Exemple #1
        public void ApplyOperators()
            List <int[]> paths = FindTokenPaths(t => t.meta is DelimOp);

            paths.Sort((a, b) => {
                int comp;
                comp = b.Length.CompareTo(a.Length);
                if (comp != 0)
                Context.Entry e = null;
                Token ta        = GetTokenAt(tokens, a, ref e);
                Token tb        = GetTokenAt(tokens, b, ref e);
                DelimOp da      = ta.meta as DelimOp;
                DelimOp db      = tb.meta as DelimOp;
                comp            = da.order.CompareTo(db.order);
                if (comp == 0)
                    comp = ta.index.CompareTo(tb.index);
            for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; ++i)
                Context.Entry pathNode = null;
                Token         t        = GetTokenAt(tokens, paths[i], ref pathNode);
                DelimOp       op       = t.meta as DelimOp;
                Context.Entry opEntry  = op.isSyntaxValid.Invoke(this, pathNode.tokens, paths[i][paths[i].Length - 1]);
                if (pathNode.tokenCount != pathNode.tokens.Count)
                    pathNode.tokenCount = pathNode.tokens.Count;
            public object Resolve(Tokenizer tok, object scope, bool simplify = true)
                DelimOp op = sourceMeta as DelimOp;

                if (op != null)
                    return(op.resolve.Invoke(tok, this, scope));
                if (IsText())
                return(Resolve(tok, scope, tokens, simplify));
Exemple #3
        public object Resolve(ITokenErrLog tok, object scope, ResolvedEnoughDelegate isItResolvedEnough = null)
            DelimOp op = sourceMeta as DelimOp;

            if (op != null)
                return(op.resolve.Invoke(tok, this, scope, isItResolvedEnough));
            List <object> finalTerms = ResolveTerms(tok, scope, tokens, isItResolvedEnough);
            object        result     = finalTerms;

            if (rules != null && rules.Simplify != null)
                if (isItResolvedEnough != null && isItResolvedEnough.Invoke(result))
                result = rules.Simplify.Invoke(finalTerms);
Exemple #4
        protected void ApplyOperators()
            int SortByOrderOfOperations(TokenPath a, TokenPath b)
                int comp;

                comp = b.path.Length.CompareTo(a.path.Length);
                if (comp != 0)
                //Context.Entry e = null;
                Token   ta = a.token;              //GetTokenAt(tokens, a, ref e);
                Token   tb = b.token;              //GetTokenAt(tokens, b, ref e);
                DelimOp da = ta.meta as DelimOp;
                DelimOp db = tb.meta as DelimOp;

                comp = da.order.CompareTo(db.order);
                // do the last one in the line first, so future indexes don't get offset as the tokens are combined
                if (comp == 0)
                    comp = ta.index.CompareTo(tb.index);

            List <TokenPath> paths = FindTokenPaths(t => t.meta is DelimOp);

            List <int> finishedTokens = new List <int>();
            bool       operatorWasLostInTheShuffle;

                operatorWasLostInTheShuffle = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; ++i)
                    SyntaxTree pathNode = null;
                    Token      t        = GetTokenAt(tokens, paths[i].path, ref pathNode);
                    if (t == Token.None)
                        t = pathNode?.GetBeginToken() ?? this.tokens[0];
                        AddError(t, "can't resolve " + t.GetAsSmallText() + ", missing token");
                    if (paths[i].token.index != t.index)
                        operatorWasLostInTheShuffle = true;
                        continue;                        // break instead?
                    DelimOp op = t.meta as DelimOp;
                    //if(op == null || pathNode == null || paths == null || paths[i].path == null) {
                    //	Show.Log("oof");
                    List <Token> listWhereOpWasFound = pathNode != null ? pathNode.tokens : tokens;
                    //Context.Entry opEntry =
                    op.isSyntaxValid.Invoke(this, listWhereOpWasFound, paths[i].path[paths[i].path.Length - 1]);
                    if (pathNode != null && pathNode.TokenCount != pathNode.tokens.Count)
                        pathNode.tokenCount = pathNode.tokens.Count;
                if (operatorWasLostInTheShuffle)
                    paths = FindTokenPaths(t => t.meta is DelimOp && finishedTokens.IndexOf(t.index) < 0);
            } while (operatorWasLostInTheShuffle);