/// <summary> 
		/// Constructs an extended operations object which contains the ber encoded
		/// replication filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="serverDN">The server on which the replication filter needs to be set
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="replicationFilter">An array of String Arrays. Each array starting with
		/// a class name followed by the attribute names for that class that should comprise
		/// the replication filter.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception> LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		public SetReplicationFilterRequest(System.String serverDN, System.String[][] replicationFilter):base(ReplicationConstants.SET_REPLICATION_FILTER_REQ, null)
				if ((System.Object) serverDN == null)
					throw new System.ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.PARAM_ERROR);
				System.IO.MemoryStream encodedData = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
				LBEREncoder encoder = new LBEREncoder();
				Asn1OctetString asn1_serverDN = new Asn1OctetString(serverDN);
				// Add the serverDN to encoded data
				asn1_serverDN.encode(encoder, encodedData);
				// The toplevel sequenceOF
				Asn1SequenceOf asn1_replicationFilter = new Asn1SequenceOf();
				if (replicationFilter == null)
					asn1_replicationFilter.encode(encoder, encodedData);
					return ;
				int i = 0;
				// for every element in the array
				while ((i < replicationFilter.Length) && (replicationFilter[i] != null))
					// The following additional Sequence is not needed
					// as defined by the Asn1. But the server and the
					// C client are encoding it. Remove this when server
					// and C client are fixed to conform to the published Asn1.
					Asn1Sequence buginAsn1Representation = new Asn1Sequence();
					// Add the classname to the sequence -
					buginAsn1Representation.add(new Asn1OctetString(replicationFilter[i][0]));
					// Start a sequenceOF for attributes
					Asn1SequenceOf asn1_attributeList = new Asn1SequenceOf();
					// For every attribute in the array - remember attributes start after
					// the first element
					int j = 1;
					while ((j < replicationFilter[i].Length) && ((System.Object) replicationFilter[i][j] != null))
						// Add the attribute name to the inner SequenceOf
						asn1_attributeList.add(new Asn1OctetString(replicationFilter[i][j]));
					// Add the attributeList to the sequence - extra add due to bug
				asn1_replicationFilter.encode(encoder, encodedData);
			catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
				throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.ENCODING_ERROR, LdapException.ENCODING_ERROR, (System.String) null);