internal void InvokeFinishRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int col)
            var args = new TileProgressEventArgs(CallbackStates.FinishRenderTile, batchMap, group, scaleindex, row, col, m_cancel);

            this.FinishRenderingTile?.Invoke(this, args);
            m_cancel = args.Cancel;
        internal Exception InvokeError(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int col, Exception exception)
            var args = new TileRenderingErrorEventArgs(CallbackStates.FailedRenderingTile, batchMap, group, scaleindex, row, col, exception);

            this.FailedRenderingTile?.Invoke(this, args);
        internal void InvokeFinishRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group)
            var args = new TileProgressEventArgs(CallbackStates.FinishRenderGroup, batchMap, group, -1, -1, -1, m_cancel);

            this.FinishRenderingGroup?.Invoke(this, args);
            m_cancel = args.Cancel;
        internal void InvokeBeginRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap)
            var args = new TileProgressEventArgs(CallbackStates.StartRenderMap, batchMap, null, -1, -1, -1, m_cancel);

            this.BeginRenderingMap?.Invoke(this, args);
            m_cancel = args.Cancel;
        internal void InvokeBeginRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex)
            var args = new TileProgressEventArgs(CallbackStates.StartRenderScale, batchMap, group, scaleindex, -1, -1, m_cancel);

            this.BeginRenderingScale?.Invoke(this, args);
            m_cancel = args.Cancel;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The state that invoked the callback</param>
 /// <param name="map">The map currently being processed</param>
 /// <param name="group">The group being processed</param>
 /// <param name="scaleindex">The scaleindex being processed</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row being processed</param>
 /// <param name="column">The column being processed</param>
 /// <param name="error"></param>
 public TileRenderingErrorEventArgs(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, Exception error)
     this.State      = state;
     this.Map        = map;
     this.Group      = group;
     this.ScaleIndex = scaleindex;
     this.Row        = row;
     this.Column     = column;
     this.Error      = error;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The state that invoked the callback</param>
 /// <param name="map">The map currently being processed</param>
 /// <param name="group">The group being processed</param>
 /// <param name="scaleindex">The scaleindex being processed</param>
 /// <param name="row">The row being processed</param>
 /// <param name="column">The column being processed</param>
 /// <param name="cancel">A control flag to stop the tile rendering</param>
 public TileProgressEventArgs(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, bool cancel)
     this.State      = state;
     this.Map        = map;
     this.Group      = group;
     this.ScaleIndex = scaleindex;
     this.Row        = row;
     this.Column     = column;
     this.Cancel     = cancel;
Exemple #8
 public RenderThreads(MapTilingConfiguration invoker, TilingRunCollection parent, int scale, string group, string mapdef, int rows, int cols, int rowOffset, int colOffset, bool randomize)
     this.TileSet   = new Queue <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();
     _syncLock      = new object();
     _event         = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     _completeFlag  = parent.Config.ThreadCount;
     _raiseEvents   = new Queue <EventPassing>();
     _scale         = scale;
     _group         = group;
     _parent        = parent;
     _mapDefinition = mapdef;
     _invoker       = invoker;
     _randomize     = randomize;
     _rows          = rows;
     _cols          = cols;
     _rowOffset     = rowOffset;
     _colOffset     = colOffset;
Exemple #9
 public RenderThreads(MapTilingConfiguration invoker, TilingRunCollection parent, int scale, string group, string mapdef, int rows, int cols, int rowOffset, int colOffset, bool randomize)
     TileSet = new Queue<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
     SyncLock = new object();
     Event = new AutoResetEvent(false);
     CompleteFlag = parent.Config.ThreadCount;
     RaiseEvents = new Queue<EventPassing>();
     this.Scale = scale;
     this.Group = group;
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.MapDefinition = mapdef;
     this.Invoker = invoker;
     Randomize = randomize;
     Rows = rows;
     Cols = cols;
     this.RowOffset = rowOffset;
     this.ColOffset = colOffset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified map definition ids
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maps"></param>
        public void AddMapDefinitions(string[] maps)
            if (maps == null || maps.Length == 0 || (maps.Length == 1 && maps[0].Trim().Length == 0))
                List <string> tmp = new List <string>();
                foreach (var doc in m_connection.ResourceService.GetRepositoryResources(StringConstants.RootIdentifier, ResourceTypes.MapDefinition.ToString()).Children)
                maps = tmp.ToArray();

            foreach (string s in maps)
                MapTilingConfiguration bm = new MapTilingConfiguration(this, s);
                if (bm.Resolutions > 0)
Exemple #11
 static void bx_BeginRenderingScale(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     beginScale = DateTime.Now;
     if (m_logableProgress)
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationBeginScale, beginMap, map.MapDefinition.BaseMap.GetScaleAt(scaleindex), scaleindex, map.Resolutions));
Exemple #12
 static void bx_FailedRenderingTile(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref Exception exception)
     exception = null;
Exemple #13
 static void bx_FinishRenderingScale(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - beginScale;
     if (m_logableProgress)
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationFinishScale, DateTime.Now, map.MapDefinition.BaseMap.GetScaleAt(scaleindex), duration));
Exemple #14
        internal Exception InvokeError(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int col, ref Exception exception)
            if (this.FailedRenderingTile != null)
                this.FailedRenderingTile(CallbackStates.FailedRenderingTile, batchMap, group, scaleindex, row, col, ref exception);

            return exception;
Exemple #15
        static void DisplayProgress(MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            if (hasConsole)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleUpdateTime.Replace("\\t", "\t"), DateTime.Now));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleCurrentMap.Replace("\\t", "\t"), map.ResourceId, mapCount, map.Parent.Maps.Count));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleCurrentGroup.Replace("\\t", "\t"), group, groupCount, map.MapDefinition.BaseMap.GroupCount));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleCurrentScale.Replace("\\t", "\t"), map.MapDefinition.BaseMap.GetScaleAt(Array.IndexOf<int>(map.ScaleIndexMap, scaleindex)), Array.IndexOf<int>(map.ScaleIndexMap, scaleindex) + 1, map.MapDefinition.BaseMap.ScaleCount));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleCurrentTile.Replace("\\t", "\t"), tileCount, totalTiles));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleGroupDuration.Replace("\\t", "\t"), DateTime.Now - beginGroup));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleGroupEstimate.Replace("\\t", "\t"), new TimeSpan(prevDuration.Ticks * totalTiles)));

            if (exceptionList.Count != 0)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleErrorSummary, exceptionList.Count, exceptionList[exceptionList.Count - 1].ToString()));
Exemple #16
        private void DisplayProgress(MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            if (m_cancel)
                cancel = true;

            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                this.Invoke(new DisplayProgressDelegate(DisplayProgress), new object[] { map, group, scaleindex, row, column, cancel });
                label1.Text = string.Format(Strings.CurrentGroupStatus, group, map.ResourceId);

                tilePG.Value = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min((m_tileCount / (double)m_totalTiles) * (tilePG.Maximum - tilePG.Minimum), tilePG.Maximum), tilePG.Minimum);
                totalPG.Value = (int)Math.Max(Math.Min((m_grandTotalTileCount / (double)m_grandTotalTiles) * (totalPG.Maximum - totalPG.Minimum), totalPG.Maximum), totalPG.Minimum);

                if (m_failCount == 0)
                    tileCounter.Text = string.Format(Strings.CurrentTileCounter, m_grandTotalTileCount, m_grandTotalTiles, "");
                    tileCounter.Text = string.Format(Strings.CurrentTileCounter, m_grandTotalTileCount, m_grandTotalTiles, string.Format(Strings.TileErrorCount, m_failCount));

                TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - m_grandBegin;
                DateTime finish = DateTime.Now + (new TimeSpan(m_prevDuration.Ticks * m_grandTotalTiles) - elapsed);
                TimeSpan remain = finish - DateTime.Now;

                if (finish < DateTime.Now)
                   finishEstimate.Text = Strings.InsufficientTimePassed;
                    finishEstimate.Text = string.Format(Strings.RemainingTime, finish.ToShortTimeString(), string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", (int)Math.Floor(remain.TotalHours), remain.Minutes.ToString("00"), remain.Seconds.ToString("00")));
Exemple #17
        void bx_FinishRenderingTile(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            m_tileRuns.Add(DateTime.Now - m_beginTile);

            //Update display, after 1000 tiles
            if (m_tileRuns.Count > 500 || (DateTime.Now - m_lastUpdate).TotalSeconds > 5 || m_cancel)
                long d = 0;
                foreach (TimeSpan ts in m_tileRuns)
                    d += ts.Ticks;

                d /= m_tileRuns.Count;

                //For all other than the first calculation, we use the previous counts too
                if (m_grandTotalTileCount != m_tileRuns.Count)
                    d = (d + m_prevDuration.Ticks) / 2;

                m_prevDuration = new TimeSpan(d);
                TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(d * m_totalTiles);

                m_lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

                DisplayProgress(map, group, scaleindex, row, column, ref cancel);
Exemple #18
 void bx_FinishRenderingMaps(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     if (this.InvokeRequired)
         this.Invoke(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(DoClose));
Exemple #19
 void bx_FailedRenderingTile(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref Exception exception)
     exception = null; //Eat it
Exemple #20
 void bx_BeginRenderingTile(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     m_beginTile = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #21
 void bx_BeginRenderingMap(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     m_tileCount = 0;
        private static void TriggerEvent(TileProgressEventHandler evt, object sender, CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            var args = new TileProgressEventArgs(state, map, group, scaleindex, row, column, cancel);

            evt?.Invoke(sender, args);
            cancel = args.Cancel;
Exemple #23
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IServerConnection con = m_connection;
            if (chkUseDifferentConnection.Checked)
                if (UseNativeAPI.Checked)
                    string webconfig = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "webconfig.ini"); //NOXLATE
                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(webconfig))
                        MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Strings.MissingWebConfigFile, webconfig), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        var initP = new NameValueCollection();

                        initP["ConfigFile"] = webconfig; //NOXLATE
                        initP["Username"] = Username.Text; //NOXLATE
                        initP["Password"] = Password.Text; //NOXLATE

                        con = ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateConnection("Maestro.LocalNative", initP); //NOXLATE
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string msg = NestedExceptionMessageProcessor.GetFullMessage(ex);
                        MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Strings.ConnectionError, msg), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        var initP = new NameValueCollection();

                        initP["Url"] = MapAgent.Text; //NOXLATE
                        initP["Username"] = Username.Text; //NOXLATE
                        initP["Password"] = Password.Text; //NOXLATE
                        initP["AllowUntestedVersion"] = "true"; //NOXLATE

                        con = ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateConnection("Maestro.Http", initP); //NOXLATE
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string msg = NestedExceptionMessageProcessor.GetFullMessage(ex);
                        MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Strings.ConnectionError, msg), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                TilingRunCollection bx = new TilingRunCollection(con);

                if (LimitTileset.Checked)
                    if (MaxRowLimit.Value > 0)
                    if (MaxColLimit.Value > 0)

                if (UseOfficialMethod.Checked)
                    bx.Config.MetersPerUnit = (double)MetersPerUnit.Value;
                    bx.Config.UseOfficialMethod = true;

                bx.Config.ThreadCount = (int)ThreadCount.Value;
                bx.Config.RandomizeTileSequence = RandomTileOrder.Checked;

                foreach (Config c in ReadTree())
                    MapTilingConfiguration bm = new MapTilingConfiguration(bx, c.MapDefinition);
                    bm.SetGroups(new string[] { c.Group });


                Progress p = new Progress(bx);
                if (p.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    var ts = p.TotalTime;
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Strings.TileGenerationCompleted, ((ts.Days * 24) + ts.Hours), ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = NestedExceptionMessageProcessor.GetFullMessage(ex);
                MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Strings.InternalError, msg), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #24
 internal void InvokeBeginRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group)
     if (this.BeginRenderingGroup != null)
         this.BeginRenderingGroup(CallbackStates.StartRenderGroup, batchMap, group, -1, -1, -1, ref m_cancel);
Exemple #25
        static void bx_FinishRenderingTile(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            tileRuns.Add(DateTime.Now - beginTile);

            //Update display, after 1000 tiles
            if (tileRuns.Count > 500 || (DateTime.Now - lastUpdate).TotalSeconds > 5)
                long d = 0;
                foreach (TimeSpan ts in tileRuns)
                    d += ts.Ticks;

                d /= tileRuns.Count;

                //For all other than the first calculation, we use the previous counts too
                if (tileCount != tileRuns.Count)
                    d = (d + prevDuration.Ticks) / 2;

                prevDuration = new TimeSpan(d);
                TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(d * totalTiles);

                lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

                if (m_logableProgress)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationFinishTile, tileCount, totalTiles, group, duration));
                    DisplayProgress(map, group, scaleindex, row, column, ref cancel);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified map definition ids
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maps"></param>
        public void AddMapDefinitions(string[] maps)
            if (maps == null || maps.Length == 0 || (maps.Length == 1 && maps[0].Trim().Length == 0))
                List<string> tmp = new List<string>();
                foreach (var doc in m_connection.ResourceService.GetRepositoryResources(StringConstants.RootIdentifier, ResourceTypes.MapDefinition.ToString()).Children)
                maps = tmp.ToArray();

            foreach (string s in maps)
                MapTilingConfiguration bm = new MapTilingConfiguration(this, s);
                if (bm.Resolutions > 0)
Exemple #27
 internal void InvokeFinishRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group)
     if (this.FinishRenderingGroup != null)
         this.FinishRenderingGroup(CallbackStates.FinishRenderGroup, batchMap, group, -1, -1, -1, ref m_cancel);
Exemple #28
 internal void InvokeBeginRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int col)
     if (this.BeginRenderingTile != null)
         this.BeginRenderingTile(CallbackStates.StartRenderTile, batchMap, group, scaleindex, row, col, ref m_cancel);
Exemple #29
 static void bx_BeginRenderingMap(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     beginMap = DateTime.Now;
     if (m_logableProgress)
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationBeginMap, beginMap, map.ResourceId));
Exemple #30
 internal void InvokeFinishRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap)
     if (this.FinishRenderingMap != null)
         this.FinishRenderingMap(CallbackStates.FinishRenderMap, batchMap, null, -1, -1, -1, ref m_cancel);
Exemple #31
 static void bx_FinishRenderingMap(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
     groupCount = 0;
     TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - beginMap;
     if (m_logableProgress)
         Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationFinishMap, DateTime.Now, map.ResourceId, duration));
Exemple #32
 internal void InvokeFinishRendering(MapTilingConfiguration batchMap, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int col)
     if (this.FinishRenderingTile != null)
         this.FinishRenderingTile(CallbackStates.FinishRenderTile, batchMap, group, scaleindex, row, col, ref m_cancel);
Exemple #33
        static void bx_BeginRenderingGroup(CallbackStates state, MapTilingConfiguration map, string group, int scaleindex, int row, int column, ref bool cancel)
            beginGroup = DateTime.Now;

            if (m_logableProgress)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Strings.ConsoleOperationBeginGroup, beginGroup, group, 1, 1));

            tileRuns = new List<TimeSpan>();
            tileCount = 0;
            totalTiles = map.TotalTiles;