static void InsertOrder(
        string shipName, string shipAddress,
        string shipCity, string shipRegionm,
        string shipPostalCode, string shipCountry,
        string customerID = null, int? employeeID = null,
        DateTime? orderDate = null, DateTime? requiredDate = null,
        DateTime? shippedDate = null, int? shipVia = null,
        decimal? freight = null)
            using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
                Order newOrder = new Order
                    ShipAddress = shipAddress,
                    ShipCity = shipCity,
                    ShipCountry = shipCountry,
                    ShipName = shipName,
                    ShippedDate = shippedDate,
                    ShipPostalCode = shipPostalCode,
                    ShipRegion = shipRegionm,
                    ShipVia = shipVia,
                    EmployeeID = employeeID,
                    OrderDate = orderDate,
                    RequiredDate = requiredDate,
                    Freight = freight,
                    CustomerID = customerID



                Console.WriteLine("Row is inserted.");
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities())
        public static void RemoveCustomerByID(NorthwindEntities db, string customerID)
            var customerForRemove = db.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID == customerID).First();

 private static IQueryable<Order> GetAllOrdersByYearAndCountry(NorthwindEntities db, int shipingYear, string shipingCountry)
     var allOrdersFrom1997 =
         from order in db.Orders
         where order.OrderDate.Value.Year == shipingYear &&
               order.ShipCountry == shipingCountry
         select order;
     return allOrdersFrom1997;
        public static void ModifyCustomerByID(NorthwindEntities db, string customerID, string newCompanyName, string newContactName)
            var customerForUpdate = db.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID == customerID).First();

            customerForUpdate.CompanyName = newCompanyName;
            customerForUpdate.ContactName = newContactName;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee extended = new Employee();

            NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities();

            extended = context.Employees.Find(1);

            foreach (var item in extended.Territories)
                Console.WriteLine("Teritory description - {0}", item.TerritoryDescription);
        public static void CreateNewCustomer(NorthwindEntities db, string customerID, string companyName, string contactName, string country)
            var newCustomer = new Customer()
                CustomerID = customerID,
                CompanyName = companyName,
                ContactName = contactName,
                Country = country

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new NorthwindEntities();

            string orderRegion = null;
            int startOrderYear = 1996;
            int endOrderYear = 1996;

            using (db)
                ShowAllSalesByGivenRegionAndDate(db, orderRegion, startOrderYear, endOrderYear);
        public static void Main()
            var supplierName = "Exotic Liquids";
            var startDate = new DateTime(1996, 1, 1);
            var endDate = new DateTime(1997, 12, 31);

            // First input the stored procedure and after thar uncomment the code lines.
            using (var northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities())
                //var totalIncomes = northwindEntities.usp_TotalIncomesOfSupplier(supplierName, startDate, endDate).Single();

                //Console.WriteLine("Total incomes: {0:C}", totalIncomes);
        private static void ShowAllSalesByGivenRegionAndDate(NorthwindEntities db, string orderRegion, int startOrderYear, int endOrderYear)
            var allOrders =
                from order in db.Orders
                where order.ShipRegion == orderRegion &&
                order.ShippedDate.Value.Year >= startOrderYear &&
                order.ShippedDate.Value.Year <= endOrderYear
                select order;

            foreach (var order in allOrders)
                Console.WriteLine("OrderID " + order.OrderID +
                    "; ShipRegion: " + order.ShipRegion +
                    "; ShipDate: " + order.ShippedDate);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new NorthwindEntities();

            int shipingYear = 1997;
            string shipingCountry = "Canada";

            using (db)
                var allOrdersFrom1997 = GetAllOrdersByYearAndCountry(db, shipingYear, shipingCountry);

                foreach (var order in allOrdersFrom1997)
                    Console.WriteLine("CustomerID: " + order.CustomerID + 
                        "; OrderID: " + order.OrderID + 
                        "; Year: " + order.OrderDate.Value.Year);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (NorthwindEntities northwindEntities1 = new NorthwindEntities())
                using (NorthwindEntities northwindEntities2 = new NorthwindEntities())
                    Customer customerByFirstDataContext = northwindEntities1.Customers.Find("CHOPS");
                    customerByFirstDataContext.Region = "SW";

                    Customer customerBySecondDataContext = northwindEntities2.Customers.Find("CHOPS");
                    customerBySecondDataContext.Region = "SSWW";


            Console.WriteLine("Changes successfully made!");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IObjectContextAdapter context = new NorthwindEntities();
            string cloneNorthwind = context.ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();

            string createNorthwindCloneDB = "CREATE DATABASE NorthwindTwin ON PRIMARY " +
            "(NAME = NorthwindTwin, " +
            "FILENAME = 'D:\\NorthwindTwin.mdf', " +
            "SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 10MB, FILEGROWTH = 10%) " +
            "LOG ON (NAME = NorthwindTwinLog, " +
            "FILENAME = 'D:\\NorthwindTwin.ldf', " +
            "SIZE = 1MB, " +
            "MAXSIZE = 5MB, " +
            "FILEGROWTH = 10%)";

            SqlConnection dbConForCreatingDB = new SqlConnection(
                "Server=BOBBY-PC; " +
                "Database=NORTHWND; " +
                "Integrated Security=true");


            using (dbConForCreatingDB)
                SqlCommand createDB = new SqlCommand(createNorthwindCloneDB, dbConForCreatingDB);

            SqlConnection dbConForCloning = new SqlConnection(
                "Server=LOCALHOST; " +
                "Database=NorthwindTwin; " +
                "Integrated Security=true");


            using (dbConForCloning)
                SqlCommand cloneDB = new SqlCommand(cloneNorthwind, dbConForCloning);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new NorthwindEntities();

            using (db)
                string customerID = "AAAAA";
                string companyName = "ARS";
                string contactName = "Kiril Ivanov";
                string country = "Bulgaria";

                DAO.CreateNewCustomer(db, customerID, companyName, contactName, country);

                string newCompanyName = "BBR";
                string newContactName = "Marin Ivanov";

                DAO.ModifyCustomerByID(db, customerID, newCompanyName, newContactName);

                DAO.RemoveCustomerByID(db, customerID);
        private static void FindByOrderUsingSQL(int year, string country)
            NorthwindEntities db = new NorthwindEntities();

            string nativeSQLQuery =
                                    "SELECT c.CustomerID " +
                                    "FROM Customers c " +
                                    "JOIN Orders o " +
                                    "ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID " +
                                   "WHERE YEAR(o.OrderDate) = {0} " +
                                    "AND o.ShipCountry = {1} " +
                                    "group by c.CustomerID";

            object[] parameters = { year, country };

            var orders = db.Database.SqlQuery<string>(nativeSQLQuery, parameters);

            foreach (var order in orders)