Exemple #1
        public void Initialize(int memSize)
            MemorySize = memSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < MemorySize; i++)
                Memory.Add(new MemoryBlock()
                    ProcessId  = 0,
                    IsAssigned = false,
                    IsEnd      = false,
                    IsStart    = false

            MemoryInitEventArgs arg = new MemoryInitEventArgs
                MemoryAlgorithmName = "Best Fit",
                NumberOfBlocks      = MemorySize,
                Memory = this.Memory

            BlockFit firstblock = new BlockFit();

            firstblock.start_pos   = 0;
            firstblock.ID          = 0;
            firstblock.blockLength = MemorySize;

Exemple #2
        public override bool AllocateProcess(Process proc, out ProcessAllocateEventArgs arg)
            // Best fit algorithm from Bergmann's class
            BlockFit        b, newSpace;
            List <BlockFit> viableSpaces = new List <BlockFit>();

            int size = proc.MemoryInKB;

            newSpace = new BlockFit();
            int start_position = 0;

            // adds all possible fitting blocks to list viableSpaces
            for (int i = 0; i < avail.Count; i++)
                b = avail[i];
                if (b.blockLength >= size)

            // orders the blocks so index 0 is the best fit
            List <BlockFit> ordered = viableSpaces.OrderBy(f => f.blockLength).ToList();

            // modifies the allocated and available lists for adding this new memory block
            if (viableSpaces.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < viableSpaces.Count; i++)
                    BlockFit block_check = viableSpaces[i];
                    if (block_check.blockLength == ordered[0].blockLength)
                        // creates a new allocation block
                        newSpace.start_pos   = block_check.start_pos;
                        newSpace.blockLength = size;
                        newSpace.ID          = proc.ID;

                        //updates the available block
                        block_check.start_pos   = block_check.start_pos + size - 1;
                        block_check.blockLength = block_check.blockLength - size;

                        //updates for the start position for the display
                        start_position = newSpace.start_pos;

            // places into memory location
            arg = new ProcessAllocateEventArgs {
                ProcessID = proc.ID, ProcessName = proc.Name, BlockLength = size, StartBlock = start_position


Exemple #3
        public override bool DeAllocateProcess(Process proc, out ProcessDeAllocateEventArgs arg)
            // modifies memory
            bool isEnd       = false;
            int  startIndex  = 0;
            int  blockLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < MemorySize; i++)
                if (Memory[i].ProcessId == proc.ID && Memory[i].IsStart == true)
                    startIndex = i;

                if (Memory[i].ProcessId == proc.ID && Memory[i].IsEnd == true)
                    blockLength = i - startIndex;

                    isEnd = true;

                if (Memory[i].ProcessId == proc.ID)
                    Memory[i].IsAssigned = false;
                    Memory[i].IsEnd      = false;
                    Memory[i].IsStart    = false;
                    Memory[i].ProcessId  = 0;

                if (isEnd)

            // finds and removes the target process
            for (int i = Processes.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (Processes[i].ID == proc.ID)

            arg = new ProcessDeAllocateEventArgs
                ProcessID   = proc.ID,
                ProcessName = proc.Name

            // converts the allocated data to available data
            BlockFit b = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < allocated.Count; i++)
                b = allocated[i];
                if (b.ID == proc.ID)
                    arg.StartBlock  = b.start_pos;
                    arg.BlockLength = b.blockLength;

                    for (int j = 0; j < avail.Count; j++)
                        // if the newly available blocks are next to already existing available blocks, merge them
                        BlockFit bl = avail[j];
                        if (b.start_pos + b.blockLength - 1 == bl.start_pos)
                            b = new BlockFit()
                                ID = bl.ID, blockLength = b.blockLength + bl.blockLength, start_pos = b.start_pos
                        if (bl.start_pos + bl.blockLength - 1 == b.start_pos)
                            b = new BlockFit()
                                blockLength = b.blockLength + bl.blockLength, start_pos = bl.start_pos
