GetScoreText() static private méthode

Gets the formatted text for an in-game score event
static private GetScoreText ( Game TextToken ) : string
TextToken Game The in-game score event
Résultat string
Exemple #1
        // show score log
        private void ShowScoreLog(bool PenaltiesOnly)
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            int sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Game.ScoreLogCount; i++)
                sum += Game.ScoreLogs[i].Value;
                if (!PenaltiesOnly | Game.ScoreLogs[i].Value < 0)
                    double x = Game.ScoreLogs[i].Time;
                    int    h = (int)Math.Floor(x / 3600.0);
                    x -= 3600.0 * (double)h;
                    int m = (int)Math.Floor(x / 60.0);
                    x -= 60.0 * (double)m;
                    int          s    = (int)Math.Floor(x);
                    ListViewItem Item = listviewScore.Items.Add(h.ToString("00", Culture) + ":" + m.ToString("00", Culture) + ":" + s.ToString("00", Culture));
                    Item.SubItems.Add(Game.ScoreLogs[i].Position.ToString("0", Culture));
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>Is called by the update function to add a new score event to the log</summary>
 /// <param name="Value">The value of the score event</param>
 /// <param name="TextToken">The token type which caused the score event</param>
 /// <param name="Duration">The duration of the score event (e.g. overspeed)</param>
 /// <param name="Count">Whether this should be counted as a unique event (NOTE: Scheduled stops are the only case which are not)</param>
 private void AddScore(int Value, ScoreTextToken TextToken, double Duration, bool Count = true)
     if (Interface.CurrentOptions.GameMode == Interface.GameMode.Arcade)
         int n = ScoreMessages.Length;
         Array.Resize <ScoreMessage>(ref ScoreMessages, n + 1);
         ScoreMessages[n].Value            = Value;
         ScoreMessages[n].Text             = Interface.GetScoreText(TextToken) + ": " + Value.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
         ScoreMessages[n].Timeout          = SecondsSinceMidnight + Duration;
         ScoreMessages[n].RendererPosition = new Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
         ScoreMessages[n].RendererAlpha    = 0.0;
         if (Value < 0.0)
             ScoreMessages[n].Color = MessageColor.Red;
         else if (Value > 0.0)
             ScoreMessages[n].Color = MessageColor.Green;
             ScoreMessages[n].Color = MessageColor.White;
     if (Value != 0 & Count)
         if (ScoreLogCount == ScoreLogs.Length)
             Array.Resize <ScoreLog>(ref ScoreLogs, ScoreLogs.Length << 1);
         ScoreLogs[ScoreLogCount].Value     = Value;
         ScoreLogs[ScoreLogCount].TextToken = TextToken;
         ScoreLogs[ScoreLogCount].Position  = TrainManager.PlayerTrain.Cars[0].FrontAxle.Follower.TrackPosition;
         ScoreLogs[ScoreLogCount].Time      = SecondsSinceMidnight;