filling grid.

                case EhrRestrictionType.LabResult:                        //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //TODO Units
                    from  += ",ehrlab AS ehrlab" + i + ",ehrlabresult AS ehrlabresult" + i + " ";
                    where += "AND ehrlab" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum AND ehrlab" + i + ".EhrLabNum=ehrlabresult" + i + ".EhrLabNum "; //join
                    where += "AND ('" + elementList[i].CompareString + "'=ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationIdentifierID OR '"
                             + elementList[i].CompareString + "'=ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationIdentifierIDAlt) ";                    //filter, LOINC of lab observation
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime >=" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //on or after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime <=" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //on or before this date
                    switch (elementList[i].LabValueType)
                    //CE and CWE should be SNOMEDCT codes, string compare elementList[i].LabValue to ehrlabresult.ObservationValueCodedElementID or ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt
                    case HL70125.CE:
                    case HL70125.CWE:
                        select += ",(CASE WHEN ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID='' THEN ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt ELSE ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID END) AS LabValue";
                        where  += "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID='" + elementList[i].LabValue + "' OR "
                                  + "ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt='" + elementList[i].LabValue + "') "
                                  + "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='CWE' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='CE') ";

                    //DT is stored as a string in ehrlabresult.ObservationValueDateTime as YYYY[MM[DD]]
                    case HL70125.DT:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime ";                                  //+DbHelper.DateFormatColumn("RPAD(ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime,8,'01')","%m/%d/%Y");
                        where  += "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("RPAD(ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime,8,'01')")
                                  + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='DT' ";

                    //TS is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, string compare
                    case HL70125.TS:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime ";                                  //+DbHelper.DateTFormatColumn("ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime","%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s");
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime "                                //+POut.DateT(PIn.DateT(DbHelper.DateTFormatColumn("ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime","%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s")))
                                  + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TS' ";

                    case HL70125.TM:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueTime";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueTime" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.TSpan(PIn.TSpan(elementList[i].LabValue)) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TM' ";

                    case HL70125.SN:
                        select += ",CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueComparator,ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumber1),ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueSeparatorOrSuffix),ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumber2)";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='SN' ";

                    case HL70125.NM:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumeric";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumeric" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + POut.Double(PIn.Double(elementList[i].LabValue)) + " "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='NM' ";

                    case HL70125.FT:
                    case HL70125.ST:
                    case HL70125.TX:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueText";
                        //where+="AND ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueText"+GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand)+POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue)+" "
                        where += "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='FT' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='ST' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TX') ";
                    select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime ";

                    //select+=",labresult"+i+".ObsValue,labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest";//format column name when filling grid.
                    //from+=",labresult AS labresult"+i+", labpanel AS labpanel"+i;
                    //where+="AND labpanel"+i+".LabpanelNum=labresult"+i+".LabpanelNum AND patient.PatNum=labpanel"+i+".PatNum ";//join
                    //where+="AND labresult"+i+".TestId='"+elementList[i].CompareString+"' "
                    //			+"AND labresult"+i+".ObsValue"+GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand)+"'"+PIn.String(elementList[i].LabValue)+"' ";//filter
                    //if(elementList[i].StartDate!=null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year>1880) {
                    //	where+="AND labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest>"+POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate)+" ";//after this date
                    //if(elementList[i].EndDate!=null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year>1880) {
                    //	where+="AND labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest<"+POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate)+" ";//before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Medication:                                //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart";                 //Name of medication will be in column title.
                    from   += ",medication AS medication" + i + ", medicationpat AS medicationpat" + i;
                    where  += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum "; //join
                    //This is unusual.  Part of the join logic is in the code below because medicationPat.MedicationNum might be 0 if it came from newcrop.
                    where += "AND ((medication" + i + ".MedicationNum=MedicationPat" + i + ".MedicationNum AND medication" + i + ".MedName LIKE '%" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "%') "
                             + "  OR (medication" + i + ".MedicationNum=0 AND medicationpat" + i + ".MedDescript LIKE '%" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "%')) ";
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Problem:                                                                                                                                                             //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",disease" + i + ".DateStart";                                                                                                                                                 //Name of problem will be in column title.
                    from   += ",disease AS disease" + i + ", diseasedef AS diseasedef" + i;
                    where  += "AND diseasedef" + i + ".DiseaseDefNum=disease" + i + ".DiseaseDefNum AND disease" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum ";                                                            //join
                    where  += "AND (diseasedef" + i + ".ICD9Code='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "' OR diseasedef" + i + ".SnomedCode='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "') "; //filter
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND disease" + i + ".DateStart>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND disease" + i + ".DateStart<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Allergy:                                                                                                  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction";                                                                            //Name of allergy will be in column title.
                    from   += ",allergy AS allergy" + i + ", allergydef AS allergydef" + i;
                    where  += "AND allergydef" + i + ".AllergyDefNum=allergy" + i + ".AllergyDefNum AND allergy" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum "; //join
                    where  += "AND allergydef" + i + ".Description='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "' ";                          //filter
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.CommPref:        //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.PreferContactConfidential";
                    from   += "";                        //only selecting from patient table
                    where  += "AND patient.PreferContactConfidential=" + PIn.Int(contactMethodHelper(elementList[i].CompareString)) + " ";

                    //should never happen.
            string command = select + " " + from + " " + where;
