Delete() public méthode

Deletes the specified Issue Comment
public Delete ( long repositoryId, int id ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The comment id
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks.Task
        public async Task EnsuresArgumentsNotNullOrEmpty()
            var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>();
            var client = new IssueCommentsClient(connection);

            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await client.Delete(null, "name", 42));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentException>(async () => await client.Delete("", "name", 42));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await client.Delete("owner", null, 42));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentException>(async () => await client.Delete("owner", "", 42));
        public void DeletesCorrectUrl()
            var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>();
            var client = new IssueCommentsClient(connection);

            client.Delete("fake", "repo", 42);

            connection.Received().Delete(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "repos/fake/repo/issues/comments/42"));