Exemple #1
        void DrawLevelListButtons()
            // Show Append button
            Rect controlRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();

            controlRect.height += (VerticalMargin * 2);
            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Append new scenes in Build Settings to All Levels list") == true)
                // Actually append scenes to the list
                SceneTransitionManager manager = ((SceneTransitionManager)target);
                manager.SetupLevels(defaultDisplayName, (defaultFillIn != 0), defaultRevertsTimeScale, defaultLockMode, true);

                // Untoggle
                displayDefaults = false;

            // Show Replace button
            controlRect         = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
            controlRect.height += (VerticalMargin * 2);
            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Replace All Levels list with scenes in Build Settings") == true)
                // Actually append scenes to the list
                SceneTransitionManager manager = ((SceneTransitionManager)target);
                manager.SetupLevels(defaultDisplayName, (defaultFillIn != 0), defaultRevertsTimeScale, defaultLockMode, false);

                // Untoggle
                displayDefaults = false;

Exemple #2
        ListButtonScript SetupButtonEventAndName(SceneTransitionManager settings, GameObject buttonObject)
            // Add an event to the button
            ListButtonScript newButton = buttonObject.GetComponent <ListButtonScript>();

            SetupButtonEventAndName(settings, newButton);
        Button SetupButtonEventAndName(SceneTransitionManager settings, GameObject buttonObject, int levelOrdinal)
            // Add an event to the button
            Button newButton = buttonObject.GetComponent <Button>();

            SetupButtonEventAndName(settings, newButton, levelOrdinal);
        public override void Hide()
            bool wasVisible = (CurrentState == State.Visible);

            // Call base function

            if (wasVisible == true)
                // Lock the cursor to what the scene is set to
                SceneTransitionManager manager = Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>();

                // Return to the menu
        void SetupButtonEventAndName(SceneTransitionManager settings, Button newButton, int levelOrdinal)
            // Add an event to the button
            newButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>

            // Setup the level button labels
            Text[] buttonLabels = newButton.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(true);
            foreach (Text label in buttonLabels)
                label.text = settings.Levels[levelOrdinal].DisplayName;
            newButton.name = settings.Levels[levelOrdinal].DisplayName;
Exemple #6
        void SetupButtonEventAndName(SceneTransitionManager settings, ListButtonScript newButton)
            // Add an event to the button
            int levelOrdinal = newButton.Index + 1;

            newButton.OnClicked += ((button) =>

            // Setup the level button labels
            foreach (TranslatedText label in newButton.Labels)
                label.TranslationKey = settings.Levels[levelOrdinal].DisplayName.TranslationKey;
            newButton.name = settings.Levels[levelOrdinal].DisplayName.TranslationKey;
        Button[] SetupLevelButtons(Button buttonToDuplicate)
            // Grab the Scene Manager
            SceneTransitionManager settings = Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>();

            // Grab the parent transform from the button
            Transform buttonParent = buttonToDuplicate.transform.parent;

            // Check how many levels there are
            Button[]   allButtons = null;
            GameObject clone      = null;

            if (settings.NumLevels >= 1)
                // Add the button into the button list
                allButtons = new Button[settings.NumLevels];

                // Setup the first level button behavior
                int index = 0;
                SetupButtonEventAndName(settings, buttonToDuplicate, index);
                SetupButtonNavigation(buttonToDuplicate, backButton);
                allButtons[index] = buttonToDuplicate;

                // Setup the rest of the buttons
                for (; index < allButtons.Length; ++index)
                    // Setup the level button
                    clone = Instantiate <GameObject>(buttonToDuplicate.gameObject);
                    clone.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                    clone.transform.localPosition = Vector3.one;
                    clone.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                    // Add the button into the button list
                    allButtons[index] = SetupButtonEventAndName(settings, clone, index);
                    SetupButtonNavigation(allButtons[index], allButtons[index - 1]);

                // Setup the last button
                SetupButtonNavigation(backButton, allButtons[allButtons.Length - 1]);
Exemple #8
        public override void Show(System.Action <IMenu> stateChanged)
            // Call base function

            // Check if we need to unlock the next level
            if (unlockNextLevel == true)
                SceneTransitionManager manager  = Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>();
                GameSettings           settings = Singleton.Get <GameSettings>();
                if (Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>().NextScene != null)
                    // Unlock the next level
                    settings.NumLevelsUnlocked = manager.CurrentScene.Ordinal + 1;
                    // Unlock this level (last one)
                    settings.NumLevelsUnlocked = manager.CurrentScene.Ordinal;
Exemple #9
        public override void Hide()
            bool wasVisible = (CurrentState == State.Visible);

            // Call base function

            if (wasVisible == true)
                // Lock the cursor to what the scene is set to
                SceneTransitionManager manager = Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>();
                //SceneManager.CursorMode = manager.CurrentScene.LockMode;

                // Unbind to Singleton's update function
                if (checkInput != null)
                    Singleton.Instance.OnUpdate -= checkInput;
                    checkInput = null;

                // Return to the menu