getWidth() public méthode

public getWidth ( ) : float
Résultat float
        void setContainerPosition(float x, float y)
            var stage = _targetElement.getStage();

            if (stage == null)

            float offsetX = _manager.offsetX, offsetY = _manager.offsetY, dist = _manager.edgeDistance;
            var   point = _targetElement.localToStageCoordinates(new Vector2(x + offsetX - _container.getWidth() / 2, y - offsetY - _container.getHeight()));

            if (point.Y < dist)
                point = _targetElement.localToStageCoordinates(new Vector2(x + offsetX, y + offsetY));
            if (point.X < dist)
                point.X = dist;
            if (point.X + _container.getWidth() > stage.getWidth() - dist)
                point.X = stage.getWidth() - dist - _container.getWidth();
            if (point.Y + _container.getHeight() > stage.getHeight() - dist)
                point.Y = stage.getHeight() - dist - _container.getHeight();
            _container.setPosition(point.X, point.Y);

            point  = _targetElement.localToStageCoordinates(new Vector2(_targetElement.getWidth() / 2, _targetElement.getHeight() / 2));
            point -= new Vector2(_container.getX(), _container.getY());
            _container.setOrigin(point.X, point.Y);
        public override void layout()
            var bg          = _style.background;
            var hScrollKnob = _style.hScrollKnob;
            var vScrollKnob = _style.vScrollKnob;

            float bgLeftWidth = 0, bgRightWidth = 0, bgTopHeight = 0, bgBottomHeight = 0;

            if (bg != null)
                bgLeftWidth    = bg.leftWidth;
                bgRightWidth   = bg.rightWidth;
                bgTopHeight    = bg.topHeight;
                bgBottomHeight = bg.bottomHeight;

            var width  = getWidth();
            var height = getHeight();

            var scrollbarHeight = 0f;

            if (hScrollKnob != null)
                scrollbarHeight = hScrollKnob.minHeight;
            if (_style.hScroll != null)
                scrollbarHeight = Math.Max(scrollbarHeight, _style.hScroll.minHeight);
            var scrollbarWidth = 0f;

            if (vScrollKnob != null)
                scrollbarWidth = vScrollKnob.minWidth;
            if (_style.vScroll != null)
                scrollbarWidth = Math.Max(scrollbarWidth, _style.vScroll.minWidth);

            // Get available space size by subtracting background's padded area.
            _areaWidth  = width - bgLeftWidth - bgRightWidth;
            _areaHeight = height - bgTopHeight - bgBottomHeight;

            if (_widget == null)

            // Get widget's desired width.
            float widgetWidth, widgetHeight;

            if (_widget is ILayout)
                var layout = _widget as ILayout;
                widgetWidth  = layout.preferredWidth;
                widgetHeight = layout.preferredHeight;
                widgetWidth  = _widget.getWidth();
                widgetHeight = _widget.getHeight();

            // Determine if horizontal/vertical scrollbars are needed.
            _scrollX = _forceScrollX || (widgetWidth > _areaWidth && !_disableX);
            _scrollY = _forceScrollY || (widgetHeight > _areaHeight && !_disableY);

            var fade = _fadeScrollBars;

            if (!fade)
                // Check again, now taking into account the area that's taken up by any enabled scrollbars.
                if (_scrollY)
                    _areaWidth -= scrollbarWidth;
                    if (!_scrollX && widgetWidth > _areaWidth && !_disableX)
                        _scrollX = true;
                if (_scrollX)
                    _areaHeight -= scrollbarHeight;
                    if (!_scrollY && widgetHeight > _areaHeight && !_disableY)
                        _scrollY    = true;
                        _areaWidth -= scrollbarWidth;

            // the bounds of the scrollable area for the widget.
            _widgetAreaBounds = RectangleExt.fromFloats(bgLeftWidth, bgBottomHeight, _areaWidth, _areaHeight);

            if (fade)
                // Make sure widget is drawn under fading scrollbars.
                if (_scrollX && _scrollY)
                    _areaHeight -= scrollbarHeight;
                    _areaWidth  -= scrollbarWidth;
                if (_scrollbarsOnTop)
                    // Make sure widget is drawn under non-fading scrollbars.
                    if (_scrollX)
                        _widgetAreaBounds.Height += (int)scrollbarHeight;
                    if (_scrollY)
                        _widgetAreaBounds.Width += (int)scrollbarWidth;
                    // Offset widget area y for horizontal scrollbar at bottom.
                    if (_scrollX && _hScrollOnBottom)
                        _widgetAreaBounds.Y += (int)scrollbarHeight;
                    // Offset widget area x for vertical scrollbar at left.
                    if (_scrollY && !_vScrollOnRight)
                        _widgetAreaBounds.X += (int)scrollbarWidth;

            // If the widget is smaller than the available space, make it take up the available space.
            widgetWidth  = _disableX ? _areaWidth : Math.Max(_areaWidth, widgetWidth);
            widgetHeight = _disableY ? _areaHeight : Math.Max(_areaHeight, widgetHeight);

            _maxX = widgetWidth - _areaWidth;
            _maxY = widgetHeight - _areaHeight;
            if (fade)
                // Make sure widget is drawn under fading scrollbars.
                if (_scrollX && _scrollY)
                    _maxY -= scrollbarHeight;
                    _maxX -= scrollbarWidth;
            setScrollX(Mathf.clamp(_amountX, 0, _maxX));
            setScrollY(Mathf.clamp(_amountY, 0, _maxY));

            // Set the bounds and scroll knob sizes if scrollbars are needed.
            if (_scrollX)
                if (hScrollKnob != null)
                    var hScrollHeight = _style.hScroll != null ? _style.hScroll.minHeight : hScrollKnob.minHeight;
                    // The corner gap where the two scroll bars intersect might have to flip from right to left.
                    var boundsX = _vScrollOnRight ? bgLeftWidth : bgLeftWidth + scrollbarWidth;
                    // Scrollbar on the top or bottom.
                    var boundsY = _hScrollOnBottom ? bgBottomHeight : height - bgTopHeight - hScrollHeight;
                    _hScrollBounds = RectangleExt.fromFloats(boundsX, boundsY, _areaWidth, hScrollHeight);
                    if (_variableSizeKnobs)
                        _hKnobBounds.Width = (int)Math.Max(hScrollKnob.minWidth, (int)(_hScrollBounds.Width * _areaWidth / widgetWidth));
                        _hKnobBounds.Width = (int)hScrollKnob.minWidth;

                    _hKnobBounds.Height = (int)hScrollKnob.minHeight;

                    _hKnobBounds.X = _hScrollBounds.X + (int)((_hScrollBounds.Width - _hKnobBounds.Width) * getScrollPercentX());
                    _hKnobBounds.Y = _hScrollBounds.Y;
                    _hScrollBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                    _hKnobBounds   = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (_scrollY)
                if (vScrollKnob != null)
                    var vScrollWidth = _style.vScroll != null ? _style.vScroll.minWidth : vScrollKnob.minWidth;
                    // the small gap where the two scroll bars intersect might have to flip from bottom to top
                    float boundsX, boundsY;
                    if (_hScrollOnBottom)
                        boundsY = height - bgTopHeight - _areaHeight;
                        boundsY = bgBottomHeight;

                    // bar on the left or right
                    if (_vScrollOnRight)
                        boundsX = width - bgRightWidth - vScrollWidth;
                        boundsX = bgLeftWidth;

                    _vScrollBounds     = RectangleExt.fromFloats(boundsX, boundsY, vScrollWidth, _areaHeight);
                    _vKnobBounds.Width = (int)vScrollKnob.minWidth;
                    if (_variableSizeKnobs)
                        _vKnobBounds.Height = (int)Math.Max(vScrollKnob.minHeight, (int)(_vScrollBounds.Height * _areaHeight / widgetHeight));
                        _vKnobBounds.Height = (int)vScrollKnob.minHeight;

                    if (_vScrollOnRight)
                        _vKnobBounds.X = (int)(width - bgRightWidth - vScrollKnob.minWidth);
                        _vKnobBounds.X = (int)bgLeftWidth;
                    _vKnobBounds.Y = _vScrollBounds.Y + (int)((_vScrollBounds.Height - _vKnobBounds.Height) * (1 - getScrollPercentY()));
                    _vScrollBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                    _vKnobBounds   = Rectangle.Empty;

            _widget.setSize(widgetWidth, widgetHeight);
            if (_widget is ILayout)