Exemple #1
            internal static BclAdjustmentRule FromUnixAdjustmentRule(TimeZoneInfo zone, TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule rule)
                // On .NET Core on Unix, each "adjustment rule" is effectively just a zone interval. The transitions are only used
                // to give the time of day values to combine with rule.DateStart and rule.DateEnd. It's all a bit odd.
                // The *last* adjustment rule internally can work like a normal Windows standard/daylight rule, but currently that's
                // not exposed properly.
                var bclLocalStart = rule.DateStart + rule.DaylightTransitionStart.TimeOfDay.TimeOfDay;
                var bclLocalEnd   = rule.DateEnd + rule.DaylightTransitionEnd.TimeOfDay.TimeOfDay;
                var bclUtcStart   = DateTime.SpecifyKind(bclLocalStart == DateTime.MinValue ? DateTime.MinValue : bclLocalStart - zone.BaseUtcOffset, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                var bclWallOffset = zone.GetUtcOffset(bclUtcStart);
                var bclSavings    = rule.DaylightDelta;
                var bclUtcEnd     = DateTime.SpecifyKind(rule.DateEnd == MaxDate ? DateTime.MaxValue : bclLocalEnd - (zone.BaseUtcOffset + bclSavings), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                var isDst         = zone.IsDaylightSavingTime(bclUtcStart);

                // The BCL rule can't express "It's DST with a changed standard time" so we sometimes end
                // up with DST but no savings. Assume this means a savings of 1 hour. That's not a valid
                // assumption in all cases, but it's probably better than alternatives, given limited information.
                if (isDst && bclSavings == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    bclSavings = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
                // Sometimes the rule says "This rule doesn't apply daylight savings" but still has a daylight
                // savings delta. Extremely bizarre: just override the savings to zero.
                if (!isDst && bclSavings != TimeSpan.Zero)
                    bclSavings = TimeSpan.Zero;

                // Handle changes crossing the international date line, which are represented as savings of +/-23
                // hours (but could conceivably be more).
                if (bclSavings.Hours < -14)
                    bclSavings += TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                else if (bclSavings.Hours > 14)
                    bclSavings -= TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                var bclStandard = bclWallOffset - bclSavings;

                // Now all the values are sensible - and in particular, now the daylight savings are in a range that can be represented by
                // Offset - we can converted everything to Noda Time types.
                var nodaStart = bclUtcStart == DateTime.MinValue ? Instant.BeforeMinValue : bclUtcStart.ToInstant();
                // The representation returned to us (not the internal representation) has an end point one second before the transition.
                var nodaEnd        = bclUtcEnd == DateTime.MaxValue ? Instant.AfterMaxValue : bclUtcEnd.ToInstant() + Duration.FromSeconds(1);
                var nodaWallOffset = bclWallOffset.ToOffset();
                var nodaStandard   = bclStandard.ToOffset();
                var nodaSavings    = bclSavings.ToOffset();

                var partialMap = PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(isDst ? zone.StandardName : zone.DaylightName, nodaStart, nodaEnd, nodaWallOffset, nodaSavings);

                return(new BclAdjustmentRule(nodaStart, nodaEnd, nodaStandard, nodaSavings, partialMap));
Exemple #2
            internal static BclAdjustmentRule FromWindowsAdjustmentRule(TimeZoneInfo zone, TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule rule)
                // With .NET 4.6, adjustment rules can have their own standard offsets, allowing
                // a much more reasonable set of time zone data. Unfortunately, this isn't directly
                // exposed, but we can detect it by just finding the UTC offset for an arbitrary
                // time within the rule - the start, in this case - and then take account of the
                // possibility of that being in daylight saving time. Fortunately, we only need
                // to do this during the setup.
                var ruleStandardOffset = zone.GetUtcOffset(rule.DateStart);

                if (zone.IsDaylightSavingTime(rule.DateStart))
                    ruleStandardOffset -= rule.DaylightDelta;
                var standardOffset = ruleStandardOffset.ToOffset();

                // Although the rule may have its own standard offset, the start/end is still determined
                // using the zone's standard offset.
                var zoneStandardOffset = zone.BaseUtcOffset.ToOffset();

                // Note: this extends back from DateTime.MinValue to start of time, even though the BCL can represent
                // as far back as 1AD. This is in the *spirit* of a rule which goes back that far.
                var start = rule.DateStart == DateTime.MinValue ? Instant.BeforeMinValue : rule.DateStart.ToLocalDateTime().WithOffset(zoneStandardOffset).ToInstant();
                // The end instant (exclusive) is the end of the given date, so we need to add a day.
                var end     = rule.DateEnd == MaxDate ? Instant.AfterMaxValue : rule.DateEnd.ToLocalDateTime().PlusDays(1).WithOffset(zoneStandardOffset).ToInstant();
                var savings = rule.DaylightDelta.ToOffset();

                PartialZoneIntervalMap partialMap;

                // Some rules have DST start/end of "January 1st", to indicate that they're just in standard time. This is important
                // for rules which have a standard offset which is different to the standard offset of the zone itself.
                if (IsStandardOffsetOnlyRule(rule))
                    partialMap = PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(zone.StandardName, start, end, standardOffset, Offset.Zero);
                    var daylightRecurrence        = new ZoneRecurrence(zone.DaylightName, savings, ConvertTransition(rule.DaylightTransitionStart), int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
                    var standardRecurrence        = new ZoneRecurrence(zone.StandardName, Offset.Zero, ConvertTransition(rule.DaylightTransitionEnd), int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
                    IZoneIntervalMap recurringMap = new StandardDaylightAlternatingMap(standardOffset, standardRecurrence, daylightRecurrence);
                    // Fake 1 hour savings if the adjustment rule claims to be 0 savings. See DaylightFakingZoneIntervalMap documentation below for more details.
                    if (savings == Offset.Zero)
                        recurringMap = new DaylightFakingZoneIntervalMap(recurringMap, zone.DaylightName);
                    partialMap = new PartialZoneIntervalMap(start, end, recurringMap);
                return(new BclAdjustmentRule(start, end, standardOffset, savings, partialMap));
Exemple #3
        private static IZoneIntervalMap BuildMap(BclAdjustmentRule[] rules, Offset standardOffset, string standardName)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(standardName, nameof(standardName));

            // First work out a naive list of partial maps. These will give the right offset at every instant, but not necessarily
            // correct intervals - we may we need to stitch intervals together.
            List <PartialZoneIntervalMap> maps = new List <PartialZoneIntervalMap>();

            // Handle the start of time until the start of the first rule, if necessary.
            if (rules[0].Start.IsValid)
                maps.Add(PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(standardName, Instant.BeforeMinValue, rules[0].Start, standardOffset, Offset.Zero));
            for (int i = 0; i < rules.Length - 1; i++)
                var beforeRule = rules[i];
                var afterRule  = rules[i + 1];
                // If there's a gap between this rule and the next one, fill it with a fixed interval.
                if (beforeRule.End < afterRule.Start)
                    maps.Add(PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(standardName, beforeRule.End, afterRule.Start, standardOffset, Offset.Zero));

            var lastRule = rules[rules.Length - 1];


            // Handle the end of the last rule until the end of time, if necessary.
            if (lastRule.End.IsValid)
                maps.Add(PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(standardName, lastRule.End, Instant.AfterMaxValue, standardOffset, Offset.Zero));
Exemple #4
 // Visible for tests
 internal BclAdjustmentRule(ZoneInterval zoneInterval)
     StandardOffset = zoneInterval.StandardOffset;
     Savings        = zoneInterval.Savings;
     PartialMap     = PartialZoneIntervalMap.ForZoneInterval(zoneInterval);