protected override void Context()

            _pdfFileName = "ScatterPlots";
            _settings.DeleteWorkingDir = true;
            _settings.SaveArtifacts    = true;
            _figureCounter             = 0;

            var colors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Blue, Color.Red

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Chapter("Scatter Plots"));

            var axisOptions = getAxisOptions();

            var plotOptions1 = getPlotOptions(Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions2 = getPlotOptions(Color.Red.Name);

            var coordinatesMale = new List <Coordinate>
                new Coordinate(0F, 5F),
                new Coordinate(2F, 15F),
                new Coordinate(4F, 8F),
                new Coordinate(7F, 4F),
                new Coordinate(12F, 24F)
            var coordinatesFemale = new List <Coordinate>
                new Coordinate(0F, 10F),
                new Coordinate(2F, 12F),
                new Coordinate(0F, 11F),
                new Coordinate(3F, 9F),
                new Coordinate(6F, 8F),
                new Coordinate(7F, 7F),
                new Coordinate(14F, 27F)
            var boxplot1 = new Plot(coordinatesMale, plotOptions1)
                LegendEntry = "Male"
            var boxplot2 = new Plot(coordinatesFemale, plotOptions2)
                LegendEntry = "Female"
            var plotItem = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(colors,
                                                       new List <Plot> {
                boxplot1, boxplot2
                                                       new Text("Test Figure"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Scatter Plot"));
        private static TEXPlot createLegendPlotBasedOn(TEXPlot plot)
            var dummyOptions = plot.Options.Clone();

            dummyOptions.IsLegendPlot = true;
            dummyOptions.ShowInLegend = true;
            return(new TEXPlot(new List <Coordinate>(), dummyOptions)
                LegendEntry = plot.LegendEntry
Exemple #3
        private static GroupPlot getGroupPlot(List <Color> colors, LegendOptions.LegendPositions legendPosition, int columns)
            var axisOptionsForGroup = getAxisOptionsForGroup();

            var plotOptions1 = getBoxPlotOptions(15F, 20F, 25F, 30F, 35F, 1F, Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions2 = getBoxPlotOptions(26F, 31F, 34F, 41F, 44F, 1F, Color.Red.Name);
            var plotOptions3 = getBoxPlotOptions(18F, 22F, 27F, 32F, 38F, 2F, Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions4 = getBoxPlotOptions(27F, 31F, 35F, 39F, 47F, 2F, Color.Red.Name);

            var coordinates = new List <Coordinate> {
                new Coordinate(0F, 5F)
            var boxplot1 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions1);
            var boxplot2 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions2);
            var boxplot3 = new Plot(new List <Coordinate>(), plotOptions3);
            var boxplot4 = new Plot(new List <Coordinate>(), plotOptions4);

            var groupOptions = getGroupOptions(legendPosition, columns);

            var groupedPlots = new List <IBasePlot>();
            var plots        = new List <Plot> {
                boxplot1, boxplot2, boxplot3, boxplot4
            var axisOptionsForPlotWithoutGroupLines = getAxisOptionsForPlot();
            var axisOptionsForPlot = getAxisOptionsForPlot();

            axisOptionsForPlot.GroupLines.Add(new AxisOptions.GroupLine(1F, 2F, "All", 1));
            axisOptionsForPlot.GroupLines.Add(new AxisOptions.GroupLine(1F, 2F, "Total", 2));

            var groupedPlot1 = new BasePlot(new AxisOptions(NoConverter.Instance)
                IsEmptyGroupPlot = true
            }, new List <Plot>());
            var groupedPlot2 = new BasePlot(axisOptionsForPlotWithoutGroupLines, plots);
            var groupedPlot3 = new BasePlot(axisOptionsForPlot, plots);


            var plotItem = new GroupPlot(colors,
                                         new Text("Test Figure With Grouped Plots"))
                Position = FigureWriter.FigurePositions.H

Exemple #4
        protected override void Context()

            _pdfFileName = "BoxPlots";
            _settings.DeleteWorkingDir = true;
            _settings.SaveArtifacts    = true;
            _figureCounter             = 0;

            var colors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Blue, Color.Red

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Chapter("Box Plots"));

            var axisOptions = getAxisOptions();

            var plotOptions1 = getBoxWhiskerPlotOptions(15F, 20F, 25F, 30F, 35F, 1F, Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions2 = getBoxWhiskerPlotOptions(26F, 31F, 34F, 41F, 44F, 1F, Color.Red.Name);
            var plotOptions3 = getBoxWhiskerPlotOptions(18F, 22F, 27F, 32F, 38F, 2F, Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions4 = getBoxWhiskerPlotOptions(27F, 31F, 35F, 39F, 47F, 2F, Color.Red.Name);

            var coordinates = new List <Coordinate> {
                new Coordinate(0F, 5F)
            var boxplot1 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions1)
                LegendEntry = "Male"
            var boxplot2 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions2)
                LegendEntry = "Female"
            var boxplot3 = new Plot(new List <Coordinate>(), plotOptions3);
            var boxplot4 = new Plot(new List <Coordinate>(), plotOptions4);
            var plotItem = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(colors,
                                                       new List <Plot> {
                boxplot1, boxplot2, boxplot3, boxplot4
                                                       new Text("Test Figure"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Box Plot"));
        private void PlotFigures(string chapterName, List <Coordinate> coordinates, Text chapterTitle = null)
            if (chapterTitle == null)
                chapterTitle = new Text(chapterName);

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Chapter(chapterName, chapterTitle));

            var colors = new List <Color>()
                Color.Blue, Color.Red

            var axisOptions = new AxisOptions(NoConverter.Instance)
                Title  = "Test Title",
                XLabel = "X Axis",
                YLabel = "Y Axis",
                YMode  = AxisOptions.AxisMode.log,
                LogTicksWithFixedPoint = true,
                XAxisPosition          = AxisOptions.AxisXLine.bottom,
                YAxisPosition          = AxisOptions.AxisYLine.left,
                LegendOptions          = new LegendOptions {
                    LegendPosition = LegendOptions.LegendPositions.NorthWest
                YMajorGrid = true

            var plotOptions1 = new PlotOptions
                LineStyle       = PlotOptions.LineStyles.Solid,
                Marker          = PlotOptions.Markers.Triangle,
                Color           = Color.Blue.Name,
                ErrorBars       = true,
                ShadedErrorBars = true,
                Thickness       = PlotOptions.Thicknesses.UltraThick
            var plot1 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions1)
                LegendEntry = "legend entry 1"
            var plotItem = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(colors, axisOptions, new List <Plot> {
            }, new Text("Test Figure"));

            var plotOptions2 = new PlotOptions
                LineStyle     = PlotOptions.LineStyles.DashDotted,
                Marker        = PlotOptions.Markers.Circle,
                Color         = Color.Red.Name,
                ErrorBars     = true,
                ThicknessSize = Helper.Length(2,,
                MarkSize      = Helper.Length(3,,
                MarkColor     = Color.Blue.Name,
                MarkFillColor = String.Format("{0}!{1}", Color.Blue.Name, 20)
            var plot2 = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions2)
                LegendEntry =
                    "0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789"
            var plotItem2 = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(colors, axisOptions, new List <Plot> {
            }, new Text("Test Figure 2"));

            // Two Ordinates Plot
            var axisOptionsY1 = new AxisOptions(NoConverter.Instance)
                EnlargeLimits   = true,
                Title           = "Test Title",
                XLabel          = "X Axis",
                YLabel          = "Y Axis",
                YMin            = 0,
                XTickMin        = 2F,
                XTickMax        = 3F,
                MinorXTickNum   = 1,
                MinorYTickNum   = 1,
                BackgroundColor = "blue!10",
                YMode           = AxisOptions.AxisMode.normal,
                XAxisPosition   = AxisOptions.AxisXLine.bottom,
                YAxisPosition   = AxisOptions.AxisYLine.left,
                YMajorGrid      = true
            var axisOptionsY2 = new AxisOptions(DefaultConverter.Instance)
                YLabel        = "Y2 Axis",
                YAxisPosition = AxisOptions.AxisYLine.right,
                YAxisArrow    = false,
                YScaledTicks  = false,
                YMode         = AxisOptions.AxisMode.log,
                LegendOptions =
                    new LegendOptions
                    FontSize        = LegendOptions.FontSizes.scriptsize,
                    LegendAlignment = LegendOptions.LegendAlignments.left,
                    LegendPosition  = LegendOptions.LegendPositions.OuterNorthWest,
                    RoundedCorners  = true,
                    Columns         = 1,
                    //TextWidth = Helper.GetWidthInPercentageOfTextWidth(30)
                XAxisPosition = AxisOptions.AxisXLine.none
            var plotTwoOrdinates = new PlotTwoOrdinates(colors, axisOptionsY1, new List <Plot> {
                                                        axisOptionsY2, new List <Plot> {
                                                        new Text("Test Two Ordinates"));

            var axisOptionsY3 = new AxisOptions(DefaultConverter.Instance)
                YLabel         = "Y3 Axis",
                YAxisPosition  = AxisOptions.AxisYLine.right,
                YAxisArrow     = false,
                YScaledTicks   = true,
                YMin           = 0,
                YDiscontinuity = AxisOptions.Discontinuities.parallel,
                YMode          = AxisOptions.AxisMode.normal,
                LegendOptions  =
                    new LegendOptions
                    FontSize        = LegendOptions.FontSizes.scriptsize,
                    LegendAlignment = LegendOptions.LegendAlignments.left,
                    LegendPosition  = LegendOptions.LegendPositions.OuterNorthEast,
                    RoundedCorners  = true,
                    Columns         = 1,
                    //TextWidth = Helper.GetWidthInPercentageOfTextWidth(30)
                XAxisPosition = AxisOptions.AxisXLine.none

            var plot3 = new Plot(new List <Coordinate> {
                new Coordinate(2.5F, 5F)
                                 new PlotOptions {
                Marker = PlotOptions.Markers.Triangle
                LegendEntry = "Points"

            var plotThreeOrdinates = new PlotThreeOrdinates(colors, axisOptionsY1, new List <Plot> {
                                                            axisOptionsY2, new List <Plot> {
                                                            axisOptionsY3, new List <Plot> {
                                                            new Text("Test Three Ordinates"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Figure 1"));
            var axisOptionsNormal = new AxisOptions(NoConverter.Instance)
                Title  = "Test Title",
                XLabel = "X Axis",
                YLabel = "Y Axis",
                YMode  = AxisOptions.AxisMode.normal,
                LogTicksWithFixedPoint = true,
                XAxisPosition          = AxisOptions.AxisXLine.bottom,
                YAxisPosition          = AxisOptions.AxisYLine.left,
                LegendOptions          = new LegendOptions {
                    LegendPosition = LegendOptions.LegendPositions.NorthWest
                YMajorGrid = true
            var plotItemNormal = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(plotItem.Colors, axisOptionsNormal, plotItem.Plots, new Text("Test Figure with normal scaled Y-Axis"));


            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Figure 2"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Figure 3"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Two Ordinates Figure"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Three Ordinates Figure"));
        protected override void Context()

            _pdfFileName = "BarPlots";
            _settings.DeleteWorkingDir = true;
            _settings.SaveArtifacts    = true;
            _figureCounter             = 0;

            var colors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Blue, Color.Red

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Chapter("Bar Plots"));

            var plotOptions1 = getPlotOptions(Color.Blue.Name);
            var plotOptions2 = getPlotOptions(Color.Red.Name);

            var coordinates1 = new List <Coordinate> {
                new Coordinate(1F, 5F), new Coordinate(2F, 10F), new Coordinate(3F, 5F)
            var barplot1 = new Plot(coordinates1, plotOptions1)
                LegendEntry = "Male"
            var coordinates2 = new List <Coordinate> {
                new Coordinate(1F, 3F), new Coordinate(2F, 8F), new Coordinate(3F, 9F)
            var barplot2 = new Plot(coordinates2, plotOptions2)
                LegendEntry = "Female"

            // simple bar plot
            var barPlotOptionsSideBySide = new BarPlotOptions
                BarPlotType     = BarPlotOptions.BarPlotTypes.SideBySide,
                Width           = "0.45",
                Shift           = Helper.Length(2,,
                NodesNearCoords = true

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Bar Plot"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptions(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.OuterNorthEast), barPlotOptionsSideBySide,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplot1, barplot2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Bar Plot With Legend Inside"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptions(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.NorthEast), barPlotOptionsSideBySide,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplot1, barplot2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            // simple stacked bar plot
            var barPlotOptionsStacked = new BarPlotOptions
                BarPlotType = BarPlotOptions.BarPlotTypes.Stacked,
                Width       = "0.9"

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Stacked Bar Plot"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptions(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.OuterNorthEast), barPlotOptionsStacked,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplot1, barplot2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Stacked Bar Plot With Legend Inside"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptions(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.NorthEast), barPlotOptionsStacked,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplot1, barplot2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            // simple interval bar plot
            var barPlotOptionsInterval = new BarPlotOptions
                BarPlotType = BarPlotOptions.BarPlotTypes.Interval,
                TickLabelIntervalBoundaries = true

            // add dummy coordinate
            var coordinatesInt1 = new List <Coordinate>(coordinates1);
            var coordinatesInt2 = new List <Coordinate>(coordinates2);

            coordinatesInt1.Add(new Coordinate(4F, 0F));
            coordinatesInt2.Add(new Coordinate(4F, 0F));
            var barplotInt1 = new Plot(coordinatesInt1, plotOptions1)
                LegendEntry = "Male"
            var barplotInt2 = new Plot(coordinatesInt2, plotOptions2)
                LegendEntry = "Female"

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Interval Bar Plot"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptionsForInterval(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.OuterNorthEast), barPlotOptionsInterval,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplotInt1, barplotInt2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Interval Bar Plot With Legend Inside"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             getAxisOptionsForInterval(LegendOptions.LegendPositions.NorthEast), barPlotOptionsInterval,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplotInt1, barplotInt2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            // simple stacked interval bar plot
            var barPlotOptionsIntervalStacked = new BarPlotOptions
                BarPlotType = BarPlotOptions.BarPlotTypes.IntervalStacked,
                TickLabelIntervalBoundaries = true

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Stacked Interval Bar Plot"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplotInt1, barplotInt2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Stacked Interval Bar Plot With Legend Inside"));
            _objectsToReport.Add(new BarPlot(colors,
                                             new List <Plot> {
                barplotInt1, barplotInt2
                                             new Text("Test Figure")));
        private List <Plot> getPlots(CurveChart chart, AxisTypes yAxisType)
            var plots = new List <Plot>();

            var xAxis = chart.Axes.First(x => x.AxisType == AxisTypes.X);
            var yAxis = chart.Axes.First(x => x.AxisType == yAxisType);

            var xUnit = xAxis.Dimension.Unit(xAxis.UnitName);
            var yUnit = yAxis.Dimension.Unit(yAxis.UnitName);

            foreach (var curve in chart.Curves)
                if (!curve.Visible)
                if (curve.yAxisType != yAxisType)
                if (!isCurveCompatibleToYAxis(curve, yAxis))

                var        coordinates  = new List <Coordinate>();
                var        plotOptions  = new PlotOptions();
                DataColumn geometricErr = null;
                if (curve.yData.ContainsRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.GeometricStdDev))
                    geometricErr          = curve.yData.GetRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.GeometricStdDev);
                    plotOptions.ErrorBars = true;
                    plotOptions.ErrorType = PlotOptions.ErrorTypes.geometric;
                DataColumn arithmeticErr    = null;
                IDimension arithmeticErrDim = null;
                if (curve.yData.ContainsRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.ArithmeticStdDev))
                    arithmeticErr         = curve.yData.GetRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.ArithmeticStdDev);
                    arithmeticErrDim      = _dimensionFactory.MergedDimensionFor(arithmeticErr);
                    plotOptions.ErrorBars = true;
                    plotOptions.ErrorType = PlotOptions.ErrorTypes.arithmetic;
                DataColumn geometricMeanPop    = null;
                IDimension geometricMeanPopDim = null;
                if (curve.yData.ContainsRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.GeometricMeanPop))
                    geometricMeanPop            = curve.yData.GetRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.GeometricMeanPop);
                    geometricMeanPopDim         = _dimensionFactory.MergedDimensionFor(geometricMeanPop);
                    plotOptions.ErrorBars       = false;
                    plotOptions.ErrorType       = PlotOptions.ErrorTypes.geometric;
                    plotOptions.ShadedErrorBars = true;
                    plotOptions.Opacity         = getOpacityFor(Constants.RANGE_AREA_OPACITY);
                DataColumn arithmeticMeanPop    = null;
                IDimension arithmeticMeanPopDim = null;
                if (curve.yData.ContainsRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.ArithmeticMeanPop))
                    arithmeticMeanPop           = curve.yData.GetRelatedColumn(AuxiliaryType.ArithmeticMeanPop);
                    arithmeticMeanPopDim        = _dimensionFactory.MergedDimensionFor(arithmeticMeanPop);
                    plotOptions.ErrorBars       = false;
                    plotOptions.ErrorType       = PlotOptions.ErrorTypes.arithmetic;
                    plotOptions.ShadedErrorBars = true;
                    plotOptions.Opacity         = getOpacityFor(Constants.RANGE_AREA_OPACITY);

                plotOptions.Color         = curve.Color.Name;
                plotOptions.ThicknessSize = Helper.Length(convertLineThickness(curve.LineThickness),;
                plotOptions.MarkSize      = Helper.Length(convertLineThickness(curve.LineThickness),;

                plotOptions.Marker    = getMarker(curve.Symbol);
                plotOptions.LineStyle = getLineStyle(curve.LineStyle);

                IDimension xDimension = _dimensionFactory.MergedDimensionFor(curve.xData);
                IDimension yDimension = _dimensionFactory.MergedDimensionFor(curve.yData);
                for (var i = 0; i < curve.xData.Values.Count; i++)
                    var xValue = convertToUnit(xUnit, xDimension, curve.xData.Values[i]);
                    var yValue = convertToUnit(yUnit, yDimension, curve.yData.Values[i]);

                    var coordinate = new Coordinate(xValue, yValue);

                    if (geometricMeanPop != null)
                        var yError = curve.yData.Values[i];
                        yValue     = convertToUnit(yUnit, geometricMeanPopDim, geometricMeanPop.Values[i]);
                        coordinate = new Coordinate(coordinate.X, yValue)
                            errY = yError
                    if (arithmeticMeanPop != null)
                        var yError = yValue;
                        yValue     = convertToUnit(yUnit, arithmeticMeanPopDim, arithmeticMeanPop.Values[i]);
                        coordinate = new Coordinate(coordinate.X, yValue)
                            errY = yError

                    if (geometricErr != null)
                        coordinate.errY = geometricErr.Values[i];
                    if (arithmeticErr != null)
                        coordinate.errY = convertToUnit(yUnit, arithmeticErrDim, arithmeticErr.Values[i]);

                    if (xAxis.NumberMode == NumberModes.Relative)
                        var max = curve.xData.Values.Max();
                        max        = convertToUnit(xUnit, xDimension, max);
                        coordinate = new Coordinate(coordinate.X / max * 100, coordinate.Y)
                            errY = coordinate.errY

                    if (yAxis.NumberMode == NumberModes.Relative)
                        var max = curve.yData.Values.Max();
                        if (geometricMeanPop != null)
                            max = geometricMeanPop.Values.Max();
                            max = convertToUnit(yUnit, geometricMeanPopDim, max);
                        if (arithmeticMeanPop != null)
                            max = arithmeticMeanPop.Values.Max();
                            max = convertToUnit(yUnit, arithmeticMeanPopDim, max);
                        coordinate = new Coordinate(coordinate.X, coordinate.Y / max * 100)
                            errY =
                                coordinate.errY == null
                                           ? null
                                           : (arithmeticErr != null | arithmeticMeanPop != null)
                                                ? coordinate.errY / max * 100
                                                : coordinate.errY


                var plot = new Plot(coordinates, plotOptions)
                    LegendEntry = curve.Name

                // if all coordinates are nan, no plot can be created, so skip this plot
                if (!coordinates.All(c => float.IsNaN(c.X)) && !coordinates.All(c => float.IsNaN(c.Y)))

        protected override void Context()

            _pdfFileName = "RangePlots";
            _settings.DeleteWorkingDir = true;
            _settings.SaveArtifacts    = true;
            _figureCounter             = 0;

            var colors = new List <Color> {
                Color.Blue, Color.Red

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Chapter("Range Plots"));

            var axisOptions = getAxisOptions();

            var coordinatesMale = new List <Coordinate>
                new Coordinate(0F, 5F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.5F
                new Coordinate(2F, 15F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.1F
                new Coordinate(4F, 8F)
                    errY = 1.4F, errY2 = 1.5F
                new Coordinate(7F, 4F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.2F
                new Coordinate(12F, 24F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.5F
            var coordinatesFemale = new List <Coordinate>
                new Coordinate(0F, 10F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.5F
                new Coordinate(2F, 12F)
                    errY = 1.4F, errY2 = 1.3F
                new Coordinate(4F, 11F)
                    errY = 2.4F, errY2 = 1.5F
                new Coordinate(5F, 9F)
                    errY = 0.8F, errY2 = 0.7F
                new Coordinate(6F, 8F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.1F
                new Coordinate(7F, 7F)
                    errY = 0.4F, errY2 = 0.1F
                new Coordinate(14F, 27F)
                    errY = 3.4F, errY2 = 2.5F
            var plotRangeMale = new Plot(coordinatesMale, getPlotOptions(Color.Blue.Name, true, false));
            var plotMale      = new Plot(coordinatesMale, getPlotOptions(Color.Blue.Name, false, true))
                LegendEntry = "Male"
            var plotRangeFemale = new Plot(coordinatesFemale, getPlotOptions(Color.Red.Name, true, false));
            var plotFemale      = new Plot(coordinatesFemale, getPlotOptions(Color.Red.Name, false, true))
                LegendEntry = "Female"
            var plotItem = new TeXReporting.Items.Plot(colors,
                                                       new List <Plot> {
                plotRangeMale, plotMale, plotRangeFemale, plotFemale
                                                       new Text("Test Figure"));

            _objectsToReport.Add(new Section("Simple Range Plot"));