// Receive in a seperate thread
 public MessageHandler(MainGrid active_grid)
     c = Communicator.GetInstance(active_grid);
     ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(c.ReceiveData);
     Thread t = new Thread(ts,50000000);
        public static bool isDirectShootable(MainGrid mg)
            foreach (Tank tk in mg.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
                if (tk.Player_name == mg.Playername) continue;
                else if (shootable(mg, tk))

                    return true;
            return false;
 public static void updateStats(MainGrid mg)
     BaseLogic.mg = mg;
     player = mg.Playername;
     health = mg.Tanks[mg.Playername].Health;
     score = mg.Tanks[mg.Playername].Points;
     coins = mg.Tanks[mg.Playername].Coins;
     if (health <= 50)
         IsHealthLow = true;
        public static bool shootable(MainGrid grid, AbstractEntity ent)
            Tank ourPlayer = grid.getTank(grid.Playername);

            if (ourPlayer.Location.X == ent.Location.X)
                // Our player facing north or south
                if ((ourPlayer.Location.Y > ent.Location.Y & ourPlayer.Direction == 0) || (ourPlayer.Location.Y < ent.Location.Y & ourPlayer.Direction == 2))
                    foreach (StoneWall stone in grid.StoneWalls.Values.ToList<StoneWall>())
                        // intercepting stones
                        if (MotionLogic.isInBetween(ent, ourPlayer, stone))
                            return false;
                    return true;
                    return false;

            else if (ourPlayer.Location.Y == ent.Location.Y)
                // our player facing east or west
                if ((ourPlayer.Location.X > ent.Location.X & ourPlayer.Direction == 3) || (ourPlayer.Location.X < ent.Location.X & ourPlayer.Direction == 1))
                    foreach (StoneWall stone in grid.StoneWalls.Values.ToList<StoneWall>())
                        // intercepting stones
                        if (MotionLogic.isInBetween(ent, ourPlayer, stone))
                            return false;
                    return true;

                    return false;
                return false;
 public Game1()
     graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
     // The game terrain
     active_grid = new MainGrid();
     // Receive messages from server and update the grid
     msghandler = new MessageHandler(active_grid);
     // Send messages to the server and play the game
     msgSender = new MessageSender(msghandler);
     // Initiating the Game AI
     gameAI = new GameAI(active_grid, msgSender);
     // Initiating timer
     timer = new TimeKeeper(active_grid);
     Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
 // Get the location of the place with no vulnerability
 public static Vector2 getNearestSafePlace(MainGrid mg, Graph g)
     List<Node> safePlaces = getSafePlaces(mg, g);
     Node nearestNode = null;
     int tempDist = 10000;
     foreach (Node n in safePlaces)
         if (tempDist > g.getPathByNode(n).Count)
             tempDist = g.getPathByNode(n).Count;
             nearestNode = n;
     return new Vector2(nearestNode.getX(), nearestNode.getY());
 public static Vector2 getBestCoin(MainGrid mg, Graph g)
     // Get the player location
     Vector2 playerLocation = mg.getTank(mg.Playername).Location;
     // get the nearest coin pile
     int dist = 1000;
     int tempDist;
     Vector2 nearestCoin = playerLocation; ;
     foreach (Coin item in mg.Coins.Values.ToList<Coin>())
         tempDist = g.getPathByEntity(item).Count;
         if (tempDist < dist)
             dist = tempDist;
             nearestCoin = item.Location;
     return nearestCoin;
 public static Vector2 getBestBrickWall(MainGrid mg, Graph g)
     // Get the player location
     Vector2 playerLocation = mg.getTank(mg.Playername).Location;
     // get the nearest Brick
     int dist = 1000;
     int tempDist;
     Vector2 nearestBrick = playerLocation; ;
     foreach (BrickWall item in mg.BrickWalls.Values.ToList<BrickWall>())
         tempDist = g.getPathByEntity(item).Count;
         if (tempDist < dist)
             dist = tempDist;
             nearestBrick = item.Location;
     return nearestBrick;
 // For testing purposes only
 public Game1(bool test)
     graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
     // The game terrain
     active_grid = new MainGrid();
     // Receive messages from server and update the grid
     msghandler = new MessageHandler(active_grid);
     // Send messages to the server and play the game
     msgSender = new MessageSender(msghandler);
     Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
     MessageParser p1;
     MessageParser p2;
     MessageParser p3;
     MessageParser p4;
     MessageParser p5;
     MessageParser p6;
     MessageParser p7;
     p1 = new GlobalBroadCastHandler(active_grid);
     p2 = new AquirablesHandler(active_grid);
     p3 = new MovingAndShootingHandler(active_grid);
     p4 = new GameInidiationHandler(active_grid);
     p5 = new JoinMessageParser(active_grid);
     p6 = new JoinSuccessHandler(active_grid);
     p7 = new Finalizer(active_grid);
     timer = new TimeKeeper(active_grid);
     gameAI = new GameAI(active_grid, msgSender);
 public static Tank getNearestEnemy(MainGrid mg, Graph g)
     // Get the player location
     Vector2 playerLocation = mg.getTank(mg.Playername).Location;
     // get the nearest coin pile
     int dist = 1000;
     int tempDist;
     Tank nearestEnemy = new Tank();
     foreach (Tank tank in mg.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
         tempDist = g.getPathByEntity(tank).Count;
         if (tank.Player_name == mg.Playername)
         if (tempDist < dist)
             dist = tempDist;
             nearestEnemy = tank;
     return nearestEnemy;
        public Graph(MainGrid mg, string player)
            this.mg = mg;
            this.player = player;
            nodes = new Node[10, 10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    nodes[i, j] = new Node();
                    nodes[i, j].Type = Components.Empty;
                    nodes[i, j].setX(i);
                    nodes[i, j].setY(j);
            // Setting up Component types for each node
            foreach (StoneWall itm in mg.StoneWalls.Values.ToList<StoneWall>())
                nodes[(int)itm.Location.X, (int)itm.Location.Y].Type = Components.Stone;

            foreach (BrickWall itm in mg.BrickWalls.Values.ToList<BrickWall>())
                nodes[(int)itm.Location.X, (int)itm.Location.Y].Type = Components.Brick;

            foreach (Waters itm in mg.Waters.Values.ToList<Waters>())
                nodes[(int)itm.Location.X, (int)itm.Location.Y].Type = Components.Water;
            foreach (Tank itm in mg.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
                if (itm.Player_name == mg.Playername) continue;
                nodes[(int)itm.Location.X, (int)itm.Location.Y].Type = Components.Tank;
            // Setting up neighbour nodes for each node
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    // if waters, or stone walls or brick wall it does not have neighbours but has parents
                    if (nodes[i, j].Type == Components.Water || nodes[i, j].Type == Components.Stone || nodes[i, j].Type == Components.Brick)
                        // up
                        if (MotionLogic.isValidCell(i - 1, j))
                            nodes[i, j].addNeighbour(nodes[i - 1, j]);
                        // down
                        if (MotionLogic.isValidCell(i + 1, j))
                            nodes[i, j].addNeighbour(nodes[i + 1, j]);
                        // right
                        if (MotionLogic.isValidCell(i, j + 1))
                            nodes[i, j].addNeighbour(nodes[i, j + 1]);
                        // left
                        if (MotionLogic.isValidCell(i, j - 1))
                            nodes[i, j].addNeighbour(nodes[i, j - 1]);
            // Set distance to our player as zero which is the head
            foreach (Tank itm in mg.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
                if (itm.Player_name == player)
                    nodes[(int)itm.Location.X, (int)itm.Location.Y].setDist(0);
            head = nodes[(int)mg.Tanks[player].Location.X, (int)mg.Tanks[player].Location.Y];
        public void TestMethod1()
            MainGrid active_grid = new MainGrid();
            MessageParser p1 = new GlobalBroadCastHandler(active_grid);
            MessageParser p2 = new AquirablesHandler(active_grid);
            MessageParser p3 = new MovingAndShootingHandler(active_grid);
            MessageParser p4 = new GameInidiationHandler(active_grid);
            MessageParser p5 = new JoinMessageParser(active_grid);
            MessageParser p6 = new JoinSuccessHandler(active_grid);
            MessageParser p7 = new Finalizer(active_grid);


            Graph g = new Graph(active_grid, "P0");
            Node[,] ns = g.getNodes();
            Console.WriteLine("Main grid");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    Console.Write(string.Format("{0,5}", ns[i, j].getDist()) + " ");
            Console.WriteLine("After Running Dijkstra");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    Console.Write(string.Format("{0,5}", ns[i, j].getDist()) + " " + ns[i, j].Type + " ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    if (ns[i, j].getParent() != null)
                        Console.Write(string.Format("{0,5}", ns[i, j].getParent().getX() + "," + ns[i, j].getParent().getY()) + " ");
                        Console.Write(string.Format("{0,5}", "_") + " ");
            Stack<Node> path = g.getPathByNode(g.getNodes()[9, 9]);
            //Stack<Node> path = g.getPath(active_grid.getCoin(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(3,8)));
            while (path.Count > 0)
                Node n = path.Pop();
                int x = n.getX();
                int y = n.getY();
                Console.WriteLine(x + " , " + y);
 // Instantiating the message parser
 public MessageParser(MainGrid active_grid)
     this.active_grid = active_grid;
     this.nextHandler = null;
 public AquirablesHandler(MainGrid active_grid)
     : base(active_grid)
 public JoinMessageParser(MainGrid active_grid)
     : base(active_grid)
 private static List<Node> getSafePlaces(MainGrid mg, Graph g)
     List<Node> safePlaces = new List<Node>();
     Vector2 myLocation = mg.Tanks[mg.Playername].Location;
     Node[,] nodes = g.getNodes();
     Tank ourPlayer = mg.Tanks[mg.Playername];
     Node n;
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
             n = nodes[i, j];
             if (n.Type == Components.Empty)
                 foreach (Tank tk in mg.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
                     if (tk.Player_name == mg.Playername) continue;
                         switch (tk.Direction)
                             case 0:
                                 // North
                                 // Same X cordinate and our Y is lower
                                 if (ourPlayer.Location.X == tk.Location.X && ourPlayer.Location.Y < tk.Location.Y)
                                     // At Risk
                                     // Safe
                                     safePlaces.Add(nodes[i, j]);
                             case 1:
                                 // East
                                 // Same Y cordinate and our X is greater
                                 if (ourPlayer.Location.Y == tk.Location.Y && ourPlayer.Location.X > tk.Location.X)
                                     // At Risk
                                     // Safe
                                     safePlaces.Add(nodes[i, j]);
                             case 2:
                                 // South
                                 // Same X cordinate and our Y is greater
                                 if (ourPlayer.Location.X == tk.Location.X && ourPlayer.Location.Y > tk.Location.Y)
                                     // At Risk
                                     // Safe
                                     safePlaces.Add(nodes[i, j]);
                             case 3:
                                 // West
                                 // Same Y cordinate and our X is lower
                                 if (ourPlayer.Location.Y == tk.Location.Y && ourPlayer.Location.X < tk.Location.X)
                                     // At Risk
                                     // Safe
                                     safePlaces.Add(nodes[i, j]);
     return safePlaces;
Exemple #17
 public GameAI(MainGrid mg, MessageSender ms)
     this.mg = mg;
     this.ms = ms;
 public MovingAndShootingHandler(MainGrid active_grid)
     : base(active_grid)
 public Finalizer(MainGrid active_grid)
     : base(active_grid)
 public Traverser(MainGrid mg, MessageSender msg, string player)
     this.main_grid = mg;
     this.ms = msg;
     this.player_name = player;
        // Check if the current position is vulnerable for an attack
        public static bool shouldEscape(MainGrid grid, Graph g)
            Tank ourPlayer = grid.getTank(grid.Playername);
            foreach (Tank tank in grid.Tanks.Values.ToList<Tank>())
                if (ourPlayer.Location.X == tank.Location.X)
                    if ((ourPlayer.Location.Y > tank.Location.Y & tank.Direction == 2) || (ourPlayer.Location.Y < tank.Location.Y & tank.Direction == 0))
                        foreach (StoneWall stone in grid.StoneWalls.Values.ToList<StoneWall>())
                            if ((ourPlayer.Location.X < stone.Location.X && stone.Location.X < tank.Location.X) || (tank.Location.X < stone.Location.X && stone.Location.X < ourPlayer.Location.X))
                                return false;
                        return true;
                        return false;

                else if (ourPlayer.Location.Y == tank.Location.Y)
                    if ((ourPlayer.Location.X > tank.Location.X & tank.Direction == 1) || (ourPlayer.Location.X < tank.Location.X & tank.Direction == 3))
                        foreach (StoneWall stone in grid.StoneWalls.Values.ToList<StoneWall>())
                            if ((ourPlayer.Location.Y < stone.Location.Y && stone.Location.Y < tank.Location.Y) || (tank.Location.Y < stone.Location.Y && stone.Location.Y < ourPlayer.Location.Y))
                                return false;
                        return true;

                        return false;
                    return false;

            return false;