Exemple #1
        ///<summary>Only called once from FormPayment when trying to change an amount or an account on a payment that's already linked to the Accounting section or when trying to create a new link.  This automates updating the Accounting section.  Do not surround with try-catch, because it was already validated in ValidateLinkedEntries above.  Use -1 for newAcct to indicate no changed. The name is required to give descriptions to new entries.</summary>
        public static void AlterLinkedEntries(double oldAmt, double newAmt, bool isNew, long payNum, long newAcct, DateTime payDate,
                                              string patName)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (!Accounts.PaymentsLinked())
                return;                //user has not even set up accounting links.
            bool amtChanged = false;

            if (oldAmt != newAmt)
                amtChanged = true;
            Transaction trans  = Transactions.GetAttachedToPayment(payNum); //this gives us the oldAcctNum
            double      absNew = newAmt;                                    //absolute value of the new amount

            if (newAmt < 0)
                absNew = -newAmt;
            //if(trans==null && (newAcct==0 || newAcct==-1)) {//then this method will not even be called
            if (trans == null)           //no previous link, but user is trying to create one.
            //this is the only case where a new trans is required.
                trans         = new Transaction();
                trans.PayNum  = payNum;
                trans.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
                Transactions.Insert(trans);                //sets entry date
                //first the deposit entry
                JournalEntry je = new JournalEntry();
                je.AccountNum    = newAcct;        //DepositAccounts[comboDepositAccount.SelectedIndex];
                je.CheckNumber   = Lans.g("Payments", "DEP");
                je.DateDisplayed = payDate;        //it would be nice to add security here.
                if (absNew == newAmt)              //amount is positive
                    je.DebitAmt = newAmt;
                    je.CreditAmt = absNew;
                je.Memo           = Lans.g("Payments", "Payment -") + " " + patName;
                je.Splits         = Accounts.GetDescript(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AccountingCashIncomeAccount));
                je.TransactionNum = trans.TransactionNum;
                //then, the income entry
                je            = new JournalEntry();
                je.AccountNum = PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AccountingCashIncomeAccount);
                je.DateDisplayed = payDate;         //it would be nice to add security here.
                if (absNew == newAmt)               //amount is positive
                    je.CreditAmt = newAmt;
                    je.DebitAmt = absNew;
                je.Memo           = Lans.g("Payments", "Payment -") + " " + patName;
                je.Splits         = Accounts.GetDescript(newAcct);
                je.TransactionNum = trans.TransactionNum;
            //at this point, we have established that there is a previous transaction.
            List <JournalEntry> jeL  = JournalEntries.GetForTrans(trans.TransactionNum);
            long         oldAcct     = 0;
            JournalEntry jeDebit     = null;
            JournalEntry jeCredit    = null;
            bool         signChanged = false;
            double       absOld      = oldAmt;//the absolute value of the old amount

            if (oldAmt < 0)
                absOld = -oldAmt;
            if (oldAmt < 0 && newAmt > 0)
                signChanged = true;
            if (oldAmt > 0 && newAmt < 0)
                signChanged = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (Accounts.GetAccount(jeL[i].AccountNum).AcctType == AccountType.Asset)
                    oldAcct = jeL[i].AccountNum;
                if (jeL[i].DebitAmt == absOld)
                    jeDebit = jeL[i];
                //old credit entry
                if (jeL[i].CreditAmt == absOld)
                    jeCredit = jeL[i];
            //Already validated that both je's are not null, and that oldAcct is not 0.
            if (newAcct == 0)          //detaching it from a linked transaction. We will delete the transaction
            //we don't care about the amount
                Transactions.Delete(trans);                //we need to make sure this doesn't throw any exceptions by carefully checking all
                //possibilities in the validation routine above.
            //Either the amount or the account changed on an existing linked transaction.
            bool acctChanged = false;

            if (newAcct != -1 && oldAcct != newAcct)
                acctChanged = true;              //changing linked acctNum
            if (amtChanged)
                if (signChanged)
                    jeDebit.DebitAmt   = 0;
                    jeDebit.CreditAmt  = absNew;
                    jeCredit.DebitAmt  = absNew;
                    jeCredit.CreditAmt = 0;
                    jeDebit.DebitAmt   = absNew;
                    jeCredit.CreditAmt = absNew;
            if (acctChanged)
                if (jeDebit.AccountNum == oldAcct)
                    jeDebit.AccountNum = newAcct;
                if (jeCredit.AccountNum == oldAcct)
                    jeCredit.AccountNum = newAcct;
Exemple #2
        ///<summary>This does all the validation before calling AlterLinkedEntries.  It had to be separated like this because of the complexity of saving a payment.  Surround with try-catch.  Will throw an exception if user is trying to change, but not allowed.  Will return false if no synch with accounting is needed.  Use -1 for newAcct to indicate no change.</summary>
        public static bool ValidateLinkedEntries(double oldAmt, double newAmt, bool isNew, long payNum, long newAcct)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (!Accounts.PaymentsLinked())
                return(false);               //user has not even set up accounting links, so no need to check any of this.
            bool amtChanged = false;

            if (oldAmt != newAmt)
                amtChanged = true;
            Transaction trans = Transactions.GetAttachedToPayment(payNum); //this gives us the oldAcctNum

            if (trans == null && (newAcct == 0 || newAcct == -1))          //if there was no previous link, and there is no attempt to create a link
                return(false);                                             //no synch needed
            if (trans == null)                                             //no previous link, but user is trying to create one. newAcct>0.
                return(true);                                              //new transaction will be required
            //at this point, we have established that there is a previous transaction.
            //If payment is attached to a transaction which is more than 48 hours old, then not allowed to change.
            if (amtChanged && trans.DateTimeEntry < MiscData.GetNowDateTime().AddDays(-2))
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Payments", "Not allowed to change amount that is more than 48 hours old.  This payment is already attached to an accounting transaction.  You will need to detach it from within the accounting section of the program."));
            if (amtChanged && Transactions.IsReconciled(trans))
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Payments", "Not allowed to change amount.  This payment is attached to an accounting transaction that has been reconciled.  You will need to detach it from within the accounting section of the program."));
            List <JournalEntry> jeL = JournalEntries.GetForTrans(trans.TransactionNum);
            long         oldAcct    = 0;
            JournalEntry jeDebit    = null;
            JournalEntry jeCredit   = null;
            double       absOld     = oldAmt;//the absolute value of the old amount

            if (oldAmt < 0)
                absOld = -oldAmt;
            for (int i = 0; i < jeL.Count; i++)       //we make sure down below that this count is exactly 2.
                if (Accounts.GetAccount(jeL[i].AccountNum).AcctType == AccountType.Asset)
                    oldAcct = jeL[i].AccountNum;
                if (jeL[i].DebitAmt == absOld)
                    jeDebit = jeL[i];
                //old credit entry
                if (jeL[i].CreditAmt == absOld)
                    jeCredit = jeL[i];
            if (jeCredit == null || jeDebit == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Payments", "Not able to automatically make changes in the accounting section to match the change made here.  You will need to detach it from within the accounting section."));
            if (oldAcct == 0)          //something must have gone wrong.  But this should never happen
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Payments", "Could not locate linked transaction.  You will need to detach it manually from within the accounting section of the program."));
            if (newAcct == 0)          //detaching it from a linked transaction.
            //We will delete the transaction
            bool acctChanged = false;

            if (newAcct != -1 && oldAcct != newAcct)
                acctChanged = true;              //changing linked acctNum
            if (!amtChanged && !acctChanged)
                return(false);               //no changes being made to amount or account, so no synch required.
            if (jeL.Count != 2)
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Payments", "Not able to automatically change the amount in the accounting section to match the change made here.  You will need to detach it from within the accounting section."));
            //Amount or account changed on an existing linked transaction.