private void StudentDisplayDetails_B_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Messenge1 = null, Messenge2 = null; SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Return_Connection_String_Class.Return_Connection_String()); try { connect.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { // output the error to see what's going on MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string command = "select * from Messege_Box where ID = '" + SD.getID().ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(command, connect); SqlDataReader dataRead; dataRead = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dataRead.Read()) { Messenge1 = (dataRead["S_Messege"].ToString()); Messenge2 = (dataRead["L_Messege"].ToString()); } if (Messenge1 != "" || Messenge2 != "") { if (Messenge1 != "" && Messenge2 != "") { Massange1_.Show(); Massange2_.Show(); Massange1_.Text = Messenge1; Massange2_.Text = Messenge2; } else if (Messenge1 != "") { Massange1_.Show(); Massange1_.Text = Messenge1; } else if (Messenge2 != "") { Massange1_.Show(); Massange1_.Text = Messenge2; } Clear_Massange.Show(); } else { Massange1_.Show(); } } ID_.Text = SD.getID().ToString(); FirstName_.Text = SD.getFirstName().ToString(); LastName_.Text = SD.getLasttName().ToString(); Year_.Text = SD.getYear().ToString(); Department_.Text = SD.getDepartment().ToString(); Semester_.Text = SD.getSemester().ToString(); }
public void Fill_Courses_Box() { int temp = sd.getID(); //count = 0; //לזכור לצרף את השמות של ההרצאות string Query = "select * from StudentsCourses where ID = '" + temp + "'"; SqlConnection conDatabase = new SqlConnection(Connecting_String); SqlCommand cmdDatabase = new SqlCommand(Query, conDatabase); SqlDataReader myReader; try { conDatabase.Open(); myReader = cmdDatabase.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { int CourseID = myReader.GetInt32(2); string ItemCourses_Box = Convert.ToString(myReader.GetInt32(2)) + "-" + Convert_IDcourse_to_NameCourse(CourseID); if (!regicourseint.Contains(CourseID)) { if (!is_listed_to_Course(sd.getID(), CourseID)) { Courses_Box.Items.Add(ItemCourses_Box); courses.Add(CourseID); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (Courses_Box.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No More Courses - Please Click Save!"); pictureBox1.Show(); //Exit button1.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You Have " + Courses_Box.Items.Count + " Courses Left"); Save.Hide(); //Exit button1.Hide(); } }
private void Student_Menu_B_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessangePic.Hide(); currStudentForm = this; if (Massange) { MessangePic.Show(); } if (SD != null) { HelloMassange.Text = "Hello " + SD.getFirstName() + " your ID " + SD.getID() + ""; } }
public void StudentSchedule_B_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <int> CoursesForStudent = new List <int>(); // create list of courses that student is signed to SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Connecting_String); try { connect.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { // output the error to see what's going on MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { for (int course = 1205; course <= 1206; course++) // run on all courses in data base { //find courses of student// string FindStudentCourses = "select * from CoursePlacement where CourseID = '" + course.ToString() + "'"; // search on CoursePlacement SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(FindStudentCourses, connect); // check specific course SqlDataReader dataReadcourse; dataReadcourse = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadcourse.Read()) { int id1 = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["StudentID1"]); int id2 = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["StudentID2"]); int id3 = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["StudentID3"]); if (SD.getID() == id1 || SD.getID() == id2 || SD.getID() == id3) { int courseassigned = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["CourseID"]); CoursesForStudent.Add(courseassigned); // add course to list of student //MessageBox.Show("found course for student to register"); } } } // find lectures// int i = 0; // index for list of lecturesID for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++) // run on all courses in data base { string FindStudentlec = "select * from Lectures_B where SerialNum = '" + j.ToString() + "'"; // search on Lectures_B classes. SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(FindStudentlec, connect); // check specific course SqlDataReader dataReadLecture; dataReadLecture = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadLecture.Read()) { // run on all table and gets lecture id and time String Day = dataReadLecture["Day"].ToString(); int CourseIDFromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLecture["CourseID"]); int LectureIDfromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLecture["LectureID"]); int HourBegin = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLecture["HourBegin"]); int HourEnd = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLecture["HourEnd"]); if (CoursesForStudent[i] == CourseIDFromTable) { int courseIDassigned = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLecture["CourseID"]); Course temp = new Course(); // set on temp temp.SetCourseID(CourseIDFromTable); temp.SetLectureID(LectureIDfromTable); temp.SetLecBegin(HourBegin); temp.SetLecEnd(HourEnd); temp.SetLectureDay(Day); //add ClassesCanRegister.Add(temp); // add lec details to list of student } } i++; // inc for LecturesForStudent } i = 0; // index for list of PracticeID for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++) // run on all practice in data base { string FindStudentpractice = "select * from Practices_B where SerialNum = '" + j.ToString() + "'"; // search on Practice_B classes. SqlCommand cmd_practice = new SqlCommand(FindStudentpractice, connect); // check specific practice options for student SqlDataReader dataReadPractice; dataReadPractice = cmd_practice.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadPractice.Read()) { // run on all table and gets lecture id and time String Day = dataReadPractice["Day"].ToString(); int CourseIDFromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPractice["CourseID"]); int PracticeIDfromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPractice["PracticeID"]); int HourBegin = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPractice["HourBegin"]); int HourEnd = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPractice["HourEnd"]); if (CoursesForStudent[i] == CourseIDFromTable) { int courseIDassigned = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPractice["CourseID"]); Course temp = new Course(); // set on temp temp.SetCourseID(CourseIDFromTable); temp.SetPracticeID(PracticeIDfromTable); temp.SetPracticeBegin(HourBegin); temp.SetPracticeEnd(HourEnd); temp.SetPracticeDay(Day); //add ClassesCanRegister.Add(temp); // add lec details to list of student } } i++; // inc for PracticeForStudent } i = 0; // index for list of LabID for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++) // run on all practice in data base { string FindStudentLab = "select * from Labs_B where SerialNum = '" + j.ToString() + "'"; // search on Practice_B classes. SqlCommand cmd_Lab = new SqlCommand(FindStudentLab, connect); // check specific Lab options for student SqlDataReader dataReadLab; dataReadLab = cmd_Lab.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadLab.Read()) { // run on all table and gets lecture id and time String Day = dataReadLab["Day"].ToString(); int CourseIDFromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLab["CourseID"]); int PracticeIDfromTable = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLab["LabID"]); int HourBegin = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLab["HourBegin"]); int HourEnd = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLab["HourEnd"]); if (CoursesForStudent[i] == CourseIDFromTable) { int courseIDassigned = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLab["CourseID"]); Course temp = new Course(); // set on temp temp.SetCourseID(CourseIDFromTable); temp.SetLabID(PracticeIDfromTable); temp.SetLabBegin(HourBegin); temp.SetLabEnd(HourEnd); temp.SetLabDay(Day); //add ClassesCanRegister.Add(temp); // add lec details to list of student } } i++; // inc for LabForStudent //Student_SelfPlacement a = new Student_SelfPlacement(); //a.passValue = ClassesCanRegister; //a.Show(); } //print to screen options //MessageBox.Show(ClassesCanRegister[0].GetLecBegin().ToString()); } label1.Text = classes_show(ClassesCanRegister); }//end load
public int BuildSchdule() { List <int> CoursesForStudent = new List <int>(); // create list of courses that student is signed to SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Connecting_String); try { connect.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { // output the error to see what's going on MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { // find courses assined string FindStudentCourses = "select * from StudentsCourses "; // search on CoursePlacement SqlCommand cmdCourses = new SqlCommand(FindStudentCourses, connect); // check specific course SqlDataReader dataReadcourse; dataReadcourse = cmdCourses.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadcourse.Read()) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["ID"]); // gets id if (SD.getID() == id) // check if 'this' is in course { int courseassigned = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadcourse["IDcourse"]); CoursesForStudent.Add(courseassigned); // add course to list of courses to student ClassesRegisted.Add(new Course(courseassigned)); } } // find name string Findcoursesname = "select * from Courses "; // search on CoursePlacement SqlCommand cmdname = new SqlCommand(Findcoursesname, connect); // check specific course SqlDataReader dataReadname; dataReadname = cmdname.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadname.Read()) { int course_id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadname["IDcourse"]); // gets id bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < ClassesRegisted.Count; i++) { if (course_id == ClassesRegisted[i].GetCourseID()) { flag = true; } } if (flag) // check if 'this' is in course { string name = dataReadname["Name"].ToString(); for (int c = 0; c < ClassesRegisted.Count; c++) { if (ClassesRegisted[c].GetCourseID() == course_id) { ClassesRegisted[c].setCourseName(name); } } } } // find lectures string FindStudentLec = "select * from StudentLec_B "; // search on CoursePlacement SqlCommand cmdLec = new SqlCommand(FindStudentLec, connect); // check specific course SqlDataReader dataReadLec; dataReadLec = cmdLec.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadLec.Read()) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLec["ID_Student"]); // gets id if (SD.getID() == id) // check if 'this' is in course { int start = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLec["Start"]); int end = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLec["Ending"]); string day = dataReadLec["Day"].ToString(); int course_id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadLec["CourseID"]); for (int c = 0; c < ClassesRegisted.Count; c++) { if (ClassesRegisted[c].GetCourseID() == course_id) { ClassesRegisted[c].SetLecBegin(start); ClassesRegisted[c].SetLecEnd(end); ClassesRegisted[c].SetLectureDay(day); } } } } // find practices string FindStudentPrac = "select * from StudentPrac_B "; // search on StudentPrac SqlCommand cmdPrac = new SqlCommand(FindStudentPrac, connect); SqlDataReader dataReadPrac; dataReadPrac = cmdPrac.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadPrac.Read()) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPrac["ID_Student"]); // gets id if (SD.getID() == id) // check if 'this' is in course { int start = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPrac["Start"]); int end = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPrac["Ending"]); int course_id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadPrac["CourseID"]); string day = dataReadPrac["Day"].ToString(); for (int c = 0; c < ClassesRegisted.Count; c++) { if (ClassesRegisted[c].GetCourseID() == course_id) { ClassesRegisted[c].SetPracticeBegin(start); ClassesRegisted[c].SetPracticeEnd(end); ClassesRegisted[c].SetPracticeDay(day); } } } }// // find labs string FindStudentlab = "select * from StudentLab_B "; // search on StudentPrac SqlCommand cmdlab = new SqlCommand(FindStudentlab, connect); SqlDataReader dataReadlab; dataReadlab = cmdlab.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReadlab.Read()) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadlab["ID_Student"]); // gets id if (SD.getID() == id) // check if 'this' is in course { int start = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadlab["Start"]); int end = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadlab["Ending"]); int course_id = Convert.ToInt32(dataReadlab["CourseID"]); string day = dataReadlab["Day"].ToString(); for (int c = 0; c < ClassesRegisted.Count; c++) { if (ClassesRegisted[c].GetCourseID() == course_id) { ClassesRegisted[c].SetLabBegin(start); ClassesRegisted[c].SetLabEnd(end); ClassesRegisted[c].SetLabDay(day); } } } }// } return(CoursesForStudent.Count()); }
private void Login_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ID_Box.TextLength != 9) { MessageBox.Show("ooops Wrong ID please try again"); ID_Box.Text = ""; Password_box.Text = ""; } SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Return_Connection_String_Class.Return_Connection_String()); try { connect.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { // output the error to see what's going on MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } if (connect.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { string command = "select * from Users where ID = '" + ID_Box.Text + "' and Password = '******'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(command, connect); SqlDataReader dataRead; dataRead = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int type = 0; string Messenge1 = "", Messenge2 = ""; while (dataRead.Read()) { type = Convert.ToInt32(dataRead["Type"]); int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataRead["ID"]); string ln = (dataRead["LastName"].ToString()); string fn = (dataRead["FirstName"].ToString()); string depa = (dataRead["Departments"].ToString()); if (type == 1) { // 317509073/ //int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataRead["ID"]); //string ln = (dataRead["LastName"].ToString()); //string fn = (dataRead["FirstName"].ToString()); string year = (dataRead["Year"].ToString()); //string depa = (dataRead["Departments"].ToString()); int semester = Convert.ToInt32(dataRead["Semester"]); S1 = new StudentClass(id, fn, ln, type, year, semester, depa); string readMassange = "select * from Messege_Box where ID = '" + S1.getID().ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand ReadMessageCommand = new SqlCommand(readMassange, connect); SqlDataReader messangeRead; messangeRead = ReadMessageCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (messangeRead.Read()) { Messenge1 = (messangeRead["S_Messege"].ToString()); Messenge2 = (messangeRead["L_Messege"].ToString()); } } if (type == 2) // to create the object Lecturer { int pid = Convert.ToInt32(dataRead["ID"]); string pln = (dataRead["LastName"].ToString()); string pfn = (dataRead["FirstName"].ToString()); string pdepa = (dataRead["Departments"].ToString()); P1 = new ProfessorClass(pid, pln, pfn, type, pdepa); string readMassange = "select * from Messege_Box where ID = '" + P1.getID().ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand ReadMessageCommand = new SqlCommand(readMassange, connect); SqlDataReader messangeRead; messangeRead = ReadMessageCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (messangeRead.Read()) { Messenge1 = (messangeRead["S_Messege"].ToString()); Messenge2 = (messangeRead["L_Messege"].ToString()); } lec = new Lecturer(); this.lec.setLastName(ln); this.lec.setFirstName(fn); this.lec.setID(id); this.lec.setdeparName(depa); } if (type == 3) // to create the object TeachingAssitant { ta = new TeachingAssitant(); this.ta.setLastName(ln); this.ta.setFirstName(fn); this.ta.setID(id); this.ta.setdeparName(depa); } if (type == 4) // to create the object HeadDepartmrent { hd = new HeadDepartment(); this.hd.setLastName(ln); this.hd.setFirstName(fn); this.hd.setID(id); this.hd.setdeparName(depa); } if (type == 5) { sec = new Secretary(); this.sec.setLastName(ln); this.sec.setFirstName(fn); this.sec.setID(id); this.sec.setdeparName(depa); } if (type == 7) { sec = new Secretary(); this.sec.setLastName(ln); this.sec.setFirstName(fn); this.sec.setID(id); this.sec.setdeparName(depa); } } if (save_id.Checked) { Properties.Settings.Default.IDREMEMBER = ID_Box.Text.ToString(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (!save_id.Checked) { Properties.Settings.Default.IDREMEMBER = ""; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (type == 1) { MessageBox.Show("wellcome " + S1.getFirstName() + " to student menu your ID " + S1.getID() + ""); this.Hide(); Student_Menu_B student = new Student_Menu_B(); if (Messenge1 != "" || Messenge2 != "") { student.Massange = true; } connect.Close(); student.passValue = S1; dataRead.Close(); student.Show(); } else if (type == 2) { MessageBox.Show("wellcome " + P1.getFirstName() + " to Lecturer Menu your ID " + P1.getID() + ""); this.Hide(); //Proffesor_Menu_B professor = new Proffesor_Menu_B(); A_LecturerMenu lecMenu = new A_LecturerMenu(lec); lecMenu.passValue = P1; connect.Close(); dataRead.Close(); lecMenu.ShowDialog(); /* * this.Hide(); * A_LecturerMenu lecMenu = new A_LecturerMenu(lec); * lecMenu.ShowDialog(); */ //MessageBox.Show("Connceted Professor"); //this.Hide(); //Proffesor_Menu_B professor = new Proffesor_Menu_B(); //professor.Show(); // קבוצה B שימו לב !!!!!!!! // אתם צריכים לשנות את הסוג של פרופסור אצלכם ל-2 ולשנות את זה בכל מקום! גם בקוד וגם בדטהבייס // ואז לשלוח אותו לפורם הבא: A_lecturerMenu אחרי שתאחדו את הדרישות שלכם בפורם הזה } else if (type == 3) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("wellcome " + ta.getFirstName() + " to Teaching Assistant Menu your ID " + ta.getID() + ""); A_TeachingAssistant taMenu = new A_TeachingAssistant(ta); taMenu.passValue = ta; connect.Close(); dataRead.Close(); taMenu.ShowDialog(); //change branch B --- type of proffesor to type 2 //MessageBox.Show("Connceted Professor"); //this.Hide(); //Proffesor_Menu_B professor = new Proffesor_Menu_B(); //professor.Show(); } else if (type == 4) { this.Hide(); //HeadDepartment hd = new HeadDepartment(); A_DepartmentHead hdMenu = new A_DepartmentHead(); hdMenu.passValue = hd; connect.Close(); dataRead.Close(); hdMenu.ShowDialog(); } else if (type == 5) { MessageBox.Show("wellcome " + sec.getFirstName() + " to Secretary Menu your ID " + sec.getID() + ""); this.Hide(); Secretary_Menu_B secretary = new Secretary_Menu_B(); secretary.passsec = sec; secretary.Show(); } else if (type == 6) { MessageBox.Show("Connceted TECH"); this.Hide(); support__manager supp = new support__manager(); supp.Show(); } else if (type == 7) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("wellcome " + sec.getFirstName() + " to Secretary Menu your ID " + sec.getID() + ""); A_menuForSecretary secMenu = new A_menuForSecretary(); // secMenu.passValue = sec; //connect.Close(); //dataRead.Close(); secMenu.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong password"); Password_box.Text = ""; } } }