public void ReadSubmissionResultsWhenParticipantHasSubmissionsShouldReturnNumberOfSubmissions() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem(); contest.Problems.Add(problem); var submissionType = new SubmissionType(); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); var participant = new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete); contest.Participants.Add(participant); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var submission = new Submission { ContentAsString = "Test submission " + i, SubmissionType = submissionType, Problem = problem }; participant.Submissions.Add(submission); } this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController .ReadSubmissionResults(new DataSourceRequest(), problem.Id, this.IsCompete) as JsonResult; var responseData = result.Data as DataSourceResult; Assert.AreEqual(participant.Submissions.Count, responseData.Total); }
public void DownloadResourceActionWhenCompetingResourceIsAvailableAndUserIsRegisteredForCompeteShouldReturnResource() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.ActiveContestWithPasswordOptions, this.InactiveContestOptions); var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var resource = new ProblemResource { File = new[] { (byte)this.RandomGenerator.Next(0, byte.MaxValue), (byte)this.RandomGenerator.Next(0, byte.MaxValue) }, Name = "resourceName", FileExtension = "test" }; problem.Resources.Add(resource); contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController.DownloadResource(resource.Id, this.IsCompete) as FileContentResult; var expectedFileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}.{2}", problem.Name, resource.Name, resource.FileExtension); Assert.AreEqual(expectedFileName, result.FileDownloadName); Assert.IsTrue(resource.File.SequenceEqual(result.FileContents)); }
public void GetSubmissionContentWhenInvalidSubmissionIdShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("sample Name", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem(); contest.Problems.Add(problem); var submissionType = new SubmissionType(); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); var participant = new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete); contest.Participants.Add(participant); var submission = new Submission { ContentAsString = "test content" }; participant.Submissions.Add(submission); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.GetSubmissionContent(-1); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when an invalid submission id is provided."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void DownloadTaskLinkShouldNavigateProperly() { var contest = new Contest { Name = "1337", }; var problem = new Problem { Contest = contest, Name = "1337", OldId = 1337 }; var resource = new ProblemResource { Problem = problem, Type = ProblemResourceType.ProblemDescription }; this.EmptyOjsData.Resources.Add(resource); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); this.VerifyUrlRedirection("~/Contest/DownloadTask/1337", string.Format("/Contests/Practice/DownloadResource/{0}", resource.Id)); }
public ContestProblemViewModel(Problem problem) { this.ProblemId = problem.Id; this.Name = problem.Name; this.ContestId = problem.ContestId; this.Resources = problem.Resources.AsQueryable() .OrderBy(x => x.OrderBy) .Where(x => !x.IsDeleted) .Select(ContestProblemResourceViewModel.FromResource); this.TimeLimit = problem.TimeLimit; this.MemoryLimit = problem.MemoryLimit; }
public void ReadSubmissionResultsWhenParticipantHasNoSubmissionShouldReturnNoResults() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem(); var submissionType = new SubmissionType(); contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController .ReadSubmissionResults(new DataSourceRequest(), problem.Id, this.IsCompete) as JsonResult; var responseData = result.Data as DataSourceResult; Assert.AreEqual(0, responseData.Total); }
public ContestProblemViewModel(Problem problem) { this.ProblemId = problem.Id; this.Name = problem.Name; this.ContestId = problem.ContestId; this.ShowResults = problem.ShowResults; this.Resources = problem.Resources.AsQueryable() .OrderBy(x => x.OrderBy) .Where(x => !x.IsDeleted) .Select(ContestProblemResourceViewModel.FromResource); this.TimeLimit = problem.TimeLimit; this.MemoryLimit = problem.MemoryLimit; this.FileSizeLimit = problem.SourceCodeSizeLimit; this.CheckerName = problem.Checker.Name; this.CheckerDescription = problem.Checker.Description; }
public static void AddTestsToProblem(Problem problem, TestsParseResult tests) { var lastTrialTest = problem.Tests.Where(x => x.IsTrialTest).OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderBy).FirstOrDefault(); int zeroTestsOrder = 1; if (lastTrialTest != null) { zeroTestsOrder = lastTrialTest.OrderBy + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < tests.ZeroInputs.Count; i++) { problem.Tests.Add(new Test { IsTrialTest = true, OrderBy = zeroTestsOrder, Problem = problem, InputDataAsString = tests.ZeroInputs[i], OutputDataAsString = tests.ZeroOutputs[i], }); zeroTestsOrder++; } var lastTest = problem.Tests.Where(x => !x.IsTrialTest).OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderBy).FirstOrDefault(); int count = 1; if (lastTest != null) { count = lastTest.OrderBy + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < tests.Inputs.Count; i++) { problem.Tests.Add(new Test { IsTrialTest = false, OrderBy = count, Problem = problem, InputDataAsString = tests.Inputs[i], OutputDataAsString = tests.Outputs[i] }); count++; } }
public void ProblemActionWhenContestCanBeCompetedButUserIsNotRegisteredShouldRedirectToRegistration() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.ActiveContestWithPasswordAndQuestionsOptions, this.ActiveContestWithPasswordAndQuestionsOptions); var problem = new Problem { ContestId = contest.Id, Name = "Sample Problem" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController.Problem(problem.Id, this.IsCompete) as RedirectToRouteResult; Assert.IsNull(result.RouteValues["controller"]); Assert.AreEqual(contest.Id, result.RouteValues["id"]); Assert.AreEqual(this.IsCompete, result.RouteValues["official"]); Assert.AreEqual("Register", result.RouteValues["action"]); }
public void SubmitActionWhenParticipantSendsAnotherSubmissionBeforeLimitHasPassedShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("test contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); contest.LimitBetweenSubmissions = 100; var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var submissionType = new SubmissionType { Name = "test submission type" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var submission = new SubmissionModel { Content = "test content", ProblemId = problem.Id, SubmissionTypeId = submissionType.Id }; var result = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete) as JsonResult; var receivedContestId = (int)result.Data; Assert.AreEqual(receivedContestId, contest.Id); try { var secondSubmissionResult = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when a participant sends too many submissions"); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void GetSubmissionContentWhenSubmissionNotMadeByTheParticipantShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("sample Name", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem(); contest.Problems.Add(problem); var submissionType = new SubmissionType(); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); var participant = new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete); var anotherUser = new UserProfile { UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; this.EmptyOjsData.Users.Add(anotherUser); var anotherParticipant = new Participant(contest.Id, anotherUser.Id, this.IsCompete); contest.Participants.Add(participant); contest.Participants.Add(anotherParticipant); var submission = new Submission { ContentAsString = "test content" }; anotherParticipant.Submissions.Add(submission); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.GetSubmissionContent(submission.Id); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when trying to download a submission that was not made by the participant that requested it."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void ProblemActionWhenContestCanBeCompetedUserIsRegisteredAndProblemHasMaterialsShouldReturnPartialView() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.InactiveContestOptions); var problem = new Problem() { ContestId = contest.Id, Name = "Sample Problem", Resources = new HashSet<ProblemResource> { new ProblemResource { File = new byte[10], FileExtension = "txt" }, new ProblemResource { File = new byte[100], FileExtension = "docx" }, new ProblemResource { Link = "" } }, Checker = new Checker { Name = "Checker" } }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); this.EmptyOjsData.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController.Problem(problem.Id, this.IsCompete) as PartialViewResult; var model = result.Model as ContestProblemViewModel; Assert.AreEqual("Compete", result.ViewBag.CompeteType); Assert.IsNotNull(model); Assert.AreEqual(problem.Name, model.Name); Assert.AreEqual(problem.Id, model.ProblemId); Assert.AreEqual(problem.Resources.Count, model.Resources.Count()); }
public void ReadSubmissionResultsWhenUserNotRegisteredForContestShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem(); contest.Problems.Add(problem); var submissionType = new SubmissionType(); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.ReadSubmissionResults(new DataSourceRequest(), problem.Id, this.IsCompete); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when user is not registered for exam, but tries to access his results"); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void SubmitActionWhenParticipantSendsAnotherSubmissionAndThereIsNoLimitShouldReturnJson() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("test contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); // no limit between submissions contest.LimitBetweenSubmissions = 0; var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var submissionType = new SubmissionType { Name = "test submission type" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var submission = new SubmissionModel { Content = "test content", ProblemId = problem.Id, SubmissionTypeId = submissionType.Id }; var result = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete) as JsonResult; var receivedContestId = (int)result.Data; Assert.AreEqual(receivedContestId, contest.Id); var secondSubmissionResult = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete) as JsonResult; var secondSubmissionResultContestId = (int)secondSubmissionResult.Data; Assert.AreEqual(receivedContestId, secondSubmissionResultContestId); }
public void DownloadResourceActionWhenCompeteAndUserNotRegisteredForCompeteShouldRegirectToRegistrationPage() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.InactiveContestOptions, this.ActiveContestWithPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var resource = new ProblemResource { File = new byte[1], FileExtension = "test" }; problem.Resources.Add(resource); contest.Problems.Add(problem); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var result = this.CompeteController.DownloadResource(resource.Id, this.IsPractice) as RedirectToRouteResult; Assert.AreEqual("Register", result.RouteValues["action"]); Assert.AreEqual(contest.Id, result.RouteValues["id"]); Assert.AreEqual(this.IsPractice, result.RouteValues["official"]); }
public void ProblemActionWhenContestCannotBePracticedShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.InactiveContestOptions, this.InactiveContestOptions); var problem = new Problem { ContestId = contest.Id, Name = "Sample Problem" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.Problem(problem.Id, this.IsPractice); Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown when a contest cannot be competed, but a contest roblem is requested."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
private void AddTestsToProblem(Problem problem, HttpPostedFileBase testArchive) { var extension = testArchive.FileName.Substring(testArchive.FileName.Length - 4, 4); if (extension != ".zip") { throw new ArgumentException("Тестовете трябва да бъдат в .ZIP файл"); } using (var memory = new MemoryStream()) { testArchive.InputStream.CopyTo(memory); memory.Position = 0; var parsedTests = new TestsParseResult(); parsedTests = ZippedTestsManipulator.Parse(memory); if (parsedTests.ZeroInputs.Count != parsedTests.ZeroOutputs.Count || parsedTests.Inputs.Count != parsedTests.Outputs.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("Невалидни тестове"); } ZippedTestsManipulator.AddTestsToProblem(problem, parsedTests); } }
private void AddResourcesToProblem(Problem problem, IEnumerable<ProblemResourceViewModel> resources) { var orderCount = 0; foreach (var resource in resources) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource.Name) && resource.Type == ProblemResourceType.Video && resource.Link != null) { problem.Resources.Add(new ProblemResource { Name = resource.Name, Type = resource.Type, OrderBy = orderCount, Link = resource.Link, }); orderCount++; continue; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource.Name) && resource.Type != ProblemResourceType.Video && resource.File != null) { problem.Resources.Add(new ProblemResource { Name = resource.Name, Type = resource.Type, OrderBy = orderCount, File = resource.File.InputStream.ToByteArray(), FileExtension = resource.FileExtension }); orderCount++; continue; } } }
public ActionResult Create(int id, HttpPostedFileBase testArchive, DetailedProblemViewModel problem) { if (problem.Resources != null && problem.Resources.Count() > 0) { var validResources = problem.Resources .All(res => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Name) && ((res.Type == ProblemResourceType.AuthorsSolution && res.File != null && res.File.ContentLength > 0) || (res.Type == ProblemResourceType.ProblemDescription && res.File != null && res.File.ContentLength > 0) || (res.Type == ProblemResourceType.Video && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Link)))); if (!validResources) { ModelState.AddModelError("Resources", "Ресурсите трябва да бъдат попълнени изцяло!"); } } if (problem != null && ModelState.IsValid) { var newProblem = new Problem { Name = problem.Name, ContestId = id, MaximumPoints = problem.MaximumPoints, MemoryLimit = problem.MemoryLimit, TimeLimit = problem.TimeLimit, SourceCodeSizeLimit = problem.SourceCodeSizeLimit, OrderBy = problem.OrderBy, Checker = this.Data.Checkers.All().Where(x => x.Name == problem.Checker).FirstOrDefault() }; if (problem.Resources != null && problem.Resources.Count() > 0) { this.AddResourcesToProblem(newProblem, problem.Resources); } if (testArchive != null && testArchive.ContentLength != 0) { try { this.AddTestsToProblem(newProblem, testArchive); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData.Add("DangerMessage", ex.Message); problem.AvailableCheckers = this.Data.Checkers.All().Select(checker => new SelectListItem { Text = checker.Name, Value = checker.Name }); return this.View(problem); } } this.Data.Problems.Add(newProblem); this.Data.SaveChanges(); TempData.Add("InfoMessage", "Задачата беше добавена успешно"); return this.RedirectToAction("Contest", new { id = id }); } problem.AvailableCheckers = this.Data.Checkers.All().Select(checker => new SelectListItem { Text = checker.Name, Value = checker.Name }); return this.View(problem); }
public TestsControllerBaseTestsClass() { var firstCategory = new ContestCategory() { Id = 1, Name = "Category" }; var secondCategory = new ContestCategory() { Id = 2, Name = "Another category" }; var thirdCategory = new ContestCategory() { Id = 3, Name = "And another category" }; var contest = new Contest { Id = 1, Name = "Contest", CategoryId = 1, Category = firstCategory }; var otherContest = new Contest { Id = 2, Name = "Other contest", CategoryId = 1, Category = firstCategory }; firstCategory.Contests.Add(contest); firstCategory.Contests.Add(otherContest); var selectedProblem = new Problem { Id = 1, Name = "Problem", Contest = contest, ContestId = 1, }; var otherProblem = new Problem { Id = 2, Name = "Other problem", Contest = contest, ContestId = 1, }; var problemWithOnlyTrialTests = new Problem { Id = 3, Name = "OnlyTrialTests", Contest = contest, ContestId = 1, }; var problemWithOnlyNormalTests = new Problem { Id = 4, Name = "OnlyNormalTests", Contest = contest, ContestId = 1, }; var testRun = new TestRun() { Id = 1, TestId = 1, ResultType = TestRunResultType.CorrectAnswer, MemoryUsed = 100, TimeUsed = 100, SubmissionId = 1, ExecutionComment = "Comment execution", CheckerComment = "Comment checker", Submission = new Submission { Id = 1, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, }, }; var test = new Test { Id = 1, InputDataAsString = "Sample test input", OutputDataAsString = "Sample test output", IsTrialTest = false, TestRuns = new HashSet<TestRun>() { testRun, }, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, OrderBy = 5, }; testRun.Test = test; selectedProblem.Tests.Add(test); selectedProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Trial input test 1", OutputDataAsString = "Trial output test 1", IsTrialTest = true, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); selectedProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Trial input test 2", OutputDataAsString = "Trial output test 2", IsTrialTest = true, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); problemWithOnlyTrialTests.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Zero test 1\nZero test 1 second line", OutputDataAsString = "Zero test 1\nZero test 1 second lint output", IsTrialTest = true, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { selectedProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = i.ToString(), OutputDataAsString = (i + 1).ToString(), IsTrialTest = false, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); } otherProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Trial input test 1 other", OutputDataAsString = "Trial output test 1 other", IsTrialTest = true, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); otherProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Trial input test 2 other", OutputDataAsString = "Trial output test 2 other", IsTrialTest = true, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { otherProblem.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = i.ToString() + "other", OutputDataAsString = (i + 1).ToString() + "other", IsTrialTest = false, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { problemWithOnlyNormalTests.Tests.Add(new Test { InputDataAsString = "Only normal tests " + i.ToString(), OutputDataAsString = "Only normal tests output" + i.ToString(), IsTrialTest = false, Problem = selectedProblem, ProblemId = 1, }); } contest.Problems.Add(selectedProblem); contest.Problems.Add(otherProblem); contest.Problems.Add(problemWithOnlyTrialTests); contest.Problems.Add(problemWithOnlyNormalTests); this.TestViewModel = new TestViewModel { Id = 1, InputFull = "Input test", OutputFull = "Output test", IsTrialTest = false, OrderBy = 1, ProblemId = 1, }; //// TODO: get these mocks in base class for reuse var listsOfTests = new List<Test>(selectedProblem.Tests); = new Mock<IOjsData>(); this.Problems = new Mock<IDeletableEntityRepository<Problem>>(); this.Tests = new Mock<ITestRepository>(); this.TestsRuns = new Mock<ITestRunsRepository>(); this.Categories = new Mock<IDeletableEntityRepository<ContestCategory>>(); this.Contests = new Mock<IContestsRepository>(); this.Submissions = new Mock<ISubmissionsRepository>(); this.Problems.Setup(x => x.All()).Returns((new List<Problem>() { selectedProblem, otherProblem, problemWithOnlyTrialTests, problemWithOnlyNormalTests }).AsQueryable()); this.Tests.Setup(x => x.All()).Returns(listsOfTests.AsQueryable()); this.Tests.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny<Test>())).Callback((Test t) => { listsOfTests.Add(t); }); this.Tests.Setup(x => x.Delete(It.IsAny<int>())).Callback((int id) => { foreach (var currentTest in listsOfTests) { if (currentTest.Id == id) { listsOfTests.Remove(currentTest); break; } } }); this.TestsRuns.Setup(x => x.All()).Returns(new List<TestRun>() { testRun }.AsQueryable()); this.Categories.Setup(x => x.All()).Returns(new List<ContestCategory>() { firstCategory, secondCategory, thirdCategory }.AsQueryable()); this.Contests.Setup(x => x.All()).Returns(new List<Contest>() { contest, otherContest }.AsQueryable()); => x.Problems).Returns(this.Problems.Object); => x.Tests).Returns(this.Tests.Object); => x.TestRuns).Returns(this.TestsRuns.Object); => x.ContestCategories).Returns(this.Categories.Object); => x.Contests).Returns(this.Contests.Object); => x.Submissions).Returns(this.Submissions.Object); this.TestsController = new TestsController(; this.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.MockHttpContestBase(), new RouteData(), this.TestsController); }
public void Copy(OjsDbContext context, TelerikContestSystemEntities oldDb) { context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; foreach (var task in oldDb.Tasks.OrderBy(x => x.Id).Include(x => x.Contest1).ToList()) { var contest = context.Contests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldId == task.Contest); var problem = new Problem { OldId = task.Id, Contest = contest, Name = task.Name, MaximumPoints = (short)task.MaxPoints, TimeLimit = task.TimeLimit, MemoryLimit = (int)task.MemoryLimit * 2, // Multiplying memory limit by 2 because the previous worker didn't respect the memory limit OrderBy = 0, ShowResults = task.Contest1.ShowResults, CreatedOn = task.AddedOn, PreserveCreatedOn = true, }; if (task.DescriptionLink != null || (task.Description != null && task.Description.Length != 0)) { var resource = new ProblemResource { CreatedOn = task.AddedOn, PreserveCreatedOn = true, Name = string.Format("Условие на задачата"), Type = ProblemResourceType.ProblemDescription, }; if (task.DescriptionLink != null) { if (task.Id == 368) { task.DescriptionLink = ""; } if (task.Id == 369) { task.DescriptionLink = ""; } var web = new WebClient(); var data = web.DownloadData(task.DescriptionLink); resource.File = data; resource.FileExtension = task.DescriptionLink.GetFileExtension(); } else { resource.File = task.Description; resource.FileExtension = task.DescriptionFormat; } problem.Resources.Add(resource); } switch (task.Checker1.Name) { case "Exact": problem.Checker = context.Checkers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Exact"); break; case "Trim": problem.Checker = context.Checkers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Trim"); break; case "Sort": problem.Checker = context.Checkers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Sort lines"); break; default: problem.Checker = null; break; } context.Problems.Add(problem); } context.SaveChanges(); context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; }
public void SubmitActionWhenParticipantSendsEmptySubmissionContestShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("test contest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); // no limit between submissions contest.LimitBetweenSubmissions = 0; var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var submissionType = new SubmissionType { Name = "test submission type" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsCompete)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var submission = new SubmissionModel { Content = string.Empty, ProblemId = problem.Id, SubmissionTypeId = submissionType.Id }; this.TryValidateModel(submission, this.CompeteController); try { var result = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when sending a submission with no content"); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void DownloadResourceActionWhenPracticingWhenNoFileExtensionAndUserIsRegisteredForContestShouldThrowAnException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.InactiveContestOptions, this.ActiveContestWithPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var resource = new ProblemResource { File = new[] { (byte)this.RandomGenerator.Next(0, byte.MaxValue), (byte)this.RandomGenerator.Next(0, byte.MaxValue) } }; problem.Resources.Add(resource); contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.Participants.Add(new Participant(contest.Id, this.FakeUserProfile.Id, this.IsPractice)); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.DownloadResource(resource.Id, this.IsPractice) as FileContentResult; Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when trying to download a resource without a file extension."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
private void AddTestsToProblem(Problem problem, HttpPostedFileBase testArchive) { var extension = testArchive.FileName.Substring(testArchive.FileName.Length - 4, 4); if (extension != GlobalConstants.ZipExtention) { throw new ArgumentException(GlobalResource.Must_be_zip_file); } using (var memory = new MemoryStream()) { testArchive.InputStream.CopyTo(memory); memory.Position = 0; var parsedTests = ZippedTestsManipulator.Parse(memory); if (parsedTests.ZeroInputs.Count != parsedTests.ZeroOutputs.Count || parsedTests.Inputs.Count != parsedTests.Outputs.Count) { throw new ArgumentException(GlobalResource.Invalid_tests); } ZippedTestsManipulator.AddTestsToProblem(problem, parsedTests); } }
public ActionResult Create(int id, HttpPostedFileBase testArchive, DetailedProblemViewModel problem) { if (problem.Resources != null && problem.Resources.Any()) { var validResources = problem.Resources .All(res => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Name) && ((res.Type == ProblemResourceType.AuthorsSolution && res.File != null && res.File.ContentLength > 0) || (res.Type == ProblemResourceType.ProblemDescription && res.File != null && res.File.ContentLength > 0) || (res.Type == ProblemResourceType.Video && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Link)))); if (!validResources) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("Resources", GlobalResource.Resources_not_complete); } } if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { var newProblem = new Problem { Name = problem.Name, ContestId = id, MaximumPoints = problem.MaximumPoints, MemoryLimit = problem.MemoryLimit, TimeLimit = problem.TimeLimit, SourceCodeSizeLimit = problem.SourceCodeSizeLimit, ShowResults = problem.ShowResults, ShowDetailedFeedback = problem.ShowDetailedFeedback, OrderBy = problem.OrderBy, Checker = this.Data.Checkers.All().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == problem.Checker) }; if (problem.Resources != null && problem.Resources.Any()) { this.AddResourcesToProblem(newProblem, problem.Resources); } if (testArchive != null && testArchive.ContentLength != 0) { try { this.AddTestsToProblem(newProblem, testArchive); } catch (Exception ex) { // TempData is not working with return this.View var systemMessages = new SystemMessageCollection { new SystemMessage { Content = ex.Message, Type = SystemMessageType.Error, Importance = 0 } }; this.ViewBag.SystemMessages = systemMessages; problem.AvailableCheckers = this.Data.Checkers.All().Select(checker => new SelectListItem { Text = checker.Name, Value = checker.Name }); return this.View(problem); } } this.Data.Problems.Add(newProblem); this.Data.SaveChanges(); this.TempData.AddInfoMessage(GlobalResource.Problem_added); return this.RedirectToAction("Contest", new { id }); } problem.AvailableCheckers = this.Data.Checkers.All().Select(checker => new SelectListItem { Text = checker.Name, Value = checker.Name }); return this.View(problem); }
private void ValidateBinarySubmission(ModelType model, Problem problem, SubmissionType submissionType) { if (submissionType.AllowBinaryFilesUpload && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ContentAsString)) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("SubmissionTypeId", "Невалиден тип на решението!"); } if (submissionType.AllowedFileExtensions != null) { if (!submissionType.AllowedFileExtensionsList.Contains(model.FileExtension)) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("Content", "Невалидно разширение на файл!"); } } }
private void RetestSubmissions(Problem problem) { var submissionIds = problem.Submissions.Select(s => new { Id = s.Id }).ToList(); foreach (var submissionId in submissionIds) { var currentSubmission = this.Data.Submissions.GetById(submissionId.Id); currentSubmission.Processed = false; currentSubmission.Processing = false; } this.Data.SaveChanges(); }
public void DownloadResourceActionWhenPracticingButPracticeNotAllowedShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("testContest", this.InactiveContestOptions, this.InactiveContestOptions); var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var resource = new ProblemResource { File = new byte[1], FileExtension = "test" }; problem.Resources.Add(resource); contest.Problems.Add(problem); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); try { var result = this.CompeteController.DownloadResource(resource.Id, this.IsPractice) as RedirectToRouteResult; Assert.Fail("Expected an exception when a user is trying to download a resource for a contest that cannot be practiced."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
public void SubmitActionWhenUserIsNotRegisteredToParticipateShouldThrowException() { var contest = this.CreateAndSaveContest("someContest", this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions, this.ActiveContestNoPasswordOptions); var problem = new Problem { Name = "test problem" }; var submissionType = new SubmissionType { Name = "test submission type" }; contest.Problems.Add(problem); contest.SubmissionTypes.Add(submissionType); this.EmptyOjsData.SaveChanges(); var submission = new SubmissionModel { Content = "test submission", ProblemId = problem.Id, SubmissionTypeId = submissionType.Id }; try { var result = this.CompeteController.Submit(submission, this.IsCompete); Assert.Fail("An exception was expected when a user is trying to submit for a contest that he isn't registered for."); } catch (HttpException ex) { Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, ex.GetHttpCode()); } }
private void ValidateSubmissionContentLength(ModelType model, Problem problem) { if (model.Content.Length > problem.SourceCodeSizeLimit) { this.ModelState.AddModelError("Content", "Решението надвишава лимита за големина!"); } }