Exemple #1
            public Facts()
                Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Config  = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
                    LegacyBaseUrl        = "https://example/reg/",
                    GzippedBaseUrl       = "https://example/reg-gz/",
                    SemVer2BaseUrl       = "https://example/reg-gz-semver2/",
                    GalleryBaseUrl       = "https://example-gallery/",
                    FlatContainerBaseUrl = "https://example/fc/",
                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);

                LeafItem       = new RegistrationLeafItem();
                Page           = new RegistrationPage();
                Index          = new RegistrationIndex();
                Hive           = HiveType.Legacy;
                Id             = V3Data.PackageId;
                PackageDetails = new PackageDetailsCatalogLeaf
                    PackageVersion = V3Data.NormalizedVersion,
                Commit = new CatalogCommit(V3Data.CommitId, V3Data.CommitTimestamp);

                SerializerSettings            = NuGetJsonSerialization.Settings;
                SerializerSettings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                CatalogClient          = new Mock <ICatalogClient>();
                V3TelemetryService     = new Mock <IV3TelemetryService>();
                CommitCollectorOptions = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <CommitCollectorConfiguration> >();
                RegistrationUpdater    = new Mock <IRegistrationUpdater>();
                Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();

                CommitCollectorConfiguration = new CommitCollectorConfiguration {
                    MaxConcurrentCatalogLeafDownloads = 1
                CommitCollectorOptions.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => CommitCollectorConfiguration);
                Configuration = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration {
                    MaxConcurrentIds = 1
                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Configuration);

                Target = new RegistrationCollectorLogic(
                    new CommitCollectorUtility(
                        output.GetLogger <CommitCollectorUtility>()),
                    output.GetLogger <RegistrationCollectorLogic>());
Exemple #3
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                Collector          = new Mock <ICollector>();
                CloudBlobClient    = new Mock <ICloudBlobClient>();
                StorageFactory     = new Mock <IStorageFactory>();
                HttpMessageHandler = new Mock <TestHttpMessageHandler> {
                    CallBase = true
                Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Logger  = output.GetLogger <Catalog2RegistrationCommand>();

                CloudBlobContainer = new Mock <ICloudBlobContainer>();
                CloudBlobClient.Setup(x => x.GetContainerReference(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => CloudBlobContainer.Object);
                Storage = new Mock <Storage>(new Uri("https://example/azs"));
                StorageFactory.Setup(x => x.Create(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => Storage.Object);
                Config = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
                    StorageConnectionString = "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
                    LegacyStorageContainer  = "reg",
                    GzippedStorageContainer = "reg-gz",
                    SemVer2StorageContainer = "reg-gz-semver2",
                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);

                Target = new Catalog2RegistrationCommand(
                    () => HttpMessageHandler.Object,
 public Facts()
     Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
     Config  = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
         LegacyBaseUrl  = "https://example/v3-reg/",
         GzippedBaseUrl = "https://example/v3-reg-gz/",
         SemVer2BaseUrl = "https://example/v3-reg-gz-semver2/",
     Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);
Exemple #5
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Logger  = output.GetLogger <HiveMerger>();

                Config = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
                    MaxLeavesPerPage = 3,
                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);

                Target = new HiveMerger(
        public IntegrationTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            Options = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
            Config  = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
                LegacyBaseUrl                  = "https://example/v3/reg",
                LegacyStorageContainer         = "v3-reg",
                GzippedBaseUrl                 = "https://example/v3/reg-gz",
                GzippedStorageContainer        = "v3-reg-gz",
                SemVer2BaseUrl                 = "https://example/v3/reg-gz-semver2",
                SemVer2StorageContainer        = "v3-reg-gz-semver2",
                FlatContainerBaseUrl           = "https://example/v3/flatcontainer",
                GalleryBaseUrl                 = "https://example-gallery",
                MaxConcurrentHivesPerId        = 1,
                MaxConcurrentIds               = 1,
                MaxConcurrentOperationsPerHive = 1,
                MaxConcurrentStorageOperations = 1,
                EnsureSingleSnapshot           = false,
            Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);

            CloudBlobClient        = new InMemoryCloudBlobClient();
            RegistrationUrlBuilder = new RegistrationUrlBuilder(Options.Object);
            EntityBuilder          = new EntityBuilder(RegistrationUrlBuilder, Options.Object);
            Throttle    = NullThrottle.Instance;
            HiveStorage = new HiveStorage(
                output.GetLogger <HiveStorage>());
            HiveMerger  = new HiveMerger(Options.Object, output.GetLogger <HiveMerger>());
            HiveUpdater = new HiveUpdater(
                output.GetLogger <HiveUpdater>());
            RegistrationUpdater = new RegistrationUpdater(
                output.GetLogger <RegistrationUpdater>());
Exemple #7
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                HiveUpdater = new Mock <IHiveUpdater>();
                Options     = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Logger      = output.GetLogger <RegistrationUpdater>();

                Config = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration();
                Config.MaxConcurrentHivesPerId = 1;
                Id          = "NuGet.Versioning";
                Entries     = new List <CatalogCommitItem>();
                EntryToLeaf = new Dictionary <CatalogCommitItem, PackageDetailsCatalogLeaf>();

                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);

                Target = new RegistrationUpdater(
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                CloudBlobClient = new Mock <ICloudBlobClient>();
                EntityBuilder   = new Mock <IEntityBuilder>();
                Throttle        = new Mock <IThrottle>();
                Options         = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Logger          = output.GetLogger <HiveStorage>();

                Config = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration
                    LegacyBaseUrl           = "https://example/reg/",
                    LegacyStorageContainer  = "reg",
                    GzippedBaseUrl          = "https://example/reg-gz/",
                    GzippedStorageContainer = "reg-gz",
                    SemVer2BaseUrl          = "https://example/reg-gz-semver2/",
                    SemVer2StorageContainer = "reg-gz-semver2",
                    EnsureSingleSnapshot    = false,
                LegacyContainer  = new Mock <ICloudBlobContainer>();
                GzippedContainer = new Mock <ICloudBlobContainer>();
                SemVer2Container = new Mock <ICloudBlobContainer>();
                LegacyBlob       = new Mock <ISimpleCloudBlob>();
                GzippedBlob      = new Mock <ISimpleCloudBlob>();
                SemVer2Blob      = new Mock <ISimpleCloudBlob>();
                LegacyStream     = new MemoryStream();
                GzippedStream    = new MemoryStream();
                SemVer2Stream    = new MemoryStream();
                LegacySegment    = new Mock <ISimpleBlobResultSegment>();
                Hive             = HiveType.Legacy;
                ReplicaHives     = new List <HiveType>();
                Id    = "NuGet.Versioning";
                Index = new RegistrationIndex();
                Page  = new RegistrationPage();
                Leaf  = new RegistrationLeaf();

                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);
                CloudBlobClient.Setup(x => x.GetContainerReference(Config.LegacyStorageContainer)).Returns(() => LegacyContainer.Object);
                CloudBlobClient.Setup(x => x.GetContainerReference(Config.GzippedStorageContainer)).Returns(() => GzippedContainer.Object);
                CloudBlobClient.Setup(x => x.GetContainerReference(Config.SemVer2StorageContainer)).Returns(() => SemVer2Container.Object);
                LegacyContainer.Setup(x => x.GetBlobReference(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => LegacyBlob.Object);
                GzippedContainer.Setup(x => x.GetBlobReference(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => GzippedBlob.Object);
                SemVer2Container.Setup(x => x.GetBlobReference(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => SemVer2Blob.Object);
                LegacyBlob.Setup(x => x.Properties).Returns(new BlobProperties());
                LegacyBlob.Setup(x => x.OpenReadAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>())).ReturnsAsync(() => LegacyStream);
                LegacyBlob.Setup(x => x.Uri).Returns(new Uri("https://example/reg/something.json"));
                .Setup(x => x.UploadFromStreamAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <AccessCondition>()))
                .Callback <Stream, AccessCondition>((s, _) => s.CopyTo(LegacyStream));
                LegacyBlob.Setup(x => x.ExistsAsync()).ReturnsAsync(true);
                .Setup(x => x.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(
                           It.IsAny <string>(),
                           It.IsAny <bool>(),
                           It.IsAny <BlobListingDetails>(),
                           It.IsAny <int?>(),
                           It.IsAny <BlobContinuationToken>(),
                           It.IsAny <BlobRequestOptions>(),
                           It.IsAny <OperationContext>(),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(LegacySegment.Object));
                LegacySegment.Setup(x => x.Results).Returns(new List <ISimpleCloudBlob>());
                GzippedBlob.Setup(x => x.Properties).Returns(new BlobProperties());
                GzippedBlob.Setup(x => x.OpenReadAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>())).ReturnsAsync(() => GzippedStream);
                GzippedBlob.Setup(x => x.Uri).Returns(new Uri("https://example/reg-gz/something.json"));
                .Setup(x => x.UploadFromStreamAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <AccessCondition>()))
                .Callback <Stream, AccessCondition>((s, _) => s.CopyTo(GzippedStream));
                GzippedBlob.Setup(x => x.ExistsAsync()).ReturnsAsync(true);
                SemVer2Blob.Setup(x => x.Properties).Returns(new BlobProperties());
                SemVer2Blob.Setup(x => x.OpenReadAsync(It.IsAny <AccessCondition>())).ReturnsAsync(() => SemVer2Stream);
                SemVer2Blob.Setup(x => x.Uri).Returns(new Uri("https://example/reg-gz-semver2/something.json"));
                .Setup(x => x.UploadFromStreamAsync(It.IsAny <Stream>(), It.IsAny <AccessCondition>()))
                .Callback <Stream, AccessCondition>((s, _) => s.CopyTo(SemVer2Stream));
                SemVer2Blob.Setup(x => x.ExistsAsync()).ReturnsAsync(true);

                SerializeToStream(LegacyStream, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "@id", LegacyBlob.Object.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
                SerializeToStream(GzippedStream, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "@id", GzippedBlob.Object.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
                SerializeToStream(SemVer2Stream, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "@id", SemVer2Blob.Object.Uri.AbsoluteUri }

                Target = new HiveStorage(
                    new RegistrationUrlBuilder(Options.Object),
            [InlineData(3, 2, 5, 1, 6)] // Use page size 3 to allow insertions without bounds changes.
            public async Task Execute(int maxLeavesPerPage, int minExisting, int maxExisting, int minUpdated, int maxUpdated)
                var config  = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration();
                var options = new SimpleOptions <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration>(config);
                var logger  = new NullLogger <HiveMerger>();
                var target  = new HiveMerger(options, logger);

                config.MaxLeavesPerPage = maxLeavesPerPage;

                var allExisting         = Enumerable.Range(minExisting, (maxExisting - minExisting) + 1).Select(m => new NuGetVersion(m, 0, 0)).ToList();
                var allUpdated          = Enumerable.Range(minUpdated, (maxUpdated - minUpdated) + 1).Select(m => new NuGetVersion(m, 0, 0)).ToList();
                var versionToNormalized = allExisting.Concat(allUpdated).Distinct().ToDictionary(v => v, v => v.ToNormalizedString());

                // Enumerate all of the updated version sets, which is up to 9 versions and for each set every
                // combination of either PackageDelete or PackageDetails for each version.
                var deleteOrNotDelete = new[] { true, false };
                var updatedCases      = IterTools
                                        .SelectMany(vs => IterTools.CombinationsOfTwo(vs.ToList(), deleteOrNotDelete))
                                        .Select(ts => ts.Select(t => new VersionAction(t.Item1, t.Item2)).OrderBy(v => v.Version).ToList())

                // Enumerate all of the updated version sets, which is up to 7 versions.
                var existingCases = IterTools
                                    .Select(vs => vs.OrderBy(v => v).ToList())

                // Build all of the test cases which is every pairing of updated and existing cases.
                var testCases = new ConcurrentBag <TestCase>();

                foreach (var existing in existingCases)
                    foreach (var updated in updatedCases)
                        testCases.Add(new TestCase(existing, updated));

                var completed  = 0;
                var total      = testCases.Count;
                var outputLock = new object();
                await ParallelAsync
                .Repeat(async() =>
                    await Task.Yield();
                    while (testCases.TryTake(out var testCase))
                            await ExecuteTestCaseAsync(config, target, versionToNormalized, testCase);

                            var thisCompleted = Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
                            if (thisCompleted % 20000 == 0)
                                lock (outputLock)
                                    _output.WriteLine($"Progress: {1.0 * thisCompleted / total:P}");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lock (outputLock)
                                _output.WriteLine("Test Case Failure");
                                _output.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
                                _output.WriteLine("Existing: " + string.Join(", ", testCase.Existing));
                                _output.WriteLine("Changes:  " + string.Join(", ", testCase.Updated.Select(t => $"{(t.IsDelete ? '-' : '+')}{t.Version}")));
                                _output.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
                        degreeOfParallelism : 8);

                _output.WriteLine($"Progress: {1.0 * completed / total:P}");
                _output.WriteLine($"Total test cases: {total}");
                _output.WriteLine($"Completed test cases: {completed}");
                Assert.Equal(total, completed);
            private async Task ExecuteTestCaseAsync(
                Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration config,
                HiveMerger target,
                Dictionary <NuGetVersion, string> versionToNormalized,
                TestCase testCase)
                // ARRANGE
                var existing   = testCase.Existing;
                var allUpdated = testCase.Updated;

                // Determine the sets of expected modified versions, deleted versions, and resulting versions.
                var updatedGrouped    = allUpdated.ToLookup(x => x.IsDelete);
                var possibleDeletes   = updatedGrouped[true].Select(x => x.Version);
                var modified          = updatedGrouped[false].Select(x => x.Version).OrderBy(v => v).ToList();
                var deleted           = existing.Intersect(possibleDeletes).OrderBy(v => v).ToList();
                var unchanged         = existing.Except(allUpdated.Select(x => x.Version)).OrderBy(v => v).ToList();
                var expectedRemaining = modified.Concat(unchanged).OrderBy(v => v).ToList();

                // Build the input data structures.
                var sortedCatalog = MakeSortedCatalog(allUpdated);
                var indexInfo     = MakeIndexInfo(existing, config.MaxLeavesPerPage, versionToNormalized);

                // Determine which pages will definitely not be affected.
                var unaffectedPages = new List <PageInfo>();

                if (existing.Any())
                    var minVersion = allUpdated.Min(x => x.Version);
                    unaffectedPages = indexInfo
                                      .Take(indexInfo.Items.Count - 1)
                                      .Where(x => x.Upper < minVersion)

                // ACT
                var result = await target.MergeAsync(indexInfo, sortedCatalog);

                // ASSERT

                // Verify the definitely unaffected pages are in still in the index and not loaded.
                foreach (var page in unaffectedPages)
                    Assert.Contains(page, indexInfo.Items);
                    Assert.False(page.IsPageFetched, "A page before the lowest version input version must not be fetched.");

                // Verify the modified version set.
                Assert.Equal(modified, result.ModifiedLeaves.Select(x => x.Version).OrderBy(v => v).ToList());

                // Verify the deleted version set.
                Assert.Equal(deleted, result.DeletedLeaves.Select(x => x.Version).OrderBy(v => v).ToList());

                // Verify the resulting set of versions.
                var actualRemaining = await GetVersionsAsync(indexInfo);

                Assert.Equal(expectedRemaining, actualRemaining);

                // Verify all but the last page are full.
                foreach (var pageInfo in indexInfo.Items.AsEnumerable().Reverse().Skip(1))
                        pageInfo.Count == config.MaxLeavesPerPage,
                        "All but the last page must have the maximum number of leaf items per page.");

                // Verify the last page is not too full.
                if (indexInfo.Items.Count > 0)
                        indexInfo.Items.Last().Count <= config.MaxLeavesPerPage,
                        "The last page must have less than or equal to the maximum number of leaf items per page.");

                // Verify the page bounds are in ascending order.
                var bounds = indexInfo.Items.SelectMany(GetUniqueBounds).ToList();

                for (var i = 1; i < bounds.Count; i++)
                    Assert.True(bounds[i - 1] < bounds[i], "Each page bound must be less than the next.");

                // Verify the modified pages are in the index.
                foreach (var pageInfo in result.ModifiedPages)
                    Assert.True(indexInfo.Items.Contains(pageInfo), "A modified page must be in the index.");

                // Verify the leaf item infos match the leaf items.
                    indexInfo.Items.Count == indexInfo.Index.Items.Count,
                    "The number of page infos must match the number of page items.");
                for (var pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < indexInfo.Items.Count; pageIndex++)
                    var pageInfo  = indexInfo.Items[pageIndex];
                    var leafInfos = await pageInfo.GetLeafInfosAsync();

                    var page = await pageInfo.GetPageAsync();

                        page.Items.Count == leafInfos.Count,
                        "The number of leaf items must match the number of leaf item infos.");

                    for (var leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < page.Items.Count; leafIndex++)
                        var leafInfoVersion = leafInfos[leafIndex].Version;
                        var leafItemVersion = NuGetVersion.Parse(page.Items[leafIndex].CatalogEntry.Version);
                            leafInfoVersion == leafItemVersion,
                            "The list of leaf info versions must match the leaf item versions.");

                // Verify the modified leaves and deleted leafs are disjoint sets.
                var modifiedVersions = new HashSet <NuGetVersion>(result.ModifiedLeaves.Select(x => x.Version));
                var deletedVersions  = new HashSet <NuGetVersion>(result.DeletedLeaves.Select(x => x.Version));

                    "The deleted leaves and modified leaves must be disjoint sets.");

                // Verify the modified leaves are visible in an inlined page or a downloaded page.
                foreach (var leafInfo in result.ModifiedLeaves)
                    foreach (var pageInfo in indexInfo.Items)
                        if (leafInfo.Version < pageInfo.Lower || leafInfo.Version > pageInfo.Upper)

                            pageInfo.IsInlined || pageInfo.IsPageFetched,
                            "A page bounding a modified leaf must either be inlined or the page must be fetched.");

                        var pageLeafInfos = await pageInfo.GetLeafInfosAsync();

                            pageLeafInfos.Any(x => x.Version == leafInfo.Version),
                            "A modified leaf must be in the page bounding its version.");

                // Verify the deleted leaves are not visible in any of the inlined or downloaded pages.
                foreach (var leafInfo in result.DeletedLeaves)
                    foreach (var pageInfo in indexInfo.Items)
                        var pageLeafInfos = await pageInfo.GetLeafInfosAsync();

                            !pageLeafInfos.Any(x => x.Version == leafInfo.Version),
                            "A deleted leaf must not be in any page.");
Exemple #11
            public Facts(ITestOutputHelper output)
                Storage       = new Mock <IHiveStorage>();
                Merger        = new Mock <IHiveMerger>();
                EntityBuilder = new Mock <IEntityBuilder>();
                Options       = new Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration> >();
                Logger        = output.GetLogger <HiveUpdater>();

                Config             = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration();
                Hive               = HiveType.SemVer2;
                ReplicaHives       = new List <HiveType>();
                Id                 = "NuGet.Versioning";
                Entries            = new List <CatalogCommitItem>();
                EntryToCatalogLeaf = new Dictionary <CatalogCommitItem, PackageDetailsCatalogLeaf>(
                    ReferenceEqualityComparer <CatalogCommitItem> .Default);
                RegistrationIndex = new RegistrationIndex
                    Items = new List <RegistrationPage>
                        new RegistrationPage
                            Lower = "1.0.0",
                            Upper = "3.0.0",
                            Count = 2,
                            Items = new List <RegistrationLeafItem>
                                new RegistrationLeafItem
                                    Url          = $"https://example/reg/{Id.ToLowerInvariant()}/1.0.0.json",
                                    CatalogEntry = new RegistrationCatalogEntry
                                        Version = "1.0.0",
                                new RegistrationLeafItem
                                    Url          = $"https://example/reg/{Id.ToLowerInvariant()}/3.0.0.json",
                                    CatalogEntry = new RegistrationCatalogEntry
                                        Version = "3.0.0",
                MergeResult = new HiveMergeResult(
                    new HashSet <PageInfo>(),
                    new HashSet <LeafInfo>(),
                    new HashSet <LeafInfo>());
                RegistrationLeaf   = new RegistrationLeaf();
                RegistrationCommit = new CatalogCommit(
                    new DateTimeOffset(2019, 10, 25, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero));

                Options.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(() => Config);
                .Setup(x => x.ReadIndexOrNullAsync(It.IsAny <HiveType>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .ReturnsAsync(() => RegistrationIndex);
                var concreteHiveMerger = new HiveMerger(Options.Object, output.GetLogger <HiveMerger>());

                .Setup(x => x.MergeAsync(It.IsAny <IndexInfo>(), It.IsAny <IReadOnlyList <CatalogCommitItem> >()))
                .Returns <IndexInfo, IReadOnlyList <CatalogCommitItem> >((i, e) => concreteHiveMerger.MergeAsync(i, e));
                .Setup(x => x.NewLeaf(It.IsAny <RegistrationLeafItem>()))
                .Returns(() => RegistrationLeaf);
                .Setup(x => x.UpdateNonInlinedPageItem(
                           It.IsAny <RegistrationPage>(),
                           It.IsAny <HiveType>(),
                           It.IsAny <string>(),
                           It.IsAny <int>(),
                           It.IsAny <NuGetVersion>(),
                           It.IsAny <NuGetVersion>()))
                .Callback <RegistrationPage, HiveType, string, int, NuGetVersion, NuGetVersion>((p, h, id, c, l, u) =>
                    p.Url = $"https://example/reg/" +
                            $"{id.ToLowerInvariant()}/" +
                            $"{l.ToNormalizedString().ToLowerInvariant()}/" +

                Target = new HiveUpdater(