//constructor for the main window public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded; this.Unloaded += (s, e) => { this.Kinect = null; }; this.noise_remover = new Remover(); double w = mw.Width; double h = mw.Height; this.hmap = new Map((int)w, (int) h, 30); }
//Constructor takes in the width and height of the map (usually the screen) //setupFrames establishes how long the initial set up time is //for background calibration public Map(int width, int height, int setUpFrames) { this.map = new int[width, height]; this.background = new bool[width, height]; this.backgroundDepth = new double[width, height]; this.noise_remover = new Remover(); this.fCount = 0; this.start = setUpFrames; this.t = 0; // this.plan = new Bitmap(640, 480); this.positions = new util.FixedSizeQueue<PointF>(20); this.height = height; this.width = width; }