Exemple #1
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml( XmlObjectData data )
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadTexture( "TopTexture"              , ref m_top_texture_name                , ref m_top_texture                 , "Graphics\\default" );
            data.ReadTexture( "TopTextureNormalMap"     , ref m_top_texture_normal_map_name     , ref m_top_texture_normal_map      , "Graphics\\default" );
            data.ReadTexture( "MiddleTexture"           , ref m_middle_texture_name             , ref m_middle_texture              , "Graphics\\default" );
            data.ReadTexture( "MiddleTextureNormalMap"  , ref m_middle_texture_normal_map_name  , ref m_middle_texture_normal_map   , "Graphics\\default" );
            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"                  , ref m_effect_name                     , ref m_effect                      , "Effects\\default"  );

            data.ReadFloat("TextureRepeatsX" , ref m_tex_repeats_x );

            // Get height of the top texture:

            int top_tex_h = 0;

            if ( m_top_texture != null )
                top_tex_h = m_top_texture.Height;

            // Create the line representing the plane of the ground: where the top texture ends

            m_line = new Line
                PositionX - BoxDimensionsX              ,
                PositionY + BoxDimensionsY - top_tex_h  ,
                PositionX + BoxDimensionsX              ,
                PositionY + BoxDimensionsY - top_tex_h
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml(XmlObjectData data)
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadTexture( "Texture"     , ref m_texture_name    , ref m_texture     , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadTexture( "NormalMap"   , ref m_normal_map_name , ref m_normal_map  , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"      , ref m_effect_name     , ref m_effect      , "Effects\\textured"  );

            data.ReadFloat( "RepeatWidth"           , ref m_repeat_width        , 32  );
            data.ReadFloat( "ParallaxMultiplier"    , ref m_parallax_multiplier , 0   );
            data.ReadFloat( "TextureOffsetX"        , ref m_texture_offset_x    , 0   );

            // Setup vertices for rendering:

Exemple #3
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml( XmlObjectData data )
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadTexture( "Texture"             , ref m_texture_name        , ref m_texture , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"              , ref m_effect_name         , ref m_effect  , "Effects\\textured"  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "SizeX"               , ref m_size.X              , 256   );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "SizeY"               , ref m_size.Y              , 256   );
            data.ReadBool   ( "FlipHorizontal"      , ref m_flip_horizontal     , false );
            data.ReadBool   ( "FlipVertical"        , ref m_flip_vertical       , false );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "HorizontalRepeats"   , ref m_horizontal_repeats  , 1     );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "VerticalRepeats"     , ref m_vertical_repeats    , 1     );
Exemple #4
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml(XmlObjectData data)
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"          , ref m_effect_name             , ref m_effect          , "Effects\\textured"  );
            data.ReadTexture( "CloudTexture1"   , ref m_cloud_texture_1_name    , ref m_cloud_texture_1 , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadTexture( "CloudTexture2"   , ref m_cloud_texture_2_name    , ref m_cloud_texture_2 , "Graphics\\default"  );

            data.ReadInt   ( "CloudCount"               , ref m_cloud_count             , 16    );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudScaleX_1"            , ref m_cloud_x_scale_1         , 1     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudScaleY_1"            , ref m_cloud_y_scale_1         , 1     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudScaleX_2"            , ref m_cloud_x_scale_2         , 1     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudScaleY_2"            , ref m_cloud_y_scale_2         , 1     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudOffsetY_1"           , ref m_cloud_y_offset_1        , 0     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudOffsetY_2"           , ref m_cloud_y_offset_2        , 0     );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudSpeed_1"             , ref m_cloud_speed_1           , 0.5f  );
            data.ReadFloat ( "CloudSpeed_2"             , ref m_cloud_speed_2           , 0.5f  );
            data.ReadFloat ( "ParallaxMultiplier_1"     , ref m_parallax_multiplier_1   , 0.25f );
            data.ReadFloat ( "ParallaxMultiplier_2"     , ref m_parallax_multiplier_2   , 0.25f );

            // Create all the clouds:

Exemple #5
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml( XmlObjectData data )
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"              , ref m_effect_name                 , ref m_effect                  , "Effects\\textured"   );
            data.ReadEffect ( "StringWobbleEffect"  , ref m_string_wobble_effect_name   , ref m_string_wobble_effect    , "Effects\\textured"   );
            data.ReadTexture( "FillTexture"         , ref m_fill_texture_name           , ref m_fill_texture            , "Graphics\\default"   );
            data.ReadTexture( "BarTexture"          , ref m_bar_texture_name            , ref m_bar_texture             , "Graphics\\default"   );

            data.ReadString ( "Font"                        , ref m_font_name                   , "Content\\Fonts\\Game_16px.xml"   );
            data.ReadString ( "StringName"                  , ref m_string_name                 , "No_String"                       );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StringOffsetY"               , ref m_string_offset_y             , 32                                );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "FillPaddingX"                , ref m_fill_padding.X              , 0                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "FillPaddingY"                , ref m_fill_padding.Y              , 0                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "MinimumValue"                , ref m_minimum_value               , 0.0f                              );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "MaximumValue"                , ref m_maximum_value               , 1.0f                              );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "CurrentValue"                , ref m_current_value               , 0.5f                              );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "ChangeSpeed"                 , ref m_change_speed                , 1.0f                              );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "SizeX"                       , ref m_size.X                      , 128                               );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "SizeY"                       , ref m_size.Y                      , 32                                );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "ExpandTime"                  , ref m_expand_time                 , 1                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "ExpansionX"                  , ref m_expansion.X                 , 16                                );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "ExpansionY"                  , ref m_expansion.Y                 , 4                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StringExpansion"             , ref m_string_expansion            , 0                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "HighlightWobbleSpeed"        , ref m_highlight_wobble_speed      , 0.01f                             );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "HighlightWobbleIntensity"    , ref m_highlight_wobble_intensity  , 8                                 );
            data.ReadString ( "ValueChangedEvent"           , ref m_value_changed_event         , ""                                );
            data.ReadString ( "BackEvent"                   , ref m_back_event                  , ""                                );
            data.ReadString ( "FocusSound"                  , ref m_focus_sound                 , ""                                );
            data.ReadString ( "UseSound"                    , ref m_use_sound                   , ""                                );

            // If the minimum value is bigger the max then swap:

            if ( m_minimum_value > m_maximum_value )
                float t = m_minimum_value; m_minimum_value = m_maximum_value; m_maximum_value = t;

            // Fill in the color and texture coordinates of the vertices for rendering:

            m_vertices[0].Color = Color.White;
            m_vertices[1].Color = Color.White;
            m_vertices[2].Color = Color.White;
            m_vertices[3].Color = Color.White;
            m_vertices[4].Color = Color.White;
            m_vertices[5].Color = Color.White;

            m_vertices[0].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.Zero;
            m_vertices[1].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.UnitY;
            m_vertices[2].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.UnitX;
            m_vertices[3].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.One;
            m_vertices[4].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.Zero;
            m_vertices[5].TextureCoordinate = Vector2.UnitY;

            // Read in font:

            m_font = new Font(m_font_name);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml( XmlObjectData data )
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadString ( "Font"            , ref m_font_name           , "Content\\Fonts\\Game_48px.xml"   );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "PictureSizeX"    , ref m_picture_size.X      , 128                               );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "PictureSizeY"    , ref m_picture_size.Y      , 128                               );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StringOffsetY"   , ref m_string_offset_y     , 0                                 );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "FadeTime"        , ref m_fade_time           , 0.25f                             );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "DisplayTime"     , ref m_display_time        , 2                                 );
            data.ReadInt    ( "StoryPartCount"  , ref m_story_part_count    , 1                                 );

            // Read story data:

            if ( m_story_part_count > 0 )
                // Declare arrays for all the story pictures and strings:

                m_pictures      = new Texture2D [ m_story_part_count ];
                m_picture_names = new string    [ m_story_part_count ];
                m_story_strings = new string    [ m_story_part_count ];

                // Read each part of the story: the string and texture

                for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_story_part_count ; i++ )
                    // Story part texture

                        "StoryPicture" + (i+1).ToString()   ,
                        ref m_picture_names[i]              ,
                        ref m_pictures[i]                   ,

                    // Story part string

                        "StoryString" + (i+1).ToString()    ,
                        ref m_story_strings[i]              ,
                // No story:

                m_pictures      = null;
                m_picture_names = null;
                m_story_strings = null;

            // Read in font:

            m_font = new Font(m_font_name);

            // Fading in to current part:

            m_transition_state      = TransitionState.SHOWING;
            m_current_state_time    = 0;
            m_current_story_part    = 0;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml( XmlObjectData data )
            // Call base function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadTexture( "Texture"         , ref m_texture_name    , ref m_texture , "Graphics\\default"   );
            data.ReadInt    ( "StarCount"       , ref m_star_count      , 50                                    );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarSize1"       , ref m_star_size_1     , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarSize2"       , ref m_star_size_2     , 2.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor1R"     , ref m_star_color_1.X  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor1G"     , ref m_star_color_1.Y  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor1B"     , ref m_star_color_1.Z  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor1A"     , ref m_star_color_1.W  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor2R"     , ref m_star_color_2.X  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor2G"     , ref m_star_color_2.Y  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor2B"     , ref m_star_color_2.Z  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "StarColor2A"     , ref m_star_color_2.W  , 1.0f                                  );
            data.ReadFloat  ( "ParallaxScale"   , ref m_parallax_scale  , 1.0f                                  );

            // Setup the stars

Exemple #8
        /// <summary> 
        /// In this function each derived class should read its own data from
        /// the given XML node representing this object and its attributes. Base methods should 
        /// also be called as part of this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> 
        /// An object representing the xml data for this XMLObject. Data values should be 
        /// read from here.
        /// </param>
        public override void ReadXml(XmlObjectData data)
            // Call base class function


            // Read all data:

            data.ReadTexture( "Texture"     , ref m_texture_name    , ref m_texture     , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadTexture( "NormalMap"   , ref m_normal_map_name , ref m_normal_map  , "Graphics\\default"  );
            data.ReadEffect ( "Effect"      , ref m_effect_name     , ref m_effect      , "Effects\\textured"  );

            data.ReadFloat( "Rotation"          , ref m_rotation            , 0     );
            data.ReadBool ( "HorizontalFlip"    , ref m_horizontal_flip     , false );
            data.ReadBool ( "VerticalFlip"      , ref m_vertical_flip       , false );