Exemple #1
		public OctreeZone( PCZSceneManager creator, string name )
			: base( creator, name )
			mZoneTypeName = "ZoneType_Octree";
			// init octree
			AxisAlignedBox b = new AxisAlignedBox( new Vector3( -10000, -10000, -10000 ), new Vector3( 10000, 10000, 10000 ) );
			int depth = 8;
			rootOctree = null;
			Init( b, depth );
Exemple #2
		public void Init( AxisAlignedBox box, int depth )
			if ( null != rootOctree )
				rootOctree = null;

			rootOctree = new Octree( this, null );

			maxDepth = depth;
			this.box = box;

			rootOctree.Box = box;

			Vector3 min = box.Minimum;

			Vector3 max = box.Maximum;

			rootOctree.HalfSize = ( max - min ) / 2;
Exemple #3
        public void Init(AxisAlignedBox box, int depth)
            if (null != this.rootOctree)
                this.rootOctree = null;

            this.rootOctree = new Octree(this, null);

            this.maxDepth = depth;
            this.box      = box;

            this.rootOctree.Box = box;

            Vector3 min = box.Minimum;

            Vector3 max = box.Maximum;

            this.rootOctree.HalfSize = (max - min) / 2;
Exemple #4
        public Octree(PCZone zone, Octree parent)
            this.wireBoundingBox = null;
            HalfSize             = new Vector3();

            this.parent = parent;
            NunodeList  = 0;
            this.zone   = zone;

            //initialize all children to null.
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        this.Children[i, j, k] = null;
Exemple #5
 public OctreeZoneData(PCZSceneNode node, PCZone zone)
     : base(node, zone)
     this.mOctant          = null;
     this.mOctreeWorldAABB = AxisAlignedBox.Null;
Exemple #6
		public OctreeZoneData( PCZSceneNode node, PCZone zone )
			: base( node, zone )
			this.mOctant = null;
			this.mOctreeWorldAABB = AxisAlignedBox.Null;
Exemple #7
		public Octree( PCZone zone, Octree parent )
			this.wireBoundingBox = null;
			HalfSize = new Vector3();

			this.parent = parent;
			NunodeList = 0;
			this.zone = zone;

			//initialize all children to null.
			for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
				for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
					for ( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
						this.Children[ i, j, k ] = null;
Exemple #8
        private void AddNodeToOctree(PCZSceneNode n, Octree octant, int depth)
            // Skip if octree has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
            if (null == this.rootOctree)

            AxisAlignedBox bx = n.WorldAABB;

            //if the octree is twice as big as the scene node,
            //we will add it to a child.
            if ((depth < this.maxDepth) && octant.IsTwiceSize(bx))
                int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
                octant._getChildIndexes(bx, ref x, ref y, ref z);

                if (octant.Children[x, y, z] == null)
                    octant.Children[x, y, z] = new Octree(this, octant);
                    Vector3 octantMin = octant.Box.Minimum;
                    Vector3 octantMax = octant.Box.Maximum;
                    Vector3 min, max;

                    if (x == 0)
                        min.x = octantMin.x;
                        max.x = (octantMin.x + octantMax.x) / 2;

                        min.x = (octantMin.x + octantMax.x) / 2;
                        max.x = octantMax.x;

                    if (y == 0)
                        min.y = octantMin.y;
                        max.y = (octantMin.y + octantMax.y) / 2;

                        min.y = (octantMin.y + octantMax.y) / 2;
                        max.y = octantMax.y;

                    if (z == 0)
                        min.z = octantMin.z;
                        max.z = (octantMin.z + octantMax.z) / 2;

                        min.z = (octantMin.z + octantMax.z) / 2;
                        max.z = octantMax.z;

                    octant.Children[x, y, z].Box.SetExtents(min, max);
                    octant.Children[x, y, z].HalfSize = (max - min) / 2;

                AddNodeToOctree(n, octant.Children[x, y, z], ++depth);
                if (((OctreeZoneData)n.GetZoneData(this)).Octant == octant)

Exemple #9
        private void WalkOctree(PCZCamera camera, ref List <PCZSceneNode> visibleNodeList, RenderQueue queue, Octree octant,
                                VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo visibleBounds, bool foundvisible, bool onlyShadowCasters,
                                bool displayNodes, bool showBoundingBoxes)
            //return immediately if nothing is in the node.
            if (octant.NunodeList == 0)

            Visibility v = Visibility.None;

            if (foundvisible)
                v = Visibility.Full;

            else if (octant == this.rootOctree)
                v = Visibility.Partial;

                AxisAlignedBox box = octant.Box;

                v = camera.GetVisibility(box);

            // if the octant is visible, or if it's the root node...
            if (v != Visibility.None)
                //Add stuff to be rendered;

                bool vis = true;

                foreach (PCZSceneNode sn in octant.NodeList.Values)
                    // if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
                    if (sn.LastVisibleFrame != mLastVisibleFrame || sn.LastVisibleFromCamera != camera)
                        // if this octree is partially visible, manually cull all
                        // scene nodes attached directly to this level.
                        if (v == Visibility.Partial)
                            vis = camera.IsObjectVisible(sn.WorldAABB);
                        if (vis)
                            // add the node to the render queue
                            sn.AddToRenderQueue(camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds);
                            // add it to the list of visible nodes
                            // if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
                            if (displayNodes)
                            // if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
                            if (sn.ShowBoundingBox || showBoundingBoxes)
                            // flag the node as being visible this frame
                            sn.LastVisibleFrame      = mLastVisibleFrame;
                            sn.LastVisibleFromCamera = camera;

                Octree child;
                bool   childfoundvisible = (v == Visibility.Full);
                if ((child = octant.Children[0, 0, 0]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[1, 0, 0]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[0, 1, 0]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[1, 1, 0]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[0, 0, 1]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[1, 0, 1]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[0, 1, 1]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);

                if ((child = octant.Children[1, 1, 1]) != null)
                    WalkOctree(camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible, onlyShadowCasters,
                               displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes);
Exemple #10
		void AddNodeToOctree( PCZSceneNode n, Octree octant, int depth )

			// Skip if octree has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
			if ( null == rootOctree )

			AxisAlignedBox bx = n.WorldAABB;

			//if the octree is twice as big as the scene node,
			//we will add it to a child.
			if ( ( depth < maxDepth ) && octant.IsTwiceSize( bx ) )
				int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
				octant._getChildIndexes( bx, ref x, ref y, ref z );

				if ( octant.Children[ x, y, z ] == null )
					octant.Children[ x, y, z ] = new Octree( this, octant );
					Vector3 octantMin = octant.Box.Minimum;
					Vector3 octantMax = octant.Box.Maximum;
					Vector3 min, max;

					if ( x == 0 )
						min.x = octantMin.x;
						max.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;

						min.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;
						max.x = octantMax.x;

					if ( y == 0 )
						min.y = octantMin.y;
						max.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;

						min.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;
						max.y = octantMax.y;

					if ( z == 0 )
						min.z = octantMin.z;
						max.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;

						min.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;
						max.z = octantMax.z;

					octant.Children[ x, y, z ].Box.SetExtents( min, max );
					octant.Children[ x, y, z ].HalfSize = ( max - min ) / 2;

				AddNodeToOctree( n, octant.Children[ x, y, z ], ++depth );

				if ( ( (OctreeZoneData)n.GetZoneData( this ) ).Octant == octant )

				RemoveNodeFromOctree( n );
				octant.AddNode( n );
Exemple #11
		private void WalkOctree( PCZCamera camera,
									ref List<PCZSceneNode> visibleNodeList,
									RenderQueue queue,
									Octree octant,
									VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo visibleBounds,
									bool foundvisible,
									bool onlyShadowCasters,
									bool displayNodes,
									bool showBoundingBoxes )

			//return immediately if nothing is in the node.
			if ( octant.NunodeList == 0 )

			Visibility v = Visibility.None;

			if ( foundvisible )
				v = Visibility.Full;

			else if ( octant == rootOctree )
				v = Visibility.Partial;

				AxisAlignedBox box = octant.Box;

				v = camera.GetVisibility( box );

			// if the octant is visible, or if it's the root node...
			if ( v != Visibility.None )
				//Add stuff to be rendered;

				bool vis = true;

				foreach ( PCZSceneNode sn in octant.NodeList.Values )
					// if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
					if ( sn.LastVisibleFrame != mLastVisibleFrame ||
						sn.LastVisibleFromCamera != camera )
						// if this octree is partially visible, manually cull all
						// scene nodes attached directly to this level.
						if ( v == Visibility.Partial )
							vis = camera.IsObjectVisible( sn.WorldAABB );
						if ( vis )
							// add the node to the render queue
							sn.AddToRenderQueue( camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );
							// add it to the list of visible nodes
							visibleNodeList.Add( sn );
							// if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
							if ( displayNodes )
								queue.AddRenderable( sn.GetDebugRenderable() );
							// if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
							if ( sn.ShowBoundingBox || showBoundingBoxes )
								sn.AddBoundingBoxToQueue( queue );
							// flag the node as being visible this frame
							sn.LastVisibleFrame = mLastVisibleFrame;
							sn.LastVisibleFromCamera = camera;

				Octree child;
				bool childfoundvisible = ( v == Visibility.Full );
				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 0, 0, 0 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 1, 0, 0 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 0, 1, 0 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 1, 1, 0 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 0, 0, 1 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 1, 0, 1 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 0, 1, 1 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

				if ( ( child = octant.Children[ 1, 1, 1 ] ) != null )
					WalkOctree( camera, ref visibleNodeList, queue, child, visibleBounds, childfoundvisible,
							   onlyShadowCasters, displayNodes, showBoundingBoxes );

Exemple #12
		public void Resize( AxisAlignedBox box )
			// delete the octree
			rootOctree = null;
			// create a new octree
			rootOctree = new Octree( this, null );
			// set the octree bounding box
			rootOctree.Box = box;
			Vector3 min = box.Minimum;
			Vector3 max = box.Maximum;
			rootOctree.HalfSize = ( max - min ) * 0.5f;

			OctreeZoneData ozd;
			foreach ( PCZSceneNode on in mHomeNodeList )
				ozd = (OctreeZoneData)( on.GetZoneData( this ) );
				ozd.Octant = null;
				UpdateNodeOctant( ozd );

			foreach ( PCZSceneNode on in mVisitorNodeList )
				ozd = (OctreeZoneData)( on.GetZoneData( this ) );
				ozd.Octant = null;
				UpdateNodeOctant( ozd );