public void ShowForm(CanData can) { _can = can; List<TextBox> textboxes = new List<TextBox>(); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg0); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg1); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg2); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg3); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg4); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg5); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg6); textboxes.Add(Transmit_msg7); Transmit_id.Text = String.Format("{0:X3}",; Transmit_dlc.Value = _can.dlc; TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem = _can.hardware; for (int i = 0; i < _can.dlc; i++) { textboxes[i].Text = String.Format("{0:X2}", _can.msg[i]); } if (_can.flags == 2) Flag_Std.Checked = true; if (_can.flags == 4) Flag_Ext.Checked = true; if (_can.flags == 32) Flag_Err.Checked = true; if (_can.flags == 1) Flag_Rtr.Checked = true; }
public static bool GenericLinReceive(CanData can) { Canlib.canStatus status; // status = Canlib.canRead(GenericCanBus.CAN_handle0, out, can.msg, out can.dlc, out can.flags, out can.time); status = Canlib.canRead(can.handle, out, can.msg, out can.dlc, out can.flags, out can.time); //Debug.WriteLine("InRead"); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString(CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); if (status != Canlib.canStatus.canOK) { //Debug.WriteLine("CanReceive -- false"); return false; } else { //Debug.WriteLine("CanReceive -- true"); return true; } }
// CAN Receive public static bool CanReceive(CanData can) { Byte ReturnError = 0; ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage RxMessage = new ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage(); ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage ExMessage = new ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage(); try { //ECOM library call to get a standard message ReturnError = ECOMLibrary.CANReceiveMessage((UInt32)BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware), ref RxMessage); } catch { ErrorLog.NewLogEntry("ECOM", Convert.ToString(ReturnError)); } if (ReturnError == 0) { // Converts the ID low and ID high = Convert.ToInt32(RxMessage.IDL + RxMessage.IDH); can.dlc = Convert.ToInt32(RxMessage.DataLength); can.time = Convert.ToInt64(RxMessage.TimeStamp); // Puts the individual bytes into the can.msg byte array if (can.dlc > 0) can.msg[0] = RxMessage.data1; if (can.dlc > 1) can.msg[1] = RxMessage.data2; if (can.dlc > 2) can.msg[2] = RxMessage.data3; if (can.dlc > 3) can.msg[3] = RxMessage.data4; if (can.dlc > 4) can.msg[4] = RxMessage.data5; if (can.dlc > 5) can.msg[5] = RxMessage.data6; if (can.dlc > 6) can.msg[6] = RxMessage.data7; if (can.dlc > 7) can.msg[7] = RxMessage.data8; // Revisions Needed -- Need to pull flag information can.flags = Convert.ToInt32(RxMessage.options); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString(Convert.ToString(can.flags)); // For error testing // MainWindow.ErrorDisplayByteArray(can.msg); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString(Convert.ToString(can.dlc)); } else { ReturnError = ECOMLibrary.CANReceiveMessageEx((UInt32)BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware), ref ExMessage); = Convert.ToInt32(ExMessage.ID); can.dlc = Convert.ToInt32(ExMessage.DataLength); can.time = Convert.ToInt64(ExMessage.TimeStamp); // Puts the individual bytes into the can.msg byte array if (can.dlc > 0) can.msg[0] = ExMessage.data1; if (can.dlc > 1) can.msg[1] = ExMessage.data2; if (can.dlc > 2) can.msg[2] = ExMessage.data3; if (can.dlc > 3) can.msg[3] = ExMessage.data4; if (can.dlc > 4) can.msg[4] = ExMessage.data5; if (can.dlc > 5) can.msg[5] = ExMessage.data6; if (can.dlc > 6) can.msg[6] = ExMessage.data7; if (can.dlc > 7) can.msg[7] = ExMessage.data8; // Revisions Needed -- Need to pull flag information can.flags = Convert.ToInt32(ExMessage.options); // For error testing // MainWindow.ErrorDisplayByteArray(can.msg); } if (ReturnError != 0) return false; else return true; }
// CAN Receive public static bool CanReceive(CanData can) { string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); return false; }
//************************************ // CAN Transmit for a single transmission //************************************ public static void CanTransmitSingle(CanData can) { string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); }
// CAN Receive public static bool GenericCanReceive(CanData can) { string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); // Kvaser receive section if (msgOutput[2] == "Kvaser") { return KvaserCanBus.CanReceive(can); } else if (msgOutput[2] == "ECom") { return ECOMCanBus.CanReceive(can); } return false; }
//************************************ // CAN Transmit for a single transmission //************************************ public static void GenericCanTransmitSingle(CanData can) { string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); if (msgOutput[2] == "Kvaser") { KvaserCanBus.CanTransmitSingle(can); } else if (msgOutput[2] == "ECom") { ECOMCanBus.CanTransmitSingle(can); } else if (msgOutput[2] == "Intrepid"){ IntrepidCanBus.CanTransmitSingle(can); } }
// Checks the flags on transmitted or recieved messages private static void CheckFlags(CanData can) { can.flagString = ""; }
//************************************ // CAN Transmit for a single transmission //************************************ public static void CanTransmitSingle(CanData can) { string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); can.handle = BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware); // Threading Part /*CanWrite writeCan = new CanWrite(); // Starts the Kvaser threading Thread t2 = new Thread(delegate() { writeCan.KvaserWrite(can); }); t2.Start(); */ // Non-threading write option Canlib.canWriteWait(can.handle,, can.msg, can.dlc, can.flags, 1000); CheckFlags(can); }
//******************************************* // The worker thread for the backgroundWorker //******************************************* private void backgroundWorkerRead_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { int count = 0; CanData receiveCan = new CanData(); CanData transmitCan = new CanData(); string[] arguments = (string[])e.Argument; // to get the receive interface receiveCan.hardware = arguments[0]; receiveCan.format = arguments[1]; // to get the transmit interface transmitCan.hardware = arguments[4]; transmitCan.format = arguments[1]; string CarFilter = arguments[2]; int numericMSB = int.Parse(arguments[3]); string ifThenOutput = null; while (true) { if (GenericCanBus.GenericCanReceive(receiveCan) == true) { count++; //counts the number of packets received (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(count, CommonUtils.ConvertMsgArray(receiveCan, CarFilter, numericMSB)); if (IfThenActive) { // ifThenOutput = ifthenxml.UpdateIfThenMachine(receiveCan, CarFilter); if (ifThenOutput != null) { CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(transmitCan, ifThenOutput); GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitSingle(transmitCan); } } } // Higher sleep times may cause packet lose; more testing needed - CEE System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(80); if ((sender as BackgroundWorker).CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; break; } } //while (GenericCanBus.GenericCanReceive(receiveCan)) //{ // count++; //counts the number of packets received // (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(count, CommonUtils.ConvertMsgArray(receiveCan, CarFilter, numericMSB)); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(220); // if (IfThenActive) // { // // ifThenOutput = ifthenxml.UpdateIfThenMachine(receiveCan, CarFilter); // if (ifThenOutput != null) // { // CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(transmitCan, ifThenOutput); // GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitSingle(transmitCan); // } // } //} //if ((sender as BackgroundWorker).CancellationPending) //{ // e.Cancel = true; // //break; //} }
// The worker thread for the backgroundWorker private void backgroundWorkerTester_DoWork_1(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("In Tester Present Loop"); CanData can = new CanData(); // TesterPresentID.Text, TesterPresentDLC.Text, TesterPresentMessage.Text, TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), TimeBetween.Text string[] arguments = (string[])e.Argument; can.format = "hex"; = Convert.ToInt32(arguments[0], 16); can.dlc = Convert.ToInt32(arguments[1]); can.msg = CommonUtils.HexStringToByteArray(arguments[2]); can.hardware = arguments[3]; while (true) { GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitSingle(can); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(arguments[4])); if ((sender as BackgroundWorker).CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; break; } } }
//********************************************* // Opens Packet Transmit Window for //Written by Parnian Najafi Borazjani //********************************************* private void TransmitFuzz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CanData can = new CanData(); string msgOutput = ""; if (MonitorBox.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = MonitorBox.SelectedItems[0]; for (int x = 0; x < MonitorBox.Items.Count; x++) { if (MonitorBox.Items[x].Selected) { msgOutput = MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.IdNo].Text + ";" + MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.DLC].Text + ";" + MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Flags].Text + ";"; // Bases conversion of message on check box; needs revison to add error checking if (Monitor_Hex.Checked == true) { can.format = "hex"; msgOutput += MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Data].Text.Replace(" ", string.Empty); } else { can.format = "decimal"; msgOutput += MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Data].Text; } // MessageBox.Show("Data to convert:" + msgOutput); CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(can, msgOutput); can.hardware = TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); // Verbose Output //if (VerboseTransmit.Checked == true) // MessageBox.Show(CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); break; } } TransmitPackets tp = new TransmitPackets(); tp.ShowForm(can); tp.MdiParent = MainWindow.ActiveForm; tp.Show(); MonitorBox.SelectedIndices.Clear(); // Status Update //toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = CommonUtils.ErrorMsg("Transmit Message", can.status); //ErrorLog.NewLogEntry("CAN", "Transmit Message: " + can.status); } }
//********************************************* // Transmission of the packets selected by the user //Written by Parnian Najafi Borazjani //********************************************* private void TransmitPackets2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CanData can = new CanData(); string msgOutput = ""; if (MonitorBox.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = MonitorBox.SelectedItems[0]; for (int x = 0; x < MonitorBox.Items.Count; x++) { if (MonitorBox.Items[x].Selected) { msgOutput = MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.IdNo].Text + ";" + MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.DLC].Text + ";" + MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Flags].Text + ";"; // Bases conversion of message on check box; needs revison to add error checking if (Monitor_Hex.Checked == true) { can.format = "hex"; msgOutput += MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Data].Text.Replace(" ", string.Empty); } else { can.format = "decimal"; msgOutput += MonitorBox.Items[x].SubItems[(int)CommonUtils.BusFields.Data].Text; } // MessageBox.Show("Data to convert:" + msgOutput); CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(can, msgOutput); can.hardware = TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); //bgTransmit.RunWorkerAsync(can); GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitSingle(can); // Verbose Output if (VerboseTransmit.Checked == true) MessageBox.Show(CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); } } // Status Update toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = CommonUtils.ErrorMsg("Transmit Message", can.status); ErrorLog.NewLogEntry("CAN", "Transmit Message: " + can.status); FileLog.Log("CAN Transmit Message: " + can.status); } }
public static void GenericLinTransmit(CanData can) { can.status = Canlib.canWrite(can.handle,, can.msg, can.dlc, can.flags); }
// Not being used since single transmission does not need threading at this time /*public void KvaserWrite(CanData can) { // Canlib.canWrite(can.handle,, can.msg, can.dlc, can.flags); // Canlib.canWriteSync(can.handle, 10000); Canlib.canWriteWait(can.handle,, can.msg, can.dlc, can.flags,1000); }*/ public void KvaserWriteMultiple(CanData can) { for (int x = 0; x < can.number; x++) { // MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("can message: " + CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); can.status = Canlib.canWrite(can.handle,, can.msg, can.dlc, can.flags); // MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("can status: " + can.status); can.status1 = Canlib.canWriteSync(can.handle, 10000); //CheckFlags(can); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(can.timeBtw); if (can.increment == true); } }
// Checks the flags on transmitted or recieved messages private static void CheckFlags(CanData can) { can.flagString = ""; if (can.hardware.IndexOf("Kvaser") != -1) { if ((can.flags & Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME) == Canlib.canMSG_ERROR_FRAME) { can.errorFrame = true; can.flagString += "E"; } else if ((can.flags & Canlib.canMSG_EXT) == Canlib.canMSG_EXT) can.flagString += "X"; else if ((can.flags & Canlib.canMSG_RTR) == Canlib.canMSG_RTR) can.flagString += "R"; else if ((can.flags & Canlib.canMSG_TXACK) == Canlib.canMSG_TXACK) can.flagString += "A"; else if ((can.flags & Canlib.canMSG_WAKEUP) == Canlib.canMSG_WAKEUP) can.flagString += "W"; } }
// CAN Transmit for multiple transmissions public static void CanTransmitMultiple(CanData can) { can.handle = BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware); ECOMCanWrite writeCan = new ECOMCanWrite(); Thread t2 = new Thread(delegate() { writeCan.ECOMWriteMultiple(can); }); t2.IsBackground = true; t2.Start(); }
//**************************** // Transmit Settings Tab // Written by Parnian Najafi Borazjani //**************************** private void TransmitPacket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CanData can = new CanData(); int number_messages = 1; string msgOutput = ""; string flag; //if (Transmit_dlc.Value>8) // MessageBox.Show("Messages can have a maximum of 8"); // For the various flags // Need to implement an enumerated keyword to replace these numbers // These numbers are from the Kvaser library documentation and may not work on other CAN systems if (Flag_Ext.Checked == true) flag = "X"; // Extended else if (Flag_Err.Checked == true) flag = "E"; // Error else if (Flag_Rtr.Checked == true) flag = "R"; // Remote else flag = "S"; // Standard if (InputTests.IsStringNumeric(Transmit_NoMsg.Text) == true) number_messages = Convert.ToInt32(Transmit_NoMsg.Text); else MessageBox.Show("Error: Number of Messages is not Numeric", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); msgOutput = Transmit_id.Text + ";" + Transmit_dlc.Text + ";" + flag + ";" + Transmit_msg0.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg1.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg2.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg3.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg4.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg5.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg6.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg7.Text; if (Transmit_Hex.Checked == true) can.format = "hex"; else can.format = "decimal"; CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(can, msgOutput); can.number = number_messages; can.timeBtw = 0; try { can.hardware = TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (IncrementIdentifier.Checked == true) can.increment = true; GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitMultiple(can); //bgTransmit.RunWorkerAsync(can); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = CommonUtils.ErrorMsg("Transmit Message", can.status); ErrorLog.NewLogEntry("CAN", "Transmit Message: " + can.status); if (VerboseTransmit.Checked == true) MessageBox.Show(CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("No interface is turned on, please turn on the interfaces from \"Advanced Bus Control\" Window"); this.Close(); BusControl form = (BusControl)CommonUtils.GetOpenedForm<BusControl>(); if (form == null) { form = new BusControl(); form.Show(); } else { form.Select(); } } }
//************************************ // CAN Transmit for a single transmission //************************************ public static void CanTransmitSingle(CanData can) { // Implementation for Standard Message & Extended Message can.handle = BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("ECom Handle: " + Convert.ToString(can.handle)); ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage txMessage = new ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage(); ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage etxMessage = new ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage(); // Pulls the top 3 bits for IDH and the bottom 8 bits for IDL txMessage.IDH = (byte)( & 0x700); txMessage.IDL = (byte)( & 0x0FF); // Converts the entire id into an unit for extended sending etxMessage.ID = (UInt32); txMessage.DataLength = (byte)can.dlc; etxMessage.DataLength = (byte)can.dlc; txMessage.options = (byte)can.flags; etxMessage.options = (byte)can.flags; // Puts the individual bytes into the can.msg byte array if (can.dlc > 0) { txMessage.data1 = can.msg[0]; etxMessage.data1 = can.msg[0]; } if (can.dlc > 1) { txMessage.data2 = can.msg[1]; etxMessage.data2 = can.msg[1]; } if (can.dlc > 2) { txMessage.data3 = can.msg[2]; etxMessage.data3 = can.msg[2]; } if (can.dlc > 3) { txMessage.data4 = can.msg[3]; etxMessage.data4 = can.msg[3]; } if (can.dlc > 4) { txMessage.data5 = can.msg[4]; etxMessage.data5 = can.msg[4]; } if (can.dlc > 5) { txMessage.data6 = can.msg[5]; etxMessage.data6 = can.msg[5]; } if (can.dlc > 6) { txMessage.data7 = can.msg[6]; etxMessage.data7 = can.msg[6]; } if (can.dlc > 7) { txMessage.data8 = can.msg[7]; etxMessage.data8 = can.msg[7]; } // Non-threading write option if (can.flags == 4) ECOMLibrary.CANTransmitMessageEx((UInt32)can.handle, ref etxMessage); else ECOMLibrary.CANTransmitMessage((UInt32)can.handle, ref txMessage); CheckFlags(can); }
private void bgTransmit_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { CanData can = e.Argument as CanData; GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitMultiple(can); }
public void ECOMWriteMultiple(CanData can) { for (int x = 0; x < can.number; x++) { can.handle = BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("ECom Handle: " + Convert.ToString(can.handle)); ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage txMessage = new ECOMLibrary.SFFMessage(); ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage etxMessage = new ECOMLibrary.EFFMessage(); // Pulls the top 3 bits for IDH and the bottom 8 bits for IDL txMessage.IDH = (byte)( & 0x700); txMessage.IDL = (byte)( & 0x0FF); // Converts the entire id into an unit for extended sending etxMessage.ID = (UInt32); txMessage.DataLength = (byte)can.dlc; etxMessage.DataLength = (byte)can.dlc; txMessage.options = (byte)can.flags; etxMessage.options = (byte)can.flags; // Puts the individual bytes into the can.msg byte array if (can.dlc > 0) { txMessage.data1 = can.msg[0]; etxMessage.data1 = can.msg[0]; } if (can.dlc > 1) { txMessage.data2 = can.msg[1]; etxMessage.data2 = can.msg[1]; } if (can.dlc > 2) { txMessage.data3 = can.msg[2]; etxMessage.data3 = can.msg[2]; } if (can.dlc > 3) { txMessage.data4 = can.msg[3]; etxMessage.data4 = can.msg[3]; } if (can.dlc > 4) { txMessage.data5 = can.msg[4]; etxMessage.data5 = can.msg[4]; } if (can.dlc > 5) { txMessage.data6 = can.msg[5]; etxMessage.data6 = can.msg[5]; } if (can.dlc > 6) { txMessage.data7 = can.msg[6]; etxMessage.data7 = can.msg[6]; } if (can.dlc > 7) { txMessage.data8 = can.msg[7]; etxMessage.data8 = can.msg[7]; } if (can.flags == 4) ECOMLibrary.CANTransmitMessageEx((UInt32)can.handle, ref etxMessage); else ECOMLibrary.CANTransmitMessage((UInt32)can.handle, ref txMessage); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(can.timeBtw); if (can.increment == true); } }
// CAN Receive public static bool CanReceive(CanData can) { // string hardwareString0 = can.hardware.Replace(" ", ""); // string[] msgOutput = hardwareString0.Split(';'); // to pull the can.handle from the hardware selection can.handle = BusInterface.ReturnHandle(can.hardware); //MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("can.handle: " + can.handle + " ; msg: " + msgOutput[3]); // Kvaser CAN Read Array.Clear(can.msg, 0, 8); can.status = Canlib.canRead(can.handle, out, can.msg, out can.dlc, out can.flags, out can.time); // MainWindow.ErrorDisplayString("can.handle in receive: " + can.handle); CheckFlags(can); if (can.status != Canlib.canStatus.canOK) return false; else return true; }
//**************************** // Transmit Settings Tab // Written by Parnian Najafi Borazjani //**************************** private void TransmitPacket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CanData can = new CanData(); int number_messages = 1; string msgOutput = ""; string flag; //if (Transmit_dlc.Value>8) // MessageBox.Show("Messages can have a maximum of 8"); // For the various flags // Need to implement an enumerated keyword to replace these numbers // These numbers are from the Kvaser library documentation and may not work on other CAN systems if (Flag_Ext.Checked == true) { flag = "X"; // Extended } else if (Flag_Err.Checked == true) { flag = "E"; // Error } else if (Flag_Rtr.Checked == true) { flag = "R"; // Remote } else { flag = "S"; // Standard } if (InputTests.IsStringNumeric(Transmit_NoMsg.Text) == true) { number_messages = Convert.ToInt32(Transmit_NoMsg.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Number of Messages is not Numeric", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } msgOutput = Transmit_id.Text + ";" + Transmit_dlc.Text + ";" + flag + ";" + Transmit_msg0.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg1.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg2.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg3.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg4.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg5.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg6.Text + "-" + Transmit_msg7.Text; if (Transmit_Hex.Checked == true) { can.format = "hex"; } else { can.format = "decimal"; } CommonUtils.ConvertStringtoCAN(can, msgOutput); can.number = number_messages; can.timeBtw = 0; try { can.hardware = TransmitInterfaceBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (IncrementIdentifier.Checked == true) { can.increment = true; } GenericCanBus.GenericCanTransmitMultiple(can); //bgTransmit.RunWorkerAsync(can); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = CommonUtils.ErrorMsg("Transmit Message", can.status); ErrorLog.NewLogEntry("CAN", "Transmit Message: " + can.status); if (VerboseTransmit.Checked == true) { MessageBox.Show(CommonUtils.DisplayMsg(can)); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("No interface is turned on, please turn on the interfaces from \"Advanced Bus Control\" Window"); this.Close(); BusControl form = (BusControl)CommonUtils.GetOpenedForm <BusControl>(); if (form == null) { form = new BusControl(); form.Show(); } else { form.Select(); } } }