public BaseFacts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                _catalogClient             = new Mock <ICatalogClient>();
                _catalogIndexActionBuilder = new Mock <ICatalogIndexActionBuilder>();
                _batchPusher        = new Mock <IBatchPusher>();
                _fixUpEvaluator     = new Mock <IDocumentFixUpEvaluator>();
                _utilityOptions     = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <CommitCollectorConfiguration> >();
                _collectorOptions   = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2AzureSearchConfiguration> >();
                _utilityConfig      = new CommitCollectorConfiguration();
                _collectorConfig    = new Catalog2AzureSearchConfiguration();
                _telemetryService   = new Mock <IAzureSearchTelemetryService>();
                _v3TelemetryService = new Mock <IV3TelemetryService>();
                _logger             = output.GetLogger <AzureSearchCollectorLogic>();
                _utilityLogger      = output.GetLogger <CommitCollectorUtility>();

                _batchPusher.SetReturnsDefault(Task.FromResult(new BatchPusherResult()));
                _utilityOptions.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => _utilityConfig);
                _utilityConfig.MaxConcurrentCatalogLeafDownloads = 1;
                _collectorOptions.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => _collectorConfig);
                _collectorConfig.MaxConcurrentBatches = 1;
                .Setup(x => x.TryFixUpAsync(
                           It.IsAny <IReadOnlyList <CatalogCommitItem> >(),
                           It.IsAny <ConcurrentBag <IdAndValue <IndexActions> > >(),
                           It.IsAny <InvalidOperationException>()))
                .ReturnsAsync(() => DocumentFixUp.IsNotApplicable());

                _utility = new CommitCollectorUtility(

                _target = new AzureSearchCollectorLogic(
                    () => _batchPusher.Object,
        public async Task <DocumentFixUp> TryFixUpAsync(
            IReadOnlyList <CatalogCommitItem> itemList,
            ConcurrentBag <IdAndValue <IndexActions> > allIndexActions,
            InvalidOperationException exception)
            var innerEx = exception.InnerException as IndexBatchException;

            if (innerEx == null || innerEx.IndexingResults == null)

            // There may have been a Case of the Missing Document! We have confirmed with the Azure Search team that
            // this is a bug on the Azure Search side. To mitigate the issue, we replace any Merge operation that
            // failed with 404 with a MergeOrUpload with the full metadata so that we can replace that missing document.
            // 1. The first step is to find all of the document keys that failed with a 404 Not Found error.
            var notFoundKeys = new HashSet <string>(innerEx
                                                    .Where(x => x.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                                                    .Select(x => x.Key));

            if (!notFoundKeys.Any())

            _logger.LogWarning("{Count} document action(s) failed with 404 Not Found.", notFoundKeys.Count);

            // 2. Find all of the package IDs that were affected, only considering Merge operations against the Search
            //    index. We ignore the the hijack index for now because we have only ever seen the problem in the Search
            //    index.
            var failedIds = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var pair in allIndexActions.OrderBy(x => x.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var failedMerges = pair
                                   .Where(a => a.ActionType == IndexActionType.Merge)
                                   .Where(a => notFoundKeys.Contains(a.Document.Key));

                if (failedMerges.Any() && failedIds.Add(pair.Id))
                    _logger.LogWarning("Package {PackageId} had a Merge operation fail with 404 Not Found.", pair.Id);

            if (!failedIds.Any())
                _logger.LogInformation("No failed Merge operations against the Search index were found.");

            // 3. For each affected package ID, get the version list to determine the latest version per search filter
            //    so we can find the the catalog entry for the version.
            var identityToItems = itemList.GroupBy(x => x.PackageIdentity).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());

            foreach (var packageId in failedIds)
                var accessConditionAndData = await _versionListClient.ReadAsync(packageId);

                var versionLists = new VersionLists(accessConditionAndData.Result);

                var latestVersions = DocumentUtilities
                                     .Select(sf => versionLists.GetLatestVersionInfoOrNull(sf))
                                     .Where(lvi => lvi != null)
                                     .Select(lvi => (IReadOnlyList <NuGetVersion>) new List <NuGetVersion> {

                var leaves = await _leafFetcher.GetLatestLeavesAsync(packageId, latestVersions);

                // We ignore unavailable (deleted) versions for now. We have never had a delete cause this problem. It's
                // only ever been discovered when a new version is being added or updated.
                // For each package details leaf found, create a catalog commit item and add it to the set of items we
                // will process. This will force the metadata to be updated on each of the latest versions. Since this
                // is the latest metadata, replace any older leaves that may be associated with that package version.
                foreach (var pair in leaves.Available)
                    var identity = new PackageIdentity(packageId, pair.Key);
                    var leaf     = pair.Value;

                    if (identityToItems.TryGetValue(identity, out var existing))
                        if (existing.Count == 1 && existing[0].Uri.AbsoluteUri == leaf.Url)
                                "For {PackageId} {PackageVersion}, metadata will remain the same.",
                                "For {PackageId} {PackageVersion}, metadata from {Url} will be used instead of {Count} catalog commit items.",
                            "For {PackageId} {PackageVersion}, metadata from {Url} will be used.",

                    identityToItems[identity] = new List <CatalogCommitItem>
                        new CatalogCommitItem(
                            new Uri(leaf.Url),
                            new string[0],
                            new[] { Schema.DataTypes.PackageDetails },

            _logger.LogInformation("The catalog commit item list has been modified to fix up the missing document(s).");

            var newItemList = identityToItems.SelectMany(x => x.Value).ToList();
