public void ApplyDeltaPackageSmokeTest() { var basePackage = new ReleasePackage(IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Shimmer.Core.")); var deltaPackage = new ReleasePackage(IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Shimmer.Core.")); var expectedPackageFile = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Shimmer.Core."); var outFile = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; try { basePackage.ApplyDeltaPackage(deltaPackage, outFile); var result = new ZipPackage(outFile); var expected = new ZipPackage(expectedPackageFile); result.Id.ShouldEqual(expected.Id); result.Version.ShouldEqual(expected.Version); this.Log().Info("Expected file list:"); expected.GetFiles().Select(x => x.Path).OrderBy(x => x).ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x)); this.Log().Info("Actual file list:"); result.GetFiles().Select(x => x.Path).OrderBy(x => x).ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x)); Enumerable.Zip( expected.GetFiles().Select(x => x.Path).OrderBy(x => x), result.GetFiles().Select(x => x.Path).OrderBy(x => x), (e, a) => e == a ).All(x => x).ShouldBeTrue(); } finally { if (File.Exists(outFile)) { File.Delete(outFile); } } }
public void CreateDeltaPackageIntegrationTest() { var basePackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "NSync.Core."); var newPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "NSync.Core."); var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("..", "packages"); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); var baseFixture = new ReleasePackage(basePackage); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(newPackage); var tempFiles = Enumerable.Range(0, 3) .Select(_ => Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".nupkg") .ToArray(); try { baseFixture.CreateReleasePackage(tempFiles[0], sourceDir); fixture.CreateReleasePackage(tempFiles[1], sourceDir); (new FileInfo(baseFixture.ReleasePackageFile)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); (new FileInfo(fixture.ReleasePackageFile)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); fixture.CreateDeltaPackage(baseFixture, tempFiles[2]); var fullPkg = new ZipPackage(tempFiles[1]); var deltaPkg = new ZipPackage(tempFiles[2]); fullPkg.Id.ShouldEqual(deltaPkg.Id); fullPkg.Version.CompareTo(deltaPkg.Version).ShouldEqual(0); // v1.1 adds a dependency on DotNetZip deltaPkg.GetFiles() .Any(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("")) .ShouldBeTrue(); // All the other files should be diffs deltaPkg.GetFiles() .Where(x => !x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("")) .All(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("diff")) .ShouldBeTrue(); // Delta packages should be smaller than the original! var fileInfos = tempFiles.Select(x => new FileInfo(x)).ToArray(); this.Log().Info("Base Size: {0}, Current Size: {1}, Delta Size: {2}", fileInfos[0].Length, fileInfos[1].Length, fileInfos[2].Length); (fileInfos[2].Length - fileInfos[1].Length).ShouldBeLessThan(0); } finally { tempFiles.ForEach(File.Delete); } }
public void ReleasePackageIntegrationTest() { var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Squirrel.Tests.0.1.0-pre.nupkg"); var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "packages"); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); try { fixture.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); this.Log().Info("Resulting package is at {0}", outputPackage); var pkg = new ZipPackage(outputPackage); int refs = pkg.FrameworkAssemblies.Count(); this.Log().Info("Found {0} refs", refs); refs.ShouldEqual(0); this.Log().Info("Files in release package:"); List<IPackageFile> files = pkg.GetFiles().ToList(); files.ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x.Path)); List<string> nonDesktopPaths = new[] {"sl", "winrt", "netcore", "win8", "windows8", "MonoAndroid", "MonoTouch", "MonoMac", "wp", } .Select(x => @"lib\" + x) .ToList(); files.Any(x => nonDesktopPaths.Any(y => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(y.ToLowerInvariant()))).ShouldBeFalse(); files.Any(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(@".xml")).ShouldBeFalse(); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); } }
public void Build_And_Packaged_XCopy_Has_Correct_Metadata() { System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "samples".MapVcsRoot(); MsBuild("PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy\\PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy.csproj /t:clean,build /p:RunOctoPack=true /p:OctoPackPackageVersion= /p:Configuration=Release /v:m"); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(@"PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy\obj\octopacked\PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy.")); var nupkg = new ZipPackage(@"PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy\obj\octopacked\PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy."); Assert.AreEqual("", nupkg.Version.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy", nupkg.Id); Assert.IsTrue(nupkg.GetFiles().Any(f => f.Path.Contains("powerdeploy.template.xml"))); }
public void CanResolveMultipleLevelsOfDependencies() { var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "SampleUpdatingApp."); var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("..", "packages"); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); try { fixture.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); this.Log().Info("Resulting package is at {0}", outputPackage); var pkg = new ZipPackage(outputPackage); int refs = pkg.FrameworkAssemblies.Count(); this.Log().Info("Found {0} refs", refs); refs.ShouldEqual(0); this.Log().Info("Files in release package:"); pkg.GetFiles().ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x.Path)); var filesToLookFor = new[] { "System.Reactive.Core.dll", "ReactiveUI.dll", "MarkdownSharp.dll", "SampleUpdatingApp.exe", }; filesToLookFor.ForEach(name => { this.Log().Info("Looking for {0}", name); pkg.GetFiles().Any(y => y.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(name.ToLowerInvariant())).ShouldBeTrue(); }); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); } }
public void CreatePackage(HttpContextBase context) { var request = context.Request; var stream = request.Files.Count > 0 ? request.Files[0].InputStream : request.InputStream; var package = new ZipPackage(stream); var symbolFiles = package.GetFiles("lib").Where(f => Path.GetExtension(f.Path) == ".pdb").ToList(); foreach (var symbolFile in symbolFiles) ProcessSymbolFile(symbolFile, package); stream.Position = 0; if (IsSymbolPackage(package, symbolFiles)) symbolPackageService.CreatePackage(context); else packageService.CreatePackage(context); }
public void GetSource(RequestContext context) { var packageId = context.RouteData.Values["id"].ToString(); var version = context.RouteData.Values["version"].ToString(); var path = Path.Combine("src", context.RouteData.Values["path"].ToString().Replace('/', '\\')); var package = new ZipPackage(symbolPackagePathResolver.GetSymbolPackagePath(packageId, version)); string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var file = package.GetFiles(directory).FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Path, path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); var response = context.HttpContext.Response; if (file == null) { response.StatusCode = 404; return; } response.ContentType = "binary/octet-stream"; file.GetStream().CopyTo(response.OutputStream); }
public void Configure_XCopy_Sample_Project_With_Mocked_Environment() { System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = "samples".MapVcsRoot(); MsBuild("PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy\\PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy.csproj /t:clean,build /p:RunOctoPack=true /p:OctoPackPackageVersion= /p:Configuration=Release /v:m"); var environmentMock = new Mock<IEnvironmentProvider>(); environmentMock.Setup(prov => prov.GetEnvironment(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(GetUnitEnvironment); var outputPath = FileSystem.CreateTempWorkingDir(); var target = new PackageManager(environmentMock.Object); target.ConfigurePackageByEnvironment(@"PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy\obj\octopacked\PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy.", "Unit", outputPath); // check if all template files are parsed var nupkg = new ZipPackage(Path.Combine(outputPath, "PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy_v1.3.3.7_UNIT.nupkg")); Assert.IsFalse(nupkg.GetFiles().Any(f => f.Path.Contains(".template."))); AssertPackage(Path.Combine(outputPath, "PowerDeploy.Sample.XCopy_v1.3.3.7_UNIT.nupkg"), pkg => pkg.AssertFileContent(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "powerdeploy.xml", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?> <package type=""xcopy"" environment=""UNIT""> <destination>c:\temp</destination> </package>".ToXmlOneLine() }, { "App.config", @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key=""variable1"" value=""Val1"" /> <add key=""variable2"" value=""Val2"" /> <add key=""default.variable"" value=""defaultvalue"" /> <add key=""env"" value=""UNIT"" /> </appSettings> </configuration>".ToXmlOneLine() } })); }
public void CreateDeltaPackageIntegrationTest() { var basePackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Squirrel.Tests.0.1.0-pre.nupkg"); var newPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Squirrel.Tests.0.2.0-pre.nupkg"); var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "packages"); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); var baseFixture = new ReleasePackage(basePackage); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(newPackage); var tempFiles = Enumerable.Range(0, 3) .Select(_ => Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".nupkg") .ToArray(); try { baseFixture.CreateReleasePackage(tempFiles[0], sourceDir); fixture.CreateReleasePackage(tempFiles[1], sourceDir); (new FileInfo(baseFixture.ReleasePackageFile)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); (new FileInfo(fixture.ReleasePackageFile)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); var deltaBuilder = new DeltaPackageBuilder(); deltaBuilder.CreateDeltaPackage(baseFixture, fixture, tempFiles[2]); var fullPkg = new ZipPackage(tempFiles[1]); var deltaPkg = new ZipPackage(tempFiles[2]); // // Package Checks // fullPkg.Id.ShouldEqual(deltaPkg.Id); fullPkg.Version.CompareTo(deltaPkg.Version).ShouldEqual(0); // Delta packages should be smaller than the original! var fileInfos = tempFiles.Select(x => new FileInfo(x)).ToArray(); this.Log().Info("Base Size: {0}, Current Size: {1}, Delta Size: {2}", fileInfos[0].Length, fileInfos[1].Length, fileInfos[2].Length); (fileInfos[2].Length - fileInfos[1].Length).ShouldBeLessThan(0); // // File Checks /// var deltaPkgFiles = deltaPkg.GetFiles().ToList(); deltaPkgFiles.Count.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); this.Log().Info("Files in delta package:"); deltaPkgFiles.ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x.Path)); var newFilesAdded = new[] { "Newtonsoft.Json.dll", "Refit.dll", "Refit-Portable.dll", "Castle.Core.dll", }.Select(x => x.ToLowerInvariant()); // vNext adds a dependency on Refit newFilesAdded .All(x => deltaPkgFiles.Any(y => y.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(x))) .ShouldBeTrue(); // All the other files should be diffs and shasums deltaPkgFiles .Where(x => !newFilesAdded.Any(y => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(y))) .All(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("diff") || x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("shasum")) .ShouldBeTrue(); // Every .diff file should have a shasum file deltaPkg.GetFiles().Any(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".diff")).ShouldBeTrue(); deltaPkg.GetFiles() .Where(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".diff")) .ForEach(x => { var lookingFor = x.Path.Replace(".diff", ".shasum"); this.Log().Info("Looking for corresponding shasum file: {0}", lookingFor); deltaPkg.GetFiles().Any(y => y.Path == lookingFor).ShouldBeTrue(); }); } finally { tempFiles.ForEach(File.Delete); } }
public void ReleasePackageIntegrationTest() { var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "Shimmer.Core."); var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("..", "packages"); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); try { fixture.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); this.Log().Info("Resulting package is at {0}", outputPackage); var pkg = new ZipPackage(outputPackage); int refs = pkg.References.Count(); this.Log().Info("Found {0} refs", refs); refs.ShouldEqual(0); this.Log().Info("Files in release package:"); pkg.GetFiles().ForEach(x => this.Log().Info(x.Path)); pkg.GetFiles().Any(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(@"lib\sl")).ShouldBeFalse(); pkg.GetFiles().Any(x => x.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(@".xml")).ShouldBeFalse(); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { Log.Trace("Getting latest packages..."); var packages = GetLatestStablePackages(); Log.Trace("Getting previously curated packages..."); var alreadyCuratedPackageIds = GetAlreadyCuratedPackageIds(); Log.Trace("Calculating minimum difference set..."); var packageIdsToCurate = packages.Keys.Except(alreadyCuratedPackageIds).ToList(); var totalCount = packageIdsToCurate.Count; var processedCount = 0; Log.Trace( "Curating {0} packages for the WebMatrix curated on '{1}',", totalCount, ConnectionString); Parallel.ForEach(packageIdsToCurate, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, packageIdToCurate => { var package = packages[packageIdToCurate]; try { var downloadPath = DownloadPackage(package); var nugetPackage = new ZipPackage(downloadPath); var shouldBeIncluded = nugetPackage.Tags != null && nugetPackage.Tags.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("aspnetwebpages"); if (!shouldBeIncluded) { shouldBeIncluded = true; foreach (var file in nugetPackage.GetFiles()) { var fi = new FileInfo(file.Path); if (fi.Extension == ".ps1" || fi.Extension == ".t4") { shouldBeIncluded = false; break; } } } if (shouldBeIncluded) { AddPackageToCuratedFeed(package); } File.Delete(downloadPath); Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount); Log.Info( "{2} package '{0}.{1}' ({3} of {4}).", package.Id, package.Version, shouldBeIncluded ? "Curated" : "Ignored", processedCount, totalCount); } catch(Exception ex) { Interlocked.Increment(ref processedCount); Log.Error( "Error curating package '{0}.{1}' ({2} of {3}): {4}.", package.Id, package.Version, processedCount, totalCount, ex.Message); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Imports the page. /// </summary> /// <param name="uploadedPackage">Byte array of the uploaded package</param> /// <param name="fileName">File name of uploaded package</param> /// <param name="personId">Id of the Person performing the import</param> /// <param name="pageId">The Id of the Page to save new data underneath</param> /// <param name="siteId">The Id of the Site tha the Page is being imported into</param> public bool ImportPage( byte[] uploadedPackage, string fileName, int personId, int pageId, int siteId ) { // Write .nupkg file to the PackageStaging folder... var path = Path.Combine( HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath( "~/App_Data/PackageStaging" ), fileName ); using ( var file = new FileStream( path, FileMode.Create ) ) { file.Write( uploadedPackage, 0, uploadedPackage.Length ); } var package = new ZipPackage( path ); var packageFiles = package.GetFiles().ToList(); var exportFile = packageFiles.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Path.Contains( "export.json" ) ); Page page = null; // If export.json is present, deserialize data // * Are there any new BlockTypes to register? If so, save them first. // * Scrub out any `Id` and `Guid` fields that came over from export // * Save page data via PageService if ( exportFile != null ) { string json; using ( var stream = exportFile.GetStream() ) { json = stream.ReadToEnd(); } page = Page.FromJson( json ); } // Validate package... // + Does it have any executable .dll files? Should those go to the bin folder, or into a plugins directory to be loaded via MEF? // - Does it have code or asset files that need to go on the file system? (Done) // - Does it have an export.json file? Should that be a requirement? (Done) // + Does it have any corresponding SQL, migrations, seed methods to run, etc. if ( page != null ) { // Find new block types and save them prior to scrubbing data... var newBlockTypes = FindNewBlockTypes( page, new BlockTypeService().Queryable() ).ToList(); RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () => { try { var blockTypeService = new BlockTypeService(); foreach ( var blockType in newBlockTypes ) { blockTypeService.Add( blockType, personId ); blockTypeService.Save( blockType, personId ); } ValidateImportData( page, newBlockTypes ); SavePages( page, newBlockTypes, personId, pageId, siteId ); ExpandFiles( packageFiles ); } catch ( Exception e ) { ErrorMessages.Add( e.Message ); } }); // Clean up PackageStaging folder on successful import. var file = new FileInfo( path ); file.Delete(); return ErrorMessages.Count <= 0; } ErrorMessages.Add( "The export package uploaded does not appear to have any data associated with it." ); return false; }
// // ApplyReleases methods // List<string> installPackageToAppDir(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ReleaseEntry release) { var pkg = new ZipPackage(Path.Combine(rootAppDirectory, "packages", release.Filename)); var target = getDirectoryForRelease(release.Version); // NB: This might happen if we got killed partially through applying the release if (target.Exists) { Utility.DeleteDirectory(target.FullName); } target.Create(); // Copy all of the files out of the lib/ dirs in the NuGet package // into our target App directory. // // NB: We sort this list in order to guarantee that if a Net20 // and a Net40 version of a DLL get shipped, we always end up // with the 4.0 version. pkg.GetFiles().Where(x => pathIsInFrameworkProfile(x, appFrameworkVersion)).OrderBy(x => x.Path) .ForEach(x => { var targetPath = Path.Combine(target.FullName, Path.GetFileName(x.Path)); var fi = fileSystem.GetFileInfo(targetPath); if (fi.Exists) fi.Delete(); using (var inf = x.GetStream()) using (var of = fi.Open(FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)) { log.Info("Writing {0} to app directory", targetPath); inf.CopyTo(of); } }); var newCurrentVersion = updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version; // Perform post-install; clean up the previous version by asking it // which shortcuts to install, and nuking them. Then, run the app's // post install and set up shortcuts. return runPostInstallAndCleanup(newCurrentVersion, updateInfo.IsBootstrapping); }
public IPackage ExplodeTo(string directory) { var explodedDirectory = ExplodedDirectory(directory); RippleLog.Info("Exploding to " + explodedDirectory); var fileSystem = new FileSystem(); fileSystem.CreateDirectory(explodedDirectory); fileSystem.ForceClean(explodedDirectory); var package = new ZipPackage(_path); package.GetFiles().Each(file => { var target = explodedDirectory.AppendPath(file.Path); fileSystem.CreateDirectory(target.ParentDirectory()); using (var stream = new FileStream(target, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { file.GetStream().CopyTo(stream); } }); fileSystem.CopyToDirectory(_path, explodedDirectory); fileSystem.DeleteFile(_path); var newFile = Path.Combine(explodedDirectory, Path.GetFileName(_path)); return new ZipPackage(newFile); }
private void ProcessSymbolFile(IPackageFile symbolFile, ZipPackage package) { var tempSymbolFilePath = ExtractToSymbols(package, symbolFile); try { var referencedSources = symbolTools.GetSources(tempSymbolFilePath).ToList(); var sourceFiles = new HashSet<string>(package.GetFiles("src").Select(f => f.Path.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList()); if (referencedSources.Any() && sourceFiles.Any()) { var basePath = FindSourceBasePath(sourceFiles, referencedSources); if (basePath.Length != 0) symbolTools.MapSources(package, tempSymbolFilePath, referencedSources, r => r.Substring(basePath.Length)); } } finally { File.Delete(tempSymbolFilePath); } }
private static bool IsSymbolPackage(ZipPackage package, IEnumerable<IPackageFile> symbolFiles) { return symbolFiles.Any() && package.GetFiles("src").Any(); }
public static Assembly TryLoadHelp(this Assembly assembly, ZipPackage zipPackage, ILogger logger) { logger.LogInformation("Looking for xml help for {0}", assembly.Name); var helpFile = zipPackage.GetFiles().FirstOrDefault(file => file.Path.Equals(assembly.Path.Replace("dll", "xml"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (helpFile != null) { logger.LogInformation("Found xml help for {0}", assembly.Name); var xml = XDocument.Load(helpFile.GetStream()); foreach (var member in xml.Element("doc").Element("members").Elements("member")) { var name = member.Attribute("name")?.Value; if (name == null) { continue; } try { switch (name.First()) { case 'T': { assembly.FindType(name.Substring(2))?.LoadHelp(member); break; } case 'M': { var argStart = name.IndexOf('('); if (argStart < 2) { continue; } var methodName = name.Substring(2, argStart - 2); var typeName = methodName.Substring(0, methodName.LastIndexOf('.')); methodName = methodName.Substring(methodName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); assembly.FindType(typeName)?.Methods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == methodName)?.LoadHelp(member); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError("Failed to pull out help details", ex); } } } return assembly; }