public static NumericOperations GetOperations(UFuncOperation operationType, NumericOperation operation, NpyArray srcArray, NpyArray destArray, NpyArray operandArray) { NumericOperations operations = new NumericOperations(); operations.operationType = operationType; operations.operation = operation; if (srcArray != null) { operations.srcHelper = GetNumericOperationsHelper(srcArray); operations._ConvertOperand = DefaultArrayHandlers.GetArrayHandler(srcArray.ItemType).MathOpConvertOperand; } if (destArray != null) { operations.destHelper = GetNumericOperationsHelper(destArray); operations.destItemType = destArray.ItemType; operations.destTypeIsFloat = numpyinternal.NpyTypeNum_ISFLOAT(destArray.ItemType); } if (operandArray != null) { operations.operHelper = GetNumericOperationsHelper(operandArray); operations.IsSrcAndOperandSameType = srcArray.ItemType == operandArray.ItemType; } return(operations); }
public static NumericOperations GetOperations(NumericOperation operation, NpyArray srcArray, NpyArray destArray, NpyArray operandArray) { NumericOperations operations = new NumericOperations(); operations.operation = operation; if (srcArray != null) { operations.srcGetItem = srcArray.descr.f.getitem; operations.srcSetItem = srcArray.descr.f.setitem; operations.ConvertOperand = DefaultArrayHandlers.GetArrayHandler(srcArray.ItemType).MathOpConvertOperand; } if (destArray != null) { operations.destGetItem = destArray.descr.f.getitem; operations.destSetItem = destArray.descr.f.setitem; } if (operandArray != null) { operations.operandGetItem = operandArray.descr.f.getitem; operations.operandSetItem = operandArray.descr.f.setitem; } return(operations); }
internal static void NpyArray_CopyTo(NpyArray destArray, NpyArray srcArray, NPY_CASTING casting, NpyArray whereArray) { var destSize = NpyArray_Size(destArray); NumericOperations operations = NumericOperations.GetOperations(null, srcArray, destArray, whereArray); NpyArrayIterObject SrcIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(srcArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); NpyArrayIterObject DestIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(destArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); NpyArrayIterObject WhereIter = null; if (whereArray != null) { WhereIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(whereArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); } bool whereValue = true; for (long i = 0; i < destSize; i++) { var srcValue = operations.srcGetItem(SrcIter.dataptr.data_offset -, srcArray); if (WhereIter != null) { whereValue = (bool)operations.operandGetItem(WhereIter.dataptr.data_offset -, whereArray); } if (whereValue) { operations.destSetItem(DestIter.dataptr.data_offset -, srcValue, destArray); } NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(SrcIter); NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(DestIter); if (WhereIter != null) { NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(WhereIter); } } return; }
internal static void NpyArray_Place(NpyArray arr, NpyArray mask, NpyArray vals) { var arrSize = NpyArray_Size(arr); var maskSize = NpyArray_Size(mask); if (arrSize != maskSize) { NpyErr_SetString(npyexc_type.NpyExc_ValueError, "size of mask must be same size as src arr"); return; } NumericOperations operations = NumericOperations.GetOperations(null, mask, arr, vals); NpyArrayIterObject valsIter = NpyArray_IterNew(vals); NpyArrayIterObject arrIter = NpyArray_IterNew(arr); NpyArrayIterObject maskIter = NpyArray_IterNew(mask); for (long i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) { bool whereValue = (bool)operations.srcGetItem(maskIter.dataptr.data_offset -, mask); if (whereValue) { var valValue = operations.operandGetItem(valsIter.dataptr.data_offset -, vals); operations.destSetItem(arrIter.dataptr.data_offset -, valValue, arr); NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(valsIter); } if (!NpyArray_ITER_NOTDONE(valsIter)) { NpyArray_ITER_RESET(valsIter); } NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(arrIter); NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(maskIter); } return; }
private static NpyArray NpyUFunc_PerformOuterOpArrayIter(NpyArray a, NpyArray b, NpyArray destArray, NumericOperations operations, UFuncOperation ops) { var destSize = NpyArray_Size(destArray); var aSize = NpyArray_Size(a); var bSize = NpyArray_Size(b); if (bSize == 0 || aSize == 0) { NpyArray_Resize(destArray, new NpyArray_Dims() { len = 0, ptr = new npy_intp[] { } }, false, NPY_ORDER.NPY_ANYORDER); return(destArray); } IUFUNC_Operations UFunc = GetUFuncHandler(destArray.ItemType); if (UFunc != null && destArray.ItemType != NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL) { UFunc.PerformOuterOpArrayIter(a, b, destArray, operations, ops); } else { var aIter = NpyArray_IterNew(a); object[] aValues = new object[aSize]; for (long i = 0; i < aSize; i++) { aValues[i] = operations.srcGetItem(aIter.dataptr.data_offset -, a); NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(aIter); } var bIter = NpyArray_IterNew(b); object[] bValues = new object[bSize]; for (long i = 0; i < bSize; i++) { bValues[i] = operations.operandGetItem(bIter.dataptr.data_offset -, b); NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(bIter); } var DestIter = NpyArray_IterNew(destArray); for (long i = 0; i < aSize; i++) { var aValue = aValues[i]; for (long j = 0; j < bSize; j++) { var bValue = bValues[j]; object destValue = operations.operation(aValue, operations.ConvertOperand(aValue, bValue)); try { operations.destSetItem(DestIter.dataptr.data_offset -, destValue, destArray); } catch { operations.destSetItem(DestIter.dataptr.data_offset -, 0, destArray); } NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(DestIter); } } } if (HasBoolReturn(ops)) { destArray = NpyArray_CastToType(destArray, NpyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_TYPES.NPY_BOOL), false); } return(destArray); }
internal static void NpyArray_CopyTo(NpyArray destArray, NpyArray srcArray, NPY_CASTING casting, NpyArray whereArray) { var destSize = NpyArray_Size(destArray); NumericOperations operations = NumericOperations.GetOperations(null, srcArray, destArray, whereArray); NpyArrayIterObject SrcIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(srcArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); NpyArrayIterObject DestIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(destArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); NpyArrayIterObject WhereIter = null; if (whereArray != null) { WhereIter = NpyArray_BroadcastToShape(whereArray, destArray.dimensions, destArray.nd); } IEnumerable <NpyArrayIterObject> srcParallelIters = NpyArray_ITER_ParallelSplit(SrcIter); IEnumerable <NpyArrayIterObject> destParallelIters = NpyArray_ITER_ParallelSplit(DestIter); IEnumerable <NpyArrayIterObject> whereParalleIters = null; if (WhereIter != null) { whereParalleIters = NpyArray_ITER_ParallelSplit(WhereIter); } Parallel.For(0, destParallelIters.Count(), index => //for (int index = 0; index < destParallelIters.Count(); index++) // { NpyArrayIterObject ldestIter = destParallelIters.ElementAt(index); NpyArrayIterObject lsrcIter = srcParallelIters.ElementAt(index); NpyArrayIterObject lwhereIter = null; bool whereValue = true; if (whereParalleIters != null) { lwhereIter = whereParalleIters.ElementAt(index); } while (ldestIter.index < ldestIter.size) { var srcValue = operations.srcGetItem(lsrcIter.dataptr.data_offset -, srcArray); if (WhereIter != null) { whereValue = (bool)operations.operandGetItem(lwhereIter.dataptr.data_offset -, whereArray); } if (whereValue) { operations.destSetItem(ldestIter.dataptr.data_offset -, srcValue, destArray); } NpyArray_ITER_PARALLEL_NEXT(ldestIter); NpyArray_ITER_PARALLEL_NEXT(lsrcIter); if (lwhereIter != null) { NpyArray_ITER_PARALLEL_NEXT(lwhereIter); } } }); return; }