Inheritance: IDisposable, ICloneable
Exemple #1
 public static void Pack(BufferChunk aChunk, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
     aChunk += left;
     aChunk += top;
     aChunk += right;
     aChunk += bottom;
        public virtual void CopyPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, PixelBuffer24 pixBuff)
            // Create a buffer
            // It has to be big enough for the bitmap data, as well as the x,y, and command
            int dataSize = (width) * (height) * pixBuff.Pixels.BytesPerPixel;
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(dataSize + 128);

            // now put the basic command and simple components in
            chunk += SpaceControlChannel.SC_CopyPixels;
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y, width, height);
            chunk += dataSize;

            // Finally, copy in the data
            int numBytesPerRow = pixBuff.Pixels.BytesPerPixel * width;
            IntPtr rowPtr = pixBuff.Pixels.Data;
            int offset = 0;
            int row = 0;
            for (row = y; row < (y + height); row++)
                offset = pixBuff.Pixels.Data.ToInt32() + row * pixBuff.Pixels.Stride + x * pixBuff.Pixels.BytesPerPixel;
                rowPtr = (IntPtr)offset;
                chunk.CopyFrom(rowPtr, numBytesPerRow);

        /// Some GraphPort control things
        public override void SaveState()
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(128);
            chunk += GDI32.EMR_SAVEDC;

        public override void PixBltPixelBuffer24(GDIDIBSection fPixMap, int x, int y)
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            PixelAccessorBGRb accessor = new PixelAccessorBGRb(fPixMap.Width, fPixMap.Height, fPixMap.Orientation, fPixMap.Pixels);

            // 2. Run length encode the image to a memory stream
            NewTOAPIA.Imaging.TargaRunLengthCodec rlc = new NewTOAPIA.Imaging.TargaRunLengthCodec();
            rlc.Encode(accessor, ms);

            // 3. Get the bytes from the stream
            byte[] imageBytes = ms.GetBuffer();
            int dataLength = (int)imageBytes.Length;

            // 4. Allocate a buffer chunk to accomodate the bytes, plus some more
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(dataLength + 128);

            // 5. Put the command, destination, and data size into the buffer first
            chunk += (int)UICommands.PixBltRLE;
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y);
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, accessor.Width, accessor.Height);
            chunk += dataLength;

            // 6. Put the image bytes into the chunk
            chunk += imageBytes;

            // 6. Finally, send the packet
        public override void PixBltPixelArray(IPixelArray pixBuff, int x, int y)
            //NewTOAPIA.Kernel.PrecisionTimer timer = new NewTOAPIA.Kernel.PrecisionTimer();

            // 1. convert the pixel array to a Bitmap object
            Bitmap bm = PixelBufferHelper.CreateBitmapFromPixelArray(pixBuff);

            // 2. Write this bitmap to a memory stream as a compressed JPEG image
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            bm.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            // 3. Get the bytes from the stream
            byte[] imageBytes = ms.GetBuffer();

            // 4. Allocate a buffer chunk to accomodate the bytes, plus some more
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(imageBytes.Length + 128);

            // 5. Put the command, destination, and data size into the buffer first
            chunk += (int)UICommands.PixBltJPG;
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y);
            chunk += (int)imageBytes.Length;

            // 6. Put the image bytes into the chunk
            chunk += imageBytes;
            //double duration = timer.GetElapsedSeconds();
            //Console.WriteLine("Encoder - Time to pack image: {0}", duration);

            // Finally, send the packet
        // Modes and attributes
        public override void SetTextColor(uint colorref)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(128);
            chunk += GDI32.EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR;
            chunk += colorref;

    Guid UnpackGuid(BufferChunk chunk)
        int bufferLength = chunk.NextInt32(); // How many bytes did we pack
        byte[] bytes = (byte[])chunk.NextBufferChunk(bufferLength);
        Guid aGuid = new Guid(bytes);

        return aGuid;
Exemple #8
 void SetupBufferChunks()
     fChunks = new Queue<BufferChunk>();
     for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPackets; i++)
         BufferChunk newChunk = new BufferChunk(UDP.MTU);
Exemple #9
 public static void Pack(BufferChunk chunk, XFORM aTrans)
     chunk += aTrans.eDx;
     chunk += aTrans.eDy;
     chunk += aTrans.eM11;
     chunk += aTrans.eM12;
     chunk += aTrans.eM21;
     chunk += aTrans.eM22;
        public virtual void ReceiveChunk(BufferChunk aRecord)
            // First read out the record type
            int recordType = aRecord.NextInt32();

            // Then deserialize the rest from there
            switch ((UserIOCommand)recordType)
                case UserIOCommand.HideCursor:

                case UserIOCommand.Showcursor:

                case UserIOCommand.MoveCursor:
                        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        MoveCursor(x, y);

                case UserIOCommand.KeyboardActivity:
                        KeyActivityType kEvent = (KeyActivityType)aRecord.NextInt32();
                        VirtualKeyCodes vk = (VirtualKeyCodes)aRecord.NextInt32();

                        KeyboardActivityArgs kbda = new KeyboardActivityArgs(kEvent, vk);
                        KeyboardActivity(this, kbda); 

                case UserIOCommand.MouseActivity:
                        MouseActivityType maType = MouseActivityType.None;
                        MouseButtonActivity mbActivity = (MouseButtonActivity)aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int clicks = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        short delta = aRecord.NextInt16();
                        int keyflags = 0;

                        MouseActivityArgs ma = new MouseActivityArgs(null, maType, mbActivity, 
                            MouseCoordinateSpace.Desktop, MouseMovementType.Absolute, IntPtr.Zero, 
                            x, y, delta, clicks, keyflags);

                        MouseActivity(this, ma);

        // Drawing Primitives
        /// Our first pass will be to implement everything as 
        /// taking explicit int parameters.
        /// We'll assume that drawing with a different pen will 
        /// be accomplished by setting the Pen property on the 
        /// port before drawing.  This will keep our API count 
        /// low and alleviate the need to pass the same 
        /// parameter every time.  We can add more later.
        public override void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color colorref)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(128);
            chunk += GDI32.EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR;
            ChunkUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y);
            chunk += colorref.ToArgb();

        public override void SelectUniqueObject(Guid objectID)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(128);
            chunk += GDI32.EMR_SELECTUNIQUEOBJECT;
            chunk += (int)16;   // The following byte array is 16 elements long
            chunk += objectID.ToByteArray();

        public virtual void CreateSurface(string title, RECT frame, Guid uniqueID)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(1024);

            chunk += SpaceControlChannel.SC_CreateSurface;
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk,frame.Left, frame.Top, frame.Width, frame.Height);

        public virtual void InvalidateSurfaceRect(Guid surfaceID, RECT frame)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(1024);

            chunk += SpaceControlChannel.SC_InvalidateSurfaceRect;
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, surfaceID);
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, frame.Left, frame.Top, frame.Width, frame.Height);

Exemple #15
        public static void Pack(BufferChunk chunk, Point[] points)
            // Need to know how many points so that space can be allocated for them on the receiving end
            chunk += points.Length;

            // Encode each of the points
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                Pack(chunk, points[i].X, points[i].Y);
Exemple #16
        public static void Pack(BufferChunk chunk, GRADIENT_RECT[] gRect)
            int nRects = gRect.Length;

            chunk += nRects;
            for (int i = 0; i < nRects; i++)
                chunk += gRect[i].UpperLeft;
                chunk += gRect[i].LowerRight;
Exemple #17
        public static void Pack(BufferChunk chunk, Point3D[] points)
            // Need to know how many points so that space can be allocated for them on the receiving end
            chunk += points.Length;

            // Encode each of the points
                foreach(Point3D aPoint in points)
                Pack(chunk, (int)aPoint.X, (int)aPoint.Y);
    GRADIENT_RECT[] UnpackGRADIENT_RECT(BufferChunk chunk)
        int nRects = chunk.NextInt32();

        GRADIENT_RECT[] pMesh = new GRADIENT_RECT[nRects];

        for (int i = 0; i < nRects; i++)
            pMesh[i].UpperLeft = chunk.NextUInt32();
            pMesh[i].LowerRight = chunk.NextUInt32();

        return pMesh;
    void PackCommand(EMR aCommand)
        BinaryFormatter fFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        MemoryStream fMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(2048);
        fMemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        fFormatter.Serialize(fMemoryStream, aCommand);

        byte[] sendBytes = fMemoryStream.GetBuffer();

        BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(sendBytes);
Exemple #20
        public virtual void Send(BufferChunk aChunk)
            if (fSender == null)

            // Packetize the chunk
            fPacketizer.Packetize(aChunk, fSenderPacketPool);

            // Send out the smaller packets until done
            for (int i = 0; i < fSenderPacketPool.PacketsInFramePool; i++)
                PacketBase packetWrapper = fSenderPacketPool.Packets[i];
Exemple #21
        public static BufferChunk Pack(EMR aCommand)
            BinaryFormatter fFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream fMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(2048);
            fMemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            fFormatter.Serialize(fMemoryStream, aCommand);

            byte[] sendBytes = fMemoryStream.GetBuffer();

            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(sendBytes);

            return chunk;
Exemple #22
        public static void Pack(BufferChunk chunk, TRIVERTEX[] vertices)
            int nVertices = vertices.Length;

            // Pack the vertices, starting with the length
            chunk += nVertices;
            for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
                chunk += vertices[i].x;
                chunk += vertices[i].y;
                chunk += vertices[i].Alpha;
                chunk += vertices[i].Blue;
                chunk += vertices[i].Green;
                chunk += vertices[i].Red;
        public override void MouseActivity(object sender, NewTOAPIA.UI.MouseEventArgs mevent)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(1024);

            chunk += SpaceControlChannel.SC_MouseEvent;
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, mevent.Source);
            chunk += mevent.MouseID;
            chunk += (int)mevent.EventType;
            chunk += (int)mevent.Button;
            chunk += mevent.X;
            chunk += mevent.Y;
            chunk += mevent.Clicks;
            chunk += mevent.Delta;
    Point[] UnpackPoints(BufferChunk chunk)
        // Need to know how many points so that space can be allocated for them on the receiving end
        int numPoints = chunk.NextInt32();

        // Allocate a points array of the right size
        Point[] points = new Point[numPoints];

        // Encode each of the points
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            points[i].x = chunk.NextInt32();
            points[i].y = chunk.NextInt32();

        return points;
        public override void BitBlt(int x, int y, PixelBuffer pixBuff)
            // Create a buffer
            // It has to be big enough for the bitmap data, as well as the x,y, and command
            int dataSize = pixBuff.Pixels.Stride * pixBuff.Pixels.Height;
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(dataSize + 128);

            // now put the basic command and simple components in
            chunk += SpaceControlChannel.SC_BitBlt;
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, x, y);
            CodecUtils.Pack(chunk, pixBuff.Pixels.Width, pixBuff.Pixels.Height);
            chunk += dataSize;

            // Finally, copy in the data
            chunk.CopyFrom(pixBuff.Pixels.Data, dataSize);

    TRIVERTEX[] UnpackTRIVERTEX(BufferChunk chunk)
        int nVertices = chunk.NextInt32();

        TRIVERTEX[] pVertex = new TRIVERTEX[nVertices];

        // Pack the vertices, starting with the length
        for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
            pVertex[i].x = chunk.NextInt32();
            pVertex[i].y = chunk.NextInt32();
            pVertex[i].Alpha = chunk.NextUInt16();
            pVertex[i].Blue = chunk.NextUInt16();
            pVertex[i].Green = chunk.NextUInt16();
            pVertex[i].Red = chunk.NextUInt16();

        return pVertex;
Exemple #27
        void SendAudioEvent(AudioEvent anEvent)
            BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(anEvent.DataLength + 100);

            //public ushort cbSize;
            //public ushort wBitsPerSample;
            //public int nAvgBytesPerSec;
            //public short nBlockAlign;
            //public short nChannels;
            //public int nSamplesPerSec;
            //public short wFormatTag;

            chunk += (int)anEvent.WaveFormat.nChannels;
            chunk += (int)anEvent.WaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec;
            chunk += (int)anEvent.WaveFormat.wBitsPerSample;
            chunk += (int)anEvent.DataLength;
            chunk += anEvent.DataBuffer;

        public virtual void ReceiveChunk(BufferChunk aRecord)
            // First read out the record type
            int recordType = aRecord.NextInt32();

            // Then deserialize the rest from there
            switch (recordType)

                //case (int)UICommands.PixBlt:
                //    {
                //        // Get the X, Y
                //        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                //        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();

                //        // get the length of the image bytes buffer
                //        int dataSize = aRecord.NextInt32();

                //        byte[] imageBytes = (byte[])aRecord;

                //        // Create a memory stream from the imageBytes
                //        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, false);

                //        // Create a pixelArray from the stream
                //        Bitmap bm = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(ms);

                //        PixelArray<BGRAb> pixMap = PixelBufferHelper.CreatePixelArrayFromBitmap(bm);
                //        // And finally, call the PixBlt function
                //        PixBltBGRAb(pixMap, x, y);
                //    }
                //    break;

                case (int)UICommands.PixBltRLE:
                        // Get the X, Y
                        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int width = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int height = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        // get the length of the image bytes buffer
                        int dataSize = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        byte[] imageBytes = (byte[])aRecord;

                        // Create a memory stream from the imageBytes
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, false);

                        // Create a pixelArray from the stream
                        if ((width != fPixMap.Width) || (height != fPixMap.Height))
                            fPixMap = new GDIDIBSection(width, height);

                        TargaRunLengthCodec rlc = new TargaRunLengthCodec();
                        PixelAccessorBGRb accessor = new PixelAccessorBGRb(fPixMap.Width, fPixMap.Height, fPixMap.Orientation, fPixMap.Pixels, fPixMap.BytesPerRow);
                        rlc.Decode(ms, accessor);

                        // And finally, call the local PixBlt function
                        PixBltPixelBuffer24(fPixMap, x, y);

                case (int)UICommands.PixBltLuminance:
                        // Get the X, Y
                        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int width = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int height = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        // get the length of the image bytes buffer
                        int dataSize = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        byte[] imageBytes = (byte[])aRecord;

                        // Create a memory stream from the imageBytes
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, false);

                        // Create a pixelArray from the stream
                        if ((width != fGrayImage.Width) || (height != fGrayImage.Height))
                            fGrayImage = new PixelArray<Lumb>(width, height);

                        TargaLuminanceRLE rlc = new TargaLuminanceRLE();
                        rlc.Decode(ms, fGrayImage);

                        // And finally, call the local PixBlt function
                        PixBltLumb(fGrayImage, x, y);

                case (int)UICommands.Showcursor:

                case (int)UICommands.HideCursor:

                case (int)UICommands.MoveCursor:
                        int x = aRecord.NextInt32();
                        int y = aRecord.NextInt32();

                        MoveCursor(x, y);

                    //if (CommandReceived != null)
                    //    CommandReceived(aRecord);
Exemple #29
 public CommPacket(BufferChunk aChunk)
 public void SendAudioFrame(BufferChunk chunk)
     if (null != AudioChannel)