public ActionResult CreatePatient(Patient patient)
                Role role = _db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RoleName == "User");
                patient.Roles = new List<Role>();
                patient.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                patient.ProfilePicture = "photo.jpg";
                var email = Request.Params["Email"];
                string emailPatient = Convert.ToString(email);
                patient.Email = emailPatient;
                var first = Request.Params["FirstName"];
                string firstname = Convert.ToString(first);
                patient.FirstName = firstname;
                var last = Request.Params["LastName"];
                string lastname = Convert.ToString(last);
                patient.LastName = lastname;
                var ethnicity = Request.Params["Ethnicity"];
                string ethnicityP = Convert.ToString(ethnicity);
                patient.Ethnicity = ethnicityP;
                var nationality = Request.Params["Nationality"];
                string nationalityP = Convert.ToString(nationality);
                patient.Nationality = nationalityP;
                patient.IsActive = true;
                patient.Password = accBusiness.GeneratePassword();
                int getLastId = _db.Users.Max(item => item.UserId);
                PersonalHealthRecord personal = new PersonalHealthRecord();
                personal.PatientId = getLastId;
                var height = Request.Params["height"];
                if (height == "")
                    personal.Height = 0;
                    double heightPatient = double.Parse(height);
                    personal.Height = heightPatient;

                var weight = Request.Params["weight"];
                if (weight == "")
                    personal.Weight = 0;
                    double weightPatient = double.Parse(weight);
                    personal.Height = weightPatient;

                var eye = Request.Params["eye"];
                string eyeColor = eye.ToString();

                var hair = Request.Params["hair"];
                string hairColor = hair.ToString();

                var blood = Request.Params["blood"];
                string bloodType = blood.ToString();

                var alcoholWeek = Request.Params["alcoholweek"];
                if (alcoholWeek == "")
                    personal.AlcoholPerWeek = 0;
                    double alcoholPerWeek = double.Parse(alcoholWeek);
                    personal.AlcoholPerWeek = alcoholPerWeek;

                var alcoholYear = Request.Params["alcoholyear"];
                if (alcoholYear == "")
                    personal.AlcoholNumOfYear = 0;
                    int alcoholNumberOfYear = Convert.ToInt32(alcoholYear);
                    personal.AlcoholNumOfYear = alcoholNumberOfYear;

                var smokeYear = Request.Params["smokeyear"];
                if (smokeYear == "")
                    personal.SmokePackPerWeek = 0;
                    int smokeNumberOfYear = Convert.ToInt32(smokeYear);
                    personal.SmokeNumOfYear = smokeNumberOfYear;

                var smokeWeek = Request.Params["smokeweek"];
                if (smokeWeek == "")
                    personal.SmokePackPerWeek = 0;
                    double smokePerWeek = double.Parse(smokeWeek);
                    personal.SmokePackPerWeek = smokePerWeek;

                var sport = Request.Params["sport"];
                string sportName = sport.ToString();

                var sportWeek = Request.Params["sportweek"];
                if (sportWeek == "")
                    personal.SportPerWeek = 0;
                    int sportPerWeek = Convert.ToInt32(sportWeek);
                    personal.SportPerWeek = sportPerWeek;

                var exercise = Request.Params["exercise"];
                string exerciseType = exercise.ToString();

                var exerciseWeek = Request.Params["exerciseweek"];
                if (exerciseWeek == "")
                    personal.ExercisePerWeek = 0;
                    int exercisePerWeek = Convert.ToInt32(exerciseWeek);
                    personal.ExercisePerWeek = exercisePerWeek;
                Patient newPatient = new Patient();
                newPatient.UserId = getLastId;
            catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
                        eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                    foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                        Debug.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"",
                            ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);
            // Create thread to send mail (background)
            Thread emailBackground = new Thread(delegate()
                var subject = "Tạo tài khoản bệnh nhân";
                var body = "<html>" +
                                  "<body>" +
                                      "<h2>Hệ thống đã tạo cho bạn một tài khoản với các thông tin: </h2>" +
                                      "<p>Mật khẩu: " + patient.Password + "</p>" +
                                  "</body>" +
                accBusiness.SendMail(patient.Email, subject, body);
            emailBackground.IsBackground = true;
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public ActionResult EditPatient(Patient patient, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            if (file == null)
                var filename = Request.Params["profile"];
                string profile = Convert.ToString(filename);
                patient.ProfilePicture = profile;
            else if (file != null)
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                var path = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Image/ProfilePicture/" + fileName);
                var dbPath = string.Format("/Content/Image/ProfilePicture/" + fileName);
                patient.ProfilePicture = fileName;

            var first = Request.Params["FirstName"];
            string firstname = Convert.ToString(first);
            patient.FirstName = firstname;
            var last = Request.Params["LastName"];
            string lastname = Convert.ToString(last);
            patient.LastName = lastname;
            var ethnicity = Request.Params["Ethnicity"];
            string ethnicityP = Convert.ToString(ethnicity);
            patient.Ethnicity = ethnicityP;
            var nationality = Request.Params["Nationality"];
            string nationalityP = Convert.ToString(nationality);
            patient.Nationality = nationalityP;
            patient.IsActive = true;
            _db.Entry(patient).State = EntityState.Modified;

            var id = Request.Params["patientid"];
            int patientid = Convert.ToInt32(id);

            var height = Request.Params["height"];
            double heightPatient = double.Parse(height);

            var weight = Request.Params["weight"];
            double weightPatient = double.Parse(weight);

            var eye = Request.Params["eye"];
            string eyeColor = eye.ToString();

            var hair = Request.Params["hair"];
            string hairColor = hair.ToString();

            var blood = Request.Params["blood"];
            string bloodType = blood.ToString();

            var alcoholWeek = Request.Params["alcoholweek"];
            double alcoholPerWeek = double.Parse(alcoholWeek);

            var alcoholYear = Request.Params["alcoholyear"];
            int alcoholNumberOfYear = Convert.ToInt32(alcoholYear);

            var smokeYear = Request.Params["smokeyear"];
            int smokeNumberOfYear = Convert.ToInt32(smokeYear);

            var smokeWeek = Request.Params["smokeweek"];
            double smokePerWeek = double.Parse(smokeWeek);

            var sport = Request.Params["sport"];
            string sportName = sport.ToString();

            var sportWeek = Request.Params["sportweek"];
            int sportPerWeek = Convert.ToInt32(sportWeek);

            var exercise = Request.Params["exercise"];
            string exerciseType = exercise.ToString();

            var exerciseWeek = Request.Params["exerciseweek"];
            int exercisePerWeek = Convert.ToInt32(exerciseWeek);
            PersonalHealthRecord personal = new PersonalHealthRecord()
                PatientId = patientid,
                Height = heightPatient,
                Weight = weightPatient,
                EyeColor = eyeColor,
                HairColor = hairColor,
                BloodType = bloodType,
                AlcoholPerWeek = alcoholPerWeek,
                AlcoholNumOfYear = alcoholNumberOfYear,
                IsBeer = true,
                SmokeNumOfYear = smokeNumberOfYear,
                SmokePackPerWeek = smokePerWeek,
                SportName = sportName,
                SportPerWeek = sportPerWeek,
                ExerciseType = exerciseType,
                ExercisePerWeek = exercisePerWeek
            _db.Entry(personal).State = EntityState.Modified;
            return RedirectToAction("Index");