public void TestUpdateWithGeneratedKeys()
            using (NuoDbConnection connection = new NuoDbConnection(connectionString))
                DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                DbCommand updateCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                updateCommand.CommandText = "update hockey set number = 99 where team = 'Bruins'";

                DbDataReader reader = updateCommand.ExecuteReader();
                Assert.IsNotNull(reader, "The command should return a generated keys recordset");
                Assert.IsFalse(reader.Read(), "The generated keys recordset should be empty");

        public void TestPreparedInsertWithGeneratedKeys2()
            using (NuoDbConnection connection = new NuoDbConnection(connectionString))
                DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                DbCommand maxIdCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
                maxIdCmd.CommandText = "select max(id) from hockey";
                int maxId = (int)maxIdCmd.ExecuteScalar();

                DbCommand updateCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                updateCommand.CommandText = "insert into hockey (number, name) values (?, ?)";
                updateCommand.Parameters[0].Value = 99;
                updateCommand.Parameters[1].Value = "xxx";

                DbDataReader reader = updateCommand.ExecuteReader();
                Assert.IsNotNull(reader, "The command should return a generated keys recordset");
                Assert.IsTrue(reader.Read(), "There must be at least one ID in the generated keys recordset");
                int lastId = (int)reader.GetValue(0);
                Assert.IsTrue(lastId > maxId, "The generated ID must be greater than the existing ones");

                DbCommand selectCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                selectCommand.CommandText = "select name from hockey where id = ?";
                string value = (string)selectCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                Assert.AreEqual("xxx", value);

        public void TestTransactions()
            using (NuoDbConnection connection = new NuoDbConnection(connectionString))
                DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                DbCommand countCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                countCommand.CommandText = "select count(*) from hockey";

                DbCommand updateCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                updateCommand.CommandText = "insert into hockey (number, name) values (99, 'xxxx')";

                int count1 = (int)countCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                int count2 = (int)countCommand.ExecuteScalar();

                Assert.AreEqual(count2, count1 + 1);


                int count3 = (int)countCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                Assert.AreEqual(count3, count1);
        public void TestInsertWithGeneratedKeys()
            using (NuoDbConnection connection = new NuoDbConnection(connectionString))
                DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                DbCommand maxIdCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
                maxIdCmd.CommandText = "select max(id) from hockey";
                int maxId = (int)maxIdCmd.ExecuteScalar();

                DbCommand updateCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                updateCommand.CommandText = "insert into hockey (number, name) values (99, 'xxxx')";

                DbDataReader reader = updateCommand.ExecuteReader();
                Assert.IsNotNull(reader, "The command should return a generated keys recordset");
                Assert.IsTrue(reader.Read(), "There must be at least one ID in the generated keys recordset");
                int lastId = (int)reader.GetValue(0);
                Assert.IsTrue(lastId > maxId, "The generated ID must be greater than the existing ones");
