public static EliteBinds getBinds(ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, Elite.MessageBus messageBus) { EliteBinds eliteBinds = null; if (needsBindsReload(ref state, ref textValues, ref booleanValues) == true) { Tuple <string, string> tResponse = Elite.getBindsFilename(); string bindsPreset = tResponse.Item1; string bindsFile = tResponse.Item2; if (bindsPreset != null && bindsFile != null) { Debug.Write("Current Binds file: " + bindsFile); var bindsTree = XElement.Load(bindsFile); state["VAEDbindsFile"] = bindsFile; state["VAEDbindsPreset"] = bindsPreset; state["VAEDlastPresetTimestamp"] = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsPreset); state["VAEDlastBindsTimestamp"] = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsFile); XElement keyboardLayout = bindsTree.Element("KeyboardLayout"); string lang = keyboardLayout.Value.ToString(); Debug.Write("Elite key bindings language set to: " + lang); state["VAEDbindsLanguage"] = lang; eliteBinds = new EliteBinds(bindsTree, lang); state["VAEDeliteBinds"] = eliteBinds; } } else { eliteBinds = (EliteBinds)state["VAEDeliteBinds"]; } return(eliteBinds); }
public static void VA_Invoke1(String context, ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary <string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary <string, object> extendedValues) { try { Elite.MessageBus messageBus = (Elite.MessageBus)state["VAEDmessageBus"]; messageBus.loggedinState = (string)state["VAEDloggedIn"]; if (state.ContainsKey("VAEDcookieContainer")) { messageBus.cookies = (CookieContainer)state["VAEDcookieContainer"]; } Debug.Write("COMMAND: " + context); switch (context.ToLower()) { case "check for upgrade": if (Upgrade.needUpgradeWithCooldown(ref state)) { booleanValues["VAEDupgradeAvailable"] = true; state["VAEDupgradeAvailable"] = true; } else { booleanValues["VAEDupgradeAvailable"] = false; state["VAEDupgradeAvailable"] = false; } break; case "distance from here": string currentSystem = messageBus.currentSystem; if (currentSystem == null) // If we don't have it from netlog then go get it from the profile { Dictionary <string, dynamic> companion = Companion.getProfile((messageBus)); if (companion.ContainsKey("lastSystem") && companion["lastSystem"].ContainsKey("name")) { currentSystem = currentSystem = companion["lastSystem"]["name"]; messageBus.currentSystem = currentSystem; // We didn't have current system from netlog, so erase out x,y,z messageBus.haveSystemCoords = false; } } decimalValues["VAEDdecimalDistance"] = null; decimalValues["VAEDintDistance"] = null; if (currentSystem != null) { int distance = Atlas.calcDistanceFromHere(messageBus, textValues["VAEDtargetSystem"]); if (distance < 0) { //Cound not find destination system Debug.Write("Error: Could not determine distance to target system"); booleanValues["VAEDerrorTargetSystem"] = true; break; } // Found the system - return distance intValues["VAEDintDistance"] = distance; booleanValues["VAEDerrorTargetSystem"] = false; booleanValues["VAEDerrorSourceSystem"] = false; break; } //Can't find the System Debug.Write("Error: Could not determine current location for command 'distance from here'"); booleanValues["VAEDerrorSourceSystem"] = true; booleanValues["VAEDerrorDestinationSystem"] = false; break; case "dictate system": booleanValues["VAEDrecognitionNotLoaded"] = false; if (messageBus.grammarLoaded) { SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = messageBus.recognitionEngine; Tuple <string, string> tSystemNames = EliteGrammar.dictateSystem(recognitionEngine, (List <String>)state["VAEDtrackedSystems"]); textValues["VAEDdictateSystem"] = tSystemNames.Item1; textValues["VAEDdictateSystemPhonetic"] = tSystemNames.Item2; break; } else { booleanValues["VAEDrecognitionNotLoaded"] = true; Debug.Write("Error: Speech Engine not yet Initialized. (Possibly still loading)"); } textValues["VAEDdictateSystem"] = null; textValues["VAEDdictateSystemPhonetic"] = null; break; case "press key bind": // If the Binds file changes then reload the binds. string[] parts = textValues["VAEDkeyBinding"].Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2); EliteBinds eliteBinds = EliteBinds.getBinds(ref state, ref textValues, ref booleanValues, messageBus); if (eliteBinds != null) { string keyboardLanguage; if (state.ContainsKey("VAEDbindsLanguage")) { keyboardLanguage = (string)state["VAEDbindsLanguage"]; } else { keyboardLanguage = "en-US"; } List <uint> scanCodeExs = KeyMouse.MapVkToScanCodeExs(eliteBinds.GetCodes(parts[1], keyboardLanguage)); if (scanCodeExs.Count == 0) { Debug.Write("Warning: No key binding found for: " + textValues["VAEDkeyBinding"]); booleanValues["VAEDkeyBindingError"] = true; break; } switch (parts[0]) { // For now we only "best effort" focus the game before keypressing. Igorning the setFocus return code. case "KEYPRESS": Debug.Write("Key Press " + parts[1]); User32.setFocus(eliteWindowTitle); KeyMouse.KeyPress(scanCodeExs); booleanValues["VAEDkeyBindingError"] = false; break; case "KEYUP": Debug.Write("Key up " + parts[1]); User32.setFocus(eliteWindowTitle); KeyMouse.KeyUp(scanCodeExs); booleanValues["VAEDkeyBindingError"] = false; break; case "KEYDOWN": Debug.Write("Key down " + parts[1]); User32.setFocus(eliteWindowTitle); KeyMouse.KeyDown(scanCodeExs); booleanValues["VAEDkeyBindingError"] = false; break; default: booleanValues["VAEDkeyBindingError"] = true; break; } } else { Debug.Write("Error: Binds not loaded, unable to perform keypress"); } break; case "clear debug": Debug.Clear(); break; case "get debug": string tempDebug = Debug.Path(); textValues["VAEDdebugFile"] = tempDebug; break; case "export for ed shipyard": Companion.updateProfile(messageBus, ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues); if (state.ContainsKey("VAEDshipObj")) { Ship.Components shipObj = (Ship.Components)state["VAEDshipObj"]; StringBuilder export = EDShipyard.export(shipObj); if (export != null) { booleanValues["VAEDexportEDShipyardError"] = false; Clipboard.SetText(export.ToString()); break; } } Debug.Write("Error: Unable to form ED Export"); Clipboard.Clear(); booleanValues["VAEDexportEDShipyuardError"] = true; break; case "export for coriolis": Companion.updateProfile(messageBus, ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues); if (state.ContainsKey("VAEDshipObj")) { Ship.Components shipObj = (Ship.Components)state["VAEDshipObj"]; string json = Coriolis.export(shipObj); if (json != null) { booleanValues["VAEDexportCoriolisError"] = false; Clipboard.SetText(json); break; } } Debug.Write("Error: Unable to form JSON"); Clipboard.Clear(); booleanValues["VAEDexportCoriolisError"] = true; break; case "edit web variable sources": bool foundWindow = false; foreach (Form form in Application.OpenForms) { if (form.GetType().Name == "EditWebVars") { Debug.Write("Edit Web Variable Sources window is already open"); foundWindow = true; } } if (!foundWindow) { var webVarsForm = new WebVars.EditWebVars(); webVarsForm.ShowDialog(); } break; case "get web variables": GetWebVars.readWebVars(ref state, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref booleanValues); break; case "get file variables": FileVar.readFileVars(ref state, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref booleanValues); break; case "get clipboard": if (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Text)) { textValues.Add("VAEDclipboard", Clipboard.GetText()); } break; case "get frontier credentials": var configureForm = new ConfigureForm.Configuration((string)state["VAEDloggedIn"]); configureForm.ShowDialog(); CookieContainer loginCookies = configureForm.Cookie; state["VAEDcookieContainer"] = loginCookies; string loginResponse = configureForm.LoginResponse; Debug.Write("Frontier Login Response: " + loginResponse); textValues["VAEDloggedIn"] = loginResponse; break; case "get frontier verification": CookieContainer verifyCookies = new CookieContainer(); if (state.ContainsKey("VAEDcookieContainer")) { verifyCookies = (CookieContainer)state["VAEDcookieContainer"]; } var verificationForm = new VerificationCode.Validate(); verificationForm.Cookie = verifyCookies; verificationForm.ShowDialog(); verifyCookies = verificationForm.Cookie; string verifyResponse = verificationForm.VerifyResponse; state["VAEDloggedIn"] = verifyResponse; state["VAEDcookieContainer"] = verifyCookies; textValues["VAEDloggedIn"] = verifyResponse; if (verifyResponse == "ok") { Web.WriteCookiesToDisk(Config.CookiePath(), verifyCookies); } break; case "update profile and eddn": if (state["VAEDloggedIn"].ToString() == "ok" && state.ContainsKey("VAEDcookieContainer")) { Companion.updateProfile(messageBus, ref state, ref shortIntValues, ref textValues, ref intValues, ref decimalValues, ref booleanValues); } else // Not logged in { textValues["VAEDprofileStatus"] = "credentials"; } break; default: Debug.Write("ERROR: unknown command"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
public static void VA_Init1(ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary <string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary <string, object> extendedValues) { try { Debug.Write("---------------------- Ocellus Plugin " + pluginVersion + " Initializing ----------------------"); string configPath = Config.Path(); string drive = configPath.Substring(0, 2); Debug.Write("Current culture set to: " + Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString()); // Cleanup string oldGrammar = Path.Combine(configPath, "systems_grammar.xml"); if (File.Exists(oldGrammar)) { File.Delete(oldGrammar); } string oldEddb = Path.Combine(configPath, "eddb_index.txt"); if (File.Exists(oldEddb)) { File.Delete(oldEddb); } string oldAtlas = Path.Combine(configPath, "atlas_index.txt"); if (File.Exists(oldAtlas)) { File.Delete(oldAtlas); } Utilities.ReportFreeSpace(drive); Elite.MessageBus messageBus = new Elite.MessageBus(); int registryCheck = PluginRegistry.checkRegistry(); // Load System Index into memory SystemIndex.loadSystemIndex(ref messageBus); // Spin up Speech announcer thread Task.Run(() => Announcements.speak(messageBus)); // Setup Speech engine try { CultureInfo currCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(currCulture); messageBus.recognitionEngine = recognitionEngine; messageBus.recognitionEngineLang = currCulture; } catch { messageBus.recognitionEngineLang = new CultureInfo("en-US"); SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(messageBus.recognitionEngineLang); messageBus.recognitionEngine = recognitionEngine; Debug.Write("Warning: Falling back to default language for recognition engine"); } Task.Run(() => EliteGrammar.loadGrammar(messageBus)); // Setup plugin storage directory - used for cookies and debug logs string appPath = Config.Path(); string cookieFile = Config.CookiePath(); string debugFile = Config.DebugPath(); textValues["VAEDdebugPath"] = debugFile; // Determine Elite Dangerous directories string gameStartString = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startPath"); string gameStartParams = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startParams"); textValues["VAEDgameStartString"] = gameStartString; textValues["VAEDgameStartParams"] = gameStartParams; // Load Tracked Systems into memory TrackSystems.Load(ref state); CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer(); if (File.Exists(cookieFile)) { // If we have cookies then we are likely already logged in cookieJar = Web.ReadCookiesFromDisk(cookieFile); Tuple <CookieContainer, string> tAuthentication = Companion.loginToAPI(cookieJar); if (tAuthentication.Item2 == "ok") { cookieJar = tAuthentication.Item1; state["VAEDcookieContainer"] = cookieJar; state["VAEDloggedIn"] = "ok"; } else { state.Add("VAEDloggedIn", "no"); } } else { state.Add("VAEDloggedIn", "no"); } EliteBinds.getBinds(ref state, ref textValues, ref booleanValues, messageBus); messageBus.cookies = cookieJar; messageBus.loggedinState = (string)state["VAEDloggedIn"]; state["VAEDmessageBus"] = messageBus; Task.Run(() => Announcements.startupNotifications(messageBus, registryCheck)); //Watch the netlog for docked and system change information Task.Run(() => Elite.tailNetLog(messageBus)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
public static void VA_Init1(ref Dictionary <string, object> state, ref Dictionary <string, Int16?> shortIntValues, ref Dictionary <string, string> textValues, ref Dictionary <string, int?> intValues, ref Dictionary <string, decimal?> decimalValues, ref Dictionary <string, bool?> booleanValues, ref Dictionary <string, object> extendedValues) { try { Debug.Write("---------------------- Ocellus Plugin Initializing ----------------------"); // Setup Speech engine if (EliteGrammar.downloadGrammar()) { SpeechRecognitionEngine recognitionEngine = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); recognitionEngine.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); Grammar grammar = new Grammar(Path.Combine(Config.Path(), "systems_grammar.xml")); Task.Run(() => recognitionEngine.LoadGrammar(grammar)); state.Add("VAEDrecognitionEngine", recognitionEngine); } // Setup plugin storage directory - used for cookies and debug logs string appPath = Config.Path(); string cookieFile = Config.CookiePath(); string debugFile = Config.DebugPath(); textValues["VAEDdebugPath"] = debugFile; // Determine Elite Dangerous directories string gamePath = Elite.getGamePath(); string gameStartString = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startPath"); string gameStartParams = PluginRegistry.getStringValue("startParams"); state.Add("VAEDgamePath", gamePath); textValues["VAEDgameStartString"] = gameStartString; textValues["VAEDgameStartParams"] = gameStartParams; // Load EDDB Index into memory Eddb.loadEddbIndex(ref state); // Load Atlas Index into memory Atlas.loadAtlasIndex(ref state); Dictionary <string, dynamic> tempAtlas = (Dictionary <string, dynamic>)state["VAEDatlasIndex"]; // Load Tracked Systems into memory TrackSystems.Load(ref state); CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer(); if (File.Exists(cookieFile)) { // If we have cookies then we are likely already logged in cookieJar = Web.ReadCookiesFromDisk(cookieFile); Tuple <CookieContainer, string> tAuthentication = Companion.loginToAPI(cookieJar); if (tAuthentication.Item2 == "ok") { cookieJar = tAuthentication.Item1; state.Add("VAEDcookieContainer", cookieJar); state["VAEDloggedIn"] = "ok"; } } else { state.Add("VAEDloggedIn", "no"); } EliteBinds eliteBinds = new EliteBinds(); state.Add("VAEDeliteBinds", eliteBinds); string bindsFile = Elite.getBindsFilename(); DateTime fileTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(bindsFile); state.Add("VAEDbindsFile", bindsFile); state.Add("VAEDbindsTimestamp", fileTime); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); } }