Exemple #1
 public void ReceiveEvent(MoveToGameObjectEvent leEvent)
     goalGameObject = Map.GetGameObject(leEvent.GoalGameObject);
Exemple #2
        //check if the dude clicked on something
        //if he clicked on something then move him to that thing
        //move him to where he clicked
        private void LeftClick(MouseState nowState)
            // Do inventory click
            if (dude.Inventory.inventoryClick(nowState, dude))

            Vector2 clickPosition = new Vector2(nowState.X - (Game1.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width * 0.5f), nowState.Y - (Game1.graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height * 0.5f));
            clickPosition = dude.Position + clickPosition;

            List<Tile> tiles = Map.GetRenderedTiles(dude.Position);

            //NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: find all gameObjects that you have clicked on, find which one you are closest to
            //the center of and click on that one, this allows you to click on something behind something else
            foreach (Tile tile in tiles)
                foreach (GameObject gameObject in tile.GetGameObjects())
                    if (gameObject.IsInteractable)
                        //if you clicked on a game object, go to that game object
                        if (gameObject.GetHitBox().Contains((int)clickPosition.X, (int)clickPosition.Y))
                            Event LeftClickEventz = new MoveToGameObjectEvent(dude.GetId(), gameObject.GetId());

            Event LeftClickEvent = new MoveToPositionEvent(dude.GetId(), clickPosition);