private IEnumerable<LibraryDependency> GetDependencies(NuspecReader nuspecReader, NuGetFramework targetFramework)
            var dependencies = NuGetFrameworkUtility.GetNearest(nuspecReader.GetDependencyGroups(),
                item => item.TargetFramework);

            var frameworkAssemblies = NuGetFrameworkUtility.GetNearest(nuspecReader.GetFrameworkReferenceGroups(),
                item => item.TargetFramework);

            return GetDependencies(targetFramework, dependencies, frameworkAssemblies);
        /// <summary>
        /// A package is deemed to be a satellite package if it has a language property set, the id of the package is
        /// of the format [.*].[Language]
        /// and it has at least one dependency with an id that maps to the runtime package .
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task <SatellitePackageInfo> GetSatellitePackageInfoAsync(
            IAsyncPackageCoreReader packageReader,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // A satellite package has the following properties:
            //     1) A package suffix that matches the package's language, with a dot preceding it
            //     2) A dependency on the package with the same Id minus the language suffix
            //     3) The dependency can be found by Id in the repository (as its path is needed for installation)
            // Example: foo.ja-jp, with a dependency on foo

            var nuspec = await packageReader.GetNuspecAsync(cancellationToken);

            var             nuspecReader           = new NuspecReader(nuspec);
            var             packageId              = nuspecReader.GetId();
            var             packageLanguage        = nuspecReader.GetLanguage();
            string          localRuntimePackageId  = null;
            PackageIdentity runtimePackageIdentity = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageLanguage) &&
                packageId.EndsWith('.' + packageLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // The satellite pack's Id is of the format <Core-Package-Id>.<Language>. Extract the core package id using this.
                // Additionally satellite packages have a strict dependency on the core package
                localRuntimePackageId = packageId.Substring(0, packageId.Length - packageLanguage.Length - 1);

                foreach (var group in nuspecReader.GetDependencyGroups())
                    foreach (var dependencyPackage in group.Packages)
                        if (dependencyPackage.Id.Equals(localRuntimePackageId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange != null &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MaxVersion == dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange.IsMaxInclusive &&
                            var runtimePackageVersion = new NuGetVersion(dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion.ToNormalizedString());
                            runtimePackageIdentity = new PackageIdentity(dependencyPackage.Id, runtimePackageVersion);

            return(new SatellitePackageInfo(runtimePackageIdentity != null, packageLanguage, runtimePackageIdentity));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A package is deemed to be a satellite package if it has a language property set, the id of the package is
        /// of the format [.*].[Language]
        /// and it has at least one dependency with an id that maps to the runtime package .
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsSatellitePackage(NuspecReader nuspecReader, out PackageIdentity runtimePackageIdentity, out string packageLanguage)
            // A satellite package has the following properties:
            //     1) A package suffix that matches the package's language, with a dot preceding it
            //     2) A dependency on the package with the same Id minus the language suffix
            //     3) The dependency can be found by Id in the repository (as its path is needed for installation)
            // Example: foo.ja-jp, with a dependency on foo

            var packageId = nuspecReader.GetId();

            packageLanguage = nuspecReader.GetLanguage();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageLanguage) &&
                packageId.EndsWith('.' + packageLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // The satellite pack's Id is of the format <Core-Package-Id>.<Language>. Extract the core package id using this.
                // Additionally satellite packages have a strict dependency on the core package
                var localruntimePackageId = packageId.Substring(0, packageId.Length - packageLanguage.Length - 1);

                foreach (var group in nuspecReader.GetDependencyGroups())
                    foreach (var dependencyPackage in group.Packages)
                        if (dependencyPackage.Id.Equals(localruntimePackageId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange != null &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MaxVersion == dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion &&
                            dependencyPackage.VersionRange.IsMaxInclusive &&
                            var runtimePackageVersion = new NuGetVersion(dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion.ToString());
                            runtimePackageIdentity = new PackageIdentity(dependencyPackage.Id, runtimePackageVersion);

            runtimePackageIdentity = null;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// A package is deemed to be a satellite package if it has a language property set, the id of the package is
        /// of the format [.*].[Language]
        /// and it has at least one dependency with an id that maps to the runtime package .
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsSatellitePackage(NuspecReader nuspecReader, out PackageIdentity runtimePackageIdentity, out string packageLanguage)
            // A satellite package has the following properties:
            //     1) A package suffix that matches the package's language, with a dot preceding it
            //     2) A dependency on the package with the same Id minus the language suffix
            //     3) The dependency can be found by Id in the repository (as its path is needed for installation)
            // Example: foo.ja-jp, with a dependency on foo

            var packageId = nuspecReader.GetId();
            packageLanguage = nuspecReader.GetLanguage();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageLanguage)
                && packageId.EndsWith('.' + packageLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // The satellite pack's Id is of the format <Core-Package-Id>.<Language>. Extract the core package id using this.
                // Additionally satellite packages have a strict dependency on the core package
                var localruntimePackageId = packageId.Substring(0, packageId.Length - packageLanguage.Length - 1);

                foreach (var group in nuspecReader.GetDependencyGroups())
                    foreach (var dependencyPackage in group.Packages)
                        if (dependencyPackage.Id.Equals(localruntimePackageId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                            && dependencyPackage.VersionRange != null
                            && dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MaxVersion == dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion
                            && dependencyPackage.VersionRange.IsMaxInclusive
                            && dependencyPackage.VersionRange.IsMinInclusive)
                            var runtimePackageVersion = new NuGetVersion(dependencyPackage.VersionRange.MinVersion.ToString());
                            runtimePackageIdentity = new PackageIdentity(dependencyPackage.Id, runtimePackageVersion);
                            return true;

            runtimePackageIdentity = null;
            return false;
 public static PackageMetadata FromNuspecReader(NuspecReader nuspecReader)
     return new PackageMetadata(
         nuspecReader.GetMetadata().ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value),
        public static NuGetDependencyInfo GetDependencyInfo(FileInfo nupkgPath)
            if (!nupkgPath.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(nupkgPath.FullName);

            using (var stream =nupkgPath.OpenRead())
                ZipFileSystem zip = new ZipFileSystem(stream);

                using (PackageReader packageReader = new PackageReader(zip))
                    using (var nuspecStream = packageReader.GetNuspec())
                        NuspecReader reader = new NuspecReader(nuspecStream);

                        NuGetPackageId package = CreateIdentity(reader, nupkgPath.FullName);

                        List<NuGetDependencyGroup> dependencyGroups = new List<NuGetDependencyGroup>();

                        foreach (var depGroup in reader.GetDependencyGroups())
                            FrameworkName framework = Utilities.GetFrameworkName(depGroup.TargetFramework);

                            NuGetDependency[] dependencies = depGroup.Packages.Select(d => new NuGetDependency(d.Id, VersionRange.Parse(d.VersionRange))).ToArray();

                            dependencyGroups.Add(new NuGetDependencyGroup(framework, dependencies));

                        return new NuGetDependencyInfo(package, dependencyGroups);
 protected static FindPackageByIdDependencyInfo GetDependencyInfo(NuspecReader reader)
     return new FindPackageByIdDependencyInfo(