Exemple #1
        internal override int GetMonthOfYear(LocalInstant localInstant)
            int          absoluteDay = AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(localInstant);
            YearMonthDay ymd         = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(absoluteDay);

            return(scripturalToCalendar(ymd.Year, ymd.Month));
Exemple #2
        internal override int GetDayOfMonth(LocalInstant localInstant)
            int          absoluteDay = AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(localInstant);
            YearMonthDay ymd         = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(absoluteDay);

Exemple #3
        protected override int CalculateStartOfYearDays(int year)
            // Note that we might get called with a year of 0 here. I think that will still be okay,
            // given how HebrewScripturalCalculator works.
            int absoluteDay = HebrewScripturalCalculator.AbsoluteFromHebrew(year, ScripturalYearStartMonth, 1);

            return(absoluteDay - AbsoluteDayOfUnixEpoch);
Exemple #4
        protected override long GetTicksFromStartOfYearToStartOfMonth(int year, int month)
            int scripturalMonth           = calendarToScriptural(year, month);
            int absoluteDayAtStartOfMonth = HebrewScripturalCalculator.AbsoluteFromHebrew(year, scripturalMonth, 1);
            int absoluteDayAtStartOfYear  = HebrewScripturalCalculator.AbsoluteFromHebrew(year, ScripturalYearStartMonth, 1);

            return((absoluteDayAtStartOfMonth - absoluteDayAtStartOfYear) * NodaConstants.TicksPerStandardDay);
        protected override int CalculateStartOfYearDays(int year)
            // Note that we might get called with a year of 0 here. I think that will still be okay,
            // given how HebrewScripturalCalculator works.
            int daysSinceHebrewEpoch = HebrewScripturalCalculator.ElapsedDays(year) - 1; // ElapsedDays returns 1 for year 1.

            return(daysSinceHebrewEpoch + UnixEpochDayAtStartOfYear1);
Exemple #6
        internal override LocalInstant AddMonths(LocalInstant localInstant, int months)
            // Note: this method gives the same result regardless of the month numbering used
            // by the instance. The method works in terms of civil month numbers for most of
            // the time in order to simplify the logic.
            if (months == 0)
            long tickOfDay = TimeOfDayCalculator.GetTickOfDay(localInstant);
            var  startDate = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(localInstant));
            int  year      = startDate.Year;
            int  month     = HebrewMonthConverter.ScripturalToCivil(year, startDate.Month);

            // This arithmetic works the same both backwards and forwards.
            year  += (months / MonthsPerLeapCycle) * YearsPerLeapCycle;
            months = months % MonthsPerLeapCycle;
            if (months > 0)
                // Add as many months as we need to in order to act as if we'd begun at the start
                // of the year, for simplicity.
                months += month - 1;
                // Add a year at a time
                while (months >= GetMaxMonth(year))
                    months -= GetMaxMonth(year);
                // However many months we've got left to add tells us the final month.
                month = months + 1;
                // Pretend we were given the month at the end of the years.
                months -= GetMaxMonth(year) - month;
                // Subtract a year at a time
                while (months + GetMaxMonth(year) <= 0)
                    months += GetMaxMonth(year);
                // However many months we've got left to add (which will still be negative...)
                // tells us the final month.
                month = GetMaxMonth(year) + months;

            // Convert back to scriptural for the last bit
            month = HebrewMonthConverter.CivilToScriptural(year, month);
            int day         = Math.Min(HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInMonth(year, month), startDate.Day);
            int absoluteDay = HebrewScripturalCalculator.AbsoluteFromHebrew(year, month, day);

            return(LocalInstantFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteDay, tickOfDay));
Exemple #7
        // Note to self: this is (minuendInstant - subtrahendInstant) in months. So if minuendInstant
        // is later than subtrahendInstant, the result should be positive.
        internal override int MonthsBetween(LocalInstant minuendInstant, LocalInstant subtrahendInstant)
            var minuendDate    = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(minuendInstant));
            var subtrahendDate = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(subtrahendInstant));
            // First (quite rough) guess... we could probably be more efficient than this, but it's unlikely to be very far off.
            double minuendMonths    = (minuendDate.Year * MonthsPerLeapCycle) / (double)YearsPerLeapCycle + HebrewMonthConverter.ScripturalToCivil(minuendDate.Year, minuendDate.Month);
            double subtrahendMonths = (subtrahendDate.Year * MonthsPerLeapCycle) / (double)YearsPerLeapCycle + HebrewMonthConverter.ScripturalToCivil(subtrahendDate.Year, subtrahendDate.Month);
            int    diff             = (int)(minuendMonths - subtrahendMonths);

            if (subtrahendInstant <= minuendInstant)
                // Go backwards until we've got a tight upper bound...
                while (AddMonths(subtrahendInstant, diff) > minuendInstant)
                // Go forwards until we've overshot
                while (AddMonths(subtrahendInstant, diff) <= minuendInstant)
                // Take account of the overshoot
                return(diff - 1);
                // Moving backwards, so we need to end up with a result greater than or equal to
                // minuendInstant...
                // Go forwards until we've got a tight upper bound...
                while (AddMonths(subtrahendInstant, diff) < minuendInstant)
                // Go backwards until we've overshot
                while (AddMonths(subtrahendInstant, diff) >= minuendInstant)
                // Take account of the overshoot
                return(diff + 1);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the year, maintaining month and day as well as possible. This doesn't
        /// work in the same way as other calendars; see http://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/39053
        /// for the reasoning behind the rules.
        /// </summary>
        internal override LocalInstant SetYear(LocalInstant localInstant, int year)
            long         tickOfDay         = TimeOfDayCalculator.GetTickOfDay(localInstant);
            int          absoluteSourceDay = AbsoluteDayFromLocalInstant(localInstant);
            YearMonthDay ymd                   = HebrewScripturalCalculator.HebrewFromAbsolute(absoluteSourceDay);
            int          targetDay             = ymd.Day;
            int          targetScripturalMonth = ymd.Month;

            if (targetScripturalMonth == 13 && !IsLeapYear(year))
                // If we were in Adar II and the target year is not a leap year, map to Adar.
                targetScripturalMonth = 12;
            else if (targetScripturalMonth == 12 && IsLeapYear(year) && !IsLeapYear(ymd.Year))
                // If we were in Adar (non-leap year), go to Adar II rather than Adar I in a leap year.
                targetScripturalMonth = 13;
            // If we're aiming for the 30th day of Heshvan, Kislev or an Adar, it's possible that the change in year
            // has meant the day becomes invalid. In that case, roll over to the 1st of the subsequent month.
            if (targetDay == 30 && (targetScripturalMonth == 8 || targetScripturalMonth == 9 || targetScripturalMonth == 12))
                if (HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInMonth(year, targetScripturalMonth) != 30)
                    targetDay = 1;
                    // From Adar, roll to Nisan.
                    if (targetScripturalMonth == 13)
                        targetScripturalMonth = 1;
            int absoluteTargetDay = HebrewScripturalCalculator.AbsoluteFromHebrew(year, targetScripturalMonth, targetDay);

            return(LocalInstantFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteTargetDay, tickOfDay));
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the year, maintaining month and day as well as possible. This doesn't
        /// work in the same way as other calendars; see https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/39053
        /// for the reasoning behind the rules.
        /// </summary>
        internal override YearMonthDay SetYear(YearMonthDay yearMonthDay, int year)
            int currentYear           = yearMonthDay.Year;
            int currentMonth          = yearMonthDay.Month;
            int targetDay             = yearMonthDay.Day;
            int targetScripturalMonth = CalendarToScripturalMonth(currentYear, currentMonth);

            if (targetScripturalMonth == 13 && !IsLeapYear(year))
                // If we were in Adar II and the target year is not a leap year, map to Adar.
                targetScripturalMonth = 12;
            else if (targetScripturalMonth == 12 && IsLeapYear(year) && !IsLeapYear(currentYear))
                // If we were in Adar (non-leap year), go to Adar II rather than Adar I in a leap year.
                targetScripturalMonth = 13;
            // If we're aiming for the 30th day of Heshvan, Kislev or an Adar, it's possible that the change in year
            // has meant the day becomes invalid. In that case, roll over to the 1st of the subsequent month.
            if (targetDay == 30 && (targetScripturalMonth == 8 || targetScripturalMonth == 9 || targetScripturalMonth == 12))
                if (HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInMonth(year, targetScripturalMonth) != 30)
                    targetDay = 1;
                    // From Adar, roll to Nisan.
                    if (targetScripturalMonth == 13)
                        targetScripturalMonth = 1;
            int targetCalendarMonth = ScripturalToCalendarMonth(year, targetScripturalMonth);

            return(new YearMonthDay(year, targetCalendarMonth, targetDay));
Exemple #10
 internal override int GetDaysInYear(int year)
        internal override YearMonthDay GetYearMonthDay(int year, int dayOfYear)
            YearMonthDay scriptural = HebrewScripturalCalculator.GetYearMonthDay(year, dayOfYear);

            return(monthNumbering == HebrewMonthNumbering.Scriptural ? scriptural : new YearMonthDay(year, HebrewMonthConverter.ScripturalToCivil(year, scriptural.Month), scriptural.Day));
 internal override int GetDaysInYear(int year) => HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInYear(year);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether or not the given year is a leap year - that is, one with 13 months. This is
 /// not quite the same as a leap year in (say) the Gregorian calendar system...
 /// </summary>
 internal override bool IsLeapYear(int year)
        protected override int GetDaysFromStartOfYearToStartOfMonth(int year, int month)
            int scripturalMonth = CalendarToScripturalMonth(year, month);

            return(HebrewScripturalCalculator.GetDaysFromStartOfYearToStartOfMonth(year, scripturalMonth));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether or not the given year is a leap year - that is, one with 13 months. This is
 /// not quite the same as a leap year in (say) the Gregorian calendar system...
 /// </summary>
 internal override bool IsLeapYear(int year) => HebrewScripturalCalculator.IsLeapYear(year);
 internal override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month) =>
 HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInMonth(year, CalendarToScripturalMonth(year, month));
Exemple #17
 internal override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month)
     return(HebrewScripturalCalculator.DaysInMonth(year, calendarToScriptural(year, month)));