        public ActionResult Add()
            var refData = new POIBrowseModel();
            refData.AllowOptionalCountrySelection = false;

            ViewBag.ReferenceData = refData;
            ViewBag.ConnectionIndex = 0; //connection counter shared by equipment detais
            ViewBag.EnableEditView = false;

            //get a default new POI using std core reference data
            var coreReferenceData = new ReferenceDataManager().GetCoreReferenceData();
            coreReferenceData.ChargePoint.OperatorInfo.ID = 1;// Unknown Operator
            coreReferenceData.ChargePoint.StatusType.ID = 50; //Operational
            coreReferenceData.ChargePoint.UsageType.ID = 6; //private for staff and visitors
            coreReferenceData.ChargePoint.SubmissionStatus = null; //let system decide on submit
            coreReferenceData.ChargePoint.SubmissionStatusTypeID = null;
            return View("Edit", coreReferenceData.ChargePoint);
        // GET: /POI/
        public ActionResult Index(POIBrowseModel filter)
            if (filter == null)
                filter = new POIBrowseModel();
                filter.ShowAdvancedOptions = true;
            var cpManager = new API.Common.POIManager();

            //dropdown selections of -1 represent an intended null selection, fix this by nulling relevant items
            filter.CountryIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.CountryIDs);
            filter.LevelIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.LevelIDs);
            filter.ConnectionTypeIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.ConnectionTypeIDs);
            filter.OperatorIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.OperatorIDs);
            filter.StatusTypeIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.StatusTypeIDs);
            filter.UsageTypeIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.UsageTypeIDs);
            filter.DataProviderIDs = this.ConvertNullableSelection(filter.DataProviderIDs);
            filter.IncludeComments = true;

            if (IsRequestByRobot)
                //force mirror db when browser is a robot
                filter.AllowMirrorDB = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Country))
                //TODO: cache country id lookup
                var countrySelected = new OCM.API.Common.ReferenceDataManager().GetCountryByName(filter.Country);
                if (countrySelected != null)
                    filter.CountryIDs = new int[] { countrySelected.ID };
                //default to UK
                // if (filter.CountryIDs == null) filter.CountryIDs = new int[] { 1 };

            filter.MaxResults = 100;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SearchLocation))
                if (filter.SearchLocation.ToUpper().StartsWith("OCM-")) filter.SearchLocation = filter.SearchLocation.Replace("OCM-", "");
                if (filter.SearchLocation.ToUpper().StartsWith("OCM")) filter.SearchLocation = filter.SearchLocation.Replace("OCM", "");

                if (IsNumeric(filter.SearchLocation.Trim()))
                    int poiID = -1;
                    //treat numbers as OCM ref
                    if (int.TryParse(filter.SearchLocation.Trim(), out poiID))
                        filter.ChargePointIDs = new int[] { poiID };
                    //attempt to geocode
                    var geocode = new GeocodingHelper();
                    string searchCountryName = null;
                    if (filter.CountryIDs != null && filter.CountryIDs.Count() > 0)
                        var searchCountry = filter.ReferenceData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == filter.CountryIDs[0]);
                        searchCountryName = searchCountry.Title;

                    var position = geocode.GeolocateAddressInfo_Google(filter.SearchLocation.Trim() + (searchCountryName != null ? ", " + searchCountryName : ""));

                    if (position != null)
                        filter.Latitude = position.Latitude;
                        filter.Longitude = position.Longitude;
                        if (filter.Distance == null) filter.Distance = 50;
                        filter.DistanceUnit = API.Common.Model.DistanceUnit.Miles;
                        //TODO: distance unit KM
                        //if (distanceunit == "km") searchfilters.DistanceUnit = API.Common.Model.DistanceUnit.KM;

                        ViewBag.FormattedAddress = position.Address;

            filter.POIList = cpManager.GetChargePoints((OCM.API.Common.APIRequestParams)filter);
            return View(filter);
        public ActionResult Edit(ChargePoint poi)
            var refData = new POIBrowseModel();
            refData.AllowOptionalCountrySelection = false;
            ViewBag.ReferenceData = refData;

            ViewBag.ConnectionIndex = 0; //connection counter shared by equipment details
            ViewBag.EnableEditView = true;

            if (Request["editoption"] == "addconnection")
                //add a placeholder for new equipment details
                if (poi.Connections == null) poi.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                //TODO: setup defaults
                poi.Connections.Add(new ConnectionInfo());
                return View(poi);

            if (Request["editoption"].ToString().StartsWith("remove-equipment"))
                //TODO:remove requested connection
                string[] equipmentElementIDs = Request["editoption"].ToString().Split('-');
                int itemIndex = int.Parse(equipmentElementIDs[2]);
                return View(poi);

            if (Request["editoption"] == "preview")
                //preview poi
                ViewBag.EnablePreviewMode = true;

                //reset any values provided as -1 to a standard default (unknown etc)

                //update preview of poi with fully populated reference data
                poi = new POIManager().PreviewPopulatedPOIFromModel(poi);


                return View(poi);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    User user = null;

                    if (IsUserSignedIn) user = new UserManager().GetUser((int)Session["UserID"]);

                    //reset any values provided as -1 to a standard default (unknown etc)

                    if (poi.AddressInfo.Country == null || poi.AddressInfo.Country.ID == -1) ModelState.AddModelError("Country", "Required");

                    //perform actual POI submission, then redirect to POI details if we can
                    int poiSubmissionID = new SubmissionManager().PerformPOISubmission(poi, user);
                    if (poiSubmissionID > -1)
                        if (poiSubmissionID > 0)
                            return RedirectToAction("Details", "POI", new { id = poiSubmissionID, status = "editsubmitted" });
                            return RedirectToAction("Index");
                        ViewBag.ValidationFailed = true;
                    //return View(poi);
                foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors)

            ViewBag.ReferenceData = new POIBrowseModel();

            return View(poi);
        // GET: /POI/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int? id, bool createCopy = false)
            if (id > 0)
                ChargePoint poi = null;

                if (createCopy)
                    //get version of POI with location details removed, copying equipment etc
                    poi = new POIManager().GetCopy((int)id, true);
                    poi = new POIManager().Get((int)id);

                if (poi != null)

                    var refData = new POIBrowseModel();
                    ViewBag.ReferenceData = refData;
                    ViewBag.HideAdvancedInfo = true;

                    if (!createCopy)
                            var user = new UserManager().GetUser((int)Session["UserID"]);
                            if (POIManager.CanUserEditPOI(poi, user))
                                ViewBag.HideAdvancedInfo = false;
                        catch (Exception)
                            ; ; //user not signed in

                    //enable advanced edit options for full editors/admin
                    return View(poi);

            //no applicable poi, jump back to browse
            return RedirectToAction("Index", "POI");