partial void DeleteTag(Tag instance);
 partial void UpdateTag(Tag instance);
 partial void InsertTag(Tag instance);
		private void detach_Tags(Tag entity)
			entity.Title = null;
		private void attach_Tags(Tag entity)
			entity.Title = this;
        public static void SetupCollectionsToBeAdded(OMLDataDataContext context, OMLEngine.Title title)
            Title daoTitle = title.DaoTitle;

            // patch up the sort name if it's missing
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(daoTitle.SortName))
                daoTitle.SortName = daoTitle.Name;

            // add the genres
            foreach (string genre in title.Genres)
                // see if we've added this genre locally already
                Genre daoGenre = daoTitle.Genres.FirstOrDefault(t => t.MetaData.Name.Equals(genre));

                // genres must be unique
                if (daoGenre != null)

                // try to see if the genre exists
                GenreMetaData metaData = context.GenreMetaDatas.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == genre.ToLower());

                if (metaData == null)
                    // if it doesn't exist create a new one
                    metaData = new GenreMetaData();
                    metaData.Name = genre;

                // setup the genre
                daoGenre = new Genre();
                daoGenre.MetaData = metaData;

                // add the genre to the title

            // add the tags
            foreach (string name in title.Tags)
                // see if we've added this tag locally already
                Tag tag = daoTitle.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.Equals(name));

                // tags must be unique
                if (tag != null)

                // try to see if the tag exists in the db already
                //tag = context.Tags.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower());

                if (tag == null)
                    // if it doesn't exist create a new one
                    tag = new Tag();
                    tag.Name = name;

                // add the tag

            // grab from the db who we know about already
            Dictionary<string, BioData> existingPeople = GetAllExistingPeople(context, title);

            int actorIndex = 0;

            // add the actors
            foreach (Role actor in title.DaoTitle.UpdatedActors)
                Person person = CreatePerson(context, actor.PersonName, actor.RoleName, PeopleRole.Actor, existingPeople);

                // maintain the order
                person.Sort = (short)(actorIndex++);

                // add them to the title

            // add the directors
            foreach (OMLEngine.Person director in title.DaoTitle.UpdatedDirectors)
                Person person = CreatePerson(context, director.full_name, null, PeopleRole.Director, existingPeople);

                // maintain the order
                person.Sort = (short)(actorIndex++);

                // add them to the title
                var e = (from p in daoTitle.People
                         where p.MetaData.Id == person.MetaData.Id
                         select p);

                if (e.Count() == 0)

            // add the writers
            foreach (OMLEngine.Person writer in title.DaoTitle.UpdatedWriters)
                Person person = CreatePerson(context, writer.full_name, null, PeopleRole.Writer, existingPeople);

                // maintain the order
                person.Sort = (short)(actorIndex++);

                // add them to the title

            // add the producers
            foreach (OMLEngine.Person name in title.DaoTitle.UpdatedProducers)
                Person person = CreatePerson(context, name.full_name, null, PeopleRole.Producers, existingPeople);

                // maintain the order
                person.Sort = (short)(actorIndex++);

                // add them to the title

            // Debugging code
            var b = (from p in daoTitle.People
                     select p);
            foreach (Person pr in b)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Adding " + pr.Role + " - " + pr.MetaData.FullName + " as " + pr.CharacterName + " [" + pr.MetaData.Id +"]");

            // ignore the rest for now

            // add all the disks
            /*foreach (OMLEngine.Disk disk in title.Disks)
                Disk daoDisk = new Disk();
                daoDisk.Name = disk.Name;
                daoDisk.Path = disk.Path;
                daoDisk.VideoFormat = (byte)disk.Format;


            // add the audio tracks
            daoTitle.AudioTracks = GetDelimitedStringFromCollection(title.AudioTracks);

            // add the subtitles
            daoTitle.Subtitles = GetDelimitedStringFromCollection(title.Subtitles);

            // add the trailers
            daoTitle.Trailers = GetDelimitedStringFromCollection(title.Trailers);*/