Exemple #1
        public RenameResponse Rename(RenameRequest req)
            var project = _solution.ProjectContainingFile(req.FileName);
            var syntaxTree = project.CreateParser().Parse(req.Buffer, req.FileName);
            var sourceNode = syntaxTree.GetNodeAt(req.Line, req.Column);
            if(sourceNode == null)
                return new RenameResponse();
            var originalName = sourceNode.GetText();

            IEnumerable<AstNode> nodes = _findUsagesHandler.FindUsageNodes(req).ToArray();

            var response = new RenameResponse();

            var modfiedFiles = new List<ModifiedFileResponse>();
            response.Changes = modfiedFiles;

            foreach (IGrouping<string, AstNode> groupedNodes in nodes.GroupBy(n => n.GetRegion().FileName.FixPath()))
                string fileName = groupedNodes.Key;
                OmniSharpRefactoringContext context;
                if (groupedNodes.Key != req.FileName)
                    var file = _solution.GetFile(fileName);
                    var bufferParser = new BufferParser(_solution);
                    var content = bufferParser.ParsedContent(file.Document.Text, file.FileName);
                    var resolver = new CSharpAstResolver(content.Compilation, content.SyntaxTree, content.UnresolvedFile);
                    context = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(file.Document, resolver);
                    context = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, req);
                string modifiedBuffer = null;
                foreach (var node in groupedNodes.Where(n => n.GetText() == originalName))
                    using (var script = new OmniSharpScript(context))
                        script.Rename(node, req.RenameTo);
                        modifiedBuffer = script.CurrentDocument.Text;

                if (modifiedBuffer != null)
                    var modifiedFile = new ModifiedFileResponse
                        = fileName,
                        Buffer = modifiedBuffer
                    response.Changes = modfiedFiles;

                    _bufferParser.ParsedContent(modifiedBuffer, fileName);

            return response;
Exemple #2
        public FixUsingsResponse FixUsings(Request request)
            _fileName = request.FileName;
            string buffer = RemoveUsings(request.Buffer);
            buffer = SortUsings(buffer);
            buffer = AddLinqForQueryIfMissing(buffer);

            bool ambiguousResultsFound = false;
            bool usingsAdded = true;

            while (usingsAdded)
                var content = _bufferParser.ParsedContent(buffer, _fileName);
                var tree = content.SyntaxTree;

                var resolver = new CSharpAstResolver(content.Compilation, content.SyntaxTree, content.UnresolvedFile);
                var unresolvedNodes = GetAllUnresolvedNodes(tree, resolver).Select(nr => GetNodeToAddUsing(nr));
                usingsAdded = false;
                request.Buffer = buffer;
                var outerContext = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, request);
                using (var script = new OmniSharpScript(outerContext, _config))
                    foreach (var unresolvedNode in unresolvedNodes)

                        var requestForNode = CreateRequest(buffer, unresolvedNode);
                        var innerContext = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, requestForNode);
                        var addUsingAction = new AddUsingAction();
                        var actions = addUsingAction.GetActions(innerContext).Where(a => a.Description.StartsWith("using")).ToArray();

                        if (actions.Length == 1)
                            var a = actions[0];
                            _logger.Info("Adding " + a.Description);
                            usingsAdded = true;
                        ambiguousResultsFound |= actions.Length > 1;
                buffer = outerContext.Document.Text;

            IEnumerable<QuickFix> ambiguous = Enumerable.Empty<QuickFix>();
            if (ambiguousResultsFound)
                ambiguous = GetAmbiguousNodes(buffer, request.FileName);
            return new FixUsingsResponse(buffer, ambiguous);
        public RunCodeActionsResponse RunCodeAction(CodeActionRequest req)
            var actions = GetContextualCodeActions(req).ToList();
            if(req.CodeAction > actions.Count)
                return new RunCodeActionsResponse();

            var context = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, req);
            using (var script = new OmniSharpScript(context, _config))
				CodeAction action = actions[req.CodeAction];

            return new RunCodeActionsResponse {Text = context.Document.Text};
        public RunCodeIssuesResponse FixCodeIssue(Request req)
            var issues = GetContextualCodeActions(req).ToList();

            var issue = issues.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Start.Line == req.Line);
            if (issue == null)
                return new RunCodeIssuesResponse { Text = req.Buffer };

            var context = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, req);

            using (var script = new OmniSharpScript(context, _config))
                var action = issue.Actions.FirstOrDefault();
                if (action != null)
                    return new RunCodeIssuesResponse {Text = context.Document.Text};

            return new RunCodeIssuesResponse {Text = req.Buffer};
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///   Inserts the given EntityDeclaration with the given
        ///   script at the end of the type declaration under the
        ///   cursor (e.g. class / struct).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Alters the given script. Returns its CurrentDocument
        ///   property. Alters the given memberDeclaration, adding
        ///   Modifiers.Override to its Modifiers as well as removing
        ///   Modifiers.Virtual.
        /// </remarks>
        IDocument runOverrideTargetWorker
            ( Request                     request
            , OmniSharpRefactoringContext refactoringContext
            , ParsedResult                parsedContent
            , EntityDeclaration           memberDeclaration
            , OmniSharpScript             script) {

            // Add override flag
            memberDeclaration.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Override;
            // Remove virtual flag
            memberDeclaration.Modifiers &= ~ Modifiers.Virtual;

            // The current type declaration, e.g. class, struct..
            var typeDeclaration = parsedContent.SyntaxTree.GetNodeAt
                ( refactoringContext.Location
                , n => n.NodeType == NodeType.TypeDeclaration);

            // Even empty classes have nodes, so this works
            var lastNode =

                ( node    : lastNode
                , newNode : memberDeclaration);

            return script.CurrentDocument;
Exemple #6
 string AddUsingLinq(AstNode astNode, string buffer)
     var request = CreateRequest(buffer, astNode);
     var context = OmniSharpRefactoringContext.GetContext(_bufferParser, request);
     var script = new OmniSharpScript(context, _config);
     UsingHelper.InsertUsingAndRemoveRedundantNamespaceUsage(context, script, "System.Linq");
     return context.Document.Text;
Exemple #7
 string RunActions(OmniSharpRefactoringContext context, IEnumerable<CodeAction> actions)
     using (var script = new OmniSharpScript(context, _config))
         foreach (var action in actions)
             if (action != null)
     return context.Document.Text;