public ElasticSearchBooleanOperation ManagedQueryInternal(string query, string[] fields = null)
            Query.Add(new LateBoundQuery(() =>
                //if no fields are specified then use all fields
                fields = fields ?? AllFields;

                //Strangely we need an inner and outer query. If we don't do this then the lucene syntax returned is incorrect
                //since it doesn't wrap in parenthesis properly. I'm unsure if this is a lucene issue (assume so) since that is what
                //is producing the resulting lucene string syntax. It might not be needed internally within Lucene since it's an object
                //so it might be the ToString() that is the issue.
                var outer          = new BooleanQuery();
                var inner          = new BooleanQuery();
                var fielddefintion =
                    _searcher.AllProperties.Values.Where(x => x.Type == "text").Select(x => x.Name.Name);
                foreach (var field in fielddefintion)
                    var q = FullTextType.GenerateQuery(field, query, DefaultAnalyzer);
                    if (q != null)
                        //CriteriaContext.ManagedQueries.Add(new KeyValuePair<IIndexFieldValueType, Query>(type, q));
                        inner.Add(q, Occur.SHOULD);

                outer.Add(inner, Occur.SHOULD);

            }), Occurrence);

            return(new ElasticSearchBooleanOperation(this));
        protected override INestedBooleanOperation ManagedQueryNested(string query, string[] fields = null)
            //TODO: Instead of AllFields here we should have a reference to the FieldDefinitionCollection
            var fielddefintion =
                _searcher.AllProperties.Values.Where(x => x.Type == "text").Select(x => x.Name.Name);

            foreach (var field in fields ?? fielddefintion)
                var fullTextQuery = FullTextType.GenerateQuery(field, query, DefaultAnalyzer);
                Query.Add(fullTextQuery, Occurrence);

            return(new ElasticSearchBooleanOperation(this));