private TileSectioner SectionInTiles(bool trim1 = true, bool trim2 = true)
            var ts = new TileSectioner();

            var p = roomImage.EncodeAsHires();

            ts.doSection(p, trim1, trim2);

        public void ExportAsResource(string fileName, bool trimCol1 = true, bool trimCol2 = true, bool includePalette = false)
            TileSectioner ts = SectionInTiles(trimCol1, trimCol2);

            System.IO.StreamWriter rf = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName); // add 2nd param true so it can append to a file

            rf.WriteLine("; Room: " + roomName);

             * Resources following XA are:
             * .(
             *  .byt <TYPE>
             *  .word res_end-res_start + 4
             *  .byt <ID>
             *  res_start
             *  .byt <resource data>
             *  res_end
             * .)

            /* Exporting as resource implies the following format:
             * - A header including type (1 byte), length (2 bytes), id (1 byte) */

            rf.Write(String.Format(".(\r\n\t.byt RESOURCE_ROOM\r\n\t.word (res_end - res_start + 4)\r\n\t.byt {0:d}\r\nres_start\r\n", roomID));

             * - Data with the following contents:
             * - Number of columns
             * - Offset to column map
             * - Offset to tiles
             * - Number of zplanes
             * - Offset to zplane 1 map
             * - Offset to zplane 1 tiles
             * ... */

            var ncols = roomSize;

            if (trimCol1)
            if (trimCol2)

            rf.WriteLine("; No. columns, offset to tile map, offset to tiles");
            rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt {0:d}, <(column_data-res_start), >(column_data-res_start), <(tiles_start-res_start), >(tiles_start-res_start)", ncols));

            int roomNZplanes = 0;

            rf.WriteLine("; No. zplanes and offsets to zplanes");
            rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt {0:d}", roomNZplanes));
            for (int i = 0; i < roomNZplanes; i++)
                rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt <(zplane{0:d}_data-res_start), >(zplane{0:d}_data-res_start)", i + 1));
                rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt <(zplane{0:d}_tiles-res_start), >(zplane{0:d}_tiles-res_start)", i + 1));

             * - Number of walkboxes
             * - Offset to walkbox data
             * - Offset to walkbox matrix */

            rf.WriteLine("; No. Walkboxes and offsets to wb data and matrix");
            rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt {0:d}, <(wb_data-res_start), >(wb_data-res_start), <(wb_matrix-res_start), >(wb_matrix-res_start)", walkBoxes.GetNumBoxes()));

             * - Offset to palette information
             * - Entry Script ID
             * - Exit Script ID
             * - Number of objects in room
             * - ID object 1
             * - ...
             * - Name (null-terminated string) */

            rf.WriteLine("; Offset to palette");
            if (includePalette)
                rf.WriteLine("\t.byt <(palette-res_start), >(palette-res_start)");
                rf.WriteLine("\t.byt 0, 0\t; No palette information");

            rf.WriteLine("; Entry and exit scripts");
            rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt {0:d}, {1:d}", 255, 255));
            rf.WriteLine("; Number of objects in the room and list of ids");
            rf.WriteLine(String.Format("\t.byt {0:d}", 0));
            rf.WriteLine("; Room name (null terminated)");
            rf.WriteLine("\t.asc \"" + roomName + "\", 0");

             * - Room tile map
             * - Room tile set

            rf.WriteLine("; Room tile map");
            for (int r = 0; r < ts.tileMap.GetLength(0); r++)
                rf.Write("\r\n\t.byt ");
                for (int c = 0; c < ts.tileMap.GetLength(1); c++)
                    if (c > 0)
                        rf.Write(", ");
                    rf.Write(String.Format("{0:D3}", (int)(ts.tileMap[r, c])));

            rf.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n; Room tile set");
            for (int r = 1; r < ts.tileSet.Count(); r++) // Tile 0 is not stored
                var tile = ts.tileSet[r];
                rf.Write("\r\n\t.byt ");
                for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++)
                    if (c > 0)
                        rf.Write(", ");
                    rf.Write(String.Format("${0:X2}", (int)(tile[c])));

                rf.Write(String.Format("\t; tile #{0:d}", r));


             * - Zplane1 tile map
             * - Zplane1 tile set
             * - ...

             * - Walkbox data, 5 bytes per box:
             * col-min, col-max, row-min, row-max, flags:
             *  ;               76543210
             *  ;			    |||||\_/
             *  ;			    ||||| |
             *  ;			    ||||| +- z-plane
             *  ;			    |||||
             *  ;			    ||||+- free
             *  ;			    |||+- free
             *  ;			    ||+- left corner
             *  ;			    |+- right corner
             *  ;				+- not walkable
             * - Walkbox matrix n x n bytes (n is number of walkboxes)

            rf.WriteLine("; Walkbox Data");
            int flags;

            WalkBoxManager.WalkBoxProperties p;
            Rectangle wbr;
            int       skip = 0;

            if (trimCol1)
            if (trimCol2)

            for (int i = 0; i < walkBoxes.GetNumBoxes(); i++)
                p     = walkBoxes.GetProperties(i);
                flags = 0;
                if (p.isLeftCorner)
                    flags |= 0x20;
                if (p.isRightCorner)
                    flags |= 0x40;
                if (!p.isWalkable)
                    flags |= 0x80;
                flags |= p.zPlane & 0x7;

                wbr = walkBoxes.GetBox(i);

                /* if(trim2Cols)
                 *   rf.WriteLine("\t.byt {0:D3}, {1:D3}, {2:D3}, {3:D3}, ${4:x2}", wbr.Left / 6 - 2, (wbr.Right - 1) / 6 - 2, wbr.Top / 8, (wbr.Bottom - 1) / 8, flags);
                 * else
                 *   rf.WriteLine("\t.byt {0:D3}, {1:D3}, {2:D3}, {3:D3}, ${4:x2}", wbr.Left/6, (wbr.Right-1)/6, wbr.Top/8, (wbr.Bottom-1)/8, flags);
                rf.WriteLine("\t.byt {0:D3}, {1:D3}, {2:D3}, {3:D3}, ${4:x2}", wbr.Left / 6 - skip, (wbr.Right - 1) / 6 - skip, wbr.Top / 8, (wbr.Bottom - 1) / 8, flags);

            // Now the walk matrix
            rf.WriteLine("; Walk matrix");
            String s = "";
            int    n = walkBoxes.walkMatrix.GetLength(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                s += "\t.byt ";
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    s += walkBoxes.walkMatrix[i, j].ToString() + (j == (n - 1)?"":", ");
                s += "\r\n";


             * - Palette information 17*8*2 bytes

            if (includePalette)
                s = "";
                rf.WriteLine("; Palette Information is stored as one column only for now...");
                rf.WriteLine("; Palette");

                for (int i = 0; i < 17 * 8; i++)
                    if (i % 16 == 0)
                        s += ".byt ";
                    s += roomImage.GetScanInkCode(0, i);
                    if (i % 16 != 15)
                        if (i < (17 * 8 - 1))
                            s += ", ";
                        s += "\r\n";