Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the date in NewDarkLoader.ini with the date from Darkloader.ini if they are not the same. Assumes latter is correct.
        /// </summary>
        private void oldDateToNewDate(INIFile oldINI, INIFile newINI, string oldSectionName, string newSectionName, DateType relPlay, bool fmTypeArchive)
            string oldINIDate;
            string newINIDate;

            if (relPlay == DateType.Release)
                if (fmTypeArchive)
                    oldINIDate = oldINI.IniReadValue(oldSectionName, "misdate");
                    oldINIDate = oldINI.INIReadValueNoSize(oldSectionName, "misdate");
                newINIDate = newINI.IniReadValue(newSectionName, nKeys.ReleaseDateInt);
                if (fmTypeArchive)
                    oldINIDate = oldINI.IniReadValue(oldSectionName, "date");
                    oldINIDate = oldINI.INIReadValueNoSize(oldSectionName, "date");
                newINIDate = newINI.IniReadValue(newSectionName, nKeys.LastPlayedInt);

            if (oldINIDate != "")
                DateTime oldDateTime = DateIntConverter.oldDateIntToDateTime(oldINIDate);

                if (newINIDate != "")
                    DateTime newDateTime = DateIntConverter.dateFromHexString(newINIDate);
                    if (oldDateTime != newDateTime)
                        string hexDate = DateIntConverter.dateToHexString(oldDateTime);
                        writeDateToINI(newINI, newSectionName, relPlay, hexDate);
                    string hexDate = DateIntConverter.dateToHexString(oldDateTime);
                    writeDateToINI(newINI, newSectionName, relPlay, hexDate);
Exemple #2
        private void btnImportINI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult dR = openDarkloaderINI.ShowDialog();

            if (dR == DialogResult.OK)
                //ini files
                INIFile oldINI = new INIFile(openDarkloaderINI.FileName);
                //Get sizes in bytes of each FM file
                List <string> foundFilesInArchivePaths = new List <string>();
                foreach (string path in fmArchiveFullPaths)
                    foundFilesInArchivePaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

                foreach (string file in foundFilesInArchivePaths)
                    FileInfo fI        = new FileInfo(file);
                    long     sizeBytes = fI.Length;

                    string ext            = fI.Extension;
                    string simpleFilename = fI.Name;
                    string oldSectionName = simpleFilename;
                    bool   fmIsArchive    = false;

                    if (ext.Length != 0)
                        simpleFilename = fI.Name.Replace(ext, "");
                        oldSectionName = simpleFilename + "." + sizeBytes;
                        fmIsArchive    = true;

                    string newSectionName = "FM=" + ArchiveExtract.ArchiveExtracedFolderName(simpleFilename);

                    string newNiceName = newINI.IniReadValue(newSectionName, nKeys.FMTitle);
                    if (newNiceName == simpleFilename || newNiceName == "")
                        string oldNiceName = oldINI.IniReadValue(oldSectionName, "title").Replace("\"", "");
                        if (oldNiceName != "")
                            newINI.IniWriteValue(newSectionName, nKeys.FMTitle, oldNiceName);

                    string newFinished = newINI.IniReadValue(newSectionName, nKeys.FinishedID);
                    if (newFinished == "")
                        string oldFinished;
                        if (fmIsArchive)
                            oldFinished = oldINI.IniReadValue(oldSectionName, "finished");
                            oldFinished = oldINI.INIReadValueNoSize(oldSectionName, "finished");

                        if (oldFinished != "")
                            newINI.IniWriteValue(newSectionName, nKeys.FinishedID, oldFinished);

                    oldDateToNewDate(oldINI, newINI, oldSectionName, newSectionName, DateType.Release, fmIsArchive);
                    oldDateToNewDate(oldINI, newINI, oldSectionName, newSectionName, DateType.LastPlayed, fmIsArchive);

                    string newComment = newINI.IniReadValue(newSectionName, nKeys.Comment);
                    if (newComment == "")
                        string oldComment;
                        if (fmIsArchive)
                            oldComment = oldINI.IniReadValue(oldSectionName, "comment").Replace("\"", "");
                            oldComment = oldINI.INIReadValueNoSize(oldSectionName, "comment").Replace("\"", "");

                        if (oldComment != "")
                            newINI.IniWriteValue(newSectionName, nKeys.Comment, oldComment);

                iniImported = true; //allows a property to report that the ini was imported so the main form can refresh the table.