public static void Test()
                // Register
                Gdal.AllRegister(); // Only works for reading data but not for creating datasets.
                // string strFilePath = @"C:\Users\Administrator\minigis2\data\gdal_data\092b05.tif";
                string strFilePath = @"C:\1.bmp";
                //String strFormatCode = "GTiff";
                //Driver driver=Gdal.GetDriverByName(strFormatCode);
                //driver.Register(); // Works for reading and creating datasets.

                // Open dataset
                Dataset ds = Gdal.Open(strFilePath, Access.GA_ReadOnly);
                if (ds != null)
                    // Get Raster Parameters
                    int    xSize            = ds.RasterXSize;
                    int    ySize            = ds.RasterYSize;
                    int    bands            = ds.RasterCount;
                    string strProjectionRef = ds.GetProjectionRef();
                    MessageBox.Show("image width=" + xSize + ",height=" + ySize + ", bands=" + bands);

                    // Get Transform
                    double[] adfGeoTransform = new double[6];
                    double originX     = adfGeoTransform[0];
                    double originY     = adfGeoTransform[3];
                    double pixelWidth  = adfGeoTransform[1];
                    double pixelHeight = adfGeoTransform[5];
                    // xOffset=int((x-originX)/pixelWidth)
                    // yOffset=int((y-originY)/pixelHeight)

                // Get Driver
                OSGeo.GDAL.Driver driver = ds.GetDriver();
                if (driver != null)
                    string strDescription = driver.GetDescription();
                    string strLongName    = driver.LongName;
                    string strShortName   = driver.ShortName;

                // Get Raster Band
                for (int iBand = 1; iBand <= ds.RasterCount; iBand++)
                    // 1-based
                    Band   band        = ds.GetRasterBand(iBand);
                    string dataType    = band.DataType.ToString();
                    int    xSize       = band.XSize;
                    int    ySize       = band.YSize;
                    string colorInterp = band.GetRasterColorInterpretation().ToString();
                    for (int iOver = 0; iOver < band.GetOverviewCount(); iOver++)
                        Band   over            = band.GetOverview(iOver);
                        string overDataType    = over.DataType.ToString();
                        int    overXSize       = over.XSize;
                        int    overYSize       = over.YSize;
                        string overColorInterp = over.GetRasterColorInterpretation().ToString();

                // Processing the raster data
                //SaveBitmapBuffered(ds, @"C:\1new.jpg");
            catch (Exception err)