/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void Init(string serverIP, string opcServerName)
            this.opcServerName = opcServerName;
            this.serverIP      = serverIP;

                if (ConnectRemote())
                    opcGroups              = opcServer.OPCGroups;
                    opcBrowser             = opcServer.CreateBrowser();
                    opcAGroup              = opcGroups.Add("Group");
                    opcAGroup.IsActive     = true;
                    opcAGroup.IsSubscribed = true;
                    opcAGroup.DataChange  += new DIOPCGroupEvent_DataChangeEventHandler(OnGroup_DataChange);
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// The OPCServer Object provides a method called 'Connect' that allows you
        /// to 'connect' with an OPC server.  The 'Connect' method can take two arguments,
        /// a server name and a Node name.  The Node name is optional and does not have to
        // be used to connect to a local server.  When the 'Connect' method is called you
        /// should see the OPC Server application start if it is not aleady running.
        ///Special Note: When connect remotely to another PC running the KepserverEx make
        ///sure that you have properly configured DCOM on both PC's. You will find documentation
        ///explaining exactly how to do this on your installation CD or at the Kepware web site.
        ///The web site is www.kepware.com.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Connect()
            if (!mInitialized)

            // 如果已经Connect了,就直接返回
            if (Connected)

            try {
                mServer = new OPCServer();
                mServer.Connect(mOPCServerName, mOPCServerIP);
                //mServer.Connect(mOPCServerName, "");

                if (mServer.ServerState != (int)OPCServerState.OPCRunning)

                // 创建 OPCBrowser
                oPCBrowser = mServer.CreateBrowser();


                long DefaultGroupTimeBias = mServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias;
                Console.WriteLine("DefaultGroupTimeBias is: " + DefaultGroupTimeBias);
                //mServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias = (8 * 60);
                mServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias = (int)-TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;

                DefaultGroupTimeBias = mServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupTimeBias;
                Console.WriteLine("DefaultGroupTimeBias is: " + DefaultGroupTimeBias);

                bool result = CreateGroup(DefaultGroupName);
                if (!result)

                defaultGroup = mGroups[DefaultGroupName];
                if (defaultGroup == null)

                this.ServerInfo = new ServerInformation();
                this.ServerInfo.MajorVersion = mServer.MajorVersion.ToString();
                this.ServerInfo.MinorVersion = mServer.MinorVersion.ToString();
                this.ServerInfo.BuildNumber  = mServer.BuildNumber.ToString();

                Console.WriteLine("LocaleID is: " + mServer.LocaleID);
                OPCGroups g = mServer.OPCGroups;

                foreach (OPCGroup x in g)
                    Console.WriteLine("group name is: " + x.Name);

                //string ServerName = mServer.ServerName;
                //Console.WriteLine("ServerName  is: " + ServerName  );

                //string ClientName  = mServer.ClientName ;
                //Console.WriteLine("ClientName   is: " + ClientName  );

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                mServer = null;