Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		/// creates a faux angle constraint by figuring out the required distance from a to c for the given angle
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="a">The alpha component.</param>
		/// <param name="center">Center.</param>
		/// <param name="c">C.</param>
		/// <param name="stiffness">Stiffness.</param>
		/// <param name="angleInDegrees">Angle in degrees.</param>
		public static DistanceConstraint create( Particle a, Particle center, Particle c, float stiffness, float angleInDegrees )
			var aToCenter = Vector2.Distance( a.position, center.position );
			var cToCenter = Vector2.Distance( c.position, center.position );
			var distance = Mathf.sqrt( aToCenter * aToCenter + cToCenter * cToCenter - ( 2 * aToCenter * cToCenter * Mathf.cos( angleInDegrees * Mathf.deg2Rad ) ) );

			return new DistanceConstraint( a, c, stiffness, distance );
Exemple #2
		public LineSegments( Vector2[] vertices, float stiffness )
			for( var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++ )
				var p = new Particle( vertices[i] );
				addParticle( p );

				if( i > 0 )
					addConstraint( new DistanceConstraint( particles.buffer[i], particles.buffer[i - 1], stiffness ) );
Exemple #3
		public DistanceConstraint( Particle first, Particle second, float stiffness, float distance = -1 )
			_particleOne = first;
			_particleTwo = second;
			this.stiffness = stiffness;

			if( distance > -1 )
				restingDistance = distance;
				restingDistance = Vector2.Distance( first.position, second.position );
Exemple #4
		public AngleConstraint( Particle a, Particle center, Particle c, float stiffness )
			_particleA = a;
			_centerParticle = center;
			_particleC = c;
			this.stiffness = stiffness;

			// not need for this Constraint to collide. There will be DistanceConstraints to do that if necessary
			collidesWithColliders = false;

			angleInRadians = angleBetweenParticles();
Exemple #5
		Particle createTreeBranch( Particle parent, int i, int nMax, float segmentCoef, Vector2 normal, float branchLength, float theta )
			var particle = new Particle( parent.position + ( normal * ( branchLength * segmentCoef ) ) );
			addParticle( particle );

			addConstraint( new DistanceConstraint( parent, particle, 0.7f ) );

			if( i < nMax )
				var aRot = Mathf.rotateAround( normal, Vector2.Zero, -theta * Mathf.rad2Deg );
				var bRot = Mathf.rotateAround( normal, Vector2.Zero, theta * Mathf.rad2Deg );
				var a = createTreeBranch( particle, i + 1, nMax, segmentCoef * segmentCoef, aRot, branchLength, theta );
				var b = createTreeBranch( particle, i + 1, nMax, segmentCoef * segmentCoef, bRot, branchLength, theta );

				var jointStrength = Mathf.lerp( 0.9f, 0, (float)i / nMax );

				addConstraint( new AngleConstraint( parent, particle, a, jointStrength ) );
				addConstraint( new AngleConstraint( parent, particle, b, jointStrength ) );

			return particle;