Exemple #1
        //If your device supports the USBCLient, you can refer to this.
        //Not all series devices can support this kind of connection.Please make sure your device supports USBClient.
        private void btnUSBConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int idwErrorCode = 0;

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            if (btnUSBConnect.Text == "Disconnect")
                bIsConnected = false;
                btnUSBConnect.Text = "Connect";
                lblState.Text = "Current State:Disconnected";
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            if (rbUSB.Checked == true)//the common USBClient
                iMachineNumber = 1;//In fact,when you are using common USBClient communication,parameter Machinenumber will be ignored,that is any integer will all right.Here we use 1.
                bIsConnected = axCZKEM1.Connect_USB(iMachineNumber);
                if (rbVUSB.Checked == true)//connect the device via the virtual serial port created by USB
                    SearchforUSBCom usbcom = new SearchforUSBCom();
                    string sCom = "";
                    bool bSearch = usbcom.SearchforCom(ref sCom);//modify by Darcy on Nov.26 2009
                    if (bSearch == false)//modify by Darcy on Nov.26 2009
                        MessageBox.Show("Can not find the virtual serial port that can be used", "Error");
                        Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                    int iPort;
                    for (iPort = 1; iPort < 10; iPort++)
                        if (sCom.IndexOf(iPort.ToString()) > -1)

                    iMachineNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtMachineSN2.Text.Trim());
                    if (iMachineNumber == 0 || iMachineNumber > 255)
                        MessageBox.Show("The Machine Number is invalid!", "Error");
                        Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                    int iBaudRate = 115200;//115200 is one possible baudrate value(its value cannot be 0)
                    bIsConnected = axCZKEM1.Connect_Com(iPort, iMachineNumber, iBaudRate);

            if (bIsConnected == true)
                btnUSBConnect.Text = "Disconnect";
                lblState.Text = "Current State:Connected";
                axCZKEM1.RegEvent(iMachineNumber, 65535);//Here you can register the realtime events that you want to be triggered(the parameters 65535 means registering all)
                axCZKEM1.GetLastError(ref idwErrorCode);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect the device,ErrorCode=" + idwErrorCode.ToString(), "Error");

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Exemple #2
        //If your device supports the USBCLient, you can refer to this.
        //Not all series devices can support this kind of connection.Please make sure your device supports USBClient.
        private void btnUSBConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int idwErrorCode = 0;

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            if (btnUSBConnect.Text == "Disconnect")
                bIsConnected       = false;
                btnUSBConnect.Text = "Connect";
                lblState.Text = "Current State:Disconnected";
                Cursor        = Cursors.Default;

            if (rbUSB.Checked == true) //the common USBClient
                iMachineNumber = 1;    //In fact,when you are using common USBClient communication,parameter Machinenumber will be ignored,that is any integer will all right.Here we use 1.
                bIsConnected   = axCZKEM1.Connect_USB(iMachineNumber);
            if (rbVUSB.Checked == true)    //connect the device via the virtual serial port created by USB
                SearchforUSBCom usbcom  = new SearchforUSBCom();
                string          sCom    = "";
                bool            bSearch = usbcom.SearchforCom(ref sCom); //modify by Darcy on Nov.26 2009
                if (bSearch == false)                                    //modify by Darcy on Nov.26 2009
                    MessageBox.Show("Can not find the virtual serial port that can be used", "Error");
                    Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                int iPort;
                for (iPort = 1; iPort < 10; iPort++)
                    if (sCom.IndexOf(iPort.ToString()) > -1)

                iMachineNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtMachineSN2.Text.Trim());
                if (iMachineNumber == 0 || iMachineNumber > 255)
                    MessageBox.Show("The Machine Number is invalid!", "Error");
                    Cursor = Cursors.Default;

                int iBaudRate = 115200;    //115200 is one possible baudrate value(its value cannot be 0)
                bIsConnected = axCZKEM1.Connect_Com(iPort, iMachineNumber, iBaudRate);

            if (bIsConnected == true)
                btnUSBConnect.Text = "Disconnect";
                lblState.Text = "Current State:Connected";
                axCZKEM1.RegEvent(iMachineNumber, 65535);//Here you can register the realtime events that you want to be triggered(the parameters 65535 means registering all)
                axCZKEM1.GetLastError(ref idwErrorCode);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect the device,ErrorCode=" + idwErrorCode.ToString(), "Error");

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;