public FormStart() { Console.WriteLine(Header); Console.WriteLine("Commands Help - 5"); Console.WriteLine("Type a command, and then press Enter: "); int command = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); var formFactory = new FormFactory(); formFactory.GetForm(command); }
public FormHelp() { Console.WriteLine(Header); Console.WriteLine("Commands Help"); Console.WriteLine("1 - Add note"); Console.WriteLine("2 - List of notes"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Delete note"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Edit Note"); Console.WriteLine("5 - Help"); Console.WriteLine("6 - Exit"); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to go back."); Console.ReadLine(); var formFactory = new FormFactory(); formFactory.GetForm(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //bool endApp = false; try { formFactory.GetForm(0); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Wrong command!"); } /* * while (!endApp) * { * FormStart start = new FormStart(); * } * return; */ }
public FormList() { Console.WriteLine(Header); NoteRepository noteRepository = new NoteRepository(); Dictionary <int, Note> allNotes = noteRepository.GetAllNotes(); if (allNotes.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No notes yet..."); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to go back."); Console.ReadLine(); var formFactory = new FormFactory(); formFactory.GetForm(0); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Note> note in allNotes) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] - {1}", note.Key, note.Value.Title); } } }