public void CustomSIFElementEncoding()
            SIF_Query q = new SIF_Query();
            q.SIF_QueryObject = new SIF_QueryObject( StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL.Name );
            SIF_Conditions conditions = new SIF_Conditions( ConditionType.NONE );
            conditions.AddSIF_Condition( "Name[@Type=\"05\"]/LastName", Operators.EQ, "Cookie" );
            q.SetSIF_ConditionGroup( ConditionType.NONE, conditions );

            string xml;
            using ( StringWriter w = new StringWriter() )
                SifWriter writer = new SifWriter( w );
                writer.Write( q );
                xml = w.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine( xml );
            // Mainly, just check to make sure that the single quotes didn't get encoded
            int index = xml.IndexOf( """ );
            Assert.AreEqual( -1, index, "Single quotes should not be encoded" );